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(New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
This thread is for new players to post and get introduced to the DnD Campaign without being haphazardly dumped into the laps of their comrades. It's also meant to gear players towards the most seamless integration into the party as possible. With that being said, our first contender is Eva(Theguy)!

Eva began her adventure with the parting words of her parents stating that the chain marked on her arm meant that she might one day be called upon to answer the call of the Chaos Dragon, an evil being sealed by her great grandparents long ago. With the coming of the predicted seal break, chains and ancient magic were inscribed into her arm, and so they said: "Even if Chaos touches you, this will protect her from taking over your soul, as well as others you share this chain with." they said.

Traveling the world, honing her skills, and taking on common adventurer tasks, Eva soon graduated from being a green adventurer. She met her fair share of odd creatures and bandits, nothing of legend or too much note, and allowed herself to become adept at doing more than the common guard. Though she was far from a knight yet. She went from town to town, acting on her whim, performing quests for coin and doing what she willed, until the very day her destiny revealed itself... In a quiet nameless town some miles away from the Capital city of the human kingdom...

She'd awake from her room at the local Inn to the sound of screaming and fire. Even after generations, human memory didn't fade. The most common scream outside was a deathly fearful outcry; "Chaos! It's Chaos! The dragon has revived!" cried a woman's voice. Soon, the building she was in was met with flames as red reptilian creatures spewed fire from their mouths, the flames appeared cursed, as if not just fire, but gifted with unholy magic. This left Eva with but one option, to leave quickly before she died inside. Either through the window for speed or down the stairs to avoid getting hurt, Eva emerged into the sight of a whole village in flames, under enemy attack. There, a familiar face made itself known to her. Among her many quests she was sent to deal with a band of gnolls causing havok, and she defeated their leader with a strike to the eye, presumably killing him. Somehow still alive, it's left eye was pure white in contrast to the blue eye that remained. Before she had time to react, he crossed swords with her and let out a howl. "ELF THING!" it cried, suddenly able to speak common.

It's maw near her face, he snarled at her amidst the chaos, guards overwhelmed, and not long after women in the streets being violated. He barred his teeth. "You got lucky, taking me eye, but the dragon gave me a second chance. Now, I'll 'ave YOUR ASS on a platter as I serve you to my god!" it howled before shoving her back such that they now stood at combat with one another. "Get her, boys!" it called out, as two lesser gnolls joined the fight!

The town seemed to be in a state of a losing battle. The guard stood no chance against overwhelming numbers. If Eva did not get past the gnoll quickly, she'd be caught in the tide and become among the first victims of Chaos.

: Fine
HP: 26
AC: 19


Gnoll One-Eye
Lesser Gnoll A
Lesser Gnoll B
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Ever since she was young, Eva was obsessed with the idea of exploring the world and meeting new people. She spent her days running around the town, playing adventurer with the other kids in town. The tales of her Grandparents and parents only served to grow her obsessions. As she grew up, she still couldn't shake this obsession of hers, and her parents noticed. They came to terms with the fact they wouldn't be able to keep Eva in the town, so they made her promise to train and prepare as much as possible before she reached adulthood, then she could leave.

As years went by, Eva reached adulthood. By now she was a strong warrior, well at least enough to defend herself, and was ready to set out with the protection of the ancient chains! Eva started to travel the world, meeting all sorts of new friends and enemies, taking missions and honing her skills as she went! Though her adventures couldn't be called grander than the common adventurers, she still had so much more to do, so much to experience before she could be called a true adventurer!

On the start of this new day, Eva was sleeping in her rented room. She had stopped in this Inn the night before to get a place to sleep. Her peaceful sleep interrupted by the sounds of screaming and fire burning! At first she didn't understand what was happening, but then the grogginess cleared, those were screams of fear and terror! People don't scream like that unless they think their about to die! Damn it, whats going on out there!? Eva thought as she jumped out of bed, and started to grab her gear! While she moved she heard the cries of a doomsday prophecy. The Dragon, what the hell?! Suddenly the Inn burst into flames around her, and they didn't seem like any normal flames! I'm not touching those! A tint of fear starting to creep into her voice as Eva burst into a run to get out of the Inn! Too much was happening, too fast!

