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MYSTIC GIRL - The Novelization

Jul 28, 2010
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The first chapter is finished ^_^ This is mainly the introductory chapter to our character, and the world will be more fleshed out as we go.

I've already designed three creatures for this world, but if anyone has more ideas to share, I'm totally open to them - PM me with ideas, and post what you think of the story here! I'll add more chapters to the first post as I write them.


Mystic Girl
Based on the notes of LineMarvel

Chapter 1: Jumper

In hindsight, hiding in that cave had been a bad idea.

It was the second week Linae had been on the road, four weeks since she'd left her little village to travel the world, bringing only her tribal outfit, a light spear, and her small knowledge of tribal magic. Her plan had been to use the map a traveling caravan had traded her, but the map was either outdated or blatantly wrong, and she'd been wandering lost for quite some time in a dusty valley interspersed with hills, rocky cliffs, and small caves.

So today, when a rainstorm was approaching from the west, she'd taken shelter in one of the small caves. It was only now, as she was dragged back out of the cave, kicking and struggling, held slightly aloft by a trio of diminutive brown creatures with long red tentacles, that she thought she'd made a significant mistake.

Her spear had been dropped when she was first attacked; the creatures had looked friendly, almost cute, but when she'd given one a small pet, she'd promptly been seized up by all three and carried out into the rain.

The creatures of Linae's world were very rarely vicious, and almost never violent. No, the main danger was to one's chastity. So when one of the little tombstone-shaped creatures slowly slid her thong loincloth away, she quickly weighed her options. On the one hand, she could try to bring her magic to bear on the creatures. But it wasn't particularly strong and she had no idea how much effect it would have, or if it would simply piss the little things off, and there were cliffs dangerously near, near enough for her to fear being hurled off one.

The second option was, of course...


Linae cried out as a tentacle buried itself in her womanhood, her position being changed so she was suspended upside-down in midair, her arms hanging down and her legs spread, as two of the creatures held her with one tentacle each. Their other tentacles, for each creature had two, were busy with the rest of her. One slid a red feeler over her chest, tugging away the gold chestpiece she wore and letting her breasts bounce free before it slid between them. The other slid it's free tentacle into her mouth, muffling any more cries of pleasure or protest she could make. The third was busy with penetrating her, it's free tentacle not yet being utilized, but twitching now and then in the air as the creature made little 'ooro' sounds, it's innocent eyes belying it's actions.

For her part, Linae was left to a series of loud muffled moans and groans, her face flushed with embarrassment and pleasure, her eyes half-closed as she shivered and writhed a bit in the creatures' grasps.

It wasn't her first time experiencing a monster's touch; she'd had some run-ins with Beetlefaunts at the village - knee-high, leg-length shelled creatures with a row of phallic shaped ridges on the back of their smooth shells, which vibrated as they scuttled along, meaning that any prey that they happened to snatch up with their single long green feelers would likely find herself planted there for "safe-keeping" and a wild ride of pleasure, until the creature had absorbed enough of whatever it wanted from her climax and let her go.

This, however, was totally different, and though her mind flicked through various ways to get free, in truth Linae was loving her vulnerable position, loving the feel of the thick, slick tentacles between her tits and in her mouth for her tongue to taste (they were surprisingly sweet) and pounding in and out of her wet hot core.

So her last moan as she finally hit her climax was partly one of regret, as the monsters slowly set her down on her back, ever so gently, before promptly blowing loads of white sticky fluid from their tentacles all over her. Satisfied, the creatures returned to their cave, and a moment later Linae's pack and her spear were thrown through the cave entrance, landing not far from her.

The rain was cool on her skin, already washing away the monster's cum, and she reminded herself of how happy she was that monsters and humans weren't compatible for mating. Weakly, Linae got to her feet, pulling her blue thong loincloth and gold chestpiece back on, tightening her blue boots and armguards and checking her silver hoop earrings again. Finally, with a quick readjustment of her tousled turquoise hair, she slung her pack over her back and hefted her spear, using it as a staff for support.

Before she could try to stumble away, one of the creatures shuffled back out of the cave, and she didn't notice it until it was nearly at her ankle. She looked down, fearing another abrupt stripping, but the creature was dragging a wooden box behind it, and one of it's feelers flicked open the lid.

