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(New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 10/26
AC: 19
TP: 56/100

The Inn in the distance seemed complacent to stay safe, and the nun nodded. "I will!" in reply, even if she wasn't the recipient.

Eva would find rocks everywhere in the cave, as if a cave-in occurred. "Not good, they might have been squished." the bodyguard said. Then, as he shined the light around, they saw a naked woman's body leaning against the wall and slightly covered in rocks. She wore a black robe in tatters that showed her entire beautiful and full figure to rival Eva's own. Her eyes were closed as she seemed unconscious.

"Oh, someone's over there!" Quincy declared. "One of your friends?" the bodyguard inquired. "Nope." Quincy replied flatly. "She might know about what happened here though, and where our friends went."
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Walking into the cave, Eva found that the entrance was not the only place to have collapsed! Though the inside was not as bad, there was still rocks all over, with boulders spread across the floor. "I doubt that the ones we are looking for would fall that easily. They have the trust of a powerful wizard, so they must be capable in some way." Eva says as she looks to see if she could see any bodies under the rocks.

While she was looking around, Quincy's words brought Eva's attention to a passed out women, leaning against the wall! It was hard not to noticed the women's lack of clothing, revealing her body that was just as full as her own! "If she knows something we need to ask her. Though we don't know her, so we should restrain her before waking, and asking her what she knows." Eva reasons. When she mentions tiring up the women, she puts down her pack and grabs for some rope she had hanging from the side of the bag.

If everyone agreed with Eva, she processed to tie the women up, trying to not wake her before finishing. Once done, she shook the women awake! Waiting till the she showed signs of regaining clarity, Eva asked, "What do you know about a group of people with a similar mark to this?" Eva showed her hero mark to the women.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 10/26
AC: 19
TP: 56/100

The woman stirred with a groan, before slowly picking up her head to address the sexily armored woman before her. "Nnngh... Why am I tied?" she inquired, before addressing the question. "I saw a group with that marking, yes. I was bewitched by an Imp when I was collecting water for the Church of Eldath in this city. I am a Cleric of Peace. What happened after that, I do not know much. It is all fuzzy, and memories of debauchery cloud my vision. But I do distinctly remember the mark of the hero, the chains. They were here. But at some point I lost consciousness. I was groggy, and I came here before the earth rumbled and I was nearly crushed."

The bodyguard hummed. "Strange, I do not recall you from the church around here. Are you lying?"

The woman shook her head. "I swear to you, I am a priestess of Arcadia. Sky Palace Arcadia." To that, Quincy just hummed at her.

"Well, you're a long way from home." said the bodyguard. "Though, that means even the sky palace is under threat of Chaos. This is worrying, their reach is already far beyond ours."

Quincy shrugged. "Well, until the heroines show up and probably save the day that is. Speaking of, I wonder where they went? We should probably keep digging. I see some unusual signs of webbing around here. Probably that tiefling Sorcerer Talia. They were definitely here, and if they're chained, they're probably still alive if they got buried, so lets dig em out!" she declared.

The lady on the ground reached up to Eva. "I know it sounds strange... But I think this... T-thing... Was something they used. It's more than what it looks like, please believe me." she said, before handing Eva the unknown artifact. It looked like a foot long purple dildo and felt like it was made of Jelly, complete with oddly lifelike testicles and a suction cup at the end to mount it if needed. If Eva observed it, she'd notice odd dark energies that resided in the device, particularly in the ballsack. "It does things to people when used on them. I don't know what exactly, but it's not good. And can you... Please untie me? I'm in pain and this is uncomfortable..."
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

At first Eva had a bit of wariness towards the women, and not knowing what to expect lead her to tying up the women, but when the women started to talk and explain who she was and what happened, Eva softened up! Eva knelt down next to the priest and listened to what she was saying. When she started to complain and look very uncomfortable in the ropes, Eva made to cut her free from the ropes she had tied her up in! "I'm sorry about that, I needed to be careful about waking you up in case you were not friendly." Eva said as she gave her a reassuring smile, and look towards the other two, saying to them. "Yes if they are buried we must find them quickly!"

