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MvG - Isabella vs Vilana


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 26, 2010
Reputation score
Okay then! We have a girl (Isabella) and a monster (Vilana). First things first - can each of you post your picture and description (without the stats) here. Once both pics are up, Vilana can PM me with her move choice, and set the scene. Isabella can respond, with text and her choice of move (which can be public), and then I'll let you know what the outcomes are.

Any question, just ask me :)
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana


Vilana doesn't appear over 50,000 years old. Instead, she seems quite in the apex of youth, with brightly lit bronze eyes that hauntingly glow between her large lashes, to her youthful heart-shaped face. Her hair for the moment, is a dark red, similar to laquered cherry wood, and tied back with a ribbon, even as the rest of the long flowing hair falls around her. In the light, her skin is a fair color, and seems untouched by hard work, or harsh weather. When her blossoming lips open, they reveal pearly white teeth, and an oddly exciting triangular pointed tongue.
Her figure is the envy of all to strive for seduction; supple slender shoulders that only the pure and innocent enjoy, down to elegant arms and dainty slender fingers that speak volumes of their nimbleness. Adorning her arms is soft pillowy cloth, bound lightly to dance along her forearms from her bicep. As she has a habit of pressing her arms together, they reveal her ample chest, heavy and heaving with every step and bounce of the Daemon, her delicate pink tops are pierced with fine gold jewelry that speaks of ancient origins. Her chest overshadows her slender midsection, her waspish frame squeezed tighter by a sinister red bodice that has the chest strategically removed to show off her bust. her hips flare out to a round posterior, completing the alluring look.
From between her legs sprouts a quite out-of-place appendage; a rather large and engorged male member sits where her pubic hair would be. Reddened with desire and throbbing with an aching need, it constantly streams pre from the tip. From her rear is a dark red tail, that seems to change size and tip-shape depending on the expression and mood of the owner. it is usually found curled around vilana's thigh, stroking her hairless folds or slipping between her full cheeks. adorning her creamy thighs and curvy calfs are a mishmash of leather straps and a stocking; looking to be hand-me downs of her victims, her feet are wrapped in a complex weave of tiny leather straps, ending in a sole with an inch heel, pushing her ass into the air for any on-looker.
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Name: Isabella

Isabella is a young woman who has devoted much of her life thus far to the sword, in the hopes of becoming a monster hunter like her father before her. Of course, that didn't work out so well for him, so why she intends to follow in his footsteps is anyone's guess. She finally thinks herself ready, and now is out for the blood of a monster rumored to be in the area. Unfortunately, she may get more than she bargains for...
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana ghosted through the abandoned ruins of what was once a great city. Her burning eyes fell upon the decaying buildings fondly; her gaze awash in memories that seem to be centuries old. The large towering structures of stone were the only grave markers for the civilization that claimed this to be their home. Worn and broken statues perched upon pedestals like ghostly watchmen of the dark night and it's visitor. In the sky, hazy cloud's blocked all but the sliver of moon that struggled to cast shadows, and only painted the land beneath with a dim but hopeful glow.
Her steps were quite practiced as she strolled down the street as one would through a neighborhood, harkening back to times now long past. The silence of her movements had an eeriness in itself, no shuffling of the cloths that billowed like kimono sleeves around her arms, no scraping of the floor with her step; these actions were practiced so that she did not disturb the sanctuary of her memories... Until she head a noise.
Her eyes narrowed with a look of offense and disgust. Then with a creeping roguish grin, she seemed to re-awaken back in the present. She surveyed the area that created the noise, honing in on it. Her feet moved, but her body appeared to float, ethereally closer. She knew who was likely in this forgotten place, and it was the exact reason she was haunting it for the moment. Gold-hungry adventurer's and hunters with a name not yet made prowl here often for their rewards. Tonight, she will reward them with much giving...
She spotted the youthful girl, and judging from how the invader moved, she couldn't be quite sure of their purpose. Still, she had her own needs to fulfill...
She crept closer, amber eyes dimming as the shape-shifting tail rose menacingly. Darting between shadow and cover, she felt her mouth go dry, the pulse that cycled her daemonic juices quicken, and her body become tingly. She enjoyed the hunt, the excitement, the potential that could be at her fingertips, and her appetite was voracious tonight. As she closed the distance, she needed no introduction, and no view of the face of the girl. Her tail swept low, and then upward to greet the visitor by surprise.
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

These old ruins. Many stories had been told about them, though Isabella had never been here herself. A hideout for monsters and bandits, or so it was said, and many a young bounty hunter set out to this place to make his fortune. She wasn't quite here for money, but the motivation wasn't too far different. She wanted to come back to town with a monster's head in her hands, to prove to the townsfolk that she could be a monster hunter just like her father before her. And that, unlike him, she could live through it.

She walked through the ruined city for a while before feeling a dark, ominous feeling... She couldn't quite place it, but something didn't feel right all of a sudden. She realized that there was no noise around her. None at all. Her instincts were a little better than her father's had been, and with a sudden motion she turned around to see a tail coming at her, and she quickly drew her sword to slash at it, not getting a good look at what was attached to it.

Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

(Okay, so Stasia is delayed a little with fatal keyboard loss :-( but I am assured that they will be back, just perhaps a little delayed the next week or so.)

Vilana threw scissors, trying to strip our heroine!
Isabella has the higher stat, and so she wins. She gains 2 points towards victory - obviously she's had some pretty extensive training with that sword!

(Vilana to describe the outcome, and then line up her next attack, including PM to me.)
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana's eyes widened in surprise as she felt the blade cut through her tail. She curled her lips into a snarl as the razored tip fell from the end. She took a step back, reeling in the wounded appendage, which began bubbling at the end. From a hissing and sizzling end, a new tip emerged, spaded with wicked points as the ethereal creature grinned wickedly.

