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Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help


Jun 15, 2009
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This thread is the place to post questions about the game, the rules and anything else that needs attention from me. Also, generally, this would be where you would want to post if you were leaving for an extended period and wouldn’t be around to interact with the other players. I’ll be keeping up on Q&H and making sure to answer any questions that come up.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

If we don't like the name of a trait or flaw, can we change the name for our character? Such as do we have to say our character is annoying to get the -2 charisma thing or can we say they are 'socially inept'. Same with the flaw 'horny' can we just say they are inexperienced (Since the opposite trait is experienced)?

How do we deal with fractions in the derived attributes?

What do you want us to put down for base and arousal damage?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

If we don't like the name of a trait or flaw, can we change the name for our character? Such as do we have to say our character is annoying to get the -2 charisma thing or can we say they are 'socially inept'. Same with the flaw 'horny' can we just say they are inexperienced (Since the opposite trait is experienced)?

If it does the same thing, you can put the original name in brackets so that I have a frame of reference. :) That's a good point, actually. So long as I know what you're referring to in terms of dice rolls, you could use those two flaws the way you list them, though if you make any other naming changes, please swing them by me first so I have a heads up.

How do we deal with fractions in the derived attributes?
Round down. If you've got 17, count it as 15, for example.

What do you want us to put down for base and arousal damage?
Base damage: Combat Value (physical + mental + spiritual/3, +0, 1 or 2 depending on if your character focuses on Defense, Balanced or Attck) + Attack Training (if taken, should be +1 or +2) + Massive Damage (if taken, should be between +5 and +10).

Arousal Damage: I'll need to double-check with Janna, as I'm not completely sure how to go about it with characters! Don't let this one number hold you up for making a character though, I'll get back to you on this shortly.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Base damage: Combat Value (physical + mental + spiritual/3, +0, 1 or 2 depending on if your character focuses on Defense, Balanced or Attck)

What about the -2 to combat value?

Combat Value (Physical + Mental + Spiritual /3) with a –2 penalty
Defense Value (Physical+Mental+Spiritual/3) with a –2 penalty
Combat Focus +2 to Attacks, +2 to Defense or +1 to both
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Yes! Thanks for reminding me. :eek: *fixes*

Base damage: Combat Value (physical + mental + spiritual/3, +0, 1 or 2 depending on if your character focuses on Defense, Balanced or Attack) -2, along with training and 'massive damage' you might have.

Arousal Damage: Same as for Base Damage (heard from the Janna's mouth) -- physical + mental + spiritual/3 -2, then add if you have any specialized training to erotic combat.

Does that clear things up?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

That works.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Probably I should keep my chatter out of the Character's thread too xD

If you guys would use the value for the checks that we give (+1 or +2, -1 or -2, etc.) I'd be grateful, as it will help me to quickly add up rolls.

ALSO, arousal damage is Physical + Combat Value + 1d6. Not what I said earlier. :rolleyes:

Pheonix Alugere - You added your Physical/Mental/Spiritual stats wrong, they should come to a total of 25, which means that you're three points over. You'll either need to tone down something or add more flaws, though as it stands, as soon as your character is grappled she's going to be in some serious trouble... I'd say you may want to tone her weaknesses down just a little and maybe tone her mental down a touch -- having 9 instead of 10 mental isn't going to be too big a difference. She'll probably still dominate on most checks against things like intelligence or perception. :)

Xivvix - Things look good so far. She'll probably do well on most rolls so I don't see you needing to change anything. I'll still give her a quick run-through just to be sure, but she looks good!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Just asking because I saw this on Xivvix's character while looking at mine: if you are attack focused do you add the bonus to both attack and damage? Currently Xivvix has it only added to attack
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Yes, yes you do. Xivvix, you may want to change that to give Melissa a boost!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Oh oops, thanks for pointing that out!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

So it seems grapples and erotic attacks go both ways? (Though I'm not sure who'd want to rape the creatures back)

So I can grapple and enemy and continuously strike it like that? Cuz that's pretty much how I imagine my character.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Yep, so long as it doesn't grab your character first. The enemy may attempt to strike back while IN a grapple, though it will have a -2 to hit you, but in this system you can turn your character into the aggressor instead of the defender if that works better for you!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Quick question! You're capping the training at two levels (so like +10 to damage). Could I buy more than that if they were non-overlapping specialities? Like say +10 damage to unarmed attacks and +5 damage with pistols or something?

(I figured I'd ask this publically since other people might be wondering, too. :D)
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

(Thought I'd move this to catch Diagasvesle's notice)

Diagasvesle, Xetia has a few issues. Her Defense should be 6, since you added +2 to that with your combat focus. Her base damage should be 4, her arousal damage should be 7.

I'm not sure I understand what you were going for with the traits. Each trait costs 2 points and has a fixed effect: Magnetic adds +2 to your Charisma based checks, for example. You can't really do Magnetic +3. You seem to have three traits selected and that would normally cost 6 points.

Skills cost 1 point and add a +2 bonus to a check. If you did want to spend 5 points on Medicine, it would give you a +10 bonus and while that's something that you could do, I'm not sure if that's what you mean.

