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Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Her plan went off without a hitch, and Colette laughed wildly as she thrust and skewered her first foe, then withdrew and parried off the second man's attack.

"Not so impressive! Now are you going to be smart and run? No? Suit yourself!"

Jumping in front of Sable, Colette was determined to not seem as if she needed help taking out two strong men who were giving such difficulty to the other fighters in the group.

"Sable, help Mireleth! I've got this!"

Hack n slash against the remaining foe in front of her.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Damn that Sable, running off when they were so beset! As she felt another spirit, full of rage, enter the death mask on her hip, she knew she could do battle with the enemies if she needed to... but there were needs more prudent for Nagan and her spirits to attend to. Nagan placed Telakapa at her feet, and then drew out a rod shaped like a hand. It had been carved from a long stick, and so resembled a rod, and the thing's palm was painted with a spiral of blood. Nagan pointed it at Miraleth. "Naandawi!"

Using the Spirit of Mending on Miraleth - it heals 1d8. For Spirit Talk, I'll take the ongoing -1 if I 7-9 it.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Sable grit her teeth as her opponent's spear bit into her side, but her own attack struck true, piercing through his chest all the way to the guard. With another muttered curse she planted her foot on the man's stomach and pushed, causing the corpse to topple onto the ground on its back as she pulled her sword free. Seeing that Mireleth had taken one of her own opponents down and was facing off against the other, she fell back to protect her other companions.

Her concern seemed to be unneeded, as before she even made it a few steps back Colette had drawn her rapier and intercepted the oncoming men, taking one down quickly and managing to fend off the other. "Alright, I'll leave it to you," she gave a short response to the rogue, though she didn't intend to simply run off. It might prove unnecessary, but she first took a step forward, feinting a strike at their opponent despite her words, while quickly turning aside and dashing back towards the other remaining attackers.

If possible, spending 2 hold remaining from Defend to feint at the enemy, giving Colette +1 forward to attacking him and if applicable halving the effect of his attack.
The running off to try to attack the one Mireleth is fighting if she doesn't get him, or the approaching archer if she does. If that's too much, just move to intercept without attacking.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Wyndyl's aim was off yet again, her arrow whizzing just past the man who had been shooting at her, the mist keeping her from getting a proper bead on him. He had no such difficulty, unfortunately, and after a moment she felt a jolt of pain as one of his arrows punched into her shoulder. She let out a loud yelp of pain, almost dropping her bow as the arrow's tip came to rest inside of her... she wasn't used to being hit like this, these wildmen were no joke, that was for sure. Things seemed to be going relatively badly for the little group all around, for though they were making progress against the enemy (at least, besides the elf herself) they were still taking quite a beating. She was thankful that she hadn't been hit in the arm necessary to draw her bow, there was at least that, and she notched a third arrow while spurring her mount to move; staying still was likely suicide in a situation like this. She would have him move laterally, pulling back her bow with some small amount of difficulty and firing one more bolt at the archer.

Volley, if partial success expose herself to danger
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Mireleth - HP 10/23, No Status
Nagan - HP 15/19, No Status
Sable - HP 9/21, Weapon Entangled (-1 to damage rolls)
Colette - HP 20/20, No Status
Wyndyl - HP 12/17, No Status
Mireleth’s Hack and Slash: 2d6+2 = 7 (1, 4)
Damage: 1d10 = 10. Very dead.

Counterattack: 1d6+2 = 3

Sable feints, using 2 hold (and losing the third when she moves away) to give +1 to Colette’s attack and halving the effect of any counterattack.

Colette’s Hack and Slash: 2d6+3 = 10 (5, 2)
Damage: 1d8 = 3. Just barely enough.

Nagan’s Spirit Talk: 2d6+2 = 9. Takes a -1 ongoing to future rolls.
Nagan’s Spirit of mending: 1d8 = 3

Sable’s Hack and Slash: 2d6+2 = 9 (6, 1)
Damage: 1d10+1-1 = 5. Dead. No counterattack since he was still entranced by the totem until he died.

Wyndyl’s Volley: 2d6+1 = 9 (5, 3)
Damage: 1d8 = 8. Pretty dead.
Exposed herself to danger, buuuut the danger is all dead now.

