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Natalie (Tassadar)


Nov 12, 2008
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(If you were a "sparkly" vampire, I don't think I'd let you play ^.^)

Natalie looks around the dusty entrance chamber. Why she was here she did not know. Who placed her here, she did. A long time rival and self-proclaimed vampire hunter named Arthanius had finally gotten the drop on her. Sure, she knew he had been hunting her for years, but his almost comical attempts at capture left something to be desired. Up to this point, Natalie merely saw him as a mild inconvenience, but this time he has gone to far. Dropping her off in this God-forsaken cult's temple did nothing but make her hatred for Arthanius grow stronger.

"Perhaps they will have some use for you. Maybe the rumors are true. Maybe you will be a sacrifice to their dark gods evil woman," he told the bound and gagged Natalie only hours before. He then cast her into this entrance chamber, sealing the doorway in the roof behind him as he left. It took all of her strength to free herself from her bonds, but now that she had, she took in her surroundings.

There was no way she could climb out the way she came. Even if she could get to the roof, the door looked sealed. She would have to find another way out. There was a grand hallway right in front of her, along with two smaller hallways to her left and right.

Actions: Pick a hallway (Grand, left, right)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

This was the last straw. He might have been amusing to toy with every once in a while, but that damned hunter had inconvenienced her for the last time. Once she got out of here, she was going to skin him, drain him, and bash in his skull for good measure.

Still, it was best to keep things in perspective. She had to get out of this void-cursed temple first. That in mind, Natalie climbed to her feet, stretching briefly before brushing some of her black silky hair out of her crimson eyes, and finally started off down the main hallway.

(Grand hall.)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Cursing the hunter and counting the ways she would deal with him when she escaped, she gazed down the grand hallway with interest. There were pillars on either side of the hall, leading to a large, gilded doorway. The ornate door intrigued her. Sweeping her hair from her eyes, she made her way toward the doorway.

When Natalie reached the door, she found it remarkably easy to open. She took in the elaborate carvings both in the door and it's frame. While she couldn't decipher them, she was pretty sure they were a language of some sort. She ran her hands over the inscriptions, slightly jealous that the gold was so well inlaid. She would have loved to take a sample - for posterity's sake.

She entered the room. Almost immediately, the door slammed shut behind her. Before she could react, mechanical echoing could be heard within the massive doorway. Clearly it was some sort of locking system. Sighing, she scanned the room looking for any clues about this place. She spied a large archway in the middle of the room. The oddity was that it was not supporting anything. Natalie did notice that the archway did have the same type of symbols on it's legs.

When she approached, a large, bright portal formed within the archway. Staring into the portal, Natalie jumped when a red demon about 7 feet tall barreled out of it. He was humanoid, naked, and from what Natalie could see, was very aroused. "Hello there child of my servants," he rumbled, Natalie feeling his voice as much as hearing it. "I see they have brought me a new vessel for my spawn. How would you receive it?" He asked, almost proudly.

Taken aback momentarily from the situation before her, Natalie assesses her options. The demon is clearly horny, and she could try to satisfy him, but his member is larger than anything Natalie has seen before and she could risk demon impregnation. Alternatively, she could just attack him, channeling her current hate of Arthanius into a powerful blow. She is just about to act when she notices a slightly ajar door to her north. Perhaps she could make it there, assuming this demon is not too quick on his feet.

Actions: Sex him up (CON Check), Fight (STR check), Flee to the door (AGI Check)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Natalie is visibly taken aback by the demons boldness, but his utter forwardness, along with the power of his voice, brought a slight flush to her pale cheeks. She was used to much more subtle coercion when someone wanted into her panties, so when the demon showed up, erection waving in her face as he asked how she wanted it, she didn't know how to react. Her mouth hung slightly open for a moment, her crimson eyes wide, before the surge of lust brought on by the demons advances made her decision for her. Her instinctive subservience to demons, as well as her own private fantasies about them and the fact that she hadn't gotten laid in almost a year made her easy prey.