Eva stood up, seemingly having some urgency to her, but she stopped when the second priestess reached up to her to give her a... dildo? "Wha...?" She stuttered in confusion before the priestess explained what she thought this was. Although Eva was a virgin until recently, she still knew what a dildo was. She couldn't say she was surprised that such lewd enemies found a way to use one to infect others with the chaotic energies! "I-I will make sure it cant be used on any one else." Eva promises the girl as she starts to blush from holding onto the slimy and squishy demonic dildo!

If the two others still wanted to search the mine, Eva went along with them to move and search around the debris!
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Grappled
Climax: [][][]
HP: 10/26
AC: 19
TP: 56/100

Rocks were sorted through, the interior of the cave seemingly ruined by broken structures and cracked ceilings. They found three more rooms in total after sorting through all the rocks. However, there was no sign of anyone having been here. "Did they all escape?" Quincy inquired. "Something's not right here. I know it's possible they made it out and we just passed each other up... Everyone look around for more clues, search the rocks to find another set of loose ones, maybe they're in a room we're missing." she declared.

And as the large man, Quincy, and Eva searched, Eva found her hands suddenly going right through the rock she was feeling. The former two were in different rooms searching. Further investigation found that there was a wide section of rock wall that simply didn't exist! She had found an illusionary wall! Right after this discovery, suddenly black tentacles seemed to rush out from the wall! Four in total, completely surprising Eva and wrapping around her body, before yanking her into the wall to behold the creature that had ambushed her. It was a large displacer beast! The illusionary beast seemed to have made the wall it's trap as it caught Eva, and quickly put it's maw to her throat, but didn't bite. Rather, she only felt a light, threatening prick. The beast seemed intelligent, as it was giving unspoken warning to be quiet or it would bite her neck. If she screamed to let Quincy and the bodyguard know, it would attack. But if she remained quiet, Eva would find the beast working her down to the ground to all fours.

A sense of familiarity crossed her as she would realize it was trying to get her face down, ass up! The displacer beast drew closer, seeking to mate as she saw a massive, bizzare prick standing erect under it's body. It was as long as a horse cock, had the bulbs of a feline cock, and the knot of a dog, all about to spear her body if she allowed it.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

The two girls, accompanied by the bodyguard quickly start their search of the mine, looking for any signs of the other heroes! In their search they came across three more rooms, also filled with rocks here and there, but even a quick search of these rooms yielded no result for the three of them! "I hope they did make it out, but you are right. They would have had to go past us to get out the way we came. There must be another way out, or they are still here somewhere! Ill start to look over in one of the other rooms." Eva agrees with Quincy, starting her more detailed search over in one of the rooms they previously found.

Eva started her search along the walls, searching for anything different about them, and it didn't take long until she found something! At one point in the wall, Eva's hand just went through the wall like it wasn't even there! "Well that is different enough for me." Eva says to no one in particular. She turns her head away to yell for the other two to come over, but she doesn't get to yell, instead she's grabbed by black tentacles coming from the wall! The first thing Eva notices as she is pulled through the wall, was what grabbed her, it was a big displacer beast! The beast didn't just grab her though, it swiftly locked its maw around her neck, obviously threatening her with a prick to her neck as well! Understanding that she couldn't call for the others with the beast grabbing her like this, Eva tries to stop herself from being forced down onto all fours!

While she starts to resist the beast, Eva could see that beneath its big frame, a massive and weird dick was showing its self! It was as big as a horse cock, while bulbs covered the cock, and a knot sat at its base! Inwardly freaking out, Eva tries even harder to somehow safely remove its maw from her neck, and then free herself from the beast!

[If Eva can make a roll to escape from the beast. Athletics = 5+5=10. Pretty sure that's a fail.]
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

: Grappled, Knotted
Climax: [x][][]
HP: 10/26
AC: 19
TP: 56/100

10 vs 13, Eva is penetrated and knotted! DC16 vs Athletics to take out the knot. Rape DC14 after that if knot was removed.

