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My First Piece of Literature

Games Dude

Aug 17, 2009
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This is the first story I've ever writting single-handedly, and I really am rather proud of it. It has abosolutely no H content, but hey, I figured this would be a good place to post a story and get actual criticism. So Please read, comment, suggest, whatever, I'll make a comments thread for it so please enjoy!
Re: My First Piece of Literature

Dream Island

The captain and his friends attempted to escape from the island, but there were some whom were holding them back, keeping them tied down to the inside of the island. They could not fight them, except for the captain -- Jack, who could sprout large, unbreakable metallic tentacles, with silver hands and the ends, that had immeasurable strength, but had a mind of their own. with these tentacles the captain could defeat any opponent, but whenever he uses it he becomes a little more under their control and loses little more of himself. Jill was hung by her wrists in the dungeon, with the captain in a cage forced to watch as the creatures began to eat Jill and the caged Mukkur, who are completely denseless, when suddenly Jack's tentacles burst out, him trying to control them as they destroy the cage, freeing him. He then kills the blob monsters that were eating Jill and Mukkur and begins to free them, but he loses control over the tentacles, and they begin to reach for the captive's throats. Just before the tentacles throttle the prisoners, the captain's will returns and an inner conflict begins, between the captain and the tentacles. The captain is very slowly losing, as the tentacles reach toward Jill and mukkur and as if in slow motion, the captain simply watches with horror.

Then suddenly, a voice is heard coming from the only stairs leading out of the underground prison. "You shouldn't change sides you know, they --(he indicates Jill and Mukkur) --might get hurt." "I.. had to use them.. to save Jill.. but I can't... stop them much longer.." the captain responds, desperately, as if begging the voice for help, but with no idea who it is or even if it's even coming from a human or some sort of creature that has learned English. "Well then, looks like you need a hand eh?" Suddenly the evil scientist, who created this island and everything on it bursts into the room and grabs the captain's tentacles. "What?! you.. you... YOUR THE ONE WHO PUT US HERE?! HOW DARE YOU?!" the tentacles alter their path and begin to reach for the scientist. " I am not here to hurt you, but to help you escape. I have seen the error of my ways, and intend to use my strong influence with these monsters to aid you in your retreat." the scientist explains "but then what do you want from us?!" The captain booms angrily . "Want from you? one simple request: that you take me with you. I cannot live here among these monsters anymore, It would drive mad." Jill stirs. "mmmn" The captain is startled, and cries out "Jill!" He then turns back to the scientist. "How do I know I can trust you?" The scientist pushes against the tentacles with all his might "would ya mind calling these things off for me first?" The captain focuses, and finally manages to tame them and draw them back in. "Thank you." He says, clearly out of breath. Then he simply reaches into his pocket, and grabs a keychain. he searches through it, finds one, and lifts it up. The captain recognizes it instantly: "This is the key to your locks. On this keychain there is every single key you will need for this island, including this" He holds up a shining silver key, the ignition to the only boat on the island. "Without these, there is no hope of escape. Would I do this if I wanted you dead?" The scientist throws the keychain to the captain. "... Very well then, you can come with us. but one wrong move and ---yes yes I am aware." the scientist cuts in. The captain nods, then undoes the others' locks.

Jill begins to wake up, having been unconcious and the three of them climb onto Mukkur as he carries them all out of the prison. Mukkur skillfully avoids all the creatures on the island. They reach the boat, and the scientist and captain jump onto the deck and head for the to get the boat going, but the instant that they set foot on the deck, Jill and Mukkur run back out into the island, yelling "we forgot something!" The captain and scientist look at each other, and silently agree that they can't leave without them so they decide to wait. They sit on the boat, as it bobs slightly in the waves, listening to the sound of the ocean, but staying below the walls of the boat so as to avoid being seen because while they do now have a way to fight the monsters, it is not an easy thing to do... "So we may as well introduce ourselves if we're gonna die here" the scientist states. The suddennes of this statement catches the captain off guard. "We are not going to die, as long as Jill comes back soon. "Still I'd rather know your name. Here I'll start: My name is Henry." "Jack" "Nice to meet ya." Silence for a few tense minutes until footsteps resonate through the ship. Jack looks at Henry, who walks out to the deck. There are two panther-monsters on the deck of the ship. Henry liesurely walks back.. "Two panthers. This could get bad." says Henry thoughfully. "If we try to fight them the noise will draw more, but if we don't fight them then we'll never be able to leave and Jill will never be able to get back on..." Jack responds; "Well, it looks like we have to fight... but we dont need to kill them all, just throw them overboard okay?" "Right. how much longer should we wait for Jill?" "Until we hear from her. Even if she can't make it back, Mukkur will, and he'll take us to her." "What good would we do if shes already in trouble?" Henry asked. "We will do what we can, Henry." Jack answers quietly, but strongly, as though whispering a command. They grit their teeth, glance briefly at each other, then charged straight onto the deck.