Down the stairs and out the door, Eva ran into a sight she would not forget for a while. The entire village was in flames, filled with enemies! Before she could make a move, she spotted a gnoll that should be dead, and he spotted her! How is he still alive?! This was not how she wanted any of her days to start out! The gnoll she previously dealt with suddenly crossed swords with her! He seemed slightly mad at her for almost killing him. The gnoll snarled at her, baring its teeth while trying to intimidate her it seemed, but what really did scare her was what she could see behind the bastard. The guards were being overwhelmed, while women were dragged to the ground and violated!

W-well Ill just have to take you down once again! Eva said with a tremble in her voice. She needed to get past this gnoll fast, but it hurt her to leave the people of the town. The Inn keeper was a nice fellow, hopefully he would make it out of the village.

While Eva thought that, the gnolls charged her and Eva raised her shield! Twirling her sword, Eva gathered momentum to her blade before they reached her and released it all in a swing toward One-Eyed!

To Hit [ ]
Damage [ ]
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Eva makes a mighty twirl, and strikes one-eye harshly, striking a weak point in his armor! (9 damage to One-eye)

One-eye snarled at her, making a returning strike! (9, miss)
His two gnoll minions attacked as well! (22, hit=4dam, 17, miss)

Their strikes came swiftly, Eva quickly made sparks fly as she parried one-eye's blade with her shield, and with her blade she deflected the blade of a gnoll from the side. But with both arms distracted the remaining gnoll made a slash at her mid section, hitting flesh as she felt searing pain from the strike.

In her pain, the gnoll who struck her seemed to move with oddly cursed guided movements. Before she could even recover, she felt paws wrap around her mid section, and a gnoll cock press against her from behind as she felt a domineering force try to shove her down from behind. "Looks like the one going down is you!" One-eye howled. "Get ready to receive this warrior's cock!"

Sex Rules said:
When struck, heroes have a chance at being sexually assaulted as well! The DC is determined by the attackers roll to rape based off of either their Str or Dex and d20 at a disadvantage, with a cap based on their Challenge Rating. Failure to defeat this DC means your character is robbed of their next action as they are overpowered and being raped!

Losing 3 of these "Rape Checks" will cause your character to climax, taking massive trauma damage as well as normal damage followed by receiving the enemy's seed, risking pregnancy. If Eva's Trauma maxes out, she's defeated!

Roll Vs. DC 9 using either Athletics or Acrobatics. Success means Eva continues her turn as normal. Failure means she loses her turn and is mounted by the enemy. If you wish to turn a failure into a success, Eva may shed her clothing and armor.

: Fine
HP: 22/26
AC: 19
TP: 0/100


Gnoll One-Eye: taken 9 damage
Lesser Gnoll A
Lesser Gnoll B
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Athletics [ ]

Feeling her swing hit true and hard helped to start calm down Eva. She needed to think clearly in a situation like this! A blow from One-Eyed suddenly rained down toward her, but Eva's shield was ready for it! Though she was not ready for all three of the attacks that ended up coming for her, and she was scratched pretty hard on her midsection!

Distracted slightly from the pain, Eva felt the bastard that hit her, grab her from behind and rub his thing against her! Wha.. You murdering bastards, like Ill ever let you take me! The monster was trying to take her first time! Like she was going to let that happen! Eva pulls her elbow forward and then sends it back, straight into the gnolls ugly face! The strike was plenty enough to free herself from her would be rapist, as he staggers back from the strike!

Suddenly free again, Eva decides she needed to make an example of the gnoll who grabbed her! The emotional creature she was, Eva suddenly losses her cool she just gained back. Filling her next blow to the gnoll with her anger, Eva hacks downwards towards the gnoll! Light shining off the blade as it moved fast!

To Hit [ ]
Damage(?) [ ]
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Eva broke free with ease! Throwing the gnoll off and swinging once more. Her attack hit it's mark! The unarmored gnoll recieved a heavy slash, but survived the blow.

The gnolls attacked once more in turn! One-eye slashed, (20, hit=6dam)
Then, his two companions attacked! (6 miss, 12 miss)

The two minions were bashed away by her shield, as she held it up upon their follow up strikes, before one-eye charged forth, striking her side with his spear and seeking to impale her by her armor into the ground to hold her down. "Your permission isn't necessary, elf thing!" he declared.