The beast slams it's weight down on her, keeping her down as she is soon speared by the beasts' large cock, it quickly begins to rape her with a strangely moistened cock, as if she wasn't his first victim. The lubrication allowed him to rape her with speed, such that her vulnerable pose allowed the beast to arch his back, as she felt a thick bulb hit her entrance. It was his knot, and it was soon slamming against her pussy repeatedly, trying to bash it's way in as she squirmed, and her stomach bulged from the violent intrusion, until her pussy gave way and with a loud wet squish, she felt invaded by a fat knot that made her vision go white from the stretching pain and pleasure that followed. Now locked together with the beast, he kept making humping motions, yanking Eva's body back and forth with his hips as he locked her to his waist to effectively set her up to receive his incoming massive load.

Behind, she heard heavy steps of bare feet, or perhaps paws? In a glimpse behind, she saw some odd kind of half-beast woman, with a human body and gnoll ears, arms and legs past the elbow and knees. An unfortunate birth she seemed to be, likely a woman raped by a gnoll. The way she approached gave no indication that she was surprised by the displacer beast. It seemed as if they might even be in cahoots together. Though the woman hadn't spoken yet, only just arriving to see her possibly pet Displacer pounding his knot into Eva's folds.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Marta's Scenario

Marta: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 24/24
AC: 18
TP: 0

After a long day of blessing travelers and townsfolk alike who suddenly approached the church with unknown illnesses, Marta was forced to resorting to prayer to her goddess, Hestia for guidance on how to solve these strange diseases. In a sudden and strange divine intervention, Marta experienced something only few could claim: An actual vision from her goddess! In the vision, she heard words she couldn't hear, and given memories she couldn't see. So much of it washed through her that she felt lost in space and time. By the time she came to, she couldn't recall Hestia's message at all. However, she did have a faint realization of what her message was when she had an odd realization that she knew things without being able to prove knowing them. She felt it and knew it, that those people weren't sick at all, they were cursed! And with the worst Curse of all, the Chaos Dragon's Curse! When she'd look around in her room that was located in the basement of the church, she'd see through the window she had near the roof of her room that her meditation with Hestia had taken all day! She felt refreshed of course, as if she had slept, but so much time was lost, enough for the worst to happen. The town was in flames, and all she could hear outside was screaming, and moans of debauchery. Chaos had already infected the town and was spreading violently.

Luckily it was custom to dress in her armor when performing blessings, so she didn't have to waste time donning her armor. All the same, she'd hear her door creaking open. As it did, she saw the vaguely familiar shape of what used to be her head priest. He seemed to be glowing with a menacing purple aura as he showed himself to be a now deformed version of his previous self. He used to be a scrawny and lanky man, now showing to be wide and muscular. His every footstep came with a heavy stomp. "Marta..." he said in a deep, raspy grunt. "It's time for your sermon." he declared, approaching her wearing naught but his skin, bearing a large erect cock. "Chaos is our god now. Kneel, and I will show you how we worship her." he demanded.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Marta had been given a blessing from Hestia. It was seemingly Hestia herself that bestowed her with the knowledge of what was plaguing the town around her. However, this blessing would come at a great cost. Marta would take a look outside her window to see that quite literally all hell had broken loose. The town was destroyed and fires raged out of control.

Even if it was just for show, Marta would wear her armor as a sign of her faith toward Hestia. No sooner than she started to comprehend what was going on around her, Marta would hear the door creaking open. She recognized who it was almost instantly. The head priest was in front of her standing totally naked. Given the knowledge bestowed upon her by Hestia, it was clear to Marta that he was corrupted by the curse.

Marta had no intention of kneeling to this cursed creature, however she also knew that he was a good man before this curse had afflicted him.

(Rolling Insight to see what she can learn about the Purple Aura compared to what knowledge Hestia had blessed her with)

Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Insight: She could still see the good man in him. Driven to madness and lust. It was so hard to tell how much he was tortured by figures unknown to drive him to these lengths, even transforming his body, but there was still the good man inside, trapped by the raging ferocious beast.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Taking some more time, Marta would attempt to recall what Hestia specifically had bestowed upon her. Marta knew that she had seen a purple aura among the visions and she would take a few seconds to focus.


