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New York (All parts)

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Re: New York (All parts)

"be better prepared..how would they know what even happened here tonight they are all crispyfried....and i really liked it here damnit...timesquare was one of the few places i could enjoy chilling out at..."

*she sighs and frowns a bit giving what he said some thought. before giving a shrug and nodding he rhead*

"oh alright fine..so how far out of my way is this gonne be? unless its overseas i could probably be there in a few hours though you realize..probably less...gotta love how the entire continent is wired after all..and will this place be expecting me or am i gonna be like surprise i'm here for the half-way house for freaks!"

*she put her hands on her hips starting to feel better now getting her same attitude as normal back now that she didnt feel so numb*
Re: New York (All parts)

"I'm quite certain each one of those men had a recording, transmitting device on them, they always do. It's how they stay one step ahead most of the time. Course the things are fried now, so they don't know where we are right now, but they'll have copies of what went down here."

Another pause, then he nodded.

"Afraid they won't be expecting you, I don't exactly have contact there. As for how far, the place is in Calgary, Canada. Can't miss it, draws more power than anything else in the area. Of course, you can't just waltz in through the power lines, the E.M field there will prevent that, but you can show up at the front door in person. Someone will surely greet you if you ring the doorbell, though I warn you the place will seem a bit intimidating due to it's size. Don't worry though, it's more fortified than Fort Knox. You can pretty well deliver the message to anyone there if the real recipient isn't at home, everyone there works together nicely. You'll be wanting to pass on a message to a Dr. Helen Magnus. Tell her Nikola Tesla is still kicking, and sends his regards. Also, the disease that spread out last week from the Himilaya's is continuing to spread outward, and the Cabal is responsible for it. It seems to attack the brain, causing them to become violent, and eventually die of bleeding in the brain. Extremely slow and painful I might add. Anyway, I think I might have a solution to curing it, but I need to do some further research, and quickly. The Cabal appear to be getting ready for a major offensive, though as of yet I'm not sure where."

He paused again as he collected his thoughts.

"That should be all of it. As for you, the place is filled with a number of beings you might find yourself interested in. Tell them you had a run in with the Cabal and were told they would be able to give you a place to stay. They won't turn you down, I'm sure of that. Their whole goal is to preserve beings like you, and ensure they are safe, and for the few who are an actual danger to people, ensure they are safely contained and not out there hurting anyone. Think you can make it to Calgary?"
Re: New York (All parts)

*chews on her lip a bit thinking it over then nods and smiles*

"sure i can handle it..not that far from here..just a minor lay over at the border you know customs and all that...then poof i'll get close enough to finish the rest by foot...i'll your little message along but..will have to see about the place as far as staying there once i arrive..so when might i run into you again mister electrifyingly creepy dude! and i mean that in only the nicest way"
Re: New York (All parts)

Nikola actually smiled at that.

"Well, if you stay there I can say definitely within the next few weeks would be my guess. If you don't, well then I'm not sure. I could always try tracking you down if you'd like."
Re: New York (All parts)

"wellll calgary sounds at least safer regardless of if i stay in this little house of horrors your sending me too...if i'm not there i'll say that you could find me in calgary..i'll make it a point to spend a few weeks there minimum...but enough chit-chat..i'm thinking its time for me to burn some rubber...maybe piss off some electrical techs for a city or two while i'm at it hehe...interesting meeting you i'll say that..i'm gonna wanna learn more later buyt i'm taking off...catch ya later mr. tesla."

*and with that she was off a short jog for now as she decided to find the first powered junction box or wire she could...and when she did BZZZT she would be off in a flash..literally. Her trek would be short by comparison considering the sheer speed of electrical current. to the border at the nearest land crossing and then as easy as pie she could zap her way across and back into some powerlines. Calgary would be her next stop...unhindered except by the limits of modern technology..and eve then once in Calgary her first stop was going to be a Parcel delivery store of some sorts..one that had uniforms for their delivery men or women. She would sneak about hiding in lights and electircal lines if someone was about and when free to do her mischevous she wrote a written note out and sealed it into a package. the note would contain everything she had been told by tesla and she addressed it to Dr. Helen Magnus. She even added a for Her eyes only note written on the package. That job complete she went about her next task...stealing someones Uniform...dressing in it she took of to the streets on foot..next stop some big creepy building at the address she had been given...and its front door.
Re: New York (All parts)

((Will make a post for what she see's upon arrival in the Calgary Thread. Once that's up your free to post there.))
Re: New York (All parts)

The sound of the commotion wrests Abby back into a state of compos mentis. She crawls out along her branch, staying low, hoping to get a better look at whatever was making the noise as it gets closer to her.
Re: New York (All parts)

At first she could see nothing, but then she saw the source. A young woman was being attacked by someone in a ski mask, and as she watched, she saw a spark, realizing the attacker had just jolted the woman with a stun gun.

