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Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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Deeper and deeper the tunnels of the abandoned Dolvehk Mines reach into the bedrock below the planet's surface. These mines date back hundreds to thousands of years, before the Dolvehk Quarantine was initiated. Wandering through one of the deepest tunnels of the mines was the lone human assassin named Liz. The air was getting musty and thin, and her copy of the map generated from the seismic scans was getting harder to read as her light source was about to go out. Fortunately, she was almost at her target destination. As she turned the corner, she pulls out the portable seismic scanner given to her by her employer. The scanner was good for analyzing small areas and determining how dense the scanned area is. Liz holds the scanner up to the nearby walls until she found the least dense area; This is where she would plant the explosives.

Liz carefully attaches the seismic explosives to the wall and ducks behind a pile of large rocks. At the count of three, she detonates the explosives, sending seismic pulses into deep into the wall, and through the hard carbonite shell of the Dolvehk Quarantine Sphere. The wall starts to cave in along with the surrounding mineshaft. This was Liz's chance to enter the biosphere to complete her mission. Liz avoids all the falling rocks caving in around her as she dove through the small hole carved out by the seismic explosives. She sticks the landing on the other side, not looking back to see the hole cave in behind her.

She stands up to survey her surroundings. She was in what appeared to be a large, wide sewer tunnel, and she was standing on a solid walkway spanning alongside the wall. In the center of the tunnel between each walkway was a strong surging current of raw sewage, the smell of which filled the air, mixed with the debris of the recently collapsed mineshaft. However, in no time at all, Liz could hear a a mechanical humming sound, characteristic to that of sentry/maintainence drones that are all too common in most developed civilizations throughout the galaxy. If one of them spots Liz, it could instantly raise the alarm and give away her position, making her mission significantly difficult. She could see searchlights shining down the tunnel from around the corner; the drones were closing in fast...
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

"Why is it I regret jobs AFTER I take them.." Liz mused as she moved farther into the labyrinthian network of tunnels and found her entry point. Retrieving her explosives and arranging the shape charge, she takes a step to the side and blows the wall open. Darting inside and onto what appears to be a maintenance walkway of a sewer tunnel. Taking stock of her surroundings and doing her best to cope with the smell Liz curses as she hears the hum of sentries, most likely drawn by her entry. She needed a place to hide, and fast. "O I am SOOO demanding a fucking raise for this" she fumes as she covers her mouth and nose and jumps into the sewage...

Seriously, I don't care how much the job pays, Sewage means a fatter paycheck :p
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

As Liz dives into the surging torrent of foul-smelling sewage, she is immediately carried away by the powerful current of sewage. She was carried far away from where she entered the biosphere at a very fast-rate; within seconds, she was out of sight of the collapsed entry point and fast approaching an unknown destination.

Not much was told to Liz about what she was to expect on her mission through the Dolvehk Quarantine Zone, but one thing was for certain, she was about to find out.

After a couple minutes, the pipe starts to slant downwards, the sewage rushing downwards with it. Liz could see that the carbonite walls were starting to appear more and more covered with pink, fleshy veins, growing on the walls like large roots. She could see that she was fast approaching a large, pink, fleshy maw in the distance, at the end of the tunnel. At the rate in which the sewage was carrying her down the tunnel, she would flow into the large, fleshy, tunnel in a matter of seconds. She needed to act NOW! On the wall beside the walkway lining the tunnel, just before the change in scenery, was a ladder, which appears to lead out of the tunnel. But how could she know which way was truely safe?
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

As the current quickly sucked her down the tunnel at a truly fantastic rate Liz noticed several things. First, My dear lord did it smell, Two, way too fast, and Three, What in gods name is that!?!? As she flew down the tunnel and the scenery started to change she just looked for somewhere to grab and haul her soggy ass out of the water, Right up until she saw... whatever the fuck that was. The second she caught a glimpse of the maw fast approaching she threw out her arm to grab the ladder and hopefully, safety...