Despite the hard-fought battle, things soon began to turn in favour of the town's protectors. In a brief exchange of blows and parries Mireleth managed to catch her opponent's spear just below the tip, the strike at just the right angle and strength to sever the thinner wood at the connection point, the deadly tip sailing off harmlessly to land on the road behind her as its wielder stumbled, thrown off balance by the loss of leverage. He managed to strike out in desperation as she closed for the kill, swinging his broken weapon like a bludgeon, but while he struck true, the impact would do little more than perhaps leave a bruise on her arm. It did nothing to stop her strike, slicing cleanly through his unprotected throat.

Meanwhile, Sable made her feint before moving to intercept the entranced archer, stepping forward and making to swing at the whip-wielding man before arresting her strike and darting off to the side, his whip striking the air she'd stood moments before as he fell for the bait. When Colette moved in for the kill he was still off-balance, trying to twist his body to bring the club in his other hand to bear on the rogue, but she was too quick. She easily dodged around the clumsy swing and he own struck true, the man dropping lifelessly and leaving her entirely unscathed.

As the last of the melee attackers fell, the shamaness approached one of the wounded swordswomen, retrieving yet another totem. With a word she felt the spirit stir, though it seemed... agitated. Nonetheless, the spirit of healign answered Nagan's call, manifesting into the world for a moment to close Mireleth's wounds before returning to its rest. While her wounds were still painful and not yet fully healed they had stopped bleeding, and some of the pain faded.

Sable met the entranced archer, who had turned to continue his path to the shamaness as she had moved forward to heal Miraleth. He offered no resistance, eyes still focused on the spirit totem even as her blade slid between his ribs and his life slowly slipped away. He had a moment of clarity as the pain broke the enchantment but by then it was far too late, and he could only stare in surprise as he slid off the blade and collapsed onto the road behind him.

Wyndyl finally met with success, drawing back her bow despite the pain in her arm and letting fly with a third arrow at the final enemy alive. It struck true, the arrowtip piercing straight through the man's eye as he tried to line up his own shot on the elf, and he fell bonelessly to the ground, his own arrow slipping from his grasp and clattering on the stone at his feet.

With the last of the attackers killed, silence fell over the battlefield momentarily, and they would quickly realize that the sounds on battle throughout the town had also quieted. Any worries over who had won would soon be put to rest however, as the sound of heavy footsteps and the clanking of plate and mail heralded the arrival of a handful of haggard-looking soldiers who briefly levelled their weapons at the party before looking over the scene. Apparently they were satisfied by what they saw that those in front of them were not enemies and they lowered their weapons a few moments later, though the kept them in hand.

A well-built man some of the party might recognize as the captain of the guard stepped forward, seeming to recognize at least some of who he saw before him. "This your doing? Nice work, thought we'd lost the gate for sure. Never seen them attack head on like this, they usually just terrorize the roads."

The captain turned back to his men once he'd addressed the motley group, all of whom on closer inspection looked to be mostly uninjured, if obviously worn out. "Man the gates! Kepp an eye out for anyone else approaching! And stay alert, blasted fog is what let them creep up on us the first time." As his men shuffled forward to take up positions guarding the gate. With that done, he turned back to the party once again, "Thanks for your help. Probably saved a lot of lives had they managed to get in and start causing havoc. We've got some doctors working with the alchemist in the old church down Hatherleigh," he motioned over his shoulder to the street he and his men had come from, "Tell 'em Barton sent you and they'll get you patched up. Least we can do is get you sorted out after that."

He would wait a few moments in case of any other questions, and if there were none, quickly jog off to join his men at the gate, alert for any sign that more attackers were coming.
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Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

A swift slash that severed the dangerous tip of her opponent's spear, a turn, a wince as she accumulated another bruise on her arm as the blunt shaft of the barbarian's spear smashed into her forearm, and finally a second slash that nearly decapitated her opponent. Mireleth sighed and stumbled slightly before she felt a strange presence washing over her. Instinctively she tensed, but when she twisted she only found Nagan, the strange woman conjuring one of her spirits to heal her. Despite finding the woman's unnatural magic distasteful - she preferred that the dead remain at rest - she shot a grateful look to the woman.

The battle was over, the last of their immediate opponents felled, and as she listened for more opponents she heard that the fighting elsewhere was also ended. A group of guards approached them a few moments later, tromping up in their heavy armor, but she knew some of their faces and thus didn't raise her blade against them. The captain stepped forward, and she nodded at his question and smiled at his praise. Despite being relatively humble - or at least thinking herself so - she always appreciated appreciation. "Appreciated, captain Barton," she said softly when he instructed them to go to the church where the medic station had been set up, "who were these... People?"