Jack notes Henry's surprising fighting skill despite his proffession, and the creatures seem less inclined to actually hurt him than Jack, perhaps because they have feelings for their "father" of sorts. The two men fight with everything they had, and throw as many of the monsters as they possibly can overboard, but everytime they killed one, another appeared. They were fighting a losing battle; their bodies getting worn out, gaining more and more wounds, and the monsters never stopped coming. The battle continued on like this for what felt like hours, until eventually a powerful and angered roar erupt from the nearby shore. The roar was backed by so much emotion that it struck fear into the hearts of all, and the creatures fled. Suddenly Mukkur was standing at the ramp to the boat, and growling as if anxious. Jill was nowhere to be seen. Jack panicked while Henry tried to figure out what was wrong. "Mukkur where's Jill?! What happened?! What did you go back for?!" Jack screamed these questions fearfully, but Mukkur simply turned, pointed with his head at the mountain in the center of the island, and crouched down, as though ordering Jack to jump on. Jack mounts, and calls to Henry "get on, we're going back for Jill!"

Henry jumps on and Mukkur takes of, sprinting across the island at full speed, they reach the mountain within minutes and Mukkur continues to climb up the steadily inclined path that leads to a cave entrance and sprints down the cave, until suddenly coming to a stop next to a crack in the wall. The crack is about four feet long from end to end, and about a foot tall. Jack and Henry get off of Mukkur and look around, not noticing the crack. "Mukkur where is Jill?! Why are we here?!" Mukkur simply growls and points at the crack. Jack moves to look in the crack but Henry stops him. "Wait, let me see this. I have a feeling I know what this is..." He says this grimly, and Jack is unsettled by the tone. He peers inside for a long minute. He looks away as if in pain. "We cann't go in there."

Mukkur's expression turns from rage to grief, and Jack simply puzzles. "What? Why not? What's in there?" Henry slumps and shakes his head. "This is the abode of my most devilish creation. It likes to entrap its prey like a spider, keeping them alive for weeks before killing them. It will kill and eat any human without regret, and particularly likes children." Jack's face pales. "What... you can't mean.." "Yes. Unfortunately, it must have Jill on the menu." Jack's face distorts with a mix of grief, rage, and pain. Suddenly, he charges at the crack, his tentacles come out, and they begin to shred the narrow opening of the crack into a wider tunnel for Jack to fit into. Mukkur follows, and Henry calls out "If you must fight it, don't let its tail touch you! It's venom is a strong sedative!" Jack doesn't seem to respond, he simply continues down the tunnel at as fast as the tentacles can take him. Jack finally breaks into a massive room, More than 40 metres across in either direction and 60 metres tall. There is a single massive spiderweb that takes up the space around the whole chamber. Far away at the top of the chamber a large blood red colored.. thing is hanging on the web. It looks like a 20-foot-long-dragonfly with a lobster's carapace and a scorpion's stinger tail. Meanwhile, scattered throughout the web are hundreds of skeletons, hanging in coccoons all over the web. In the very middle, is one that seems to be struggling...
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Re: My First Piece of Literature

Jill rides Mukkur back to the cave, and runs in. just as she reaches the end, she sees a large creature, blood red in colour, and covered in a thick carapace slithering into a crack in the wall. The creatures hind right arm, is dragging something along the ground. That "something" looks familiar... "Adrianna!" Jill calls out and Mukkur growls. The sound of chitin teeth clashing against each other fills the air as the arm holding Adrianna lets go, and the creature pulls back out of the crack in the wall and bears its' fangs at Jill. Moments later, one of it's arms reaches for Jill, but she moves out of the way, and suddenly the head tries to ram her, but she barely manages to dodge the blow by rolling off of Mukkur, putting her on the floor beside him. Suddenly, the tail comes out of seemingly nowhere and the spike digs into Jill's shoulder, Mukkur roars and attacks the creature viciously, but barely scrapes the carapace and is thrown back. Mukkur slides across the ground as one of the creature's arms grabs the now unconsious Jill and another grabs Adrianna, and the creature proceeds back into the crack in the wall now dragging Jill and Adrianna with it. Mukkur runs back out of the cave, towards the boat but sees a large congestion of creatures there. Mukkur lets out a deep, angry, sad and hurt roar, that has such impact that it scares off all the creatures, all of them scurrying away as fast as they can. Mukkur runs up onto the boat and meets Jack.
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Re: My First Piece of Literature