(DC 13, Athletics or Acrobatics to avoid being violated)

: Fine
HP: 16/26
AC: 19
TP: 0/100


Gnoll One-Eye: taken 9 damage
Lesser Gnoll A taken 4 damage
Lesser Gnoll B
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Athletics [ ] (Ohhh, there goes my streak of good rolls)

Eva managed to get her hit in, and before she could follow up with her attacks, the gnolls ganged up on her again! It was like a roller coaster of emotion for Eva, terror, happy, and fear kept on revolving around Eva as the blows were exchanged! One-Eyed's strike came under the shield, scrapping up against her armor, and making her lose her balance!

Suddenly without her balance, One-Eyed suddenly grabbed her! She couldent get away from the monster!
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Eva was pinned to the ground, and her attempted escape was met with a ferocious headbutt from the gnoll, knocking her senseless. She distantly felt him moving her lower garments around, until she felt the heated air touch her folds. "You take my eye, and I shall take this vulnerable flesh from you!" he declared, before Eva's first waking moment was feeling a firm gnoll cock stabbing into her virgin pussy, the pain and pleasure from the devirgination leaving her now wide awake following his headbutt.

On the ground on her back, her legs tied together by her panties pulled down, the gnoll one-eye started to piston right away, raping her on the ground as her whole body shuddered from a dark magic soon erupting, and engulfing her from where his cock entered her pussy. Only far too late did she see odd chains covering her body! To the point that she could almost feel them on her flesh, binding her! "Surprised?" he chuckled. "It's the dragon's gift. Once I've my dick in you, your life is forfeit to the Chaos Dragon!" he declared, raping her in earnest. Indeed, she could feel Chaos' influence spreading out of control, dominating her body, reaching for her mind... But as the chains roamed around her, she felt her own chain respond, wrapping around the chains that bound her. Would it help her escape? Only time would tell.

Trauma said:
Eva takes 15 trauma from the violation. If she reaches 100, she loses.

In addition, she has been raped for 1 round. If she is raped 3 rounds in a battle, she (and her rapist) will climax.

The rest of the rules are described in the first post of the OOC thread http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=30061

: Fine
Climax: [x][o][o]
HP: 16/26
AC: 19
TP: 15/100


Gnoll One-Eye: taken 9 damage
Lesser Gnoll A taken 4 damage
Lesser Gnoll B
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

1st Athletics [10] (These rolls are bipolar)

Eva tried to get away from the gnoll, but before she could get back up, the gnoll headbutted her! Her head felt like she was underwater, all groggy and faraway. Feeling movement around her waist, Eva tried swatting at what ever was down there, moving her clothing to reveal it to the warm air. Everything was starting to focus once again for Eva, and right as Eva regains clarity, a terrible pain and pleasure stabbed through Eva! A hot rod stabbed into her vagina, clearing her mind fully from the blow!

Yo-you took... You took it... Eva said shocked at the feelings that were going through her as the gnoll moved his hips! Eva tried to move her legs to kick the gnoll away, though her movements were impaired by her panties pulled down around her legs! In this short time, a energy was covering Eva, from the pit of her stomach, Eva knew this was some extremely evil magic, trying to attack her! Dark chains were also starting to cover and restrict her, they felt real yet illusionary at the same time! The gnolls words scared Eva. M-my body is my own! Get off of me! Eva said as she started to try and push and kick the gnoll away from her!

It was an extremely hard time for Eva, as the gnoll never stopped raping her with vigor! In the back of her mind, Eva felt a tingling sensation from the chains, relaxing her mind and letting her experience some more pleasure! her own chains suddenly glowed and bounded the dark chains, stopping their influence on her!

Eva struggled to get away from the gnoll who kept on raping her, though she was having a hard time getting any strong hits or good enough ground to spring away!

2nd Athletics [22] :D

Suddenly one of Eva's blows connected hard enough to stun One-Eyed long enough to get free from her rapist!
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

"I'll take that and more! It's useless to struggle, you cannot escape the chains!" or so he said. Her first failure to resist allowed him to take a wide stance with his legs and plow himself into her pussy in earnest, his hips bottoming out against her crotch such that she would witness him hilt into her, before drawing back out and hilting again without relent. However, her strength surged enough to knock him off and free herself, the chains retreating from her body as he stumbled back in shock. "You broke free!?" he said, shocked that she managed to stand back up. Her pussy was leaking fluids, a sign that she had been brought close to her climax due to the overwhelming pleasure.