Her question was phrased simplistically, for being from far away left her relatively clueless to the exact nature of their attackers. She suspected they were the wildfolk of course, but a confirmation would put her at ease, letting her put a face to a potential enemy. "Will something be done to prevent this from happening again? As much as I enjoy a decent fight, I think the people of Rachdale might appreciate the lack of a second instance like this!"

Once the captain had answered those questions, and any her other companions might like, she would turn and address them; "I would like to have these looked at... No sense taking the risk of the rot setting in if I can have them seen to at no cost. Would anyone else care to accompany me, or shall I meet up with you later?"
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Upon the entranced archer's death, Nagan's totem that housed Telakapa started to crumble, and soon withered to splinters at Nagan's feet, where she'd placed the thing. Soon after, armored men making up the town's warriors showed their faces. Quietly, Naandawi was drawn back under Nagan's cloak, and housed once more in the pouch kept special for each of the talismans she had. Nagan then stepped over to hide the pile of splinters with her cloak - she didn't think they would mind it, but she wanted to be careful. She stood her ground, mask hiding her features, and only when Nagan and her group took their leave would she kick the pile to the side, dispersing the once-idol into what would be just more detritus in the street.

"I think all of us took a few wounds here, Bladeswoman," Nagan spoke as pulled out the arrowhead that had buried shallow into her shoulder, and then tugged the shaft through the hole the head had made. She tossed it aside. "Let us see this healer."
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Colette swiftly withdrew her blade from her second opponent and swished it twice through the air to flick the blood from the blade. She regarded her steel for a moment, then re-sheathed it and calmly regarded the last remnants of the raiders as they were defeated.

She made no comment as Captain Barton and his men came late to the party, though she didn't appreciate the way they seemed to raise their weapons momentarily, as if they were about to attack the group of female adventurers. Given her profession, most guards made her suspicious, be they corrupt city officers or rural bumpkin militia. So only when they had moved on to other business did the rogue slide up next to Mireleth and Nagan, inserting herself into their conversation.

"Speak for yourself, ghost whisperer, I've got nary a scratch. But I'll walk with you ladies to whatever passes for a house of healing around here... Geez Mireleth, you caught a few unlucky shots, didn't you?"

Colette pouted her lips as she overlooked the Eastern swordswoman. Worried enough about the gashes to not have the heart to make light of it.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Things hadn't been going terribly well for the motley crew of fighters, but the fortunes of battle could turn in an instant, and turn they did. Though the archer Wyndyl was facing off against had managed to strike her in some fashion with two arrows, her reply came in a swift and deadly way, her third arrow piercing him through the eye and into his brain. She reached for another arrow from her quiver instinctively, but a quick look around told her that the fight was over, their opponents all dead or dying. Though she had been focused in pretty heavily on the archers after a time she had been aware enough to notice that the rest of her party, even though forced to trade blows on a number of occasions with the wildmen, were pretty strong. Colette especially had impressed the elf with her swiftness and poise, as well as her ability to handle multiple roles in combat.

With the fighting over Wyndyl closed her eyes and offered a silent prayer to the soul of the man she had killed, for its peace in the afterlife. Even with his arrow still lodged in her shoulder it wouldn't do to be disrespectful. Life was a precious thing, and she had been taught better than to take it carelessly and without reverence. In the meantime she could hear another group approaching them... though with all that clanking armor it had to be the soldiers of the garrison. It seemed the fighting elsewhere had abated as well, and the guard had come to check up on the front gate. She recognized the voice of the man she assumed was the captain of the guard, and when she was done with her prayer she opened her eyes and looked over at him, giving him a smile. Still, she let the others do all the talking; she had only begun interacting with humans very recently, and she hardly understood their culture. She didn't want to step on anyone's toes or insult them unintentionally, so where possible she let her new friends speak for her in more formal situations.

While the guardsman made his offer that they should go to see the town's doctors she reached over to grasp the shaft of the arrow stuck in her shoulder, and with a wince she pulled it out and inspected it for damage. If it was still suited for use she would keep the thing, though she wouldn't venture into the fog to try and retrieve any of hers. That done Wyndyl leaned down to give her direwolf companion a headrub, reaching down to rub under his muzzle at the same time, cooing at him quietly; a reward for a successful combat. "Yes" she said finally after Nagan had finished speaking, "I could do with a healer." She would remain mounted during the trip, Sir Wolf trotting along down the street while she held onto her shoulder, trying to ignore the pain and only being partially successful.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Colette swiftly withdrew her blade from her second opponent and swished it twice through the air to flick the blood from the blade. She regarded her steel for a moment, then re-sheathed it and calmly regarded the last remnants of the raiders as they were defeated.