Jill wakes up, and realizes that she can't move, so she looks around. She realizes that she is in a massive chamber, carved into the rock, about 40 metres wide and 60 metres deep, caught in a massive spirweb that fills most of the chamber. Jill looks down at her body and realizes why she can't move; there is some sort of web binding her in a coccoon. she then looks up and sees the large blood-red creature that she was fighting. She tries to remember how she got here but can only remember rolling off Mukkur, then waking up here. Jill looks to her right and sees the corpses of many other people, coccooned just as she is right now. Now horrified, she looks franticly to her left, hoping to find some sort of escape, but instead sees her older sister Adrianna is coccooned less than 2 feet away from her. "Adrianna! Adrianna! Wake up Adrianna!" Adrianna stirs slightly. "Mmnnn" "Adrianna wake up.." Jill starts to cry. "Adrianna..." Adrianna mutters "J..Ji..Jill.." "Adrianna?!"Adrianna wake up!" She opens her eyes. "Jill...? What.. happened? Where.. are.. we?" "I don't know Adrianna, but that monster up there got us here, I know it." Jill indicates the dragonfly creature nestled above them at the top of the web. "Wh-what is that?! Where are we?! And where is Jack?! What happened Jill?!" Adrianna panicks upon realizing where they are. "What happened Jill?!" Jill explains the situation to Adrianna as a large crashing noise is heard near the bottom of the chamber.
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Re: My First Piece of Literature

Jack uses his tentacles to start scaling the wall so as to reach the coccoon. As he gets closer he notices that the adjacent coccoon was also moving. He calls out; "Jill! Is that you? Are you alright?!" Adrianna answered "Jack?" "Adrianna?! You're alive?!" "We could use some help!" "R-Right I'm coming!" a growl is heard from both above and below. "!?" The monster begins to move. Something down on the ground also patrols around in circles. The Creature above shoots down the chamber, sending a shockwave through the island as Mukkur growls. The three humans watch Mukkur and the creature glaring at each other, dueling with their eyes, completely locked into an inevitable battle. Mukkur crouches down, ready to pounce, his gaze never wavering as the creature raises it's tail and bares its teeth. The two of them, their eyes locked on each other, taunt each other, daring them to make the first move. Both are prepared to give it their all, to anhihilate the other, without mercy. Time stops and the three humans watch the scene in awe of the animalistic fury contained within thir eyes... then suddenly, it is unleashed. Mukkur makes the first move, pouncing at the dragonfly-monster, attacking with both claw and tooth. The creature fights back, trying to get the vicious beast off of him, but Mukkur is too agile and dodges the arms. Taking the opportunity, Jack climbs up to the girls, and the tentacles rip apart the webs binding them and catch them before they fall. Jack climbs down the tunnel and slides around the edge of the cave towards the exit as Mukkur distracts the creature. They crawl back out into the tunnel, and call Mukkur, who immediately appears at a full run, visibly injured. They hop on to Mukkur's back and run. The instant they leave the tunnel, the creature appears behind them giving chase. It is obviously enfuriated, destroying trees and rocks as it charges. Mukkur runs as fast as he can, and the creature who can't keep up falls behind, lost in the forest. The humans reach the boat, where Henry was still hiding. "You made it! I was starting to wonder with that shockwave..." Jack grimaced and said "We need to get out of here, now. That "thing" couldn't keep up, but we don't know if it's still following us. It could arrive moment." Everyone nodded, and Henry started toward the controls. "Wait". Jack said this, and the sudden calm severity of this one word stunned everyone. Jack looked Henry in the eyes.
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Re: My First Piece of Literature

The creature stopped following them, knowing it couldn't keep up on land. "So," it hissed in a voice that would send heroes running in fear, "they think they can escape do they?" It gave a small chuckle. It then beat it's dragonfly-like wings, and began to hover. "We'll see about that..." It took off, up along the roof of the forest to find a higher vantage point.
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Re: My First Piece of Literature

