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Nigeria, Africa.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger quickly yanked free his blade from it's sheath with his arm not held by Vine, "Who gives a damn." he said bluntly, "Let go of my arm, sweetie, I've gotta exterminate some bugs."

Pulling his arm gently away, he proceeded at a slightly quickened pace, using his now free left arm to gracefully yank his magnum from it's holster, spinning the metal around his finger like a gunslinger, before catching it with his palm.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

She let go, though she shot him a look.

"Roger ... I was here just before you and I met. They came through here, and from the looks of it recently. I'll be honest with you, I'm afraid if we run into them. They ... hunt abnormals for their own personal gain. We ..."

She was cut off as a sudden flood of infected poured from behind a corner, racing towards them ....

And then suddenly a good chunk of them got blasted as a missile came out of nowhere.

If Roger spared a glance, he'd spot another helicopter, only this one was labeled with the B.S.A.A logo.

"Take cover down there! I'm gonna light me an infected barbeque! Be careful!"

This came over a foghorn like device on the chopper, as he banked away to start a strafing run.

Roger's eye would definitely note as one of the infected went for a rocket launcher, trying to aim at his new aerial support.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah gave a very loud sigh as she unslung her shotgun. "It's just neeeeever easy, is it?" she muttered. "How many am I saving for the rest of yas?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen chucled a bit at Sarah's comment. "Go ahead and take as many as you want, just don't get bitter if I get to the ones I want first." She says with a grin.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Rolling his eyes as soon as Vine began, Roger was about to tell her that he was abnormal as well, and that grunts like them had little chance against him, before he ducked his head down as fire from a suddenly appearing helicopter appeared from nowhere. "Oh, COME ON! Why does this shit keep happening!? I need some fucking helicopter repellent!" he shouted over the destruction.

About to pull the radio and yell, Roger caught sight of an infected about to fire a rocket at his noisy support. He pulled his gun as fast as he could, cursing, "FUCK!" as he quickly aimed at the infected, and fired a magnum round in it's general direction. Can't aim long range easily with just a magnum, in such short time.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris just shrugged.

"Just try to avoid the big dudes, I'm guessing they're gonna take more than just a few rounds to drop."

That said, he waded into battle, engaging two of the behemoth men at once, even as a third set it's sights on Ellen.

Regina unloaded rounds into the weaker ones, going with the philosophy a few strong enemies weren't as dangerous as being over run and ganged up on.

Roger couldn't have asked for better luck with his shot. He had pulled the trigger, likely not expecting to hit the infected, only distract it. However, fate decided to play a cruel card on said infected, and Roger's bullet literally was curved in the air by the motion of the helicopter blades, angling the bullet just enough to come smacking into said infected's eye ball. It never made a sound at all, just dropped like a bag of useless flesh and bone.

The pilot, who hadn't even seen this, let loose with another missile that sent more than a handful of infected flying in multiple directions, body parts being blasted off of them in the process. Fairly soon, he'd wiped out all but a pair of stragglers, which were finished off by vines to their throats.

Again, the foghorn came on, and the pilots voice filled the air.

"Should be the last of them around here. There's a supply cache a half mile north of here if you need ammo or supplies to get out of here. Don't know who you folks are, but wasn't about ready to let you be ambushed without trying to help. Oh, and keep your eyes open, saw something really BIG off to the east a while ago, not sure what it was, only got a glimpse but boy that sucker was a big mama. Anyway, I've got to run, doing recon here. Stay frosty down there."

After a quick wave, he angled away from them, and took off.

"Well ... what an interesting dude, and probably a tad insane don't you think?"