She made no comment as Captain Barton and his men came late to the party, though she didn't appreciate the way they seemed to raise their weapons momentarily, as if they were about to attack the group of female adventurers. Given her profession, most guards made her suspicious, be they corrupt city officers or rural bumpkin militia. So only when they had moved on to other business did the rogue slide up next to Mireleth and Nagan, inserting herself into their conversation.

"Speak for yourself, ghost whisperer, I've got nary a scratch. But I'll walk with you ladies to whatever passes for a house of healing around here... Geez Mireleth, you caught a few unlucky shots, didn't you?"

Colette pouted her lips as she overlooked the Eastern swordswoman. Worried enough about the gashes to not have the heart to make light of it.

"I've had better days, I'll admit... Still, you should see the other guys," the eastern warrior said as she picked out an oiled cloth and cleaned her sword, making sure that it was spotless and checking it for dents before sheathing it.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Nagan frowned when the thief called her 'ghost whisperer'. Even if she'd said it after the Imperials had left, it gave the shaman cause for concern. "I could give you a scratch, if you feel left out, o lightfooted one," Nagan said low in response - though her voice carried the light tone of a joke, it might have been tinged ever so slightly with a note of annoyance.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Sable lowered her blade as the approaching guardsmen lowered their own, recognizing them for what they were. It seemed things were under control now, as the sounds of combat elsewhere had died down, but there was no telling how much damage had been done. She kept a wary eye on the gate as the others spoke to the captain, half-expecting more wildmen to charge out of the mist at any moment, even if the attack appeared to be over.

The captain's comment that they'd never suffered an attack like this caused the monster hunter to give him a curious look, though she didn't speak up about it. It was understandable. As this attack had proven, there was little such an attack could truly accomplish against a town as well defended as this. Certainly, they had done a lot of damage, but they had all been killed in the process. There were few to whom that would be a victory.

While she had spent much more time studying the habits of beasts than men, there were no insignificant number of similarities between the two. As he'd said, terrorizing the roads, attacking travellers and raiding caravans would have suited this group much better than this head-on attack. Was it simply overconfidence, or was there more at work? Kneeling next to the archer she'd taken down last, Sable gave the body a quick check for anything especially notable or out of place, or anything that might signify which tribe these men belonged to. Anything she found would be silently pocketed for later examination before she stood once again, perking up ever so slightly at the mention of a healer setting up to tend to the wounded.

"Yes, that seems prudent." Sable nodded at her companions' desire to see the healer, her own wounds some of the more sever they'd received. Now that the adrenaline of battle had begun to fade, she found even taking the few steps to join them painful, though not unbearable. "If he's offering, we should take him up on it, no sense risking leaving our wounds unattended for too long."
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

"Some of the, uh... locals," Barton responded hesitantly to Mireleth with a glance past her at Nagan, evidently originally intending to use a less polite term before thinking better of it, "Can't say which tribe they belong to, we haven't found anything distinguishing on them aside from some kind of medallions. Never seen the symbols on them before though, so they may be from some tribe we haven't dealt with before. We're going to be doubling the guard for now at least, until we can figure out if more attacks like this are coming. I know we're not on great terms with some of the locals, but like I said, they've never attacked us directly like this before."

Barton shook his head, sighing as he surveyed the bodies littering the street once again. In her examination of one of those same bodies, Sable found little of interest besides the same thing the captain had mentioned, a bronze medallion on some kind of thin leather band around the man's neck. On closer inspection, it was adorned with a symbol unfamiliar to the huntress despite its simplicity. It appeared to be some kind of stylized serpent, coiled around itself. "They looked like their goal was to capture people too, but it just doesn't make sense for them to attack head-on for that... Well, whatever they wanted, we'll just have to be on guard until we figure out where they came from."

A call from the gate drew the captain's attention away, and he gave a brief apology before jogging of toward his men. A brief look would be enough to tell that it wasn't another attack, and the shout hadn't been one of alarm, so there would be little else to distract them from making their way to the healers.