Inside were a variety of treasures, shiny jewels and shimmering ore, probably collected by the creatures from their own caves.

This was another odd practice of some monsters - when a monster considered itself defeated, it would sometimes present the one who bested it with some sort of treasure or item it had found, usually things that could be used by a human (although there was always the occasional bone or plant or something that wasn't worth much). Apparently, Linae thought, the monsters thought that she'd worn them out and that it equivalized a defeat.

So she looked through the treasure, a thoughtful "hmm" sliding from her lips. She pushed aside some of the jewels and paused - there, buried in the box, was a weathered piece of parchment. She drew it up and out, and let out a small laugh of surprise - it was a map, and by the looks of it a recent one, detailing enough of the land to show her village, the canyon, mountains to the north, the sea to the south, and several other villages and cities scattered around.

She slid the map into her pack, reaching a hand over towards the little creature and patting it's head - they were rather cute after all.

The smack of a feeler across her rump suddenly brought to mind that petting one of the things had started all of this, and she had just enough time to think that maybe the yellow band that crossed the creature's head was a pleasure spot for them before she was bent over the wooden box with one feeler, her hands bound at the wrist, her thong loincloth being pulled down again by the monster.

As she began to be penetrated again, Linae resolved that it might be a good idea to keep notes from now on about the creatures she'd met.

EDIT: Thanks to Nunu for cleaning up this topic when that spambot ran through it.
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Re: MYSTIC GIRL - The Novelization

This looks very promising, I enjoy the, somewhat more consensual twist you have added to the tentacle rape. As well as the less monstrous turn you have taken on the creatures, that in it self is very LineMarvin-esqe. As we all know his creatures never looked particularly harmful. Keep up the good work.
Re: MYSTIC GIRL - The Novelization

Very nice. Looking forward to more. ^^
Re: MYSTIC GIRL - The Novelization

Love the story... wish the game would be made, but what can you do... will continue to read your updates you put up!
Re: MYSTIC GIRL - The Novelization

very nice i like it. does make me wish the game would be out but makes me want a free roam mystic girl basicly just like ur book lol
Re: MYSTIC GIRL - The Novelization

i like this.... this is good.... want moar.... please?
Re: MYSTIC GIRL - The Novelization

So yeah...this is LONG OVERDUE. Has it really been over a year since I posted the first chapter? O_O I've gotten so many monster designs and ideas from people, and now I have a slightly better construct in my mind as far as chapters go, with at least the next two laid out loosely. I'll have the next chapter done sooner than this one took, hopefully, but chapter four is where we'll actually get some of the plot set up and played out.

I wrote this entirely tonight, but the credit also goes to Termite and miachan for creature inspiration!

So, enjoy chapter two!

Chapter 2: Cunnie Venus

Linae pushed her way past another low-hanging branch, continuing down the rough path she'd been following for most of the day. Following the map she'd been gifted by the little Jumper trio, she'd noted the location of another small town southeast of the canyon, close to the southern sea. As the dirt and stone had faded away, they'd been replaced by a dense, muggy, almost tropical forest that hadn't appeared on the map. Using her wits and experience from the village, Linae had found herself a worn but recognizable path, probably used by creatures during mating or migration seasons, and begun to follow it south.

Trees rose high around her, some thin and springy with large and wide leaves that cast shade over the path, and some thick and tall and reaching high into the sky. Lower to the ground were more fern-like plants of varying heights, and occasionally here and there vines hung down from above or trailed on the ground (these Linae had been wary of, watching for any hint of motion - it never hurt to be cautious about anything even slightly phallic shaped in the wild).

As she continued, the sounds of water in motion reached her, and she rounded a bend to come upon a small pool surrounded by smooth stones large and small. The pool was shallow at it's edges, only to ankle level perhaps, and more ferny plants surrounded it, as well as a wide variety of colorful exotic flowers.

