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New horizons, A fairy's journey

Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

I'll vote later, but for now: What's Ivy's current condition (HP, EN, etc.)?
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

Ivy 6/10 hp left arousal 3 points and 3/5 EN left, most of that last paragraph was to make it more cinematic than 'she wriggles free after a round of pinning'.
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Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

Any last minute votes? I figure I should ask as there is only one vote on a boss encounter.

should there be a draw I'll try and blend them in the most logical way.
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

Oh, right, I forgot to vote.

Well, I was hesitating between fleeing to use Ranged combat, and fleeing to use Ice Daggers from a safe distance, so... let's go with A.

Sorry, I am still not over my writer's block and that makes it hard to come up with anything better than the above.
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

I've added Ivy's bio to the first post so it is easily accessible.

Ivy bolts away from the man, snatching up her bow and twisting to fire as she takes off only to get shot in the hand by a seed causing her shot to go wide, leave her open for the man for throw himself on top of her again. Realizing she is agile and evasive the man opens this time by binding her arms with his vines before he starts to grope and rub her body in the places it is exposed.

"No... S..stop it.." ivy squeaks as her body begins to betray her and enjoy the feeling while ivy squirms and wriggles the man pulls he dress up above her head exposing her body to the world.
As she kicks, squirms and pulls away from him vines begin to wrap around her legs holding them in place letting the man continue probing and investigating her small body, pinching her nipples, and rubbing his fingers against her slit, causing her to make an adorable squeak as she does. Affirming their grip the vines slowly draw her legs apart as he leans over Ivy and begins licking her body, starting with her chest and working down to her navel.
"Please stop..." she pleased, but it falls of deaf ears as when he stops he opens the front of his trousers exposing his already erect member.

"What are you...?" Ivy trails off as he traces her entrance and begins trying to slide into her, failing to do so due to a combination of her resistance, her small body and her tight unsoiled vagina.

Gotta think quickly:
1) Grit her teeth and try to pull free with one last ditch effort to wriggle free
2) Try and stab him with a dagger. (slight penalty)
3) Cast a spell (choose, penalty to casting again.)
4) A cunning plan (player suggestion)

She only got out of it so far with her bonus for being a virgin. Very close, the question now is if she will last out her first real adventurer pure.
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

So, despite how iunjured the guy is he is fast and accurate... talk about overpowered...
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

She fumbled is why, also both parties are wounded.

That said I haven't implemented a system for penalties for lower HP, trying to keep it simpler than last time.
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

I don't think she's strong enough to wriggle free or successfully use her dagger... so I'll go with a spell though I'm not sure which one.
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

Okay, I've made a point of figuring out how every option will end up ahead of time and as I seem to have annoyed Moonblack I feel I should Clarify.

There is always a way out, always, it just might not be apparent.
Stabbing him while her was down for example is not her usual style but would have worked.

so rather than me randomise a spell which I'm sure non of us would find satisfying I'll reopen the vote.

1) wriggle free
2) risk it and stab him in the neck, doesn't try to escape, goes for the finisher
3) Cast...
i) Frost fall, aoe that might slow him enough to escape if casting isn't interrupted
ii) Icicle daggers, as 2 except harder hitting if the spell isn't interrupted
4) players choice
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

Sorry, I just don't see a good choice here.

Try to wriggle free? Highly unlikely to work - everything seems against Ivy.
Try and stab him? Again highly unlikely to work, considering the situation (the guy made sure to bind her arms with his vines).
Cast Frost fall? It's centered on her, and the guy is right on top of her, so the effect will be limited at best. Besides, Ivy already fumbled that spell once before (when fighting the wolf) - not exactly confidence-inspiring...
Cast Ice Dagger? Same issue as using the regular dagger, with the added "bonus" of possibly fumbling the spell.

Then again, there was no reason to think that trying to stab him while he was down would work (why willingly get closer and in range of his vines instead of finishing him off from a safe distance?), yet that turns out to have been the best choice.

I just don't see a good choice here, and I don't like shooting in the dark, so I'm not going to vote, sorry. Hopefully MrMe's guess is correct.
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

Gritting her teeth Ivy tries to free her arms from the vines, luckily for her his seems to have loosened as he changed his focus, she pulls her wrist free forcibly with a small crunch, "Nothing to worry about" she thinks as she dismisses the pain, fairies heal quickly after all, realizing this the man move to stop her, but not fast enough, as he grabs at her arm she plunges it into his chin and into his brain.
The body spasms and writhes, the vines lashing in all directions before falling limp.

Ivy lies there a few moments and catches her breath before wriggling free, hr wrist already having stopped hurting. As she stands the gape maw begins to move and have vines sprout from the sides and root all going toward Ivy.
"Not again, what happened to this forest!" She yells exasperatedly as she moves back.
After a few moment the vines fall short and it stops moving for a few moments, Ivy grabs her bow and notches an arrow waiting to see what happens.
Black spikes shoot out from inside as an otherworldly shreak emanates from the plant before it falls limp, as it's maw slowly opens the various grabbing vines around the area begin to disintegrate.

From the maw stumbles Lily, naked as the day she was born and covered in green and while slime, dripping from her body.
"Ivy.. you came for me..." She smiles softly as she stumbles forwards.
"Lily!" Ivy rushes forwards to catch her before she falls over "Of course I came for you.."

