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MvG - A Satyr's Quarry


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 26, 2010
Reputation score
Introducing Ruk-Hal, the Bane of Innocence, the Forest Sire.


Satyr's are virile forest spirits, well known for their joy in hunting and fucking. Dedicated to the pursuit of these primal pleasures, Satyrs will normally be found either in wild pursuit of a terrified prey, or making sport with forest nymphs, dryads, and any other female who didn't know better than to cross their path.

When such a female strays in to the Satyr's territory, they take great delight in indulging both of their passions - chasing the quarry crashing through the forest and then, should they catch her, fucking her until she almost loses track of her name, and is certainly carrying the Satyr's get.

Ruk-Hal is a powerful Satyr, a cross between a spirit of revelry and lust, and a physical being - a goat man.

Grab - ?
Touch - ?
Strip - ?
Disadvantages - Catalogued -1 point (photo above)
Advantages - ?

(Unless a monster is well known, his stats are not known to his opponent).
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

Character name: Anne


Description: Anne is an elven ranger with experience hunting down dangerous beasts. She spends weeks at a time patrolling the woods surrounding her elven homeland, picking off scouts or dangerous beasts that wander too near. She looks down on other races and has difficulty remaining polite when around anything she considers to be less civilized than her.

Her figure is tall and slim, with the lithe and agile body typical of elves. She is adept at stealth and subtlety, despite her striking red hair making her stand out against the forest at times. She prefers to fight unencumbered by armor, often wearing scanty leathers, as she tends to pick her battles from a distance with her rosewood bow. When forced into battle at close range she wields a pair of daggers, relying on her skill and agility to evade even the most dangerous foes.

Escape - 3
Resist - 5
Toughness - 2

Leather top (2 clothing points) - A red leather top she wears over her chest. Although the cut is revealing, the elven fabric is surprisingly durable, allowing it to provide slightly better protection than most.
Leather skirt (2 clothing points) - A skirt of the same crimson material as her top. It hangs surprisingly low on her body, allowing onlookers to see the strap of her panties. The skirt reaches down to her knees.

-Photogenic (-1)
-Known Stats (-1)

Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

Ruk-Hal's nostrils flared, drawing in the scents of this new hunting ground. He slid quietly past an ancient, ivy covered oak, moving quietly so as not to startle any potential prey.

There was a note of something unusual on the air. Not quiet the same as the human women he had whelped, but similar. A low growl of excitement built in his chest, and the thick length between his goat like legs began to stir.

She would have little warning, he decided, slinking lower to the ground, ears pricked to alert him of any danger. He stepped carefully forward, his hooves placed carefully to avoid a telltale crack, as he manouvered downwind of the female.

Suddenly, all was movement, as the hulking goat-man leapt to one side, rolling and coming up in a snarling crouch, as an arrow whistled past, and thudded in to the old oak. His prey was in front of him - calmly nocking another deadly shaft. He had two choices - retreat, or try to rush her. Given his nature, Ruk-Hal's decision was never in doubt. He leapt forwards at her, ready to introduce her to a deadly shaft of his own...

(alright, I've chosen! - post your choice, along with your description of what Anne is trying to do :)
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

Anne moved easily through the familiar forest, the occasional brush of leaves against her skirt the only sound of her passing. She knew each tree and root before she saw them, having spent years protecting this ground that marked the edge of the elven lands. Yet she knew all too well that familiarity was no guarantee of safety - every now and then some starstruck human or dangerous animal would wander too near her people's sanctuary. Some she would turn away and others she would shoot down, but none were ever allowed past her.

The elf's ears perked up at a faint and unfamiliar sound, like a stag's hoof, but heavier. Unsure of its source at first, her gaze moved across the still trees, reflexively nocking an arrow to her bow.

The creature charged, a huge mass of coarse brown fur and horns tearing through the underbrush towards her. She gasped, her first arrow going wide, having only a moment's glimpse of the creature's goat-like face before she had to react.

Drawing back the bowstring a second time, she knew she couldn't ready another shot before it was on her. As he charged the elf sprang, her light fingers gripping a low branch to try to pull herself up out of the Rul-Hal's reach. She would be more graceful in her movements than most humans he might have encountered, and all she needed was to buy herself enough time to loose another arrow before the creature was on her.

(Throw: Paper.)
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

A howl of triumph choked off short in the beastman's throat, as the target of his charge leapt upwards, disappearing over his head as her feet pushed off his shoulder. So fast! He sprawled headlong in the loam, hands pushing furrows in the soft ground as he stopped himself.