"Ooooh, this one has claws..." She said with a heavier tone, chest swelling with a deep breath that thrust her orbs into the chilly air. "This will be interesting indeed." She said off-handedly. "So, who trained you, dear?" She spoke, taking slow strides around the girl. The creature's tail began to liquidate, and form into something. Before she could patiently await an answer, Vilana whipped her tail again at her prey, sending it flying with a sweeping motion.
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Isabella's slash cut through the tail that was swinging at her as if it wasn't even there, the spaded tail falling off onto the ground as she got her first good look at its owner. She recoiled in disgust. Everything about the creature who stood before her screamed of seduction, and she was not amused. The unnatural, immensely thick cock standing at attention between her legs didn't help. "That is none of your business" she practically hissed as she watched the tip of the tail she had severed bubble and regrow. "What a vile mockery of human form... Begone!" She shouted, trying to duck the swinging tail and slash into the daemon's torso.

Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Hooray! We're off again :)

And scissors meets scissors again, which is unfortunate for Vilana.

Isabella still has the higher stat, and is now 4 points to the good...

(Vilana to describe the outcome, lining up her next attack inc. PM to me. You know the drill.)
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana's tail spun wide, as the hunter reacted quicker than she anticipated. The crouch and lunge easily outpaced her tail as it became lined with serrated edges, whipping through the air over the swordsman's head. Vilana stood as the tip of the sword rushed toward her midsection; with the weight of the tail still sailing through the air, she could barely turn. Metal found purchase upon her skin, gouging it along the side just above her hip. What would normally be flesh parted to a darkness within the body, with flickers of imagery that spoke of great depravity; as though one was staring into another dimension with much crueler fates.

Vilana's eyes winced, glaring then as she felt the metal slice through her form while she turned upon the ball of her foot. Curling the tail back to wrap around herself, and the wound, she whipped out her hand at her foe.

"I will not make this pleasant for you now..." She growled in a low tone that echoed not just through the air, but the very existence around her.
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Isabella easily ducked the swiping tail and slashed into the daemon's torso, expecting blood and gore. Instead, she saw only a bizarre darkness, as if she were peering into an infinite void filled with torture, a glimpse into Hell itself. "What... what kind of devil are you?" she muttered as she backed away again, not sure quite what to do now. If splitting the thing open didn't have any effect, then what hope did she have? She raised her sword desperately to try to block the incoming hand, trying to think of how to extricate herself from this situation.

Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana threw paper, trying to touch Isabella, and start turning her on. The attack hits outright, so Vilana has successfully attacked Isabella's breasts (sorry, forgot the targetting thingy)

The attack does double damage, as Vilana's stat is more than double Isabella's.

Isabella is Free
She has 4/15 points
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana's tail knocks away the sword as it angles itself defensively toward her, opening her chest. The monster uses the opening to her advantage, wrapping a hand around one of the hunter's orbs and giving a firm squeeze. Her body is pressed tight to the hunters, the large engorged flesh smearing pre against the thighs of the molested.
"The worst kind to those pure like yourself, dear..." She whispers, fondling her chest while her other hand rises up to continue the assault.
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Isabella's attempt at defense was easily penetrated, her sword knocked away by the daemon's tail, and much to her chagrin the monster soon had a hand groping her chest. She let out a groan as the sensitive orb was squeezed, squinting as that enormous cock smeared disgusting precum all over her dress. "Get off me!" she shouted, suddenly trying to use the opportunity provided by the daemon's closeness to headbutt her and knock her away.

Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana threw Rock.

You would expect in any normal attack for this to make Isabella "held", but she is extremely elusive and hard to pin. (She is still free, which means you know she had the "Very Elusive" trait.)

I realise I messed up the target thing by a stage. Bah. Correct details below, I think.

Vilana is Free (1 step of held, as she has Very Elusive)
She has 4/15 points.

Next target:
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana's lips turn into a cruel grin as her fingers continued to work the young maiden's chest, watching her reaction to the touch and the feeling of her member grinding against the dress. Vilana sees the headbutt coming all to well, and simply leans to the right. Her other hand tries to ensnare the waist of the young girl, eager to keep her well within her grasp to further explore the young flesh of the hunter...
However, she soon finds herself empty handed as Isabella dances from her grasp, just out of reach. But this won't perterb the daemon from persuit. In fact, her flesh twitches excitedly, continuing to pump juices from it's tip in eager anticipation of violating the young nubile body that Vilana has set her eyes on.
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Isabella's headbutt was just way too slow to hit the daemon, who simply tilted a bit to the side and wrapped an arm around her waist. She quickly wormed her way out of her lecherous opponent's grasp, jumping back and then forward again in an attempt to stab the creature. Maybe her slash just hadn't gone deep enough to hurt it...

Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Scissors meets scissors again, and Isabella has the higher stat. Once again, she does 2 points of damage from her ability.

Vilana is Evading
She has 6/15 points.

Next target:
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana quickly finds another blade imbedded in her flesh. The blade sunk into the darkness within her, and even gave a tug to be devoured. However, the Daemon showed signs of some pain displayed upon her face, quickly turning to wrench the blade free. She covered the wound with a hand, whimpering as she looked pitifully at her opponent.
All the while, her tail snaked around the maiden, poised to strike in retaliation.
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

As her blade sunk into the daemon's flesh, Isabella could tell that something was wrong. Everything was wrong. Vilana looked pained, and whimpered as she pulled the blade free, but it didn't seem to really do that much... With a scream the novice monster-hunter slashed at her opponent again, hoping that maybe if she was fast enough she could hack her enemy to pieces.

(Scissors again. See a pattern? :v)