"Beautiful…this looks like a good place to rest." Linae said. She unslung her pack from her back and set it at the water's edge, raising her spear and chanting a quiet spell to make sure there were no predators within range. The end of the spear glowed blue for a few moments, and a feeling in the mystical girl's mind told her there was only a small flock of birds and a few small fish in the area; nothing particularly threatening. Satisfied, she set the spear aside and stepped up to the rocks of the pool, sitting down on a larger one in a smooth spot and removing her boots to dip her feet into the cool water, cooing as she did.

The forest around her was surprisingly quiet, but she hadn't paid it much heed. The filtered sun and the thick heat felt a lot less oppressive with her feet in the water, and she thought to herself how it might feel even more refreshing to slip a little deeper. So a few moments later, her golden top and blue loincloth had joined her boots near her pack, and she stepped out of the shallows and into the deeper end of the pool, until she stood in a spot about waist-deep. Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, she knelt and ducked herself under the water smoothly, enjoying the cold for a few moments, before surfacing again with a gasp for breath, water cascading down her nude form as she opened her eyes.

And froze.

Surrounding her was a small flock of twelve birds. Probably the birds her spell had picked up. They looked much like hummingbirds, although a little bigger, maybe the size of an ordinary parrot, with white bellies and underwings, and vibrant green tails, outerwings, and head feathers. They hovered in place in a perfect ring around her, using their four-wings to stay aloft. The one directly in front of her had several deep red feathers in a rising crest from his head; probably the alpha male.

A few tweets from him made several swoop in closer, and at first she thought they were going to attack with their long beaks, but on closer inspection the beaks were a little rounded at the end and not build for puncturing. Instead, four of the birds hovered in front of her and opened their mouths, extending long thin stringy tongues that began to rapidly lap at her nipples, slightly firmed by the cold water. Linae squealed and moved her arms to cover her breasts, instinctually backing away towards the shallower end of the pool. But as soon as her pussy was no longer underwater, the Alpha swooped in and began tonguing at it himself in little flicks and wet swipes, drawing a yelping squeak from the girl and making her balance go awry as she fell back, landing on her bottom with a splash in the shallower water, her legs spread with her knees up, although her pussy was once again underwater.

As this was going on, two of the birds had flown to the colored flowers surrounding the pool, hovering over a pair of yellowy multi-petaled ones and extending their tongues into the flora, lapping at them. Just as Linae was falling back, the flowers shifted slightly in reaction and sprayed a wide cloud of yellowy mist into the air, a mist that settled over the pool, the birds, and Linae herself. A mixed sense of arousal and calm settled over Linae and she lowered her arms from her breasts, allowing the birds to swoop in and begin again teasing her nipples with their long tongues, drawing soft moans from her lips. It only took a minute or so of this treatment before Linae, against her better judgement, wanted more. She moved herself up a little to a shallower spot, still sitting in just a couple of inches of water with her back against a smooth rock, legs spread wider.

The rest of the flock zipped right in. No less than six of the birds got between her legs, their tongues rapidly caressing every little bit they could reach of her pussy, the ones near her breasts now wrapping their tongues around the firmed nubs and tugging away slightly. Linae moaned longingly, pushing her dripping hair back as she sat there, the misty pollen befuddling any thoughts of resisting that she might have had, or at least any that the pleasure didn't dispel.

Just as Linae was beginning to wish that the bird's tongues weren't so thin and small, the Alpha tweeted sharply and the flock pulled away from her. She whined softly, but the Alpha flew down and gently settled his soft body against her pussy, suddenly beginning to rapidly beat his wings so fast that they couldn't be seen, vibrating his whole body right against her. The reaction was instant, as Linae arched her back and moaned loudly, her hands coming up to massage and squeeze her own breasts as she panted for breath, feeling her own liquids wetting the feathery belly of the Alpha bird, her arousal and the misty pollen setting aside whatever thoughts she might have had on the oddness of the situation.

The pleasure continued to build as the vibrations continued, the Alpha now curling his tongue around her clit and rapidly massaging it, stroking the circled tongue back and forth around it, and within a minute Linae let out a pleasureful scream and hit her climax, crying out as her juices splashed over the Alpha and into the pool, little spasms and twitches shivering along her legs as she rode out the orgasm. As soon as her flow had stopped, the Alpha pulled away, twittering almost triumphantly.