With her ability to recall the knowledge, she could see that the High Priest was simply kneeling down fully expecting Marta to obey and join him. There was still good in him, and Marta could feel it. There had to be a way to save him. Marta needed to concentrate for a little while more to see what she could recall about the flood of information that Hestia had bestowed upon her.


Marta would see visions of what looked to be at first something like an orgy. Wild images of sex dominated the next few moments of Marta's visions. She would see a few very specific people engaging in sex acts. These visions were clear as if it was showing her the way. The images were those of women with similar tattoos on their wrists that Marta had. They were sucking and fucking these cursed abominations and after a few moments they would apparently be redeemed and freed from the curse.

Knowing that there was still some good in the high priest, Marta needed to reach out and try to appeal to that side of him. "Yes, lets pray. I can still sense the good side of you.
We can work together to fix this. I can save you!
" Marta would make her case for the high priest to kneel down. Gesturing as if she was going to join him, Marta instead had her eyes on something else entirely. Propped up against the wall was her Mace and Shield. If she could convince the high priest to kneel down then she could almost certainly get to her weapon. Drawing out a plan in her head as her heart was racing, Marta had come to the decision that she needed to try to get a small window to be able to get to her weapons so that she could attempt to knock the high priest out. First things first though, Marta needed to get herself the window of opportunity to pull this off.
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Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Marta: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 24/24
AC: 18
TP: 0

As Marta would knee, the head priest would shake his head. Though her appeal to religion using their method of prayer was well put, it seemed like the curse of Chaos was far too much. But she did seem to buy herself some time. "No..." a hand rose to his head as he fell to a knee. "No, child. You must... flee this place." he spoke in pained grunts. "I am lost... Flee... While I exhaust my last ounce of control!" he begged.

She used her time to brandish her weapons, refusing to leave it seemed. The priest jerked and thrashed a bit, before the beast took control again. It roared at her, a massive foot long cock painfully erect and 3 inches thick in diameter pointed at her.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Marta knew this was where she had essentially lost the battle before it had already begun. What the high priest had said last would resound greatly with Marta. "Flee" he said, and Marta intended to do exactly that while the high priest would succumb to the curse completely. Now it was time for Marta to give up on this battle so that she could try to figure out what exactly was going on here. The thought of being made to have sex with the abomination that the high priest had become would drive Marta forward.

Making a break for it, Marta would simply try to get out of her room and start to move into the temple. With the curse in seemingly full effect, Marta knew that she just needed to do what she could to get the heck out of there and try to locate the other women that she had seen in her visions previously. Were she to ever get the time to focus herself again, Marta would try to see if she could recognize some of the area around the visions she had of the other women.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Marta: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 24/24
AC: 18
TP: 0

Marta fled the scene, leaving behind a soon raging headpriest as he lost control and started thrashing about. She fled, up and up the winding stairs, until she reached the ground floor, approaching a scene of nuns everywhere being bend over the long seats of oak, raped by humans and strange lizard creatures alike, all glowing with odd power. Slammed against pillars, bent over seats, in the confession booth, and bent over the podium, girls were being fucked the room 'round.

[Perception: 20] Marta heard it, one of the partnerless creatures roaming around approaching behind her! She just managed to turn in time to react to it's attack! (nat1). The creature tripped and fell, hitting the ground. Nowhere near as menacing as what she first saw, it was one of the many around.

(Marta may roll at an advantage to-hit as well as damage, the creature clumsily fell over prone.)
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Marta was in full on escape mode. She knew that the head priest was now fully corrupted and beyond saving. Making the decision to simply get the hell out of there than attempt to take on a force she does not yet understand. The visions of other women with the same tatoo on their wrists as her's was the best lead Marta had right now.

Moving up the stairs and into the main section of the Church, Marta would see a rather disturbing scene. Countless women being raped by by both other men and Lizards alike. Stopping for a very short moment, Marta would take in the scene. A rather disturbing one as she could quickly recognize a few of the women being raped as nuns here at the church. If it was a Divine Intervention, Marta was not sure but she would be able to sense the presence of a Lizard that was approaching her.

Turning to face her potential attacker, Marta would see that it had tripped and fallen down. Given the situation around her, Marta decided that she did not want to stay here and give the corrupted high priest a chance at following her up the stairs and making this far more complicated. As it was now, the Lizard was no threat to Marta as it was on the ground.