(9 trauma)

She stood, her freedom allowing immediate retaliation! One-eye snarled. "Even better that you managed this! The dragon will want you especially!"

: Fine
Climax: [x][x][o]
HP: 16/26
AC: 19
TP: 24/100


Gnoll One-Eye: taken 9 damage
Lesser Gnoll A taken 4 damage
Lesser Gnoll B
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Eva couldn't focus on the gnolls words as his fucking on got more and more intense! Before she could free herself, he would practically hilt into her and pull back till he was barely in and repeat! Soon enough though, Eva's struggle was rewarded with her hit on the gnoll! Haah... My body is mine only! Eva repeated as she stood back up with her shield and sword. All though Eva would never admit it, her thighs were soaked in her own juices, her body betraying how good the pleasure Eva received was.

I... I don't care about your Dragon. I'm going to end this! Eva said, her emotions heighten from the rape. With sword in hand, Eva swung at One-Eyed again, hopping to put him out of the fight for good!

To Hit [ ]
Damage [ ]
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Climax: [x][x][o]
HP: 16/26
AC: 19
TP: 24/100

Eva cracks her blade into One-Eye's skull, spilling blood everywhere before she'd have to yank her blade free. His two companions fled in fear at the sight. Leaving Eva to her own devices. But the chaos of the town was somehow dying down. Women here and there, mounted by gnolls, were suddenly bathed in pools of unusual liquid below them, almost like a portal through a dark dimension. Their bodies were all covered in chain tattoos as they slowly sunk into the earth with gnolls on top of them, escorting them away, off to somewhere.

Then she'd realize that most of the population was gone, save the corpses of men about, even then she'd see some reptilian looking women riding a couple guards who vanished all the same, the rest were corpses. And like that, the town became a ghost town, with plenty of gnolls behind, breaking into buildings to find hiders, and a pack of easily 20 gnolls charging for Eva, lustful looks in their eyes. A shield quickly formed in their direction, as came into view.

"Come with me." was all she said. "You are going to take a portal to another place. There, you will meet with the other heroes I've collected. For now, you must escape. Your survival is paramount." she declared, leading the way for a short walk to a small hut left untouched by the fire somehow, despite being between two blazing buildings. "Inside, quickly. Head to the Capitol after this, and search for others with your symbol on their arm." she insisted, opening the shack door to behold a much greener and brighter area, devoid of smoke and fire, shimmering behind a dimensional portal.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Eva's blow hit One-Eyed right in the skull, chopping straight into it, and ending his life! He... he is finally dead, and after what he did, good riddance! Eva thought before she turned to the other two gnolls to fight them! But when she turned towards them, all she saw were their backs as they were running away! Stunned at first, Eva looks around to see if there was anyone she could save at all, but all around her was just death and despair. From a quick glance around, it seemed Eva was the only person still standing in the village. All the women and some of the men were being dragged down in magic and chains, disappearing. With none of them close enough to save, Eva felt helpless and useless. She couldn't save them!

Lost in her thoughts for but a moment, rapid steps awoke her, as a small horde of gnolls were charging at her from down the street! Before Eva could start to run to the stables, magic suddenly enveloped and blocked the street the gnolls were coming from! What!? Eva had never really seen such magic in use before, only hearing of it in tales! As this all happened, an elf came into view, the probable caster of the magic. "You have a portal here?" Eva said in response of the elf's words, although she came out of no where, Eva could tell she was a good enough person. She had met many before.

"Give me but a moment." Eva says as she turns and heads into the stables that were right next to her and the burning inn. Inside was her horse, and the gear she kept on him! Quickly grabbing the reigns, Eva runs out and follows the Elf to a small hut, the one building in the area that was untouched. "Who are you?" Eva asked in their short trip. Upon hearing the women's directions, Eva said "I hope to find some answers about whats going on at a later time!" She was still ruffled from what she had experienced this day. With that, she stepped through the portal.
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Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

"Unfortunately I can only save you. But you will save many more if you survive this day. I will appear to you again, soon." the sage declared. "Go, quickly." she said, as the barrier failed and the gnolls poured through. The sage ushered her through and then the portal closed behind her. The fate of the sage unknown. If she was a good runner she'd have a head start, but that was all Eva knew about her possible fate after that odd morning.

