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Nigeria, Africa.

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

By now, people may wonder where Dex is. Dex is in hiding. Sneaking along the wall and using all the cover she can get from the rocks she has tried to circle that thing without it noticing her. . . but all of this is void now anyway. It seems the brunt force of the others was more than able to take it out.
Unfazed, the woman steps out of the shadows and dusts off her clothes as if nothing has happened. As if there's not a monstrosity with a splattered skull on the ground. The danger is over for now, time to move on.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger smiles a little, suddenly making a mental note that Dex was not what he thought she'd be. He felt a little glad that at least she was doing what he wanted the two women to do, and that was to stay away from any form of danger.

"Maybe there's someone in this group I can manage to protect after all. Provided her cautious demeanor continues."

Roger decided in his mind, that should the group proceed, he'd stick within a certain distance of Dex, and let Sarah and Chris take the front. Already he noticed from their first battle, that Chris and Sarah would likely end up getting in the way, very often. He remembered he had to use his knife, due to the fact Chris and Sarah were, "Having a cluster-fuck on that creature..." And once he looked again, away from the blond woman emerging from cover, he saw them both, once again, hovering over the creature.

Roger sighs softly, softly enough so that possibly only Dex would hear him due to distance, and walks slowly away from the two investigating the corpse. "Fuckin' sicko's. Can't let the dead be dead, ya gotta go off and play with the fuckin' thing next..." he complained within the silence of his mind once more, while simply standing in place, arms folded, and his back to the two conversing about the dead monster.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Finally Chris stood. "Alright, enough of this. It's evident that this Licker wasn't the normal breed encountered a few years ago and has been upgraded. Keep your eyes open for anything, it's time to move."

And move they did. For a good ten minutes they would walk, the only sounds that of their footsteps and breathing. Eventually they came to a section of the cave that seemed LIT. Stepping in, the discovered a gargantuan stone statue there, along with steps. In the center of it were a bunch of flowers. Flowers that glowed, which was the source of the light.

Chris was stunned. How could these flowers survive growing in STONE? Let alone without sunlight.

"What .... What the hell is this place?"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Glowing flowers. That's unusual."

Carefully, pistols still ready, she aproached them to give them a closer look, trying to see the source of the luminecence.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger twisted his lips at the formation of flowers, and decided to look elsewhere around the room, hoping to find anything else, besides the flowers, that might indicate some kind of clue as to where this formation came from. "If I'm right, then someone, or something, made this formation of plants on this stone formation. So there's gotta be some indication of who might have been playing around with these things somewhere nearby..."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

RJ's instinct turned out to be correct.

After he'd been looking for a few moments, he would catch the faint outline of a retractable door in the center wall, along with a hidden panel. Removing the cover would net him an unwanted visitor. He'd find, clearly marked, the symbol for Umbrella Inc. None other than those responsible for the Licker and other bio-weapons.

Chris hadn't seen this or seen RJ go off, he was too wrapped up looking at the flowers and stone, wondering what the hell it meant.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"I wonder how those things can keep growing here... it's odd for blooms on even subterrain plants, usually the best you'd get is lichen..." Sarah mutters to herself, taking notes about the glowing plants now. "Could this be one of the artifacts?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris shook his head, measuring it. "No, no. Much too large, and far far older than any we've come across. This stone .... it may once have been erected into something larger, something on historical significance. I think we've just stumbled across the old Ndipaya Tribe grounds. This place .... if this really IS their grounds, it's been lost for centuries. We may very well be the first people to have stepped foot here in thousands of years."

Chris seemed slightly excited, obviously this was a huge historical find.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Probably sooner than that." Roger said from where he was standing, looking at the symbol in front of him. "Unless Umbrella was founded by the Mayans, I'd say we're very late to this little party. Someone beat us here a long time ago." he told whoever might have been listening, even if it was only himself.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris's demeanor changed rapidly. "WHAT?"

He moved over to RJ, looking at the panel. He was deathly silent for a period of time.

"No. No way a facility of Umbrella's could still .... could it?"

His hand clenched into a fist before he spoke, sharply.

"Stand back, I'm going to open this. If a load of zombies pour out, I want you ALL to run like motherfucking hell, grab the C-4 charges from the chopper and collapse this cave, don't wait for me. No other way out of this chamber, so we have to open it."

He waited until they had stepped back, then hit the button, opening the door silently. Rather, the wall retracted in on itself silently. Luckily, nothing poured out, other than a dim light from still powered overhead lights.

"Son of a fucking bitch. This place still ... has power? Not fucking good."

Regardless, he took several steps in, working a terminal that was still powered.

The chamber they'd entered was a large room with smashed stasis tubes, and a few computer terminals. The floor was a bland silver with the Umbrella logo on the floor. It didn't take Chris long to bring the main battery power online, and restore the lights to full. A few moments later, and he'd called up the map of the place, and let loose a low whistle.

"Son of a .... this place .... it's over seventy miles in size. This .... this is the Nigerian branch of Umbrella's offices but .... it wasn't that large, and this was shut down YEARS ago. How the hell .... Oh Sean is not going to be happy when he hears this."