"However would please you most to bestow it upon me.... My lord." She said, in a quiet and humble voice that she was surprised had come from her mouth. She quickly walked toward the demon, her hips swaying like a whores, until she stood before him. Then, she lowered herself to her knees, though she really didn't need to drop far to get where she intended to be: her face level with his manhood. She licked her lips quickly before wrapping them around the tip of his cock, worshiping the demon like one of its slaves despite her own formidable power. One of her hands strayed beneath her skirt, rubbing against her swiftly moistening slit through her underwear, while she sucks on the head of his cock.

After teasing him for a few moments, however, Natalie would force her head further down onto his cock, going all the way down until her face was pressed against his crotch. Then, she pulled back until only the tip remained in her mouth, before forcing herself back down again, filling her throat with his length while her skilled tongue rubbed up against the sensitive underside. There were benefits to not having to breath, after all. She would continue deep throating the demon until either she received her reward in the form of a hot sticky load, or until he commanded her to stop. If he did, the vampiress would immediately comply with the demons wishes, whatever they might be. Any inhibitions she might have about the demons seed taking root inside of her were instantly overpowered by her lust.

(Sex him up.)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

(LUK 12+2=14 vs. 27; Luke fails)
(CON 5+15=20 vs. 28; CON fails! LF: 34-8=26)

After a few moments of teasing, Natalie went right for the money shot, literally. Working over his shaft voraciously, she could feel his heat inside of her. Not just her mouth, but throughout her entire body. It was intoxicating. So intoxicating that she did not immediately hear his commands to cease. She felt his seed burst into her mouth. Trying her best to contain the flood let loose down her throat, she was unable to consume all of it. He pulled out and sprayed her face and stained her thin shirt. She looked up into his eyes, eager to have please such a mighty, unholy being. "Little whore, you have done well, but you did not follow my commands!" His voice bellowed through the chamber. "Get on your hands and knees, NOW!" He then commanded; Natalie eagerly complied.

He circled her several times looking over her. She followed with her eyes at first, but was punished with a swift smack on her ass. "Do not move. I have not commanded it. You do not listen well." At that Natalie lowered her head, staring at the ground. What seemed like an eternity to her passed before she felt a sharp tuck around her waist, a resounding RIIIIIPP! accompanying it. The demon had ripped her panties off. Before she had the opportunity to react, the demon had buried himself in Natalie's womanhood. Even after blowing him, she was not expecting the size to be as large as it was. The demon quickly pumped away, not allowing her a release before he filled her. He grabbed her shoulder and roughly rolled her over. "Thank you for your vessel Whore. My spawn will appreciate such a willing host when they mature." With that he stepped back into the portal, it closing behind him.

Natalie takes a minute to collect herself before walking sorely through the next doorway. She finds a flooded room. The water is flowing swiftly, but not impossible to swim. Her other choice is to leap from several rocks that jut out of the flowing water.

Debuff: Seeded! -1AGI, -1STA 3 turns (results in a LF of 25)
Actions: Swim (STR + Wet [-1AGI for 2 encounters]) Jump from rock to rock (AGI)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Natalie accepts the demons treatment, quickly trying to obey his orders once punished. When he finally pushed his member into her, she screamed in pleasure, very nearly cumming right then and there, but afterwords she bites down on her tongue, containing her moans as best she can while fighting her orgasm as hard as she could until the demon gave her permission or her will broke. When he finished with her, and disappeared back through the portal, she remained on the floor, her ass raised while cum leaked out of her pussy, for a few minutes, recuperating before she headed onwards.

When confronted with a body of water to cross, Natalie gave an irritated grumble, knowing that if she so much as touched running water it would burn her skin. It wouldn't be severe, but it wasn't something she wanted to deal with, especially after her encounter with the demon. Her anger was back, now directed as much at herself for having given in so meekly as it was at the vampire hunter that had sent her here. Her anger at the forefront of her thoughts, she started leaping from stone to stone across the flooded room, keeping herself out of the water as much as possible. It was unrealistic to try and avoid touching the water entirely of course, unless she wanted to waste the energy to shape-shift and fly over as a bat or somesuch, so she instead concentrated on keeping from falling into the water. Something like this would normally have required little effort from her, but she hadn't exactly been having the most stellar luck lately.