With a shudder, she collapsed to the ground, still awake but stunned. Then the man simply bent down, and lifted her onto his shoulders, attempting to carry her off. Abby got the impression that perhaps the man was a rapist, and had just claimed a victim.
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby growls at the sight, and leaps down off the branch, shifting into Urshul form as she does so before growling again, much louder this time. The sudden appearance of a giant snarling wolf had, in her experience, scared off most predators, human or otherwise. And if needbe, she had a few more tricks up her sleeve.
Re: New York (All parts)

The attacker dropped the girl fast, spinning around with a handgun in his hand, evidently startled. For a long moment he just stood there, blinking at the sight.

Then he tore off his mask, revealing that he wasn't even human, but some form of reptilian creature. Hissing loudly, he fired a single round at her, which was slightly off the mark, hitting a tree behind her. He then dropped the gun, and pulled out a pair of knives, which Abby would note, were made of what seemed to be silver.

Before this fully registered, the creature actually ran at her, swinging the knives in an attempt to cut her open, leaving the girl unattended.
Re: New York (All parts)

"Oh, of course. Because anything OTHER than silver would be too easy."

Abby shifts back into Urhan form and attempts to dodge the attacker's swings and get behind him before leaping up, aiming for a bite to the groin.
Re: New York (All parts)

The attacker lunged, missing, but was somehow able to get out of the way of Abby's bite, bringing arms and knife downward in what would surely pierce her skin ....

In an attack that never came. Abby suddenly heard a surprised grunting sound, and as she turned around she saw another woman, clad in leather biker type gear deliver a very satisfying kick first to the attackers groin, then to his face, sending it reeling back.

"Hey, check on the other girl will you? Bite her though and I swear it'll be the last thing you do."

Another kick to the face of the creature, this girl wasn't letting up on it that was for sure.
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby initially prepares to ignore the woman and get back into the fight, but reluctantly forces herself away. This new arrival seemed to be handling the creature quite well, plus the knives wouldn't hurt her quite as much.

She shifts into Hishu form and picks up the attacker's dropped gun, before sprinting to the stunned woman and checking to see if she was alright.
Re: New York (All parts)

When Abby got there, she discovered the girl was just stirring.

"Ugh ... whoa, where'd you come from?"

The second part seemed to be directed at Abby, as if she was a bit out of it. Even as she spoke, she started to sit up some, wincing as she did.
Re: New York (All parts)

"I was nearby. Are you alright?"

Abby places herself between the woman and the fight currently going on, helping to support the woman as she tries to sit up.
Re: New York (All parts)

She blinked a couple of times, then nodded.

"Yeah, I think so. Oh, Ashley got that one. Wait ... there were two of them, where's the other one?"
Re: New York (All parts)

"Other one? I only saw the one. What are they, anyway?"

Guessing Ashley was the other woman, Abby looks around for any sign of the other creature.
Re: New York (All parts)

"Draval's or something like that. Nasty fuckers, and these guys have been enchanced. Oh, watch your eyes, sometimes they spit venom."

Even as the other girl finished, Abby saw something come charging at her from her left side at a frightening speed.
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby attempts to place herself between the woman and the approaching creature, shifting into Gauru form in the process and preparing to meet the attacker head on.
Re: New York (All parts)

As Abby and the creature met in combat, the other girl let out a short gasp, scrambling back away, and suddenly out of sight.

Meanwhile, the creature Abby was fighting began hissing, and a rattling noise came from it's throat before it suddenly started to spit something puke green out in large amounts.

The sounds of the other one getting it's ass kicked could still be heard not too far away, so it seemed it was only this one Abby would have to worry about.
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