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(New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 15/26
AC: 19
TP: 24/100

Naked and burly, the bodyguards didn't offer much in the way of self protection, allowing Eva to score an easy hit. Though for their lack of protection, they were meaty, and even such a valiant strike did little more than give a commendable wound instead of either outright crippling or damaging them.

"What a nice sword arm. Those muscles make your body look good." the one she hit, as he and his fellow charged at her. The first one that she struck missed her, but the other came up from behind and wrapped her in his arms, before squeezing tight. Eva felt all the air get squeezed from her lungs in his grasp, and he continued this for several seconds, jerking his arms back to make Eva bounce in his arms, squeezing the resistance out of her as her breasts, ass and legs bounced as he squeezed her up and down in his tight grip. Her chance to escape his powerful hold came when he moved his hands to grip behind her knees, and spread her wide open.

Already naked, his large cock was already sliding along her clothed pussy, aiming to use the tip to part that just enough to penetrate her pussy. Just before it happened, she had one chance to use her Athletics or Acrobatics to escape his sexuality. "I squeezed her good. She should be willing now." the second said as he held her.

"Good, I can't wait to taste her beautiful flesh~ Eldath be praised at this half-breed's silky smooth skin~" the first cooed as he admired Eva's attractive qualities.

Eva hit and dealt 10 damage.

nat1, the first one misses.

Nat20, the second one hits and crits her! dealing 11 damage and forcing a Rape DC12 at a disadvantage. (Rape rules are in the first post of the ooc if you forgot or need a refresher.)


Bodyguard A taken 10 damage.

Bodyguard B possibly about to rape Eva.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Eva stared in surprise at the wound on the bodyguard, it would have been a heavy wound on a normal persob, but this giant body guard took it like a champ! A shiver went through Eva at the "compliment" of the body guard. Why does he have to be so creepy about it? Eva thought as she readied her sword against the charging duo!

Worrying about the mage in the middle of a dig pile, Eva made the mistake of glancing over to check on Quincy in the middle of battle, her instincts allowed her to dodge the first attack against her, but the distraction was enough for the second to grab her! Eva made a sound somewhere between a wheeze and a moan of pain when she was squeezed by the body guard. It didn't end there though as the body guard started to shake her up and down. It felt like her brain was bounding around in her skull

Her vision slowly clearing from, Eva saw watched her legs be pryed open, realizing what was happening! Eva tried her best to get her leg out of the man's grasp, but he had to tight of a grasp! She couldn't escape!

Athletics [4+5=9]
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Climax: [x][][]
HP: 15/26
AC: 19
TP: 36/100

She struggled, but failed to get away after the crushing took away all of her energy, leaving her unable to stop him as he slowly dropped her down, making her take his powerful length into her tight and tender pussy. He had her go down until all of it vanished into her body, and only his balls hung from beneath where her pussy was spread open to fit the length inside. Then, he began to shift her up and down while thrusting his cock upwards, creating the beginning motions of sex as she felt not only intense pleasure from the penetration, but the chaotic magic he was cursed with attacked her, making her pussy burn with even more pleasure as the chains formed around her body as if restraining her from her wrist. Even so, she could focus and try to get away, hopefully before the pleasure became too great!

Eva takes 12 trauma.
12 to hit, the other bodyguard failed to join in.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Even as she struggled to get away, Eva could feel the body guard's cock slowly move into her, thrusting into her folds! Holding back a moan as the man hilted into her, Eva said "G-get off of me! Let me go!" She had to try to ignore the pleasure she felt if she wanted to get away from the rape, but it was easier said than done! Even while flailing around, trying to catch a lucky blow, Eva was held still, subject to the rape and thrusts of the bodyguards!

Athletics [7+5=12, but with disadvantage.... 4+5=9]
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Climax: [x][x][]
HP: 15/26
AC: 19
TP: 56/100

Eva tries to escape once more, but finds the pleasure overwhelming. His long, thick cock hitting her sweet spot ruthlessly as he chuckled at her words. "I cannot trust your request is genuine if you're making such a sweet noise while I pound your pussy!" he replied. Then, in her moment of weakness the other bodyguard who was stroking himself at the scene found her arms, and worked together with his cohort to spin her around on the large cock so her asshole was exposed, which she soon felt being plowed into by a slimy lubricated cock, stretching her asshole open as he took her breasts into his hands and groped them, tweaking her nipples as the first simply held her legs and leaned forward, catching her moaning mouth with his and smothering her with a kiss, their thrusts growing faster, cocks throbbing. It wouldn't be too long before they came inside her bowels and womb.

