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New York City Sanctuary


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Zale suddenly found herself standing in another room, one that seemed to be a well equipped medical facility. As soon as they were there, a tall man stepped over, taking one look at Gwen and sighing.

"Damn, that's really bad. She's in bad shape, barely alive. I can feel her fading fast, we need to figure out her blood type and fast. I'll get her John, start the test to determine blood type. We'll need to transfuse if we want to save her, and even then ... it may not be enough."

As he spoke, John gently nudged Zale a step back so the other man could get in. Perhaps to her surprise, the man easily lifted Gwen's prone body, and as he did, he came into contact with some of her bare skin. Shockingly though, the only reaction from him was a slight blink.

"Wow, Kate wasn't kidding about her being electrically charged. Quite a bit of current coming from her, can feel it running through me."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Zale would move to try and follow Gwen and this new person as he lifted her and carried her along.

"Umm when you find out what her blood type is you can check mine to see if it's a match too if ya need. I don't really know what my blood type is but I would be glad to help if I can."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

The taller man paused for a half second before nodding.

"Alright, can do that. Name's Chris by the way, you?"

As he spoke, they kept moving, and in moments he had Gwen on a surgery table, beginning to inspect the wound more thoroughly. By the time John got there to conduct the test with the right equipment, Chris was shaking his head.

"Bullet is still inside of her somewhere, looks like it fragmented on impact. Hydra round, that's why the wound is bleeding so badly and won't stop. This is going to be a bitch to get all of it out of her. Hooking her up to the monitor systems now, and injecting sedative. Need to keep her under for a while to have any chance."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

"You can call me Zale. Is your equipment gonna be okay hooking to her with her charge? it wont fry when it makes contact will it?"

She wanted to be close to see what was happening but also didn't want to be in the way. She was trying to find that optimal distance standing just far enough back so she wasn't bothering them as they set to work.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris nodded.

"They were created with that in mind actually. Nikola Tesla designed most of them, and he took electrical properties into account when he made them, in part due to his own powers. And nice to meet you Zale."

By now John had finished his own work, shaking his head.

"She's B Positive. We have nothing compatible in stock here right now."

He came over to Zale, and assuming she let him, he'd take a sample quickly. After a few moments, while Chris was working on Gwen, an answer came.

"Zale is O positive. Looks like we caught at least one break."

Chris nodded.

"Partially. Even still though .... I'm not sure Zale has enough we can draw upon to completely restore her. We ... we may have to use some of mine, and I have no idea how that will affect her."

John for his part blinked, then spoke warily.

"It could transform her even more, or it may do nothing. With what you are Chris ... it's very risky."

Chris shrugged.

"Well, unless we get someone else compatible to line up, we may not have a choice. No offense, but your own blood wouldn't exactly be beneficial to her, at least with mine she might have a chance."

John frowned slightly before responding to that.

"True enough chap, but it doesn't change the fact you could alter her physiology dramatically."

During this time, Zale might be left wondering what was so different about Chris' blood to cause so much concern. Clearly, he wasn't human since he'd been able to touch her with no issue. What was he though that gave them both pause for concern to use his own?
Re: New York City Sanctuary

"while you guys debate the pros and cons of whatever the fuck Chris heres blood will do can we maybe at least use what I can offer to maybe make her more stable? even if its not enough to get Gwen out of the woods putting some blood back into her seems at least better then how she is currently."

She crossed her arms over her chest frowning a bit as she waited for them to decide what they would do.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris nodded.

"Yeah, the longer we wait, the less chance she has. Like it or not John, our options are limited. Start the process."

John sighed, grabbing what he needed and getting Zale sat down to begin. As Chris began to operate, John muttered off one last bit.

"Just make sure Helen knows, if it comes to it, that I did not sanction the creation of another vampire."

Chris half snorted in response, not breaking from the surgery,

"Noted. Starting the dig. I've got several fragmented pieces that are imbedded into the bone. When you finish there John I'm going to need some assistance with the clamp to make sure she doesn't start spouting blood from other places. This is going to be very tricky. Oh, no more than three bags from her, we don't need Zale passing out on us."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Zale have a shrug at the comment of her passing out. She was a bit curious about mentioning the creation of a vampire. That would be neat she thought an electric vampire would be kinda cool.

"Give me a battery to chew on or plug me into a socket I'll be fine. Just take what ya need."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris was silent for a moment, seeming to be focused on removing something from Gwen. After a long, almost awkward silence, he finally responded.

"So another electrical type person hmm? Interesting. Duly noted though, I think there should be a socket on the other side of the room. Even still, no more than the three. Just in case."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Just giving a sigh she rolled her eyes a bit looking over at the other gentleman

"with the way he says it you must meet us electrical types all the time. Here I thought it would be a little more shocking ya know. ba dum chs"

She makes the little motions with her hands like playing a drum set to go along with the last bit.

"anyways hook me up pull some blood sooner the better after all."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

There was a moment of hesitation before John replied.

"Well, we used to know someone who could manipulate electrical currents, he was also half vampire. Now you and Gwen on the same day, that makes three that I'm aware of now."

There was silence for a moment before Chris responded, pulling out another chunk of bullet from Gwen's body.

