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MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 26, 2010
Reputation score
Okay! Please post picture and description here, without stats for Jessara. Djarl Goretree is well known in these parts, so you should post his stats as well :).

Once you've both done that, Djarl can pm me his move choice, and introduce the scene. Jessara can respond, and the fight begins!
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Name: Djarl Goretree


For a while, it was enormously popular among the upper class to use minotaurs to guard their treasures. Many of them had labyrinths built for them, others banished them in their mansion's catacombs. Djarl is one of these minotaurs. He was very young when he was captured by a slaver and sold to his current master. Even as a calf, he was large, and by now he has reached an enormous size. Both the treasure he guards and he himself have become a legend among adventurers and thieves, a challenge that few accept and even fewer survive. However, recently other stories have begun to pop up. Stories of female adventurers raped and impregnated. It didn't take the adventuring folk long to figure out that the minotaur had entered maturity.

Grab! 4
Touch! 3
Strip! 5

-1 catalogued
-2 notorious

+1 Superphallus
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Name: Jessara
Occupation: Ranger/hunter
Race: elf

Jessara was never one to settle, a wanderer at heart she would travel across the lands to seek to adventure and excitement. Trained as a ranger in the army, she left as soon as she could, never liking the strict discipline required for military life. upon hearing of treasure her first reaction was to seek it out, no guardian or trap has ever kept her from her prize.
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Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Deep inside his dungeon, Djarl stirred slowly from his slumber. A scent had hit his nose. An intruder, and a female no less! The huge minotaur gets on his hooves and shakes off the last bits of sleepiness that clung to his fur. It was a stroke of luck that his kind walked hunched over, or his horns would scrape against the ceiling of the dungeon. The clopping of his hooves echoed all throughout the tunnels, seeming to come out of several directions at once as he moved into the dusky labyrinth. The golden ring around his horn gleams in the light of the few torches there are.

The scent of the female once more caused that change in his body he had been experiencing the last few months. The large shaft between his legs started to rise, his heart beat faster and his mouth started watering. It didn't take him long to sniff out the female. As he sees her walking down a tunnel in front of him, Djarl roars out and wastes no time charging her, the distance between the two of them closing.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Jessara, creeps quietly down the halls, with any luck she could get the drop on the creature, though its knowledge of the tunnels layout would work to her disadvantage. Still the lure of treasure had been too much. Echoing through the tunnels she could hear something moving, slowly she drew her blade and kept her eyes open.

Suddenly the large minotaur turns a corner, moving in from an unexpected angle. She raises her blade and readies to strike when he gets close.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Skull Man - it's okay to post your throws main thread - The monster player won't post without sending me a throw, so I can make sure everyone plays fair - we don't need both throws in secret.

Jessara throws scissors (toughness), trying to avoid the minotaur stripping her. Unfortunately the minotaur throws Rock (Grab).

So: Next up Rule34 to describe the results, and set up the next attack - making sure to PM me your throw first. Then Skull Man can post here.

Jessica is Held, which means touch attacks treat her as naked until she wins a throw.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl saw the elf raising her arm to strike with her sword and gave a mighty snort as he actually turned his body towards the attack and reached out with his arm. It was a gambit - more so than the minotaur could comprehend - but he actually managed to catch her sword arm in his massive paw and yank it upwards. Suddenly, the elf found herself face to face with Djarl, his blood red eyes scanning her body. A single drop of lubrication oozed from his massive cockhead and caught the light for a moment before running down his length. Slowly, the minotaur's free hand rose and advanced towards the elf.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Jessara Struggled in the creatures grip feeling its hot breath washing over her, not just with hatred or anger but also tainted with lust. She squirmed to get her hand free and moved her other hand across in a fist, hoping to break its hold

(I throw Rock)
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl threw scissors, attempting to strip Jessara of all those clothes getting in the way...

As Jessara threw rock, she beats the attack outright, which gets her a point and means she is free.

Jessara is now Free
She has scored 1/15 points towards victory
Targetting (forgot this earlier, forgive me)

next up: Rule 34 with description, set up for next attack and pm to me.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl's eyes were focussed on the elf's heaving breasts, so her fist came out of nowhere for him. It connects with the side of his snout, and with a surprised snort the massive minotaur lets her go. Djarl takes a few steps back and sizes the girl up properly. For the first time he sees her as a possible danger to himself - and yet somehow, this made him only more determined to dominate her. He lowers his head, gives an angry, roaring moo and charges her.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Jessara attempted to move sideways, confusing its charge, eyes falling on its large erection, something she had not noticed before, Tearing her eyes away she steps into the charge and attempts to lay the creature out again with her blade

((I throw Rock))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

(I threw scissors. Since this was an outright loss, I guess it's okay to move on. You now have 2/15 points.)

The blade came as no surprise to Djarl - the wall next to Jessara, however, did, as the beast crashed head-first into it as he attempted to stop the attack. With an angered snort, the minotaur spun around. Since charging her gave him a headache, he instead started to circle the smaller elf. She can not be THAT hard to get a hold of. Or so he thought as his muscles tense a split second before both of his arms snapped forward.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

(just to say that it's completely fine to do this - not all throws *need* a ref)
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

The beast proved dumb and Jessara closed in for a second strike, "On your knees beast, what treasure are you hiding?" She spoke as she closes in for another strike. Confident by her quick turnaround

((I throw rock again))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl threw paper, which is an outright win. He does not have double her stat, so he does normal damage, -1 because she is still clothed.

Jessara is now Free
She has scored 2/15 points towards victory
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl merely snorts into her direction as an answer to the taunt. He has heard many a trash-talking adventurer, and they all ate their words. One of his long arms moves to the side to swat away her sword, the other stays right on the target. His massive hand dives right between her legs and possessively cups her pussy through her clothing. The minotaur seems to grin as his middle finger gives a few quick strokes over her box before he releases her.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Jessara was surprised as the beast batted her sword aside but even more so as the tingle of pleasure ran up and down her spine, The creature had stroked her clit, stunning her, it pulls away and she shakes her head to recover, there had to be something in this dungeon or the creature himself was giving something off but she was getting hornier and hornier. This wouldnt do! she recovered herself and set at the beast quickly trying not to lose her momentum

((I choose scissors))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl threw rock, and wins outright, grabbing Jessara.

Jessara is held.
She has 2/15 points.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

As the elf came after him, Djarl decided that he had to find a way to slow her down. She had proven mighty slippery so far, and the minotaur didn't like it too much. So, in a surprising move, he launched his entire body forward and buried the elf underneath him. She found herself face to face with him once more, her sword arm pinned under one of his mighty paws, his shaggy fur giving off a slight smell of earth and musk. The minotaur once more grinned, his large, floppy tongue lolling out of his mouth as he eyed the girl underneath him.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Jessara was shocked at the beasts leap, she found it hard to focus, her body responding to the beasts musk and... appendages. Pinned down she felt the beast breath heavy on her, the stink was powerful but made her feel lightheaded. Sliding one arm free she moved to strike the monster, hoping to squirm out while it was distracted.

((I through Rock))