From an outside perspective, all they'd see is a pair of shapely legs sticking out from the two bodyguards corrupted, thrusting their hips upwards violently to pound the woman they had squished between them.

Eva didn't escape, 15 trauma. Eva gains an Inspiration (re-roll to use whenver she wishes, see rules for info.)

The other body guard tries to join, 20, hit. Eva is double penetrated. She must make the DC13 rape roll at a disadvantage. +5 trauma
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Trying and trying to get away, combined with the overwhelming pleasure had its till on Eva. Her resistance was growing weaker, she had failed once again. By now Eva couldn't lie to even herself about how good it felt to have the man inside of her, she was so distracted even, that she didn't even notice the second man repositioning himself behind her. The sudden pain of having her asshole stretched by the big cock knocked Eva out of her pleasure induced trance! "O-ow! S-stop, I've never had sometging back there!" Eva says as she gathers the last of her strength to get away from these two!

With her legs stuck out between the two, Eva could only try and batter at the two with her arms. She started to wail on the man in front of her, trying to get him off of her! At first it seemed like her strikes were going to once again have no affect, but suddenly she hits a nerve bundle, stunning the guy long enough to push him off! With renewed attempts, Eva elbows the one behind her in the face, managing to free her self! With a flushed face Eva declares, "Hah... hah, time... for some pay back!"

Athletics [First roll 18+5=23, disadvantage 9+5=14!]

If she can attack [15+5=20, dmg 2+3]
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Climax: [x][x][]
HP: 10/26
AC: 19
TP: 56/100

Eva somehow manages to break free, getting a moment amidst the minute long pounding she took between the two burly men to dislodge their cocks and squirm to freedom and stand on her own feet. She managed a light blow, bringing that tall and well endowed man to back off, before their combined attention continued to overwhelm Eva, as the other flanked and wrapped his arm around her neck, the uninjured bodyguard getting her neck hugged as he yanked her back so that she was being almost held up by her neck. More suffocation, it seemed. Already rather squeezed after the prolonged rape, Eva was already woozy. And she could feel his other hand move to finger her crotch while his main arm held her neck. A pair of thick fingers dipped into her pussy as his index and pinkie slid along the V of her crotch. "How was your first anal experience? You almost really enjoyed it, you came so close to cumming. Why not go ahead and finish? I can tell your body is burning for release." he declared, and was almost true. Eva's mind was half blank with the need to cum after how hard they already fucked her. The magic of Chaos did well to contaminate her mind and amplify her sexual need, corrupting her into their personal slut.

Eva breaks free and can attack immediately! She deals 5 damage!

The two bodyguards attack! 13, miss. 19, hit! 5 damage to Eva, Rape DC13

One Bodyguard taken 15 damage
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Feeling triumphant at being free once again, it took Eva's hazy mind a second to realize what had just happened to her. There was a thick arm wrapped around her throat now, a feeling of suffocation! Realizing what was happening, Eva started to claw at the mans arm, trying to get him to back off of her!

Even as she started her resistance, she could feel the man's fingers starting to explore her soaking slit! She was so close to cumming that is was hard to focus on anything else, the need was pulling away at Eva's will to fight back! The clawing didn't faze the man it seemed at all, so Eva instead kicked her boot's heel straight back into the man's shin! The pain was great enough to make the man loose balance, enough for Eva to get out again!

With one of the body guards very wounded, Eva brought her sword up! "Just go down you bastard!" Feeling threatened by the constant rape, Eva tries to knock out the man!

Athletics [3+5=8, Inspiration 15+5=20!]

To hit [10+5=15] Non-lethal damage [3+3=6]
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Climax: [x][x][]
HP: 10/26
AC: 19
TP: 56/100

When Eva resists his groping and breaks free to attack, she knocks him clean out of commission. The remaining bodyguard cries out. "Brother!" in shock, before ceasing his attack to go check on the health of his comrade. "Are you alright, speak to me!" he demands from his currently unconscious comrade.

Eva resists and deals 6 damage! Knocking out one of the bodyguards!