His back itched, expecting to feel an arrow sinking in to his flesh. The old scars that bore testament to previous wounds stretched as he twisted and stood in one motion to face up at the elven girl, standing on a low slung branch, another arrow nocked.

Danger and lust made the Satyr's blood burn in his veins - he would have this female, make her his...

(Monster throw was Rock - Anne win's outright, guessing that Ruk-Hal would try to grab her)
Anne's score: 1/15
Anne's pleasure: 0
Anne's stats: Normal.
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

The elf's eyes narrowed from her position on the branch, two points of green light peering down through the leaves. In evading the creature she had been able to get a good look at it, scarred flesh rippling beneath coarse fur. The low branch she was perched on wouldn't provide much protection against its long arms, and instinct told her to put more distance between herself and the creature.

Without hesitating, she leapt backwards from the branch, her fingers pulling the bowstring taut as she landed a few yards from the creature. She didn't hesitate before loosing the arrow, the shaft aimed at its throat, hoping to bring the beast down then and there. Her adrenaline was running high now, her movements graceful and swift, tensing as she watched the arrow fly. A light breeze blew threw her hair, sending a whiff of the elf's alluringly fertile scent towards the satyr even as she attacked.

(Throw: Scissors.)
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

The elf leapt with preternatural grace, landing softly with her bow already drawn. Ruk-Hal had too little time to react, and although he stepped sideways as he advanced on the elf, it served only to save his neck. The arrow still creased across his shoulder, parting the thick leather, and leaving a thin line of welling red behind it.

Ruk barely noticed this though, as he advanced on the elf, determined not to let her get another arrow off, knowing that just one of those lethal things in the wrong place could end his revelry.

He stepped forwards, and reached out, huge hands stretching towards the elf. She twisted as if to protect her most appealing parts from him, but he had already decided there was too much already in his way.

The leather was thinner than his skin, and although it might have served against a goblin it was no match for his sheer might. He allowed the elf to dance backwards - not stumbling, even now - but as she did his right hand tore her top clean off, leaving the ruined garment in his grasp.

He grinned, and pressed forwards, circling slightly, ready to pounce if she turned to run, or reached into her quiver...

(Monster throw was Scissors - Anne not only had a lower Resist stat than Ruk-Hal's strip, which means he wins the draw, but it was also only half his score, which means he does double damage, destroying the 2 point garment)
Anne's score: 1/15
Anne's pleasure: 0
Anne's stats: Normal.
Anne's clothes: 2 pts bottom.

And I forgot the location track! This will be turn 3, so we're on the last breast turn before the pussy turns :)
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

She cursed silently as her arrow missed its mark, though she took small comfort in the fact that her attack had left a mark on the beast. The goat-like creature advanced on her then, towering over her small frame, claws reaching out as if to grip her again. She cried out in alarm, reflexively twisting away, not realizing that the satyr's goal was her crimson garment and not her flesh. There was a rip and she felt a sudden exposure as her leather was torn away, revealing her pert breasts to the lustful beast's view.

Though the strange look in the creature's black eyes made her uncomfortable, she didn't yet realize the satyr's intentions, and silently counted herself lucky that he'd only torn her clothes. Determined not to let him touch her again, she let her bow fall to the ground and gripped the bone handle of the dagger at her side. She wove the weapon in front of her, hoping to slash at its long arms when it reached for her again. The elf's exposed breasts bounced invitingly with each movement, no longer able to hide her slender curves from the Ruk-Hal.

(Throw: Rock.)
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

Ripping the remnants of her top away from his claw, he saw the woman drop the dangerous bow, and pull out a dagger, the sharp metal glinting in the sun. Less dangerous, perhaps, but still something to be wary of - enough to keep him from bundling her over and siring her on the spot.

He saw a gap in the weaving pattern just as her green gaze met his, and made his move, darting in then back and catching her wrist as she tried to stab him. He heaved at her arm, pulling her staggering towards him as he drew her wrist up above her head.

[Monster throw was Rock, Ruk Hal has a higher score than Anne, which means he wins on the draw, but he doesn't double her score, so only single effect]

Anne's score: 1/15
Anne's pleasure: 0
Anne's stats: Normal.
Anne's clothes: 2 pts bottom.
Anne is Held.

Location Track:
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

Anne was fast, but this time the satyr was faster, his claw reaching out to grip her wrist as she recovered from a downswing. She snarled, trying to bring the blade down, but his grip was stronger than hers, twisting her wrist painfully above her head and bringing her slender form closer to him.

She felt a surge of fear as she felt the creature's hot panting breath on her face, the way her garments were torn making her feel exposed and vulnerable. She raised her free arm and jammed her elbow against the rough fur of his chest, trying to stop the creature from coming any closer while she worked to free her pinned arm.