(Jump from rock to rock. Also, ouch.)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

(Yeah, that one hit hard :-/)
(LUK 11+2=13 vs. 23; Luck fails)
(AGI 15+13=28 vs. 23; AGI passes)

Natalie leaped to the first rock, still sore about her situation and her hit list growing my the second. This lack of focus almost ended in disaster. She hit the first rock more than landing on it, nearly sending her into the rushing water below. She was able to recover at the last moment, however, and climbed back on top of the rock. From this point she sees the doorway much clearer now and plans her route. The next few leaps were uneventful. She landed in front of the doorway, pleasantly surprised that the rocks were not as wet as she had feared. A few minor burns never hurt anybody.

She is confused by her next challenge. She stood in a narrow hallway and she could clearly see the doorway on the other side. The trick was that there were a massive amount of vines tangled between her and her exit. What unnerved Natalie was that the mass appeared to be moving. Either the vines were alive, or there was something lurking in them. There did not appear to be any clear path through.

Natalie has two options. She can dash through, hoping that they break without too much trouble. This will take less time, in case there is something more sinister inside. She could also use sheer strength to tear a path through, but this will take longer.

Debuff: Seeded! -1AGI, -1STA 2 turns (results in a LF of 25)
Actions: Dash through (STA), Tear through (STR)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Natalie examines the moving plants for a few moments, waiting until she could find the way through that would provide the least resistance. She didn't want to waste the time tearing the vines apart, especially since she wasn't sure if it was something within the vines, or the vines themselves that were moving. Still, her lack of body heat and breathing might give her some assistance with remaining hidden, or so she thought. So, when she found a path that she liked, or grew frustrated, Natalie simply rushed through the vines, trying to keep from touching as many as possible.

(Dash through.)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

(Whoops... that was supposed to be AGI, not STA...)
(LUK 9+2=11 vs. 12; LUK Fails)
(STA 14+7=21 vs. 21; tie!)
(STA 9+7=16 vs. 16; tie!)
(STA 11+7=18 vs. 25; STA fails! LF: 25-7=18)

Natalie watched patiently for an opening that would appear to be large enough for her to dash through. An eternity seemed to pass by, as Natalie looked at the vines. Growing impatient, she settled for a significantly smaller opening. Her lack of judgment is apparent soon after she entered. She only made it about halfway before the vines closed down upon her. She could feel the rough vines rubbing all over her pale skin. She was intrigued that while the vines have thorns, they were not sharp. In fact they seemed to enhance the stimulation provided by the vines' rough surface. Still, she did not want to be in this position. The vines lifted the vampire legs first upward, causing her short skirt to flop downward. Her now exposed womanhood was easy prey for the vines' obvious intent. Plunging into her, she could feel the rough vine pump rhythmically to her swaying in the air.

The vines continue their assault, adding a massaging to her ass. She was convinced that the vine would force its way in her hole there as well, but nothing came. instead a vine ran through her neck hole on her shirt and easily ripped the thin, see-through shirt she wore. Within moments its tattered pieces fluttered to the ground. The rough vines then set to work massaging her breasts. The dull thorns rubbing over Natalie's fast hardening nipples. Even though her bra, she could feel them painfully aroused. She came.

When she came back to her senses for a brief moment, she could feel several vines titty fucking themselves while a vine continued to pound away inside her. As she came again, she began to feel her juices drip from her waist down over her stomach. After several more climaxes, Natalie passed out. Once she came to, she examined her tattered shirt. On top of that, her stockings were torn, no doubt from the vines' assault. After collecting herself, she walked through the door toward her next encounter.

Entering the next room, she saw a large ogre sitting in the middle of the floor. While sitting, she could determine that he had to be at least 11 feet tall. Examining him, she tried to formulate a plan when he noticed her. He immediately grinned and said, "Me like human women. Come make fun time! Ha ha ha ha!"