Before she could regain her senses, another bird had swooped in and began vibrating against her, and the moans and hot gasps began again, Linae's pussy even more sensitive post-climax. It took only half a minute for her to cum again, biting her lower lip to muffle the moans of both pleasure and embarrassment. Once that bird finished, another swooped in. And when he was done, another. And so on and so forth, one after another, until all twelve birds had brought the mystical girl to orgasm once each. All of the birds had some of her liquids on them, although the Alpha clearly had gotten the king's share.

As for Linae herself, she'd slid down from the rock to lie on her back in the pool, a quivering naked moaning mess, eyes unfocused as she panted weakly for her breaths. The birds hovered over her, apparently waiting as they twittered to one another, and after several minutes Linae slowly sat up, making her way to her feet wearily. Almost as soon as she was up however, four of the birds latched their tongues around her still hard nipples, beginning to pull her along as they fluttered back, making her cry out again as she was forced to walk from the tugging.

The birds led her away from the pool, a step at a time, and for nearly ten whole minutes Linae was pulled along by the thin but surprisingly strong tongues and their owners, until the flock and her had entered a small clearing in the forest, in the midst of a trio of tall trees that cast the entire area in a deep shade.

In the middle of the clearing was a large many-petaled flower, it's rounded rose-like shape rising to just above above Linae's shoulders. As the birds brought her to it and released their hold, the purple and dark pink petals slowly folded open like a flower beginning to bloom, and a feminine figure emerged from the top. Completely humanoid, decidedly female, and dark green in color, the flower woman opened her eyes. She had long green hair that cascaded down to her waist, and was completely nude, with large full breasts, curved hips, and a smooth looking curvy ass. She looked down at Linae, who suddenly remembered she was naked and covered herself with her hands, glaring up at the plant.

The woman only chuckled softly, holding out a hand for the Alpha of the birds to fly over and touch it with it's beak, before the flock flew away into the trees. The lady looked down at Linae again, smiling. "It's mating season for them." She explained, her voice soft, mature, and almost motherly in tone. "When they fly back to the nest, the females choose mates depending on how much liquid a male has collected on his latest hunt." She beckoned to Linae, the petals parting to create a path for her.

Linae stayed where she was, thinking over her options, but after a moment of thinking she said aloud, "I don't suppose I have an option do I?"

The flower woman shook her head slightly. "Mm-mm. Unless you'd prefer I call down the vines from the trees around us." She put on a slightly cheeky grin. "Could be a fun show, but it wouldn't be as soft as my way."

The thought of being held aloft and spanked and fondled by tentacle-like vines set Linae's mind on the lesser of two evils, and she reluctantly lowered her hands and stepped up into the flower, the petals of which closed behind her again, so she stood in the midst of a circle of them with the woman.

The flower woman smiled, her arms encircling Linae's waist. "Relax my dear, I'm quite gentle. And if you feel the need to moan something, you can call me Venus." With that, she leaned in and pressed her lips to Linae's, her hands softly fondling the girl's ass as her tongue slid past her lips, meeting Linae's and tangling with it slightly. Linae, for her part, reacted very little, the pollen wearing off, but as if sensing this Venus backed off for a moment, and Linae felt the bottom of the flower give way under her feet, dropping and dunking her with a short gasping yelp and a splash into a sac beneath filled with liquid, completely submerging her.

After a few moments, Venus bent down and dipped her hands into the liquid, drawing Linae up from it as the opening closed. Without preamble Linae, now soaked from head to toe in highly aphrodisiacal nectar, practically threw herself at Venus, her arms circling the flower woman as she kissed her lips, her tongue dancing with her partner as she felt soft hands firmly massaging her breasts, squeezing and fondling, softly tweaking the nipples between thumb and forefinger. Linae moaned openly, her senses totally overwhelmed, as she reached a hand down to fondle Venus' incredibly soft and supple derriere. In response, Venus slid her hands down and around to squeeze Linae back in kind, occasionally laying a gentle slap to an ass cheek.