Her eyes met his once again, her pretty face inches from his snout, full of determination. She wouldn't let a creature like this touch her!

(Throw: Scissors.)
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

The satyr lifted with one arm, while the other snaked around Anne's back, and crushed her into him. Her arm fought for the space between her naked torso and his, but her hips were pressed against him, and she felt his hard, hairy shaft brushing against her legs as she was lifted into his grasp. Ruk-Hal grinned as the elf was lifted helplessly in to his grip, his hand closing over her round ass, and the dagger waving futilely over his head.

[Monster throw was rock again, Anne is now Captive]

Anne's score: 1/15
Anne's pleasure: 0
Anne's stats: Normal.
Anne's clothes: 2 pts bottom.
Anne is Captive.

Location Track:
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

Fighting back proved almost impossible once she was in the satyr's grasp, the virile forest creature able to snake a powerful arm around her. A second later her body was crushed against the muscular creature, pressed into the coarse fur of its front while its claw gripped her pert little rear. She tried to kick at the creature but couldn't get any leverage, moaning in horror as she felt her silky-smooth thighs brushing through his pubes. His shaft felt thick around as her wrist, already hard, pressing into the yielding softness of her panties as he forced her hips against his.

Desperate to escape, the elf's hips began to buck atop the satyr, unwillingly riding the beast in a desperate attempt to get away. Her head jerked backwards, pulling as far back from his face as his grip allowed, unable to bear the smell of his heavy panted breaths. The fervor with which he pressed her hips to his made this foul beast's intentions all too clear. She couldn't let him touch her!

(Throw: Paper.)
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

The beast snarled as she twisted and turned in his grasp, writhing against him. He felt blood throb through his veins, the familiar and irresistible urge to mate, to fuck, to despoil seemingly pumping through him as liquid as his blood.

Somehow he had to press her closer, feel her body yielding against his...the fight was not over yet though, as the little thing was strong for her size, and coiled partially out of his grasp, twisting her wrist in his grip until she had nearly freed her dagger, and forcing Ruk-Hal to focus not on his lust, but on once again avoiding the attentions of her sharp blade.

[Monster throw was rock again, but this time Anne outsmarted him.]

Anne's score: 2/15
Anne's pleasure: 0
Anne's stats: Normal.
Anne's clothes: 2 pts bottom.
Anne is Held.

Location Track:
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

The elf was surprised to feel the creature's grip give way, her frantic squirms as it held her close having given her an unexpected advantage. Knowing the creature would be focused on her weapon arm, she drove her knee sharply upwards towards where she'd felt that hard pole against her legs, hoping to cause enough pain in the satyr to throw it off of her completely.

The satyr only seemed to grow stronger as the struggle wore on, the grip of his claws tightening even as she felt her own strength almost giving way. The lithe elf wasn't experienced at such close combat, usually preferring to strike her enemies from a distance. She had to break free of the clinch, and soon.

(Throw: Paper again.)
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

Long years of hunting a wide range of prey had given him the instincts to twist as she drove her knee at his groin, and she caught him on the thigh, her knee thudding uselessly against tough hide and fur. Guessing that the squirming elf would try to break free from his grasp completely, the towering beastman used this to his advantage. He lowered her to the ground, as if losing his grip completely, and allowed her to push away from him for a moment.

The satyr growled with satisfaction as she fell in to his trap, and used the firm grip on her weapon arm to pull her in, twisting as he did. The elf found herself spun around, and a moment later felt the hot hard length of his cock lay across her naked back as he stepped in to meet her.

The cock slid down across her skin as her attacker lowered his hands to her hips, revelling in the soft feel of her elven skin. The brief moment of gentleness ended abruptly as the beastman took hold of her skirt and ripped downwards, shredding the skirt and her underwear in one fell swoop.

With his hands on her waist and legs, Ruk-Hal fought to gain mastery of this delicious creature. Her dagger flailed back at him, but held like this she could get enough power to scratch him, and no more. Strong hands pinned her to him, as he paused for a moment, to decide how best to teach her she was his now.

[Monster throw was Scissors, Ruk-Hal has x2 the score of Anne, so gets double effect, removing both clothing points]

Anne's score: 2/15
Anne's pleasure: 0
Anne's stats: Normal.
Anne is naked.
Anne is Held.

Location Track:
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

For a moment her attack seemed to have worked, the satyr recoiling from her with a grunt as her knee impacted the hard leather of his skin. Feeling a surge of triumph the elf pulled sharply away, her body breaking contact with his for a split second. Then a sharp twist of her arm jerked her around, forcing Anne to turn her back on him as she was again pulled sharply against the thick hair of his front.