"Juliara was an elemental shifter John. She had an air form, electrical powers as well as being able to create small violent contained storm cells in a small area, a couple of blocks. So for me ... four."

To that John grew silent, seeming to be both surprised, and perhaps wary of saying anything further regarding whoever this Juliara was, or had been possibly from the sounds of it. Perhaps something had happened to her?

John did however begin the blood drawing process, seeming to be surprisingly skilled at doing so. She almost didn't even feel the needle enter her skin. In short order, at least one unit was ready, though a glance over at Chris showed him frowning.

"There's a lot of fragmentation in here, far more than I'd expect for a simple hydra round. I think this may have been a spartan round mixed with a hydra. Beginning initial transfusion now."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

"I know almost nothing about guns and bullets and such so all this bullet speak is going over my head at least. So does this sanctuary place just like draw all us sparky people to it or something? regardless how goes it with those bullets ya think your gonna be able to get it all out safely? and make sure Gwen will be alright?"

She kept pretty still as the blood drawing began. She didn't want to make this any more difficult then necessary. Plus she wasn't a huge fan of needles so sooner done the better.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

John answered most of her questions, and her statement.

"That's quite alright, I believe it's mostly for me to relay to Helen later, and for the medical records he's making of her now via his ear piece, which is connected into the medical systems. Much easier to input information that way I'm told. The Sanctuaries are for any and all, mostly for what we refer to as abnormals. Essentially, anything other than humans. It's more to help protect the abnormals than it is the humans, although in some cases, they need protecting from the abnormals."

Chris finally replied to her, shaking his head.

"I'll be completely and brutally honest. I don't know. There's a ton of fragments in the wound, and she's already lost a lot of blood. I'm working as fast as I can safely with it but ... if this takes too much longer to clear all out, we may lose her. Almost through the first bag you gave too."

Before Zale knew it, she was done, John withdrawing the needle and stopping the blood flow with good old fashioned gauze and tape. At least some things didn't change. Even as he finished, Chris had hooked the second bag up to Gwen, seeming to focus intently on removing the fragments of bullets. They were in a race against time, with the clock ticking, and Gwen's life in the balance.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

With the blood draw done she moved to step closer to the table watching what was going on a little closer she was a little frustrated there wasn't anything she could do right now.

"Are you sure I cant do anything here? there isn't anything that would be helpful? there has to be something. This just sucks not being able to lend a hand or something."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris thought for a moment then shrugged.

"Maybe keep the clamp on areas I tell you to, keep her from losing as much blood. Unless you're versed in surgical procedures and removing bullet fragments from a body, at which point we can duo team the operation. And I'll need someone when this bag is done to connect the third one. John, start looking around for other donors in the Sanctuary, I think we'll need them. And Zale ... keep one of those blood letting units ready, we may have to use mine. It's a last resort but ... we may have no choice."

John just simply grimaced, walking out the door to see if he could find anyone else.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Gave a nod and did as asked. She certainly wasn't versed in any kind of medical stuff like would really help but for now she could at least help with the small things. She had an idea she wanted to try but not knowing how much it would help or even hurt left her not wanting to risk sending a shock into Gwen quite yet. maybe if she started taking a further turn for the worse she might try it but for now let the medic do his job.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris kept working, continuing to pull fragments from Gwen as quickly as he could. Soon enough Zale would find herself having to pop in the third and final bag of donated blood as well, and shortly after John returned with bad news.

"I'm afraid there's no one else here with blood compatible for her. How is she?"

Chris grunted in response, taking a few moments to remove a larger, nasty looking piece of metal from Gwen before responding.

"I've got almost all of the fragments out but we're on the last bag of blood. John, get on the suction device and manually move it through, this machine isn't quite adequate enough."

Another piece removed as John did as asked, and while this was going on, Chris was shaking his head.

"She's losing blood faster than she should be for just this wound. I'm thinking there's another internal bleeder somewhere, something pumping out blood internally, rather than out of her. Zale, did she have any other obvious injuries besides the gunshot to the shoulder? Any bruising elsewhere, any part of her body she favored as much as the shoulder?"
Re: New York City Sanctuary

"Her arm and that side in general seemed to be the whole bit of the damage that I was aware of. She was favoring that whole side for as long as we talked. there wasn't anything else I noticed sorry."

She stepped over to Gwens uninjured side and took hold of Gwens hand a moment. maybe now was the time to try. Gwen kept getting worse so there wasn't anything it would hurt right she thought. Letting a small amount of charge build in her hand while she held onto Gwens she wanted to see what a small charge might do while she channeled it towards Gwen. Electricity helped her when she felt down maybe it would help Gwen too.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

At first nothing seemed to happen, then suddenly three spots inside the wound began to bleed in just the right way for Chris to notice them. Zale heard him let out a sound as he moved in for the first one.

It hadn't helped Gwen per se, but it had allowed Chris to locate where she was hemorrhaging from internally. After a moment, Chris sharply looked at Zale.

"Can you generate heat with that energy of yours? Enough to cauterize flesh?"
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chewing her lip in thought for a second she shrugged.

"maybe but can you cauterize a wound with pure electricity? and would work on her? cause that's pretty much what I do. pure electrical energy."