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Natalie (Tassadar)

Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

"Wha...?" Natalie says, just before she collapses, and her contractions begin. While it wasn't nearly as painful as she'd expected it to be, it was still far from pleasant, and once she finishes giving birth, she just barely manages to keep from screaming at the sight of her offspring. After a moment, she stands up, and looks down at her.... Offspring. Were all of the creatures in this place just larger versions of this one? Would it grow into something larger? "Can you understand me?" She says, looking down at the creature she'd just given birth to. For the moment, she doesn't move from where she was.

(Works for me. No movement.)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

The baby imp nods at Natalie's question, then gently reaches out to take her hand. It looks trustingly up at her, obviously waiting for her to tell it what to do.

Unfortunately, the tender moment is interrupted by the "father" imp, who takes advantage of Natalie's distraction to tackle her again, once more stuffing his tiny dick in her cunt, spewing a load before she can even catch her breath.

(I'm thinking that for the computer version, there'll be walk animations, attack animations... and rape animations. So it won't be quite as visibly "quick" as it's happening here. :p)

Character Stats
  • Natalie: Corruption 10/100, Pregnant: 1 turn

Characters To Move
  • Natalie
  • Imp
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

"Gah!" Natalie says, as the vile imp tackles her and fills her with another load of its cum. The moment with her strange child taken from her just as it had begun, she quietly says; "I wish he'd stop doing that. It's not like he's any good at it....." then, suddenly, the young imp rushes past her, and she is forced to roll aside, as her child goes after its own father with its claws.

(Natalie moves up 1, Imp moves up 1 and attacks the other imp.)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

(Grumble grumble... I think that I'll have the player decide which way the baby pops out. For now I've just been randomizing.)

The young imp's attack catches the father by surprise, and he jitters around for a minute, avoiding the youngster's claws, before getting some distance between the two and glaring at Natalie as if it's all her fault.

Meanwhile, Natalie fails to find her feet after rolling away. The reason? Another baby imp pops out of her all-too-fertile womb, this one snuggling up to its mother as if it hasn't a care in the world.

(More brainstorming. Males random-move the turn after they rape, irregardless of what happens to them between the rape and their move. Enemies will prioritize the heroine over the heroine's minions, whether they can sire a child or not. What do you think?)

Character Stats
  • Natalie: Corruption 10/100
  • Enemy Imp: HP 3/5

Characters To Move
  • Natalie
  • Imp 1 (below Natalie)
  • Imp 2 (left of Natalie)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

As the second of her imp children begins snuggling up with her, Natalie scowls over at the father imp, a plan forming in her mind. Then, she grumbles; "Go get him!" And points toward the father imp, her glare matching his almost perfectly.

(Both ideas sound good to me. It should keep form getting repeatedly raped by any one demon, at the very least. Also, can minions be perma-killed in combat? Only actions is to order both imps to attack their father. And just randomizing it seems to be working fine so far.)

(Edit: Imp 1 move right, right, up, and then attack. Imp 2 move down, right, right, and then attack.)
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Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

(Well, kinda... it turns the situation into "rape, random-move, rape, random-move"... and I'm worried about how to work bosses in (they don't move). Bosses might end up slapping minions around instead of random-not-moving. Though using the heroine as bait probably wouldn't be a good idea late-game (the tentacle boss does 20 Corruption, and the succubus boss 30, as currently designed).

(Minions CAN be perma-killed in combat, just like enemy demons. Probably not "actually killed", but functionally similar, e.g. they hide underground, or teleport out of the cavern as with the imps here.)

The older imp eagerly makes room for its younger sibling, darting around their father. He, in turn, lets out a yelp as they claw at him, and then he vanishes in a puff of glowing smoke. The twosome poke at the ground where he'd stood, then look up at Natalie, matching grins of satisfaction on their faces.

Character Stats
  • Natalie: Corruption 10/100

Characters To Move
  • Natalie
  • Imp 1 (rightmost)
  • Imp 2 (bottommost)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Natalie smiles as her two "children" not only obey her commands, but do a very good job of it. They had killed, or at least defeated, the other imp with little trouble. Hopefully they would do just as well against the larger one. That in mind, Natalie knew that she had to get them into position so that they could attack it together. Smiling at the little creatures, she says; "Good work boys! Now, lets go get the other one. If you do good, I'll be sure to give both of you a nice treat!"

(Natalie moves left 1. Imp 2 moves left, down, down. Imp 1 moves left, left, down.)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

The two youngsters happily obey their mother, trotting wide around the boss imp while he crouches protectively over his food. Unfortunately, the industrious imp from earlier chooses this moment to come back, spotting the youngest child as he walks up. He lets out a spate of high-pitched chatter, at which the youngest looks nervously back at Natalie.

Character Stats
  • Natalie: Corruption 10/100

Characters To Move
  • Natalie
  • Imp 1 (upper)
  • Imp 2 (lower)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Her children having been spotted, Natalie holds her ground and quietly says; "Well, what are you looking at me for? Wait for him to come to you. If he hurts you, squish him!" The imps, still hesitant, move into position around the rock, so that if the other imp comes near, they can attack.