The two continued to tease and fondle one another for some time, until Venus abruptly slid down Linae's slick wet body, holding the girl's legs spread and plunging her tongue into her pussy, sliding it deeper than was probably natural and twisting it, making the mystical girl moan and writhe in pleasure, her hands moving down with her fingers tangling in the long hair of her plantlike lover. Venus rapidly tongued and lapped at Linae's pussy, drawing louder and louder moans out, until with a last cry the young girl came yet again, her own 'nectar' filling the plant woman's mouth.

Venus lapped it all up, slowly standing back up, licking her lips as she drank it down. "Mmmm…delicious…oooh that'll last me for weeks…I don't think I can let you go my dear…" She raised her hands as if to embrace Linae again, but this time the mystical girl was ready; it was time for her to 'defeat' this monster. Her foot found the small slightly discolored patch in the flower's surface that she'd seen Venus brush over, and she grinned as the sac opened again and with a gasp Venus herself was dunked into her own natural aphrodisiac, submerging entirely. Linae waited a few moments, then bent down and gripped the plant woman by the hair, pulling her back up and out as the opening closed, Venus hands reaching up to try and dislodge Linae's hold even as the woman shivered in arousal.

Linae licked off two fingers, and Venus gasped hotly. "You wouldn't dare!"

Her answer came as the girl plunged both fingers into the flower lady's "rosebud", drawing extremely loud and protesting moans from her lips. Linae moved her fingers rapidly in and out, and soon Venus was bucking her own hips against the motion, even as she protested and whined, her cheeks having taken on a lighter shade of green as if she were blushing, the hunter now being the hunted. Linae never took lifted her gaze from Venus's eyes, adding a third finger, and then a fourth, and soon the plant woman was screaming much like Linae had earlier, finding her own brink and passing it, pinkish nectar bursting from her pussy as she arched her back and moaned out longingly through her own orgasm.

But her assailant didn't stop her motions, and if anything Linae sped up her fingers, even as Venus whined and protested. "Nooooo…please dear…ahhhh…I admit defeat! Please, the pleasure…oohhhh it's too much!"

"Oh no, it's not nearly enough." Linae responded, grinning in triumph, almost sadistically. "Between you and your little birds, I've dealt with thirteen orgasms today, and now that's going to be your unlucky number."

Venus' eyes widened in horror as she continued to moan. "Noooo not that many! Mercyyyy! Ahhhh!"


As Linae neared the edge of the forest a few hours later, once again dressed, with her new treasures from Venus safely away in her pack, she couldn't stop smiling - somehow she knew that even if she'd wanted to, she'd never quite get rid of that image of the unfortunate plant woman's tenth orgasm; standing on the grass, bent over her own flower with the sac open, begging for mercy with Linae's left hand on her hair, her front half being dunked into the aphrodisiac nectar at intervals, Linae's right hand alternating back and forth with spanks to her ass, as one of her own tree vine tentacles hanging down rapidly slide in and out of her own pussy.

The mystical girl paused to check her bag to make sure everything was in place. She'd marked Venus location on her map, both as a warning and as a reminder should she ever feel like visiting the woman again; it wasn't every day you found a reasonably civil creature of humanoid shape and intelligence. She'd received three treasures from the woman as well. One, a stoppered bottle of Venus' aphrodisiac nectar. Another, from a chest of findings, she'd taken a pair of armored golden gauntlets that had apparently been magically runed to be unbreakable, or so it sounded from Venus' descriptions of her own attempts to dissolve or destroy them (by rule, most creatures detested keeping human-intended armor or weapons). Thirdly, ("Because you defeated me so thoroughly that I'll never forget it for as long as I bloom") Linae had received the green emerald pendant she now wore around her neck. Crafted by Venus herself out of a jewel from the chest and some sort of special natural magic, the pendant was shaped like a blossom would appear if seen from above, and specially enchanted.

"When you feel weary, kiss the pendant, and you'll receive a little of nature's glory, as a flower is fed by the sun." Venus had said.

The forest was giving way to a vast grassy plain, and Linae checked her map again. The shoreline wouldn't be far, and east from there was the town. Shouldering her pack and gripping her spear, she set off again on her journey.
Re: MYSTIC GIRL - The Novelization

WOOT <3 you:D