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MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

(I threw scissors. You get another point and are free.)

Her hand hit the side of Djarl's arm with just enough force to budge it a bit, giving her the space to slide her arm out. Djarl grunts in frustration and turns from her, rising up to smash his massive fist into the wall. As he pulls back, the stone wall shows a sizeable dent. As he faces the elf again, his eyes are positively bloodshot. His breath starts making clouds in the air as the rage heats up his body. With determination in his posture he moves in again.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Jessara breathed a sigh of relief as she rolled away, baarely able to get her feet under her before the minotaur came at her again she lashed out at the clumsy creature

((I throw rock again))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl throws Scissors, and Jessara wins outright.

Jessara is free.
She has 4/15 points.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

This time, Jessara's sword hit the minotaur's chest and left a slight cut in Djarl's tough skin, but the minotaur barely seemed to register - as a matter of fact, the pain only spurred him on. His hands constantly opened and closed as he kept on stalking the girl, waiting for an opportunity, an opening.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

The beast could be wounded, not that it seemed put off by it. at least now it was treating her like a threat instead of a meal or a fuck. Jessara smiled and moved in close to deal with the beast.

((I throw Scissors))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl threw scissors, and wins on ties, tearing at Jessara's clothing...

Jessara is free.
She has 4/15 points.
Her top is torn 1 point.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

As the elf moves in, Djarl makes use of his superior range. His long arm reaches out and quickly grabs her top. With a rough yank, he manages to tear a fistful of material out of it. With a grin he holds it to his nose and takes a deep whiff before casting it aside. A small success, but it invigorates his fighting spirit.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

The beasts are reaches in and tears off as fist full of clothing and Jessara can help herself but move her hands to cover her dignity. her combat training kicks in though and she resumes her defensive stance, trying to ignore the bare skin. Watching the beast obviously enjoying the smell of her clothes gives her a strange feeling but she pushes it aside and moves in to strike.

((I throw Paper))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Both of the opponents threw paper, and Jessara has a higher stat, so she avoid the attempted grope, but scores no point (remember you have to win outright to score points).

Jessara is free.
She has 4/15 points.
Her top is torn 1 point.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl managed to dodge the elf's mighty blade or knocked it aside if it came too close. But at the same time, neither could he get a hold of her. For nearly a minute neither of them could gain the upper hand. Djarl was euphoric about the elf's persistence - maybe he'll keep that one instead of dumping her in front of the labyrinth like all the others.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Ack! Honest player award goes to Skull man.

Let me rewind:

It seems like Djarl might have had a hard time getting to her breasts, but they are large enough that it's extremely tricky to defend them well. Djarl wins that last contest, and Jessara's large breasts are his to toy with for a few moments.

Apologies both, and thanks Skullman for pointing it out.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Leaping back to get her breasts away from the monsters attention, JEssara raises her blade and lunges into a strike, hard and fast, "Foul beast, you might as well have enjoyed that, for it will be your last pleasure"

((I throw Paper))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

(I threw rock, so you get another point.)

Djarl grunts as he turns away last second to prevent being impaled. Still, the heavy blade produces another cut, this time on his arm. It was unwise to get distracted by her plentiful breasts. Cautiously he circled her. She seemed to be aggressive - maybe he can make her come to him.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Jessara pressed her attack lashing out quickly with a series of fient only to strike straight to the beast

((I throw Paper again))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

And Djarl wins with scissors, ripping part of Jessara's bottoms.

Jessara is free.
She has 5/15 points.
Her top is torn 1 point.
Her bottoms are torn 1 point
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

As Djarl prepared for her attack, he had little difficulty to evade her thrust. Her own momentum was her bottom's undoing as he managed to grab one of the tassets that protected her legs and pulled her past him. With an enormous effort combined with her speed, he tore the plates off and threw them into the darkness. Again that bestial grin showed on his face as he walks towards her, arms raised to both defend and attack. He wasn't going to let his momentary advantage go to waste.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Jessara felt the lower plates of her armor torn away and stumbled momentarily, by instinct she threw out her blade, it was a clumsy blow butt currently she could manage no better, she hoped it would keep him away from her.

((I throw scissors))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl also threw scissors, winning the round, and tearing away even more at Jessara's lower clothing.

(lower clothing? Man, I'm glad I'm not required to write clever descriptions at the moment!)

Jessara is free.
She has 5/15 points.
Her top is torn 1 point.
Her bottoms are torn 2 point
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Maybe Jessara should have taken a moment to compose herself. Her clumsy blow was easily sidestepped, and she stumbled past him. With a gleeful look in his face, his big paw came down and smacked her square on the ass - and as he pulled his hand back, the other tasset went with it. Now that she was in her skirt and panties, he delighted in ogling her soft, supple thighs and especially the valley between them.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Jessara realised what a situation she is in, and spins blade out to attempt to slash the monster as it oggles her, for these thoughts were not for the likes of him!

((I throw Scissors))