The remaining bodyguard stops fighting to lament his fallen comrade and to check on his health.

One Bodyguard KO'd
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

"Hah...Hah... Do you g-give up yet?" Eva pants with need as she asks the bodyguard, while pointing her sword at him. From what she had saw, the body guards were not bad people, and were only under the control of something. She would rather end this peacefully if it was possible.

[Eva prepares an attack against the body guard if he persists with the battle]
To hit [3+5=8] Ughhh, these rolls.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 10/26
AC: 19
TP: 56/100

Eva gets a chance to calm down a bit, her arousal stirring but slowly winding down. "Y-yes... He's still breathing. Thank the gods." he said. "Yes, we surrender. But we are servants of Chaos now. Her will is to see the heroes like yourself subjugated. I will not harm you for now, but I must obey her commands if we meet again."

Then a female voice approached. "OR! You can get your head screwed back on properly, you're a servant of Eldath!" declared the nun from before. And Quincy, who returned from a scene of three unmoving naked bodies. "Brave hero, you must break their curse! I know you can do it, but only you must know how."

"Suck his dick." said Quincy.

"What?" The nun inquired in shock.

"What? It's what the other heroes told me." she said in detail. "So that's how you cure em. You fuck em."

"But isn't that how you GET corrupted?" the nun inquired breathlessly.

"I dunno. Probably. Maybe the heroes are different though?" Quincy shrugged.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Eva's Ruby like eyes stare in shock at Quincy. "Wha... you cant be serious?" The blush on her face had started to fade by now, started to reappear once again, this was too embarrassing! At this moment Eva looked incredibly embarrassed, her journey seemed to have taken a sudden lewd turn recently! After looking conflicted for a little, Eva's brows unfurled as she makes a choice. If it was required to save the man, she would do it!

"O-ok, I-I'll do it. If its the only way to save him!" Eva says with embarrassment saturating her voice. Only trying to do this as fast as she could, Eva approaches the body guard who was still kneeling by his brother. "S-stand up. I-it will be easier that way." Eva adverts her gaze in embarrassment, her cute face lighting up even redder as she kneels herself before the man!
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 10/26
AC: 19
TP: 56/100

Eva approached, and found her approach received by the bodyguard turning to try and wrestle with her. "I cannot-" he was cut short by Quincy holding a scroll in her hand and casting a spell that made him stop his movements in his on knees position. Somewhat how Eva wanted him. "A little person holding should keep him in check. Eva, you can do your thing but I think maybe we can help? Since it's not a simple solution, and I think you're literally fighting Chaos like that." she stated.

The nun nodded. "As a priestess of Eldath, we were given training on how to assist heroes in this matter, and we can indeed help you. You must not under any means allow Chaos to reflect your efforts." she declared. "So..."

The three of them got into place, beholding his massive rod. Quincy chuckled, bouncing his large sack in her hands. "Guy is halfway to a horse, jeez~" she chuckled. "A prized possession I won't lose to Chaos." the nun said, leaning forward to start running her tongue along the bottom of his length, as Quincy went on all fours to take one of his balls into her mouth. "W-wow, he shaves down here..." Quincy noted while sucking on one of his large testicles.

Eva uses Oral skillz!

Perform a DC check vs Performance(CHA), a single roll thanks to the help from Quincy and the nun, to banish Chaos' influence.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

"I appreciate the help, otherwise I might not be able to do this." Eva says to the other two women, who were now helping her exorcise Chaos from the bodyguard. With him being stunned in place, Eva was able to approach him and get into place with the other two!

"U-uhm, yah. I'll admit, both of them seem to be huge in that regard..." Eva squeeks out in a low voice, remembering how the two brothers had fucked her, Eva was starting to get hot again, enough to make her more willing to do this.

With Quincy, and the Nun already starting, Eva brings her short pink lips to the head of the man's cock, before sge tenenativly started to lick it. Her tounge awkwardly moved up and down, in movements that teased his glands. Shivering at the wierd taste of the man, Eva slowly starts to grow accustomed to the man's taste. Not much longer and Eva was trying to get him to his release by sucking on the head, and rolling her tongue around the cock!