Now, she stood amidst an open forest and scattered wooden buildings in the form of a small town in the woods. She was in another, similar shack as before. The clean air came as a relief to her lungs.

Even though the portal behind her was closed, soon enough it opened again, a voice on the other side giggling. Showing herself on the other side, stood before Eva. "G'day, darlin!" she cheered. The city she stood in looked made of so much stone that it seemed to be the capital. Eva found that she'd be able to make many miles of travel in an instant if she chose. "Ya look a bit lost! I can accompany you! My previous friends left somewhere when I got distracted by an accessory shop in the urban district. When I looked back they were all gone. Probably off to that Garland's place. But enough about Them, let's talk about Me!" she cheered.

"I'm a witch! Name's Quincy, how are ya!" she extended her hand through the portal to shake Eva's hand.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Before Eva stepped through the portal, she watched and listened to the Elven women as she for told of the future. Eva's future, in which she was confident Eva would be a savior of some kind. Before Eva could ponder on what she was told, the barrier broke. It was time to leave! Eva complied with the Elf and stepped through the portal, turning back Eva thought the Elf would follow her through, though she watched as the portal closed behind her! Startled, Eva could only mumble "Stay safe." If the women didn't have preparations, she could be in danger right now, but Eva had no way to help. She could only hope and carry on with the Elf's wishes.

Looking around, she was in another small shack, one that looked a lot like the one from the previous village she was in. Outside was an even smaller village, spotted with trees and buildings.

While she was looking outside, she heard a sudden noise from behind her. The was portal reopening! Instead of seeing the Elf, this time a Witch appeared on the other side. Eva listens to Quincy with a surprised expression before recovering, and taking it in stride. "Hi Quincy, my name is Eva!" Eva said with a big and genuine smile while shaking Quincy's hand, though when Quincy asked how she was doing, it dimmed a little as Eva tried not to think about the village.

"Actually I am a little lost, I was told to try to get to the capital as fast as I could and find others with my symbol on my arm." Eva explained to Quincy. "Would you happen to know about anyone who does have this symbol?" Eva asks with a hint of hope in her tone, showing Quincy the chain tattoo. She actually was lost right now, and could use some help finding who she was told to find!
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Quincy looked at the symbol on her arm, and hummed. "Yup! Why, I believe I have! I can take ya right to em!" she promised. "Follow moi!" she declared, leading the charge with a spring in her step, humming happily.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

"Right to them? I'm guessing you know them personally then!" Eva said as she took a step into the portal, trusting it worked just like it did last time! Arriving safely on the other side, Eva follows after Quincy, on her way to finding out some more about what the Elf meant!
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Quincy quickly redirected Eva away from the portal. "Wrong way, silly! We're already in the capitol! Here~" Quincy wrapped her arm around Eva's and led the way onto the stone streets, filled with crowds of merchants, peasants and nobles alike. None of which seemed to even want to look at one another unless it was in scorn. It was already getting late before, but now it was almost dark, and the crowds were slowly dying out and retreating to their places of rest. All while Quincy seemed to lead Eva to an increasingly questionable part of town. In fact, it seemed like Quincy led Eva straight into gang owned territory.

There were rogue figures standing about, dressed in leather armor and openly wearing weapons while each seemed to wear a similar light blue colored scarf, a stark marking that this area was showing it's colors fearlessly. "Oh right, these guys are all apart of Father Garland's gang. Last I saw them, they were going to meet him. Wouldn't hurt to ask his own people where they went!" Quincy declared with a smile. Then, she approached a pair of scruffy haired individuals with scars on their faces. "Scuse me sirs! We're looking for our friends. See girls with this symbol around?" she inquired, pointing to Eva's sign.

The two men looked at it, before they grinned behind the scarves. "Lucky you, they just went inside here." he said, pointing his thumb at the building they were standing next to. Up above, there was a wooden sign of a woman taking a sultry bent over pose with the name, "Grotto's Brothel" spelled next to the feminine drawing.

