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O.O (Red/RK9)

Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red might have said something, if well, she could speak, but she couldn't. So instead she just tried to charge her magic again, this time with the word 'arouse.' Really how was she supposed to guess it could spit things at her! Even as she felt the heat rising through her.

Her hope was that her new word would well, arouse the snake as it was meant to. Was it petty revenge? Probably, but she'd blame the heat running through her right now for it.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

The word made wonders, who know if what Red was waiting. The snake expose the tongue and its body started to rub the whole shygirl body, lifting the young woman so she could sit at her scale long tail than started to rub at Red's already wet neithers.

red could feel the climax close to reach soon, her whole chest exposed and hard, some drool escaping from the mouth hole at her mask. At least the snake was not trying to bite her.

Red 3/5 8/10AP

Snake very aroused now
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Heh, well that kinda worked, even if both were now just extremely lustful. The snake teasing at her wet and exposed slit as she couldn't help but let it, even as she tried to work up the magic to try one more 'arouse' word, try to get it to climax before she did.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Being so close made her magic able to hit, she could feel the speed increase. The tongue from teh creature and its tendrils teasing the Shigirl, undresing the young woman to explose her wet pink blushed skin.

She was unable to hold any longer as her sensitive skin get to enjoy the soft scales rubing at her precious zones, cumming aloud, maybe at the same time than her foe. Both lay on the floor, trying to recover tehirs senses, but both feel than they wanted go more intense and for more time with this.

(Both have a climax, so a turn lost.)

Red 2/5 6/10 AP

Snake, maybe the same stats.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red was rather suprised that well, the snake climaxed, but groaned and tried to get herself to her feet. While it felt good, she wasn't going to just give in and have sex with the snake! Instead now that her mind was a bit more clear she tried to work up another concuss word against the creature.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Her legs were close to dont be enough strong to endure her weight, her vision fight to mantain its focus on the large foe in front of her. The snake has recovered and wanted to plasure itself with Red, but the shygirl have others plans and used most of her remain power.

The snake was unable to dodge or resist the magic effect fainting again. Red got to win yet she lost her clothes and got a bath with her own sweat.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

And now Red felt a bit bad about it, but the creature had been trying to fight her, and Red would have to get repair her clothes again. For now though she'd instead open the snakes mouth and try to reach in, trying to get ahold of the wolf to help pull it out of the snakes mouth. Though when the girl was arm deep in the snake's mouth, Red started wondering if this was the only snake at the nest or if there was others.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

The large snake was huge enough to eat the young woman as a small snack. Just opening its mouth Red could smell the sex essence.

She had to place inside half her body on the creature and then pull for a long time to rescue the wolf, as his dick was struck even when it could have his balls already dry.

The pull awake him in part, the enough to see her and lick her mask all full with the snake drool. The creature could need time to recover after almost be eaten.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red was already naked, so she didn't mind reaching in to pull out the wolf. Freeing it from the snake even as she picked put 'pull' words on both creatures. Though she added a 'float' to the wolf to more or less pull it behind her on a makeshift cart. Dragging the snake some distance away before setting the nest on fire. The mission only called for removing the nest, not the creatures inside it afterall, so she figured that burning the nest should be enough for now, the snake would probably move away after and find somewhere else to go.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

It has been an intense fight and the snake has given it all to stop Red, but she manage to beat the creature. Trying to dont kill it without need, she take her away and then prepared herself to put in fire that little nest.

Just using her fire after all the others words caused to almost fall on the floor. The wolf whimper to her before suddenly roar. It was strange, but before Red could find it out an ever larger giant snake eat her whole from behind in a blink.

Red arms were secured at her back by the inner apendages inside the creature, she was pressed, so once they release her she couldnt move them at all.The buldges in the whole creature's insides rub her everywhere, making her moan. Thanks to the temperature and wetness her body reacted and activate the venom at her system, making her body reach a pleasure so high than she only got to feel this in the last moments against that corruption smog, but instead that time nothing was making Red cum, it would certainly make her get mad, her senses act against her will and the pleasure mantain her stun her and helpless.

Then she notice the strange ovopositor moving toward her holes, instinctively she know than only this could make her save herself of lost her mind forever, she only needed to let it do its job and maybe she will save herself once her lust get sattled.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

So there was other snakes. Red thought to herself, a moment before she dissapeared down the snake's gullet. Her body bulging against the creature's skin as she slipped down it's length, feeling it's muscles pressing against her nude form as the poison induced lust that tore through her already sent her over the edge. Her body jumping inside the confines of the creature as she climaxed, squirting against it's insides.