Performance [17]
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 10/26
AC: 19
TP: 56/100

"Use your breasts." suggested the nun, using a motion with her hand to unveil Eva's chest and invite her to stroke his cock between her soft pillows. Either way, she did good enough, and together with their powers combined, the spell held man would explode a large load into Eva's mouth, in such volume that some would burst from her lips around his cock while his length twitched violently in their grasp. The chains went from her arm, around her body to her head where it conjoined with the man, seemingly dispelling the aura and causing him to no longer seem cursed.

"Oh... Oh no." the man said in sudden awe. "What have I been doing?" he inquired. The nun pet him, specifically on the top of his cock. "Worry not, for you are saved now, and back in the bosom of Eldath." the nun prayed for him.

Then, Quincy looked at the cum afflicted Eva. "Seems like you're already having fun being a hero!" she chuckled. "Oh right, we gotta find a way to get into those mines. Blocked by a buncha boulders. I'ma take a look around, see if there's another way in maybe."
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Eva was at first surprised by the Nun's suggestion, but she figured it wouldn't hurt to try it, and so, with her chest now open to the air, and her face growing redder, Eva envelops the man's cock with her pale, pillowy flesh! It seemed like the man was close to bursting when Eva started, as the man exploded a huge amount of thick white stuff into her mouth soon after she started! There was so much of it, and it was so sudden that Eva couldn't keep it in her mouth. Eva was forced to swallow most of it, while some of it leaked out of her mouth from the force of the ejaculation! While Eva was dealing with the massive load, her chains sprang from her arms and started to wrap around the body guard, enveloping him in their safety, cutting off Chaos's influence!

"Th-that was quite the experience... Ive never done that before." Ev replies to Quincy. Her face was still blushing red, with some left over cum on her chin. Trying to keep her composer while cleaning herself, Eva follows Quincy to help look for an entrance. Her lingering embarrassment made her want to hide away from the man!
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 10/26
AC: 19
TP: 56/100

She'd hear the man speak to her as she seemed shy. "I wouldn't mind retrying that again, under more peaceful circumstances~" he said with a wink. Then they went to look for a separate entrance. After a while of searching, nothing turned up. And there were no signs of the cavern boulders being opened.

Quincy hummed. "I can't see any other way in or out asides from that entrance. I think they're still trapped in there. I wonder if the two muscles can open it?" she theorized.

One of the two men stood, the other unconscious. "I would with my friend, but he is out for a while. If our strong female friend joined me, I'm sure with her strength we could lift it." he declared.

Bodygaurd offers aid in a Athletics check to clear the boulders.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

"Uhh, I mean... I-I'll think about it for sure!" Eva replied in a shy maner, still not used to sexual attention. But of course with her looks, Eva was somewhat used to people looking at her and staring at her by now. Continuing to follow Quincy around to look for another entrance turned out to be a waste, as they could find no second entrance, the bloulder blocked path remained the only option.

Eva agreed that with the remaining man's help, Eva had a good chance of being able to push and move the boulder out of the way, so she said, "It won't hurt to try it at all, let's do this!" Eva said as she walked to the side of the first boulder to try and clear it from the path.

Athletics [12+5=17]
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 10/26
AC: 19
TP: 56/100


Working together, they managed to start slowly lifting the boulders to get them out of the way. Eva and the bodyguard were drenched in sweat after a few hour's worth of labor, with a break in between so they could rest to avoid exhaustion. "The way is clear at last. Tis deep into the night now, and we must hope they are fine." he said.

Quincy nodded. Well, let us embark. she declared, before holding up a stone, slotting it into the top of her staff to create a holster for the stone that soon began to glow. "Hold my staff for me? We need someone in front, and I'm far too delicate." she said, and the bodyguard took it, before marching onwards.

The nun however stayed behind. "I will remain with him. He is still corrupted. I will tie him up and see if perhaps I can do something about this curse with Eldath's powers."
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

With the help of the bodyguard, and hours of work, the path was cleared of the boulders! They had to take a few breaks because it took so long for it to be finished. "Phew, finnaly got it all out of here!" Eva sighed before turning to Quincy. "Well only one way to find out how they are now! Let's head down!" Eva agreed with Quincy as she walked towards the head of the group to be a vanguard, letting the bodyguard light the way with Quincy's staff!

Before they left tgoufh, Eva calls back to the inn saying, "Be safe while you are out here, and watch out for any dangers!"

Edit: Darn autocorrect XD
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