Giant sucky eaty mouth thing... Ladder... I choose Ladder
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Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Just reaching out her arm towards the side was not enough; Liz's body was sucked into the gaping, fleshy tunnel. Everything grew darker as she got deeper. In no time at all, the tunnel forked, carrying her down one of the tunnels. After that, she ran into another forked tunnel and then another; after she was carried through the network of forked tunnels, Liz was completely disoriented. But the worst was yet to come. The flow of the sewage slowed dramatically, now carrying her down a narrow, dark, fleshy tunnel, almost like a slow, low-inclined waterslide. Lining the base of the tube were series' of fleshy orifices opening and closing at regular intervals, almost systematically, the exact amount of sewage pouring in each one every time. Suddenly, an orifice near Liz opens, sucking her in with a precise amout of liquid sewage. The water flowed in and spread out as it hit a squishy, swollen-looking mass of greenish-brown stained flesh, upon which, when Liz hit it, she bounced with the liquid sewage into a large pool of sewage, which was decorated with various pieces of large, solid trash and garbage. From the walls and ceiling dripped a green, corrosive, digestive acid.

It was at this moment, Liz was very thankful that her employer convinced her to undergo the complimentary surgery that reconstructed her entire body's DNA and cellular structure to be immune to acid. But, even though her eyes, skin, and organs were immune to acid, the same could not be said for Liz's clothing and equipment. However, this wasn't the most pressing concern at hand. From the walls protruded several, lorg, slimy tentacles to sift through the pool of sewage and garbage.
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

"Fuck... FFUUUCCCKK!!!!" Liz shouted as she was sucked into the "thing"... the hole and was whipped along at a tremendous pace through a series of tunnels turning this way and that. Long past the point of being lost the assassin flailed wildly as she was suddenly sucked into a small chamber and bounced rather ungracefully against the floor. The problem was compounded when a good chunk of her gear started to melt and long tendrils emerged from the walls to sift through what appeared to be large chunks of trash. Drawing both her weapons hoping they would hold out she moved to the center of the chamber and tried very hard to stay very still and not be noticed by the long prehensile limbs...
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

As Liz drew her weapons the tentacles sensed her and start to move towards her and blindly rub their acid-covered tendrils all over Liz and her weapons, periodically dipping into the pool of acid and garbage. How should she retaliate?
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

As the tendrils moved towards Liz and began to rub against her the assassin pointed her gun at the spongy pad in the center that had seemed to activate them in the first place and pulled the trigger, the round tearing into the soft fleshy mass as she brought her knife into play against any of the slimy things getting too friendly...
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

The entire dark, soft and squishy stomach-like room echoed with an earsplitting cry as the entire room jerked violently, sending Liz upwards, bouncing hard against the squishy ceiling and back down into the trash-filled pool of acid. By this point, everything she carried with her was disolved to ribbons, her soft skin glistening against the subtle glow of the green acid. Her weapons at this point were dissolved to the point where they no longer functioned properly. The tendrils start to advance towards Liz again, to finish the job.
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Liz hit the ceiling and then the ground, the violent upheaval expected but not prepared for. Cursing as the she tried to catch her breath, the assassin rammed her fist into the hole her gun had created and started tearing at the flesh, holding on tightly and causing as much damage as she could, hoping to stop whatever was coming...
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

The large organism in which she was in let out multiple cries, obviously raising the alarm that there was a problem. While Liz was clawing at the wound, the tentacles took this opportunity to wrap around each of Liz's ankles and drag her into the pool of acid, her upper body laying against the fleshy portion of the stomach as her legs lay submerged beneath the acid. At this point, more tentacles wrapped around each of Liz's wrists, holding them taut at an angle towards the ceiling behind her. Another tentacle wrapped around her waist to hold her body in place, keeping her securely laid on her back, away from the wound.
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Liz thrashed, trying to get away from the offending limbs pinning her but sincerely doubted her efforts would yield much fruit. The long lengths of muscle holding her down were ruthless and the abominable noise echoing through the chamber were giving her a headache. At least she wouldn't melt...
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