"Thank you." She says rubbing Ivy's cheek before kissing it
"Wha?" Ivy reacts a little surprised but her only response is Lily moving down to lick her neck and moving a hand to between her legs and starting to rub.
"Lily what are you..?" Ivy moans as pleasure runs through her body, she scent on Lily, her own arousal, her body wants her to let lily do what she wants, but should she?

1) Be intimate with Lily
2) Not the time or place

In retrospect perhaps I should have used this arc later, grapple monsters have an edge against Ivy, I just wanted to make things more interesting for an opener than something mundane we have all seen a thousand times.

For clarities sake, spells will be cast automatically unless in duress, grapples for example.
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

2) Definitely not the time or place. Get back to the village, make sure Lily is alright (and not corrupted in some way), report what happened, and then (maybe) do something intimate with Lily
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

Sorry about the hold up, I had a total system crash and lost a lot of data on a lot of projects, turns out my back ups were less recent than I thought....
Kind of kills your motivation a bit....

So here's a somewhat shorter update than intended.

"Lily no!" Ivy pushes Lily back, "we have to get back home and safe, if we take too long the others will come looking and we need to tell them about the monster plants!"
Lily just sits their pouting, clearly not wanting to stop but knowing Ivy is right.
Ivy sets to covering herself back up, these weird monsters want to remove he clothing for some reason and if nothing else, having to remove it slows them down from whatever the purpose is. "We should cover you up too..." she looks around but all she finds is the ragged cloak the human had. "This will have to do" she says as she throws it over Lily's shoulders. "Lets head back and get you cleaned off."
"Fiiiine." Lily responses dispondantly

Ivy helps her friend up and looks around the area, the overgrowth is gone, their is no evidence of this event beyond a slowly disintegrating bulb and the remains of a human. but now is not the time to ponder, the pair slowly make their way back to the village.
Along the way they spy a few remains of animals with similar wounds to the wolves and human, causing them to ponder the cause, or rather Ivy ponders while Lily snuggles up to her and is distracting.

Because of the data crash I'll ask these now
Do they run into an encounter?
(No penalty either way, I'll spare the grapple monsters for now, should it be hostile, it's just for a potential complication.)
Does anyone actually explain sex to Ivy, I planned to ask this once they got back but well...
(Basicaly how oblivious she stays)
everything/just the basics/vague enough to misunderstand/nothing explained

I'll let people think on their choices while I work on the next story section.
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

Nice to see this continued.

No encounter on the way back.

Short answer: Yes, Lily does.
Long answer: After they get back and report to the elder about the strange corrupted animals (and human) Lily asks Ivy for help with something (such as picking a new dress), then once the two are in private she proceeds to explain sex to Ivy and attempts to seduce her.
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

Yeah I'd go with that.
Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

Man I felt like I was bashing my head against a brick wall to figure out how I wanted to write this.
Hopefully as several of my projects have gotten going I'm past the block.

Well a degree of explanation wasn't given so unless people object I'll leave enough holes for amusing misunderstandings and have things explained as they go.

The pair hurry back to their village, alert for more abberant monsters, but thankfully they don't even run into any regular ones, perhaps that was all that got into the protected forest.
At the enterance they find Misha standing vigilant, the second she hears the pair she turns to them and levels her strange metal wand and then lowers it upon seeing who it is.

"You both made it back, that's great news, the great one wanted you both to see her immediatly upon return, and me to seal the village up once you're in. Of course if it was just you Ivy I'd have left you outside" She teases.
"I'll remember that next tiem a bear tries to eat you." Ivy taunts back as they head inside, Lily still being very handsy which only earns a raised eyebrow from Misha who sets to work.

They pass through the village and the faries they see look very releaved to have Lily back home and safe, a few of them sniff the air curiously as the pair gets close but do not react with more than confusion.
Noone stops them o nthe way to the great one's grove, ivy upon seeing her turn as they enter speaks up immediatly.
"She is safe, I found her."
"Ah Ivy that is gre..." she covers her nose blushing slightly "Wow... I can spell the aphrodisiacs from here."
"Don't worry, Lily can explain, what happened?"
"Well....." Ivy explains in merticulous detail what happened out there and what happened to that human and those wolves, the way the vines disolved and how Lily is acting strangly, all while trying to hold her back from beign grabby during the conversation.

"This... bode ill...." the dryad says thile deep in thought. It takes a few minutes for her to speak up. "And nothing was left behind?"
"Not that I saw."

"I see, well I suggest two things, a bath should calm lilly down, but she is also likly tired to sleep is too advisable."
"I see, I'll let her rest and wipe her clean while she does then."
"You sure? Well prepare to be cuddled a lot then" The dryad says playfully
"I can live with that, come on Lily, lets get you to bed."
"M'Kay~" the fairy responds as Ivy takes her hand and leads her home."

I'm still concocting what happens within but a few choices are available.

Once things are done here, will Ivy
a) Head back out and see if there are any remains of note at the site, or
b) wait for further instructions
c) other?

Ivy has 4 exp available, I'm still working out costs,
Skills will probably have a cost equal to the rank, HP and EN will cost more as will spell and combat bonuses.
A character sheet is in the OP.

What skills do people want? New ones (what?) or improvements on existing ones?
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Re: New horizons, A fairy's journey

A couple of questions:
- Did you mean Lily or Ivy - the text above the choices says 'Lily'
- Can Ivy learn some sort of protective spell, for example Ice Armor (creates a protective shield around Ivy that lasts until she dismisses it or until it has taken a certain amount of damage)

I'll probably vote C) Other, but I need to think about it some more first.