(Imp 2 goes right, down, Imp 1 goes down down. Natalie stays where she is. Is it possible to hold an attack? What about healing injured minions?)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

(Is it possible to hold an attack? What about healing injured minions?)
(You can't delay an attack, whether to use it as a counter or as an ambush. Minions only heal between levels, although they do heal in full during that time.)

The youngsters' nervous shuffling doesn't seem to deter the older imp. He does look surprised when he notices the second child, but strides up between them nonetheless. Another spate of imp-chatter, obviously trying to boss them around, has both looking sidelong at Natalie, but when they don't respond to him, the imp cuffs the youngest on the head, leaving him yelping, wincing, and rubbing his head.

Character Stats
  • Natalie: Corruption 10/100
  • Imp 2: 3 HP

Characters To Move
  • Natalie
  • Imp 1 (upper)
  • Imp 2 (lower)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

"Well, don't just stand there! Fight back!" Natalie says, indicating for her children to attack the imp that had just attacked one of them.

(Imps attack!)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

At Natalie's urging, the orderly group of imps dissolves into a mess of scuffling and high-pitched yelps. When they break apart to take a breather, she sees that the hostile imp is limping badly - but so is her youngest. She hears the boss imp let out a snicker from his seat.

Character Stats
  • Natalie: Corruption 10/100
  • Imp 2: 1 HP
  • Enemy Imp: 1 HP

Characters To Move
  • Natalie
  • Imp 1 (upper)
  • Imp 2 (lower)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

"Keep at it! You can do it!" Natalie says, urging on her imps. The one might be injured, but she was sure that it could still fight.

(Can things only attack in a straight line, or in diagonals? Imps attack again!)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

(Things can attack within their range. Range is determined orthogonally - so, for example, a unit with a range of 2 can attack something that is two squares up, or one square up plus one square right.)

The two imps jump back on the older one. His surprised and pained expression vanishes under a flurry of wings and claws, and the next thing visible is a puff of multicoloured smoke rising from the melee.

Natalie's older child puts his hands on his hips and grins at her in triumph. Her younger one sits back and cries, the bumps on his head and stomach turning to bruises.

Meanwhile, the boss imp leans back and cackles, obviously amused at seeing other imps beating on one another.

Character Stats
  • Natalie: Corruption 10/100
  • Imp 2: 1 HP

Characters To Move
  • Natalie
  • Imp 1 (upper)
  • Imp 2 (lower)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Natalie smiles as the evil imp disappears, and beckons her "children" over to her. She had promised them a reward, after all. Once they got near, she'd give them their well earned reward.

(Imp 1 up, up, left, attack Natalie. Imp 2 left, up , up.)
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Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

The boss imp, done with his moment of humour, eyes Natalie's children suspiciously as they move past him once more.

The elder imp practically leaps into Natalie's lap, and at her cooed reassurance, puts careful hands on her breasts. "Fleshy..." he marvels, as he rubs them, his penis nudging her stomach every time he shifts his weight. She lays back and spreads her legs, and he takes the invitation and inserts himself.

Just like his father, though, he's a poor lay. Scarcely seconds pass before the imp orgasms, depositing a tiny amount of seed with his tiny penis, then laying back with a dazed grin on his face.

Natalie's youngest, seeing his brother's reward, limps forwards determinedly.

Character Stats
  • Natalie: Corruption 10/100, Pregnant: 1 turn
  • Imp 2: 1 HP

Characters To Move
  • Natalie
  • Imp 2 (lower)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Natalie only sighs, disappointed but not honestly surprised, and lays back, waiting. The first of her imp children having already gotten his reward, Natalie holds her hand up as the second imp comes closer, wanting it to wait for her to recover before it got its reward. She felt a little bad at that, but she knew that the little creature could wait.

(Natalie moves right, right. Imp 2 moves up, right. Imp 1 hopefully doesn't get himself killed.)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Almost drooling in delight, the oldest imp-child follows Natalie, ending up beside her as her contractions start. Likewise, the injured one stays with her, looking at her with a hint of worry in its eyes. Whether it's actual compassion or merely wondering when he'll get his reward is impossible to judge, as it's at that moment that Natalie's most recent child enters the world.

(Luckily for him, he rolled to follow Natalie. He also rolled to walk into the wall afterwards, but I didn't feel like writing that in.)

Character Stats
  • Natalie: Corruption 10/100
  • Imp 2: 1 HP

Characters To Move
  • Natalie
  • Imp 1 (left)
  • Imp 2 (bottom)
  • Imp 3 (right)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)


Having finished giving birth, Natalie turns her gaze to her injured child and smiles, beckoning it forward for its reward. Her newest addition and her oldest begin getting into position to attack the fat imp.

(Imp 2 attacks Natalie. Imp 3 moves down, down, down. Imp 1 moves down, down, left.)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

At Natalie's inviting gesture, the imp steps forwards and starts feeling her up. Unlike his brother, however, he's slow and gentle, as apparently moving too quickly makes his muscles hurt.

He's still far too quick on the trigger for Natalie to be satisfied, though. And his joyfully woozy wobble backwards isn't promising, either.

Character Stats
  • Natalie: Corruption 10/100, Pregnant: 1 turn
  • Imp 2: 1 HP

Characters To Move
  • Natalie
  • Imp 1 (left)
  • Imp 3 (right)
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