The tentacles coiled and curled all over Liz, some of them squeezing and gently milking her breasts. Some small, slender tentacles emerged from the acidic trashy goop and curled around in between each of Liz's luscious, yummy toes. The tentacles almost appeared to be tasting Liz as well as trying to disolve her. A large tentacle emerged from the goop, and slowly slinked up her legs and thighs, before looming over her pussy, dripping eagerly with a different, thick white liquid from its tip. Another similar tentacle decends from the ceiling, softly caressing Liz's cheek with it's thick mass, its tip leaving a trail of the white fluid on her face.
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Liz thrashed all the harder as her breasts were treated to the ministrations of her slimy new friends and her breathing deepened a little. Despite the situation she could feel warmth building slowly, Right up until her feet were tickled and she went berserk trying to get loose, laughing and pulling at her restraints. Regardless of the unusual circumstance when she caught a glimpse of one tendril looking to get too friendly and another started rubbing on her cheek she braced herself and tried to bite the one near her face...
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

The tentacle near her face plunged itself deep into her mouth, it's circumfrence too thick for her to bite down on as it gagged her. As Liz was preoccupied with that tentacle, the other tentacle stuffs its thick mass deep into her tight pussy, stretching it to its limit. More tentacles wrapped around eachof Liz's knees, spreading her legs wide apart, both of the large tentacles thrusting roughly inside her. At this point a third tentacle poked up above the surface of the acid and prodded at Liz's tight anus.

To make things worse, an orifice in the ceiling opened, from it flowing a vertical torrent of liquid and solid sewage, garbage, filth, and trash right ontop of Liz, leaving her covered in it.
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Liz let out a muffled shriek as her mouth was stuffed and the thick thing began thrusting. Not left to ponder this new annoyance long, the other lurking tendril stuffed her slit, causing her to cry out against the length in her mouth. Thankfully the slimy length had no problems with lubrication but gods they were thick. Her tunnel clenching with every thrust she was actually starting to enjoy herself right up until another prodded at her backdoor and she squeeked in indignation. She would force herself to relax as best she could except she was covered in garbage suddenly. thankfully the acid made short work of it but this would get tiresome if it continued for too long. At least she knew she was earning every bit of her pay...
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

The third tentacle forced itself into her colon and began thrusting. All of the equally thick tentacles throbbed as they thrusted and writhed inside her, violating her thoroughly. After a short amount of time, each tentacle exploded, and began to fill each of her holes with a sour, rancid-tasting white fluid. The tentacles released her once her stomach, bowels, and womb were flooded with the foul fluid. Even though she was freed by the tentacles, Liz found herself completely numb and unable to move. The disgusting fluid seemed to be poisoning her, causing her to become temporarily immobilized and bloated, her belly massive and round. Her helpless body starts to sink slowly into the acidic waste.
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Liz bucked and thrashed as she was invaded for a third time moaning into the thick length in her mouth, after a few minutes of such stimulating treatment she felt all three tendrils climax and fill her, causing her to arch powerfully against her captor as she came, crying out muffledly as the disgusting substance was forced down her throat, and filled her elsewhere. As she felt herself growing numb and distant she realized the problem and absentmindedly pondered the situation. too weak to move as she sank...
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

There was a loud gurgling sound and the acid level started to lower, and get sucked down into a small, tight orifice, Liz along with it. As she was sqeezed down through the squishy, tight tube feet first, immense pressure was applied to her bloated belly, causing almost all of the white fluid to flow out all of her holes. She was sucked down deeper and deeper into the bowels of the creature. Eventually, she plopped out the other end onto a pink, fleshy net, through which all of the liquid waste flowed through.

Liz laid there limply on the fleshy net covering the deep, dark hole, waiting for what happened next.
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Liz could do nothing as the fluid drained and she was slowly sucked down a tight dark hole, the fleshy walls contracting and forcing her limp body through and out. Landing on what felt like a net she could do nothing but either wait until she was discovered, or until the drug wore off. Either way, she would be here for awhile...