Natalie has three options. She can attempt to fight hi outright. She notices several clubs lying thought the room. She doesn't know if there are more ogres, but they could be useful. Secondly, she could simply fuck him and hope that satisfies him. Finally, she surmises that he is far too large to fit through the door. if she can make it there, she should be safe.

Debuff: Seeded! -1AGI, -1STA 1 turns (results in a LF of 18)
Actions: Fight (STR), fuck (CON), flee(STA)
Last edited:
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Natalie doesn't make a sound as the vines grab her and flip her upside down, leaving her pussy and ass exposed. What they plan on doing to her is abundantly clear, and rather than try and resist, she spreads her legs and mutters; "Just do it-.... Uhhhh!!" But is cut off mid sentence when the first vine thrusts into her pussy, her voice becoming a scream of pleasure. Her hips buck up into the vines thrusts, the thorns rubbing against her g-spot and clitoris with every thrust into her opening, and the ones rubbing against her ass and breasts only cause her to get closer and closer to a mind-blowing orgasm. When she finally did burst, her juices sprayed out of her in all directions, and her pale body twisted and writhed in the plants grasp.

When the vines kept up their assault on her, rubbing against her now rock hard and incredibly sensitive nipples, the horny vampire happily surrendered to them, cumming on them again and again even though they'd just destroyed her favorite shirt. It would likely have been ruined anyway, with all of the love juices that were slowly spreading up her body from her crotch, where the vine was pounding into her womanhood. Eventually, after what seemed like hours, her mind simply couldn't take the stimulation any more, and Natalie blacked out after one final explosive orgasm. When she awoke to find herself out o the vines grasp, she sighed in disappointment, half at herself for having given in again, and half that she wasn't still getting fucked by that vine. She'd have to remember to inquire about getting some for herself later, once she got out of the temple.

Moving on, Natalie looked down at her destroyed outfit as she was about to leave the room, and simply tore the rest of it off except for her skirt. It was all practically ruined anyway, and it wasn't like she cared much for the idea of modesty. So, when she proceeded into the next room, her full breasts swaying with every step while her skirt barely hid her pussy and ass, and was presented with the ogres vulgar suggestion, Natalie only sighed. So far, almost everything she'd encountered in the temple had wanted to (and succeeded at whether she liked it or not,) fuck her until she was senseless. So, why not try and enjoy it? It's not like she could get fucked to death, after all, and she hadn't gotten laid this often, or this well, in a long time.

So, instead of attacking the vile beast, or trying to flee, Natalie calmly strolled forward, looking up into the ogres eyes, and said, in a commanding tone; "If you want to have fun time, then be a good boy and lie down for me." As she spoke while looking into the ogres eyes, she began to dominate his mind. For a creature like him, it shouldn't be particularly hard, especially since she was doing more or less what he wanted. Once he complied, she took her mouth to him just like she'd done to the demon earlier, though now she was in total control, keeping a firm hold on the ogres mind while she sucked him dry.

(Con check. Also, what does the 2 turns on Seeded! mean?)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

(Number of turns until the debuff expires. It should have read 1 turn last time)
(Debuff: Seeded! expires; resulting in a LF of 19)
(LUK 14+2=16 vs. 36; LUK fails)
(CON 15+14=29 vs. 33; CON fails! LF: 19-4=15)

Ogres are simple minded brutes. Easily controlled by Natalie, the Ogre sat down with little fuss. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! Pwetty human come have fun time with me!" He said as Natalie approached, nearly naked. He quickly complied with her and lied down on his back. As Natalie began her work on his shaft he said "Ooh, you have pointy like teeth! You vampire lady! Me feel good." Natalie expertly sucked the monster off, running her tongue along up and his member. After only a few moments, he let out a monstrous groan as he exploded all down her throat and all over her face. "Me enjoy; now me friends get some!" the Oger half asked and half told. This took Natalie by surprise, and she lost focus over the ogre's mind for just a moment, but that moment was all he needed.