They might wonder a couple of things. One, how he knew so much about the place, and more importantly, how he'd managed to get into their system like it was second nature to him.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah looked in awe at the clean floors, though her firearms were now gripped in her hands. "It's like it never shut down... which could be a possibility. That'd also expain the licker out there..." she pointed out, back to one of the statis tubes, probably not the wisest decision...

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger sighed, and scratched the back of his head, "It's called a business takeover." he said, "It happens all the time. When one business goes kaput, another business might absorb it into itself. I'd say, if you remember Umbrella going under a while ago, some other organization stepped in, and took the reigns." Roger shrugged, "It even works that way in the hood. Smaller gangs usually end up working for the bigger ones eventually, no matter what name they go by. So I guess that the same thing could be said for this Umbrella corporation."

Roger felt his mouth go thirsty from talking, and reached down into one of his packs, pulling out the water bottle, and taking a mouthful of water, before putting it back. Roger smacked his dry lips, licking them in order to hydrate the dry skin.

"Besides, if this facility is still active, that must mean that there's someone here. And that probably means they know we're here. So, let's not fuck around." Roger said, pulling his pistol out from it's holster, holding it in his right hand, and bracing it with his left, pointing it upwards in case of the unlikely event of a discharge.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Yeah, if this place is like the NecroTech incident, this is gonna be one big fuckhole we're dropping into. Bugger, why does it always have to be zombies..." she half-says half-mutters, a hand gliding through her hair at the annoyance of more undead.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

About then there was a trumpeting roar from one of the smashed tubes, a single dark, two legged Amphibious creature springing from it's hiding spot, leaping straight for Sarah!

At first quick glimpse they'd note only a few things. The creature had green, scaly skin, feral red eyes, and a nasty set of claws. Oh, and it was bounding towards Sarah like a linebacker with a jet pack turned on to overkill.

Chris heard the sound, but even with his speed, he was too far away from her to get there in time, though that wouldn't stop him from trying. It was up to Sarah if she could move in time. If not, well being pinned under something that ugly probably wasn't something she'd like, much less being gutted by it.

((At request :p))


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The roar coming from right behind her made Sarah jump, hampering her reaction time. She didn't even have time to raise her guns before the beast was on her, causing her to scream as she hit the floor.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger, seeing that Sarah was in danger, had been too busy staying near Dex to have been close enough to protect Sarah. "I fucking knew that shit like this was gonna happen!" Roger rushed as fast as he could towards Sarah, hoping to kick the beast off of her before it was too late, although he feared he wouldn't make it in time...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger caught two lucky breaks. First, despite Chris's superior speed, Roger was closer and hit the beast before it could slash at Sarah, likely saving her from a very grizzly death.

Then, as the creature flipped back to it's feet, rearing back to gut him, Chris arrived, ramming the beast with a shoulder tackle into the wall, actually denting it.

However, it got a lucky bounce. The things sliced neatly into the shoulder strap on the way that caused Chris's shotgun to clatter to the floor. Luckily the safety was on, and it didn't fire.

It was now that both Hunter and Chris squared off, the Hunter snarling in anger, and Chris icily staring it down, neither one backing down, but both very much aware of each other's prowess. It seemed at some point one of them would make a move.

The Hunter blinked first so to speak. Charging at Chris, it swung a claw back, preparing to gut him.

Hands coming up, he blocked the claws only half successfully. He fully blocked the left arm of the Hunter, but the right one swiped and got a single claw through his right wrist. Chris's jaw moved only slightly from it, as he began smacking the Hunter's hard head against the wall, the beast unable to pull away. Yet still, despite the cranial smackage, it refused to die from head trauma.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger, taking note that Chris obviously wanted the show all to himself, and that he might end up cutting or shooting the fool if he tried to attack, instead chose to back up, and stay near Dex, holding one arm out in front of her, giving her a silent command to stay back, and let Chris play with the monster.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah stumbled back up, dusting herself off, looking a little battered, but not quite dead, having been saved before getting anything more then a few scratches. Quietly, she watched Chris toy with the monster, idly thinking he was being a showoff.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Unfortunately, it became quite clear very soon he wasn't toying with it, as the beast still was alive even after twenty or more head bashes.

The beast finally got free it's left arm in mid slam, and smacked Chris, actually with enough strength to send him flying back, cracking the sun shades in half with the swipe and drawing blood from his face.

Standing, he spit out blood, taking the glasses off and slamming them to the floor. "You fucking cock sucker. Those were brand new."

Once more the beast lunged for him, and this time when it landed Chris stuck his arm, with a grenade down it's throat, backing off. "DUCK AND COVER! FIRE IN THE HOLE!"

A few moments later, the grenade exploded, showering the room with tiny bits of Hunter.

During the first moments after the explosion, without the shades they could fully view his eyes, and, strangely enough, that the wound actually seemed painful.

The solid steel wall next to him provided the perfect target. Once, twice, then rapidly five times more he punched it, severely dented it as the wound rapidly healed before their eyes. When it was done and he'd stood, he glared at them. "What, you think that just because I already have a virus to give me my powers doesn't mean it doesn't hurt to forcefully reject the virus that thing carries?"

He wasn't showboating this time, he genuinely had been in pain, and was extremely agitated.

Finally calm, he added very slowly. "Sarah ... did that Hunter break your skin when it hit you? Or you RJ?"