Following the captain's directions, they would soon come to the old church he mentioned, a large number of people gathered outside, most seemingly waiting for those within, or at least to hear news of them. Their party attracted quite a few stares, an armed and bloodied group obviously not belonging to the city guard or militia, but they were unimpeded on their path. Nagan in particular was the subject of more than a few suspicious looks, her garb clearly marking her as one of the inhabitants of the wildlands, but nobody made any move against her. Rachdale traded with many of the more amenable tribes, so they weren't an entirely uncommon sight, and her walking with others clearly not among the attackers was enough to dissuade any serious suspicion.

Inside, they were quickly approached by a young woman dressed in all white, blonde hair tied up at the back of her head. "Ah! You were involved in the fighting? Is anyone badly wounded?" She paused for only a moment to look them over before continuing, the captain's name apparently not even being needed after all as she quickly ushered them inside, barely giving them a chance to speak unless they actively resisted. "Well, you did all walk here yourselves, so it shouldn't be critical. I'm sorry, everyone's got their hands full, and I'm just an assistant, but someone should be with you soon! Just take a seat over here while you wait, and take some of that armour off if you can. They'll need you to do that to be able to properly treat the wounds."

It was perhaps impressive how she barely seemed to need to pause for breath while speaking as she led them to a corner where the old pews had been pushed aside to make a small waiting area and clear the floor for the healers. "Is there anything I can do in the mean time? Anything I can get for you?"
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Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

"Is there anything to eat? Colette asked the healing assistant, stretching her arms nonchalantly as she did so. "I suppose with everyone hurt and all, no one's had much call for making breakfast. A bit of salted kipper? Some fruits or berries? Maybe some of that famous outlands flatbread?"

She nudged Mirileth in the arm with her elbow and smiled. "You hungry, doll? I know you've an insatiable appetite. I could rummage us all up some grub if they point me to the larder."
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Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

"'Locals'? Very diplomatic, Captain." Nagan reached under her cloak to squeeze her shoulder, attempting to slow up some of the blood oozing from her shoulder wound. She clenched her teeth under her mask and stifled a moan of pain; hopefully the mask's unchanging wooden expression left a more imposing impression than otherwise.

As they left, Nagan kneeled and cut free one of the serpent medallions from one of the slain warriors before they left. She wiped her bloodied hand off on something clean-looking of the warrior's clothes.

"Yes, we defended the main gate just now. We were told to mention Barton's name upon our arrival. If you could spare a few basins of clean water and cloth for us to clean our wounds, that will suffice until someone will see us."

Nagan drew out the medallion, studying it as she waited for the water. This place was too crowded for her to speak with the spirits... but Nagan could attempt to glean something from it nonetheless. Was the symbol familiar? Was it unfamiliar? She was a lorekeeper in her tribe, after all - identifying other tribe's totems was the least she could do. Perhaps something about the metal...?

Rolling Spout Lore - 2d6+0 (Int) to ID .
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Mireleth doesn't let pain of her various injuries show as she walks with the others to the healers quarters. Nagan's magic, despite not exactly being the sort of thing she would normally like, had done its work well, and while she was still in pain much of the bleeding had stopped. As such, when they arrived at the infirmary and were immediately greeted but told it would take some time to be seen to, the eastern warrior simply nodded. She rolled her eyes at Colette's remark, shrugging as the woman nudged her elbow.

"You know I never know when you're being sarcastic?" she replied dryly, "I don't eat THAT much... But I guess we could do for a meal after all that excitement. Assuming there's any to be bought." With that she began working on the straps of her armor, aiming to pull them open so she could set the protective gear aside. She could see about working to fix it while they waited to be seen, but in the meantime she could check over her wounds. Of course, that left her nearly topless save for a few strips of cloth wrapped around her full, perky breasts, and not exactly paying a lot of attention, so if Colette or one of the others wanted to act on some potentially embarrassing mischief they certainly had an opportunity.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

"Oh I'm always serious when it comes to the pleasures of life!" Colette chirps merrily. "And chief among those is avoiding an empty stomach! Of course, ah heh, I wasn't really thinking of 'buying' food, seeing as we are the heroes of the gate! Surely we should be well fed to compensate for risking life and limb for the good of this steading. Am I right? Of course I am! Oh and don't you worry, Mirelith - I'm not commenting on your weight. Just look at those muscles! They're not coming from nowhere! Many moo cows have bent their necks to the butcher's block to create such a fabulous core."

As Mirelith removed her armor in an effort to fix some out of place scale plating, Colette took the opportunity to trace a finger around the edge of the fighter's side and down along the ab muscles that shown through her flat stomach. Finding this appealing, the thief leaned in close with an indulgent hum and nuzzled her face along Mirelith's shoulder.