"GROB! FRAL! HARC! We have special guest! She a Vampire-type lady, and she good!" He yelled. Natalie spun around, looking for his co-patriots. As they step out of the shadows, she could see their perverted smiles. Controlling one of these simpletons was an easy task for Natalie, but required complete focus. How was she going to control four? The first approached Natalie, followed quickly by the other two. She did her best to keep their simple minds at bay, but before too long, the original Ogre had grabbed her by her dark hair and pulled her on top of him, her back laying uncomfortably on his chest. She felt as one began to plow into her and she let out a moan. Her open mouth was quickly filled by another's cock. Luckily, or not, Ogres have a surprisingly low sexual stamina for their size, and each was quickly finished, blowing their load all over her body. As a parting givt, however, the first Ogre grabbed Natalie by the shoulders and lifted her back onto his cock. She couldn't resist his massive strength even is she wanted to, and she could feel herself fill from the ogre's blast. Spent, the Ogres quickly sat down into an almost catatonic state. Natalie, covered in ogre jizz, dismounted and headed for the door.

Entering the next room, She saw an elderly man in robes standing next to an alter. As she approached, he turned to her and said "Little demon, I see you have partaken in several of our... offerings. That is a mark of a good whore: we need good demon whores for our ceremony. Please, this way to the offering table." he motioned to the alter in the center of the room.

Once again, Natalie is posed with three choices. She can attack the old man, defeating him shouldn't be too difficult. Secondly, she could seduce this man of the cloth, he probably has not gotten any in quite some time, though Natalie does feel rather sore from her previous endeavors. Finally she could try to reason/intimidate him. After all, she IS a demon...

Actions: Attack (STR) Seduce (CON) Reason/Intimidate (INT)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Natalie smiled as she spotted the priest, slowly approaching him as he delivered his little speech. She didn't pay any attention to what he said, her eyes sighted on his neck. When she got close enough, she simply pounced at him, her arms wrapping around him and pulling his head back with supernatural strength before she bit him on the neck. After she'd sunk her fangs into the priests neck, she intended to drink her fill, until the poor fool expired. She was tired after all of her previous encounters, and now that she'd finally found something worth eating, she fully intended to capitalize on the opportunity.

(My lame post is lame. Attack him. hopefully it won't go as poorly as all the Con checks.)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

(LUK 13+2=15 vs. 18; LUK fails)
(STR 12+14=26 vs. 18; STR succeeds!)

Natalie waited patiently for what seemed like forever for the old priest to make his move toward her. When he was finally within reach, she struck. With great speed and surprising strength given her previous "activities," she was able to subdue him. She bit down into his neck and sucked him dry. After getting her fill she smiled. Walking through the only door still open, she saw yet another odd sight.

Why would there be a waterfall in here? There was a small walkway that wound around the edge of the room but this path was wet. The door closing in behind her left her in an interesting position. There did not appear to be an exit. After pondering for a few moments her predicament, she concluded that there must be a door either behind the waterfall or, and she shuddered, under the water.

Given the layout of the room, Natalie can only see two choices, she can dive into the pool and search for an underwater passage, or she can slide along the wall on the ledge to see if there is something behind the waterfall. Either way, she risks getting very wet.

Actions: Search the pool of water (STA +wet[-2AGI for 3 turns]), Shimmy along the ledge to the waterfall (AGI +possible wet)

(Notes: the debuff for the pool is certain. The AGI debuff is based on your LUK. Also, if your test passes, that's where the doorway is, if it fails, it's the other choice. In other words, your choice doesn't matter in finding the door, the check does)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

"Damnit... more running water. Well.... Maybe not. Does this count? Lets find out... But I'd might as well start with the place that won't get me soaked first;" Natalie quietly muttered to herself. She felt much better after her meal, though she would have to rest if she wanted to regain any of her strength. She was still bare naked, so she had nothing on to protect herself, so she figured that she might as well just go to it. So, being as careful as she could, Natalie tried to shimmy along the edge of the room to get behind the waterfall. She knew that she couldn't help but get a little wet, but she tried to avoid as much of it as she could while she looked for a way out of this room.

(Shimmy along the edge.)