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(New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

(yeah.. I knew that.. just.. derp.)

Marta had made some headway and got back up to her feet. She was part of the way free but needed to get out of his grip completely or it was likely she would find herself down on the ground one more time.

Athletics, Attempting to completely free herself from the grip of the high priest.

Having gotten herself free, Marta wanted to resume her plan of finding an avenue of escape away from this madness. However with the High Priest constantly chasing her, Marta also needed to find some manner or method of getting him off her ass. Trying as best she could to find some manner of escape that would lead toward a more permanent result, Marta would try to put some distance between her and the high priest chasing her.

Perception, to find an escape route.

Athletics, to use any escape route found or otherwise keep the high priest (or anything else for that matter) from grappling her again.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Marta: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 24/24
AC: 18
TP: 0

She tried to flee once more, sprinting through the chaos and trying to outrun the brute. She twisted and turned, fleeing through the city as she had just gotten free. (14 vs 20) But she couldn't outrun him.

It seemed like she would get tired before too long if she continued to flee, and the mutant was too fast for her. He caught up to her and jumped at her once again. (Advantage: 7&14) But she managed to turn and smash his arms out of the way with her on hand weapons. On the outskirts of town now, the monster stood with flames behind him.
Re: (New Player Intro Scenarios) DnD: Revenge of the Unchained

Marta was conflicted, trying everything she could to avoid fighting so far has seen her almost in danger a few times now. Reaching the outskirts of town, Marta would try to use the last trick up her sleeve. Placing her shield directly in front of her, Marta would try to channel the divine power of Hestia.

Cast: Channel Divinity - Turn Undead

Marta would start to chant a small prayer so that she may be able to turn the foul creature that once was the high priest of the church. "Hestia, hear my voice. Send your power forth and scatter the enemies of the church!" Marta did not have time for a proper exorcism prayer that likely could take a few minutes. Instead opting to get right to the point and hope that the corrupted monstrosity that the high priest had become would simply flee in fear.

If this would work, Marta felt that it was likely she could find a means to escape this town and start to focus on the visions that she had been given by Hestia. However were this to fail, at least Marta was in a defensive position already with her shield prepared to fight the former high priest if need be.
Marta: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 19/24
AC: 18
TP: 0

Marta cast turn undead... But quickly found that the Priest was cursed, not possessed it seemed. As her spell did nothing, the priest charged at her. He thrust his fists at her wildly, swinging away! (1st: 15, miss. 2nd: 20, hit for 5 damage) The first misses, but the second connections, sending her back as she would try to avoid making it a grab in his favor.

(Roll versus rape: dc13)
Athletics - Fail
Athletics Reroll (Shield) - Fail

Marta would soon learn that she had made a mistake. One that would see her get knocked on her ass as the Priest would attack. The first attack would impact her already raised shield and Marta was able to absorb the impact. However the second attempt by the Priest would see Marta knocked on her ass. Attempting to backpedal along the ground, Marta would soon be overwhelmed by the Priest as his intentions were quite clear. His cock was about to ram itself into Marta and she needed to try to do anything she could to prevent this. Making one last attempt to use her shield in a way that she could push off of the Priest in some manner, Marta would find that the Priest had gotten the better of her this time. With the Priest simply swatting the shield aside, Marta was effectively defenseless at this point to stop the Priest from having her in whatever fashion he wanted.
Marta: Fine
Climax: [x][][]
HP: 19/24
AC: 18
TP: 14

Swatting her defenses aside, Marta found herself collapsing to one knee, before the mutant priest reached out, grasping at her torso with one hand and raising her up. Without words he used his other hands to do away with the bare minimum in his way to her pussy, before she was lifted and helplessly dropped, impaled upon his massive throbbing cock. In addition to the large growth of her belly, she suddenly felt and even saw, chain-like entities crawling all over her body, as some kind of carnal pleasure stirred within her, making her mind swirl. "Can you feel it, Marta?" he inquired in his doubled, demonic voice with his human voice drowning in submission behind it. "The power that quickly echoes inside of you? That is the power of the Chaos dragon. Even those chains cannot fully protect against it. Give in... Let her corruption consume you!" he declared, before lifting her and letting her down in steady motions, masturbating his dick with her body with a hard fleshy slap echoing through the air as he raped her.

(14 Trauma gained. Roll Rape vs DC13)
Athletics - Fail

Marta was taken in more ways than she cared to comprehend at the moment. With her outfit leaving little to the imagination, the cursed high priest would simply manhandle her. Leaving little in the way of foreplay, the high priest would simply go right to it as he impaled her with his member. Marta had no experience in dealing with something like this. People staring at her and thinking about what they wanted to do to her in some fantasy were things random people would admit to her when they confessed their sins. Marta however had not experienced this first hand until now as she would find herself bouncing up and down while the cursed priest was actively raping her. Somewhat distracted by chain like entities that were crawling around her now, Marta could not find the strength nor resolve to escape her situation. Hearing the priest speak only served to heighten her level of helplessness and distress as Marta could not find a way out. Was she to become a servant of the Chaos Dragon if she was not able to free herself from the priest? Making one last effort to escape, Marta would find that she did not have the blessing of Hestia as nothing was going to save her from her fate now as the former high priest had full control of the situation and there was going to be nothing Marta could presently do about it.

Athletics - Fail

(That would be all 3 strikes?)
Marta: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 7/24
AC: 18
TP: 26

With Marta simply coping with her situation, her struggling leading to naught but vain efforts, the chaos minion seemed disappointed. "No words, or screams? A boring girl to the bitter end. I'll give you a suitably unnoticeable end." the creature declared, holding her body with both hands around the torso to just fuck the girl holding back any observable form of reaction. She simply took in her situation, in multiple ways. The monster seemed quick to get the deed done, thrusting until he came.

(-12 HP, 12 TP gain, Marta is stunned and loses a turn, during which she's pinned. Rolls to escape are now disadvantaged.)

Marta's belly inflated with his seed, as he laid her trembling body down onto the earth and held her arms to the ground so hard they started to feel numb while drilling his cock into her pussy.

(Rape DC 13 ; Disadvantaged.)