Athletics - Attempt to flee while the Lizard faceplants.

Marta would start to head for the exit and get herself out of the church now. The path was relatively clear aside from a few stray arms trying to grab at her and legs trying to trip her. Nonetheless, Marta wanted to get out of here and try to figure out what she was meant to do next.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Marta: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 24/24
AC: 18
TP: 0

She fled from the clumsy warrior, and managed to slap away reaching hands of lustful corrupted men to rush outside into a scene that didn't even look like it was a battle. The few standing were being shoved down and plowed, and the rest were all together in a massive scene of debauchery. Men being ridden by female monsters, and women being inseminated by powerful beasts as well as former neighbors. Half the women she saw had cum gushing out of their pussy from how much had been ejaculated. Not even the pregnant women in town were spared, one laying on her back on top of a lizard as it plowed her asshole from beneath violently as she cried out, 'the baby! Please slow down!' she begged as he violently plowed her rear entry.

As she left the church, she was almost blown away from the force that came from the church doors being slammed open by a returning head priest, now looking even angrier than before. He seemed to devolve from words into madness, huffing and puffing like a beast. He charged at her in full force, the sudden appearance and terrifying visual was enough to unsettle some.

(Roll Wisdom versus Fear DC10, or become frightened)
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

on the check.

Marta was hoping that she could have gotten more distance between herself and the former head priest of the church. It was not long after she had made it outside that she was overwhelmed again by the sights around her. No matter where she looked, Marta would find lewd acts being performed all over the place. She knew that she had little time and had to keep moving so Marta did the only sensible thing that she could think of.

- Perception

Marta would try to scan the area around her for a way she could try to go and hopefully get herself out of the village entirely. Maybe something she could use as a vehicle or perhaps a horse. Anything that she could find would be good enough, but the sights of debauchery and sex were everywhere. There was just nothing Marta could do about any of this, and she knew it.

Marta would soon have her hand forced as the doors of the church were bursted away from their hinges. Time was up it would seem as the head priest had caught up to her now. This was not a fight that Marta wanted to engage in. Stopping to fight the head priest would mean that she was a sitting duck for anything else that wanted to join in and rape her senseless.

- Athletics

Trying to avoid the confrontation, Marta would do what she could to keep herself away from the rampaging former head priest.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Marta: Prone, Grappled
Climax: [][][]
HP: 24/24
AC: 18
TP: 0

Looking around, it seemed even the horses were victims, women human or not sucking and grinding on their cocks and otherwise. Such that her attempt to wade through the madness using her athletics fell short. She couldn't beat a buffed up naked mutant priest while wearing her armor, especially when he leaps, and then slams down upon her, getting her to the ground with his hands.

(Advantage>Priest attacks; 10&23, the Priest grapples Marta. Nat20, he knocks her prone)

Before she could stand up, the priest was holding her down secure. She could feel his thick cock lay over the crack of her ass, the tip resting on her lower back. If she didn't fend him off soon, it seemed he had every intention of penetrating her as he grunted and growled heavily, trying to secure her so he could make her join the madness around the town.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Marta was unable to see any avenue of escape. Unfortunately for her, time was up and the high priest had caught up to her. It was clear in her own eyes that she was not going to win this if it went to combat. Marta's fears were made evidently clear as she would be slammed down to the ground by the high priest.

Knocked onto her stomach, Marta would push herself upward off the ground to realize that the high priest was already waiting for her to move into position for his cock to ram into her ass at high speed. Apparently this was a game of Ramming Speed, and Marta was unfortunately going to be starring as Speed.

Marta knew this was not how she wanted things to be, and attack was impossible. Escape was still her only option.

Athletics, attempting to get free of the high priest and her starring role as Speed.
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Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Marta: Grappled
Climax: [][][]
HP: 24/24
AC: 18
TP: 0

While on her front on the ground (due to how she was running away, not back pedaling), Marta finds the strength to push the priest back enough to stand up, but his burly hands still gripped her. She just had to make one more struggle to escape.

(Once again, versus DC13)