Henry and Jack's eyes lock. Henry beholds a horrid sight. Jack's eyes have glazed over, as though he had somehow gone blind, yet this blank stare held Henry paralyzed. He could not look away or move. Jack's tentacles emerged. "Y-y-you sh-shouldn't b-b-be using t-t-those J-Jack.." Henry was struck with a sudden wave of fear. What was Jack doing? Why had his tentacles come out? Henry remembered when he led them out of the jail cell...[You shouldn't change sides you know...] Jack advanced on Henry. Henry wanted to move; wanted to run away, but couldn't. He was imobolized by fear at what was happening. He tried to tell the girls to run, but before he could open his mouth a tentacle covered it like a mask. "Mmmff! GGGGLS! UNNN!" Jack turned to look at the girls. "You should go below deck, where it's safe." Adrianna hesitated, then nodded. The two of them went below deck. Mukkur followed. A tentacle locked the door behind them. The one holding Henry released him. "Jack.. what are you doing?" A booming and inhuman voice answered. "I cannot allow you to survive. I was created to destroy cretin like you..." a tentacle grabbed Henry by the throat and lifted him into the air. "Why should I let you survive? Perhaps I should throw you overboard, let you deal with these monsters yourself." He gave a horrid grin. "Or maybe I should just kill you now?" He said this with such relish that it could not have been Jack. Henry knew the tentacles were taking over. Suddenly the grin faded, and the tentacle released Henry. He fell to the ground, then looked up and saw Jack's face distorted with pain. "H-Henry.. I can't.. control them.. much longer.. get us... out of here.." Henry looked up in shock and cried "What good will it do?! As soon as we leave those things--" He indicates the tantacles thrashing randomly around Jack " --with kill us all anyway!" Jack continued to wrestle with the tentacles for control of his body. "No! I can.. control them.. I just need.. to get away.. from here.. This island.. seems to magnify.. their power.... HURRY!" Henry paused. He thought for a second, and after the evil grin reappeared and then vanished from Jack's face, realized that there was no other choice. He hurried over to the controls and started the ship.
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Re: My First Piece of Literature

The creature circled around the island, high in the sky. Suddenly it hears the sound of an engine.. and notices that the ship is starting to move. It flies towards it quickly intending to cut it off. Soon both it and the ship are almost a mile from the island, and the beast prepares to attack.
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Re: My First Piece of Literature

Mukkur and the girls are both back on the deck, with Jack and Henry. Henry nervously steers the ship, as Adrianna and Jill help Jack relax. He is sitting in a chair, the tentacles drawn back into him and restrained as Adrianna tries to comfort him. "It's okay Jack.. that wasn't you." Jack glanced up at her momentarily. He then resumed his slump. "I'm losing it, Adrianna" He moaned. "I don't know how much longer I'll be myself." Adrianna quickly answered "You'll always be yourself, Jack. Nothing can take that from you. Not if I have anything to say about it." Jack looked up at her again, this time their eyes locked. "Adrianna.. you know there's nothing you can do to stop it. My only hope is to find out how to remove these damned things from my body... But, if that never happens, I want you to promise me something." Adrianna looked at him caringly and answered "I will do whatever you want me to Jack. As long as it makes you happy." Jack tried a faint smile. It didn't look very healthy, with his pale face and ragged look. It seemed forced, yet.. heartfelt. "I want you to promise me.. that if the tentacles take me over again.. you'll run. That is all I ask. If you get hurt, then the tentacles have won." Adrianna looked at him grimly for a second, then quickly forced a smile. "Don't worry Jack. That day will never come." Jack slumped again and grumbled "I hope your right." Suddenly the buzzing of wings and the clattering of armored plates filled the air. "Wha-what?! What is that?!" Adrianna cries. Jill tugs on Jack's sleeve "Jack.. I think it followed us." Jack looks up at Jill. "What?! How?!" He looks out at the water behind them, searching for the monster. "Where is it?" Jill points up. Everyone's eyes follow her outstretched finger...
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Re: My First Piece of Literature