[Quincy rolled insight: 19+4=23]

Quincy hummed. "Are you sure? You sound like you don't actually know." Quincy replied. "Do you know anywhere else they might be? We're kind of pressed for time and we don't need you trying to play a fast one on us." she inquired right out.

[Quncy rolled nat20 on Intimidation]

The two seemed to back off. "... Try the mines, just on the coast, north of the harbor." he replied finally. Quincy nodded. "Thanks so much!" Quincy replied, before moving on.

That's when they moved through the poor district, eyes seeming to follow them as they went, until they hit a strange forestation near the edge, just before the wall ended and a wide river began, wide enough for boats to travel. "Do you know you're way around such places?" Quincy inquired.

[Quincy rolled Survival: 2+10=12]

"I think I might become lost." she said.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

"He he, Lead the way!" Eva said cheerfully, Quincy's friendly attitude was brightening Eva's day already, helping her shake off the effects of the morning! "So this is the Capital?" Eva said as she looked around the place. She had actually somehow never been to the capital before in her adventure, instead she mostly stayed with remote villages and smaller towns! The Capital was buzzing with all kinds of people! If it wasn't for Quincy holding onto her arm and leading her around, Eva might have spent more time exploring the place! Though that didn't stop them from heading to a different part of town. Here it seemed a lot shadier than some of the places Eva had been in before. She could recognize the signs of a gang territory, the weapons, marks and other things around show that to her.

Quincy soon pointed out some guys who were wearing distinctive blue scarfs, saying they were apart of a local gang the people Eva was looking for knew. "Mhhh, might as well ask. If they are friendly with the people were looking for, it shouldn't be a problem." Eva said as she followed Quincy to the gang members.

Quincy impressively dealt with the gang members, intimating them to give the girls correct information! With the new information, the girls traveled on, walking through the poorer parts of the Capital to reach a forest and river!


"I'm much more used to traveling roads, but I think I can manage to not get lost! To the Mines we go!" Eva says as she starts to follow the river north towards the coast where the mines were supposed to be!
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

For a while, it became obvious that both girls got lost in the forest. They didn't seem to know right from left, and perhaps if they found their way sooner, they'd have saved a group ahead that seemed to have gotten into trouble. Marching ahead, they came across a shapely woman dressed in the clothes of Eldath, the goddess of peace, and two large men who seemed to be her body guards, in addition to The four women seemed to be sexually assaulting the men, two each overpowering the one, as the lone Priestess seemed flustered, while watching the two men have their cocks stuffed into the faces of the two women. As Eva and Quincy arrived, the eyes of the two men seemed to glow red, as their resistance faded, and their cocks exploded into the mouths of the women sucking on them.

"What great timing~" said one of the girls, whos eyes were also glowing. "Get those two, and indoctrinate them as well! All must hail chaos!" she declared.

Thanks to that, the priestess turned to see the two adventurers. "You have to help me! They tricked us into thinking they were being chased by the traitors, but they were the traitors!" she pleaded. That's when the bodyguards, assumed to be former allies of the preistess, came forth maliciously, with their cocks rock hard. The priestess quickly fled from them, while the four women all threw themselves at Quincy, forming a pile of women over her as Quincy shrieked in response.

At the same time, the two burly men approached Eva. "That's a lovely outfit." one of the tall tan men said. "Let's play, elf girl." said the other.

"I-I've got this! Just handle those two muscle heads!" Quincy said, her head appearing from between the legs of a nude scarf girl.

Eva is approached by 2 Bodyguards!
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Eva headed off in the direction of the shore, trying to lead Quincy and herself towards the mines, though after a little bit, Eva realized she lost which direction she should be heading in! Feeling lost, the duo walked about the woods, trying to find the right way. After some walking, Eva could hear the sounds of something going on ahead of them! There was a group of three being attacked by four women! As they arrived, Eva saw the scene of the two body guards being "indoctrinated". Again with this chaos stuff! Eva thought to herself as she saw the chaos controlled group charged at herself and her new friend!

"Don't worry, we will deal with this!" Eva declared as she drew her sword, though she couldn't help but be distressed when Quincy was tacked by the women, otherwise she was confident that she could deal wit the other two!

"How bout I just knock you out instead of playing with you?" Eva asks a she drew an arc of light towards the closest of the two with her blade, aiming to do non lethal damage!

To hit [7+5=12]
Damage? [10]