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What tool are you using, and are you using a tablet?

curve on a lineart layer with a mouse. I've ignored some details to be fixed later. I just can't seem to prioritize them all.

Not sure what you mean by curve. Are you using the pen tool, or is it an actual tool called curve? As I don't have that one on mine.

Not sure what you mean by curve. Are you using the pen tool, or is it an actual tool called curve? As I don't have that one on mine.

The tool's name is curve. Maybe you're using an older version?


Maybe I am. Or not a fully cracked version of it. Guess I'm going to have to track that one down. I use the pen tool for all my lines, and then set the stability to max once I'm ready to do the final proper lineart. Anyway, the lines themselves look good, and like you said there's some obvious errors but they can be fixed easily. Though the breasts do need a little bit of work on them, perhaps use a slightly thinner brush size for the body as well.

Maybe I am. Or not a fully cracked version of it. Guess I'm going to have to track that one down. I use the pen tool for all my lines, and then set the stability to max once I'm ready to do the final proper lineart. Anyway, the lines themselves look good, and like you said there's some obvious errors but they can be fixed easily. Though the breasts do need a little bit of work on them, perhaps use a slightly thinner brush size for the body as well.

Cool. I will take this into consideration once I start on the editing. I tried the pen tool once. The lines made it look like I had the shakes.Went back to curve after that.

Ha, yeah, it is better to use that tool with a tablet. The curve tool does sound handy for drawing with a mouse.


That doesn't narrow it down at all. Though I might have a decent idea of what you might mean. Maybe.

Sorry, no new pics guys. Though I will put Sai on the back-burner right now. I'm gonna do some simple exorcises with it to better familiarize my self with it. I'll be focusing on more sketches right now. I'll probably get started on those requests.
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Reserved for some sketches. Hope I can get myself to upload them. Been distracted by amalur and mass effect.

Nothing to see here(yet) folks, move along.

It's been two weeks since I have posted any sketches. I've gotta get back into the game or I may disappear for months again.

Lani and Eleanor
Eagle warrior2

I think I might make two new threads and stop posting in this one(or ask a mod to destroy it). Have one thread for originals and one for fanarts and prons. Maybe... Anyways, I think my mental block is coming from the linart that has not been finished. I have have to get that done, even if I half-ass it. I'm still not comforable with SAI. Which is retarded since I used to work with Illustrator. Linearting with that thing is ten times as tedious as anything with SAI. To put it simply: You have to outline the lineart. That's right! The lines have to be lined before they can be lines.

Holy balls, that picture of Eleanor and Lani is way better than what I've done of them.


Look at her left foot. It's too small. The pic is now ruined for you! HAAA!

My Little Pony My Little Pony aa aA AA AAA

I was bored, also: I'm listening to some kick-ass beats by Amin Sadrzadeh. Yes, it does have to do with ponies. No, It's not THAT song. His group did do a cover of it, though. Now that I've got you properly paranoid(or have got your hopes up), I shall post the new pic.

Will you risk it? HINT: it's not pony
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I had some brain diarriah earlier today. This time I was able to CHANNEL IT INTO MY ARM. See what came out. Also: I will not be labeling the links. Just cuz I like being that way right now.

Is it some pony or not?

Nobody knows. Not even I know anymore! Ok, I do. But I'm not saying anything! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ok, there is no pony

More sketches. Not much else except that Nykka is back. Wonderin' about making a short series of pics with her. Something accomplishable. Gonna set up with SAI again soon, once I get competent with that I think I'll set up a separate thread with fully lined and colored pics.

For now: New sketches, more like thumbnails, really.