Jack sees it first. The Dragonfly. The others don't notice it at first, because it is coming from the sun. It is diving directly at them from almost 300 feet up. Jack yells "Shit! Henry! Get us out of here!" Henry panicks and replies "It's going as fast as it can! If I go any faster we're gonna kill the engine!" Mukkur growls viciously as the thing looms closer. "Jack, what do we do?" Adrianna calls in a horrified tone. Henry answers for him: "We have to get further away from the island. It won't follow us that far away from it's home, we just need to hold it off for a little while." Jack exclaims "And how exactly are we supposed to do that?!" Henry looks at him expectantly. "What?! The tentacles nearly killed you in cold blood and you want me to use them again?! Are you mad?!" "It's the only chance we've got, so it's either you risk that again, or that thing" he points at the creature "tears the ship apart around us!" Adrianna and Jill look between Henry and Jack, horrified. Jack grits his teeth and nods, so the tentacles burst out, once more, from his back. Suddenly the tentacles reach for Henry, but Jack manages to restrain them, albeit barely. He pulls them back, and the Dragonfly continues its descent.
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Re: My First Piece of Literature

The instant that the Dragonfly comes into Jack's reach, he grabs it with his tentacles. He wrestles with it, limb for limb, but it has many more arms than he tentacles, so he is struggling to keep up. The creature's tail makes occaisonal jabs at the deck, but the tentacles barely hold it out of reach. The girls are watching anxiously from the stairs to below deck, while Henry tries to pilot the ship at the highest speed he can go without damaging the engine. Jack and the creature trade blows, Jack narrowly dodging, and the creature backing off momentarily only to rebound with more fury seconds later. Jack can feels his concentration failing, as well as his ability to control the tentacles. He can hear hissing voices, inside his head... "Let ussss take over.... You know we can win hiss..." "No! If I let you take over my body now you'll kill the others!" "Hisss... We would never do ssssuch a thing... " "I'll not fall for your deciet again! The last time you nearly killed Jill!" "Let usss ssshow you where our alliegencesss lie..." A tentacle acted of it's own will, and in the blink of an eye grabbed one of the Dragonfly's many limbs, and tore it off mercilessly. Jack grimaced, gratefull for the advantage, but disdainfull that the tentacles managed to steal control, even if it was only momentarily. The Dragonfly howled with pain and tried to draw back, but Jack gripped it's body with two tentacles. It howled with pain again as Jack used the remainder of his strength and thrust the dragonfly into the water beside the ship. They left it behind in the ocean spray as Jack thrust the tentacles into the water and paddled with them, increasing the ship's speed as much as possible. A few painful moments later, they were out of range, and Jack passed out.
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Re: My First Piece of Literature

Jack woke up in his bed with Adrianna watching over him. He immediately sat up, and cried "What happened?! Are we alright?! What about the island?! Did anything follow us back?!" He felt a sudden jolt of pain and fell back down. Adrianna was startled by the suddenness of this, but quickly recovered and answered "We made it. Everyone is safe, thanks to you. That was really great what you did back there Jack. You really saved us. If it hadn't been for you we would all be food for that monster right now." Jack looked into her eyes and said "If it hadn't been for me none of you would have ever been dragged into that mess." He tried to sit up again, and suppressed the pain. He scratched his head thoughtfully "Ugh. How long was I out?" Adrianna smiled and said "a little while." Suddenly footsteps could be heard and Jill burst into the room at a full speed run and tackles Jack back down onto the bed with a hug. "Jack! You're alright! I was so scared! You were unconscious for days!" Jack grimaced from the pain of the tackle and responded "Was I really...? What about you? Are you alright?" Jill sat up. "I'm fine because you came to save us!" Suddenly a tired voice sounded from the door "So, I see you're alright." Jack thought for a moment and realized "Henry, you're alright? What happened after I passed out?" Henry chuckled and said "Well after you passed out, the dragonfly got back out of the water, hissed at us and flew back to the island. We continued on our way back here, Adrianna guided me. As soon as we got here, the others swarmed us. They were sure worried about you three." Adrianna butt in "Vanessa was especially worried about you Jack. She visited you twice a day to make sure you were okay." Jack forced a faint smile. "Vanessa visited? She must have been really worried." Just at that moment a quiet and pure feminine voice asked "Jack? You are.. awake?" A petite figure, with long flowing hair walked slowly into the room. "Vanessa. I'm sorry I worried you so much." She simply smiled and said "There is no need to apologize. I simply wanted to make sure you did as good a job of protecting yourself as the others." Jack knew what she meant. The tentacles nearly had him back there.. [Let usss ssshow you where our alliegencesss lie...] He shuddered as he remembered the battle. Adrianna noticed this, and asked what was wrong. He quickly answered "Nothing. I'm just glad that's over."
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