"Mmm, sexy!~" She said with a twinkle in her eyes. Assuming Mirelith's reaction to this wasn't too hostile, the thief would try her luck at a sly boob grope not long after. "Mmhmm! Fantastico! Hee hee hee!"
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

"True, you do often seem... Straightforward with your needs," Miraleth retorted thoughtfully, having simply rolled her eyes at the comment about her diet. Of course, having the other woman's hands - by now relatively familiar - sliding over his bare skin was a balm to the wounded warrior all its own, causing goosebumps to rise on her exposed flesh, and she stretched with her arms raised as if to welcome the embrace. Her lips turned upwards into a wry smile at the playful compliment, but when Colette went for a grope to one of her breasts a moment later she jumped and gasped in surprise.

Her cheeks turned bright red instantly, and she stuttered; "H-hey!" The warrior's smile turned into an embarrassed frown, and she shiftily glanced around at her companions. "N-not in the open," she said in a quiet whimper, and then suddenly reached down and gave the thief a light pinch on her backside, "how do you like it when I do stuff like that in public?"

It might seem odd, but even though she was far from her homeland Miraleth still had some cultural baggage left from her home. Public displays of affection that bordered on lewd were very rare where she was from, even among lovers. Only the most intimate of partners - or roughians - were likely to be seen doing those sorts of things out in the open, even if some might think that the light caress of her exposed abdominals wasn't too much more conservative than the quick grope of her breast that Colette had snuck while she was stretching. To Mireleth it was a mark of a deeper relationship than she yet felt with Colette, and while there might get there with time and she certainly liked the rogue, she wasn't quite yet used to the idea of fondling each other in public as Colette seemed so utterly comfortable doing.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Sable examined the medallion she'd taken from one of the attackers as they walked, running her fingers over the symbol engraved on its surface. It wasn't immediately familiar to her, but she wasn't well versed in all the tribes of the region. No, what stuck out to her was something else entirely. Who had made the things? She hadn't thought bronze working to be common in the mostly primitive cultures of the wildlands.

She slipped the trinket into a pocket as they approached their destination, that was a question that could wait until later. Her wounds weren't critical, but they still needed attention, and better it be by a professional than by her own hand if one was available. The girl who greeted them upon their arrival was... not what she was expecting, though the confusion was quickly cleared up when she mentioned that she was only an assistant.

"That's no problem. We'll be fine." She nodded in reply to the girl's apology that they'd have to wait to be seen to. Her wounds were not immediately threatening, and she didn't believe any of the others' were either. Taking her seat she began to undo the laces holding her leather armour in place, shrugging out of it with a brief wince at a shot of pain from the gash on her arm. She hesitated for a moment in just the thin sleeveless top she wore beneath, but a glance at her companions showed that Mireleth at least had already stripped down to less, so she grudgingly did the same to allow better access to the wound on her side.

She wasn't usually one to compare, but the quick glance she took was more than enough to confirm that the other swordswoman had her beat in at least one department. She wasn't flat by any means, but between the two of them now topless with their breasts covered in almost the same way, the difference was evident enough. Sable quickly averted her eyes as Colette began to get a little playful, and a little... close to Mireleth. "Are you sure this is... really the appropriate time or place for that? Not exactly very private here..." She finally asked in exasperation after a few moments, looking around at the healers going about their work.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)


Colette fidgeted under Miraleth's pinch, though she wasn't exactly making a concerted effort to get away, and her coy squeak suggested she was happy about feeling the Eastern warrior's fingers goosing her.

"Well then don't be so tempting! You know you can't leave desirable goods out in the open around me. My fingers have minds of their own!" She held up her wiggling digits as if putting the usual suspects up for display.

"And honestly? You can pinch my bottom til' it's red! We could charge 5 gold a head and make a show out of it. There's a place in the capital that specializes in certain double act performances like that ya know..."

Her only answer to Sable was a quick sticking out of her tongue. This was just her way. She came from a loud and boisterous environment, with people who lived for the moment because life was quick and deadly. You had to take what you could out of it.

When Miraleth had come into her life, blown in like a leaf on the eastern wind, Colette had been struck head over heels for the woman. She was like no one she'd ever met, and bringing her out of her shy shell had become something of a compulsion for the cheeky thief. The warrior was gorgeous, elegant, and capable - Colette wanted to surprise and allure her, and not let her think that the thief she'd rescued from cutthroat pursuers was in any way boring.
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