I'd also like if you could give her a clearer personality, and double-check that her background information makes grammatical sense (right now it's a bit scattered sounding. You're allowed to write more than two sentences!

Pheonix, I just noticed that Jen's arousal damage and base damage are reversed. Her base damage should be '4', her arousal damage should be '9'.

Xivvix, also just noticed that Melissa's arousal damage should be '14', not 6. Lucky break for her!

Janna, so long as they're not overlapping, then buying two specialties is fine. Your character will have to choose with what to attack in each turn.

While I'm thinking about it, dual wielding: Cosmetically just fine, in actuality, your character deals the same damage as the higher value weapon + base damage + 1d6. So if your character is shooting a gun at someone while also clubbing them with a heavy stick, I'd take the gun's damage value and ignore the stick in the dice rolls. I'm disallowing attacking more than one person using dual-wielding type attacks entirely; you can't point your golden eagle duo in different directions and fell two slime-beasts in one turn... you just can't. xD

Hope that addresses some questions from past, present and future!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Pheonix Alugere and Xivvix, your characters are good to go, so long as you fix the little mistakes on your character sheets. Pheonix, be careful with Jen as she's fairly weak. Xivvix, Melissa seems to be able to hold her own, she's built pretty solid. :)

You may post in the 'Town Hall' thread now, and after that, keep an eye on your PM inbox while you're RPing.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Thank you Ice. I couldn't find how to get to the base damage or arousal damage, nor did I know how many points it costed to get skills/ traits. I'm going to blame that upon sleep dep.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Okay, Diagasvesle, I've looked her over with your edits. She's still coming up short on CP (which means you have more to spend).

You spent 26 points on Attributes.
You spent 6 points on Traits
You spent 5 points on Skills
You spent 1 point on Equipment
You gained 4 points from Flaws

26+6+5+1-4 = 34 points. You still have 6 more points to spend.

Just looking her over, I'm very concerned about her attack penalty. Right now, she'd be rolling 2d6+2 when she tried to attack something. I don't want you to get frustrated when you can't hit in combat.

Having 5 ranks of Medical, as I mentioned before, gives her a +10 bonus to the check. That means that she would be rolling 2d6+17 when she wanted to heal someone. I would reccomend that you consider spreading those skill ranks around a little more.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Trying to be a super tank with the omg that's rigged medical healing capabilites. Also getting rid of the attack penalty flaw. Adding Stealth +2, and Charm +2, or should I swap stealth for inspire?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Sooo - I'm working on my character, and I'd like to know: Is Peiquok on the American or Canadian part of the border?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Your points are lining up now, at least. My concern is that Xetia is not going to be able to hold her own against most monsters -- once she's grappled, she is going to have a very difficult time escaping, and the one-on-one PM battles are going to be a fairly important part of this game, which means that she should at least be able to hold her own against the weakest monsters.

Keep stealth, if you want my opinion. Your character is going to need it if you don't want her to be detected (when she's trying to sneak) immediately. Either that, or move one point of 'stealth' into 'awareness', as she may do well to be able to detect monsters sneaking up on her. If you want to take 'Inspire', you will probably have to change your character's personality, as I can't see an arrogant snobby rich girl inspiring anybody to do much other than punch her in the face.

I would also suggest moving one point in 'Spiritual' to 'Physical' -- Physical 4 is still weak, but has more chance than '3'! Spiritual 8 is still a good, strong number. Frankly, Xetia doesn't seem very 'tank' like to me with her current set up.

If you DO swap a spiritual point to physical, you'll end up with two extra CP to spend -- at this point, I would spend one point in 'specialty attack, hand to hand' and the other in 'specialty massive damage, hand to hand'. This way she has a chance of doing some damage when she's unarmed. Maybe she's taken self-defense to get those grubby man-arms off of her.

Alternately, spending on defense of some kind might help as well, but she needs some 'firepower' not to be simple rape-bait Perhaps two ranks in specialty defense to avoid grapples -- again, a self defense course could explain her reason for having this training.

I would like if you could add in the effects of each skill/trait that you've bought (for example: Charm (+2 Charisma), Collected (+2 Wits)) so that I can more quickly make up a sheet for her.

I see that you've updated her background, but I would like some back story for her ridiculously good medical skill. ;) I'm trying to make this game with a serious tone, so I would like if she were more rounded out than 'arrogant, snobbish rich girl'. While the game has a lot of stats, interaction is also a strong element! Xetia doesn't have to be sweetness and light, but if you can work on focusing on her personality, as well as your wording:

"Xetia visits the Peiquok for a relaxing during her time off from college." is rather awkward. "Xetia visits the town of Peiquok to relax during her time off from college." or "Between semesters of college, Xetia likes to visit Peiquok to relax." are some examples of making your backstory more easily readable.

In the end, I'm hoping to place emphasis on the character's personality and background being the reason for them possessing certain stats, not the other way around. What kind of character would Xetia be to have such great medical skills, good charm/magnetic traits and skills, and stealth and the like? This game is less about tanks and healers and more about somewhat realistic characters going through a strange and suspenseful endeavor. xD


Rule 34: Peiquok is on the Canadian side of the border.