As the elf was pinned, her plump rear nestled against the satyr's front, the lower end of his cock nestling against her buttocks through the thin folds of her skirt. One rip of her clothing later and her soft yielding skin was nestled against his, his throbbing shaft pressing along her butt and back. Better still, tearing her skirt off would give him a whiff of the elf's fertile scent, her body ready to take on the satyr's young once he'd claimed her. His long triangular head pressed onto her shoulder, giving the elf a look at that foul tongue peeking out from between his lips. The smell of the creature's breath made her grimace, but it was nowhere near as bad as feeling that muscled hairy body pressing eagerly against her now-naked form.

As the struggled continued she found herself very conscious of her own sudden nudity, the cool forest breeze brushing over her breasts and the sensitive spot between her legs. Trying to ignore it, Anne told a handful of his thick hair and pulled hard, hoping the jolt of pain would force the creature to loosen his grip. Having her naked now, the animal might seek to take her then and there, but the bucking of her hips would make it difficult indeed. If she could get some distance on it, get her bearings, perhaps she'd have a chance to fight back.

(Throw: Rock.)
Last edited:
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

Ruk-hal leant over the elf woman's shoulder, enjoying the feel of the nubile elf woman pressed against him. The feeling of her butt pressing against his shaft pulled low snarls from deep in his throat. His prey twisted her hips, desperate to keep him from driving that shaft home in her now vulnerable pussy.

He gripped the elf maiden tighter his hands pressing in to her stomach and breasts, holding her to him. At the same time, she reached back and grabbed his hair, pulling them tighter together. For a moment he thought she had yielded, but the frantic gyrations of her hips trying to avoid penetration confirmed that she was just too scared of what his large animal cock could do to her if he got it inside her. He grunted, and taking advantage of the close press wrapped one arm around her chest, pinning her left arm.

His free hand reached down between her legs, stroking over her belly, trying to ensure that the captive elf's pussy would cooperate, even if she took a little more persuading.

[Monster's throw was Rock. He beats Anne's stat, so he wins, and she is now Captive]

Anne's score: 2/15
Anne's pleasure: 0
Anne's stats: Normal.
Anne is Naked.
Anne is Captive.

Location Track:
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

Try as she might, the elven woman couldn't get any leverage, the satyr's impossibly strong arms crushing her against him however she squirmed. Though she couldn't face her opponent, her cheek was pressed to the side of his goat-like face, the eager lust visible in his eyes. With one arm pinned to her side now, she reached up with the other and clawed at the creature's eyes, making it clear that she hadn't surrendered even in her relatively helpless state.

Though she hadn't given up yet, the creature's hold gave it almost free access to her naked form. She felt his rough hand clutching at her breasts, the soft orbs rising and falling in his grip as she gasped for breath. He didn't hold them long, his hand starting to slide lower, reaching for the small exposed slit of her sex. Reflexively her hand lowered to grip the creature's hairy wrist, trying to stop him before he could properly touch her. His cock was still pressed into the slender curve of her back, her squirms causing her smooth skin to slide along it at the bottom, likely only encouraging the dominant beast.

Anne cried out as his hand slid across her belly, her full lips parting against inches from the creature's face.

(Throw: Paper.)
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

Damn, but the elf was fast! Reaching down her body to try to prepare her for his cock, the satyr yelped in surprise as her hand raked across his face. He screwed his eyes shut tightly, trying to prevent her fingers blinding him permanently, and his grip relaxed slightly as he reached up to grab her wrist and pull her hand from his face.

Bleary eyed, the beastman grabbed at her again, determined that he would have his way with this woman, and infuriated by her continued struggles.

[Monster's throw was Rock]

Anne's score: 3/15
Anne's pleasure: 0
Anne's stats: Normal.
Anne is Naked.
Anne is Held.

Location Track:
Re: MvG - A Satyr's Quarry

Anne felt some satisfaction as the creature's eager grunts became a surprised bleat, her fingers clawing at the rough leathery flesh of its face. She pressed her body forward hard as the creature's grip relaxed, trying to break the hold its muscled arms had on her naked form. She'd had a stroke of luck surprising it like that, and she knew she had to leverage that advantage before the lustful satyr could recover.

Her bare foot dug into the creature's hoof as she tried to give herself the leverage to push away from his body. Again he'd feel the curve of her soft rear against his hairy member, letting him know just what a prize he'd be releasing should he lose his grip.

(Throw: Rock.)