As she settled in deeper, the masked woman would notice the ovipositor drifting toward her pussy and ass, and well, she couldn't quite spread her legs, but she didn't put up a fight. Maybe it'd let her go after it had filled her? Or maybe at least this damnable lust would be worked out of her and she could try to blast her way out.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

As the ovipositor got closer, the muscles in the area relax, making the penetration easier for the creature. It dont wait or prepare with any touch, as the venom has already turned Red into a slut in heat, just it going all the way until her womb in a single thrust make her finally cum, her cervix being open by the toxines, she was unable to faint or think in anything else than enjoy the ride, her body pressing against the inner buldges with each pound, then something huge started to move from the ovipositor to her insides, it was slighty painful but her mind was lost in a pleasure sea.

Another orgasm come and the first egg was placed inside her, then another buldge in the memeber and more thrusts. Her opened mouth let the fluids leaking from everywhere fill her mouth and warm her throat after drink it, more eggs were placed and soon as she was lost and stunned, her rear entrance was invaded now.

It dont passed too much time before she cum with just her ass being used, her belly getting a round figure and the venom altering her, slowly her breasts started to burn and instinctively she rub them on the creature for herself as the mating continue.

A second large object come and pierce her pussy, with her two holes used at the same time would certainly turn into broken toys any female. The snake was not interested to pleasure her directly yet it was not needed, Red was moaning and fighting to get enough breath to survive and get more of this. The cum, a great load of it fill her insides up to the brim and then her ass got a shoot too.

Time passed, she was out as always, her body stunned in pleasure, her eyes opened and her mouth moaning in auto mode. The creature pull her out and softly place her in a wet muddy lair, her breasts were swollen and filled with milk, her senses were unable to focus the enough to know it, she just was awake looking with her blurred vision the distorted image of her captor, leaving her as she has been captured like many.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Penetrated, filled with egg after eggs, Red could only keep cumming, nearly losing her mind each time another egg slipped into her ass and pussy, fillign her belly till it was bulging even as more of the snakes fluids slipped into her mask and into her mouth. The fluid causing her breasts to heat up, and she could practically feel them starting to fill with milk as she rubbed and teased herself as her belly grew more and more.

Then though came the creatures cum, and the poor masked girl nearly whited out when the two giant loads slipped into her simultaneously, if she had been a normal human she might have broken permenantly from something like that, as it was she was just flooded, every nook and cranny turned white as the cum filled her body, causing her to slump.

Eventually she'd feel the walls shifting around her, and she'd slide back out of the snake, being dropped down in a nest somewhere, her vision blurred even as she panted from the feel of the air against her sensitive body, her milk filled breasts heaving with each pant as her hands went to her egg filled belly, wondering just what she had gotten herself into. Her eyes tracking side to side, trying to make out through the distorted vision if there was any others around her.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

She could heard moans everywhere, even the most soft breeze cause pleasure in her luscious being bloated with life. Then her mind focus a little just the enough to find out than she was hearing mostly her own helpless moans echoed by the cave walls.

It was hard to move with her size, then some slithering moves around her call most of her little attention. the whole floor was filled with little snakes but just a few remain coiling at her, most move toward others corners and then she heard inhuman moans, someone worst than her, then other, maybe ten.

She was unsure of why that sudden bunch of noises until two little ones get over her and bite her breasts making her moan aloud as she is milked and get a small new venom ration.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red took a moment to realize that the moans bouncing off the walls around her were actually her own, or well, the best she could replicate, given she couldn't make noise, she had instincitively started making 'moan' words. Stopping that one and returning to silence, she'd take a bit of attention to notice the snakes all around her, and to catch other moans from around the cavern, it seemed the snakes had been successful at least a few times before.

Before she could think of that one too much though, two of the smaller snakes latched onto her milk filled breasts, starting to suckle off her as she shuddered with pleasure as the venom ran through her system again.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

There was not pain for her corrupted mind, only pleasure earned by the sharp fangs and the hot venom given by them, trading the touch for copious loads of her new earned milk, then other get close her neithers and latch there, feeding of her juices and giving a direct dosis of the venom to her now engorded clitoris.

Red nurse them for more than an hour, leaving her exhausted after exclaim potent orgasms. She was unable to think clearly, yet slowly she recover a little of herself. She could feel her pussy on fire now, crawl or walk was so intense, but she could still try to move a little between the newborns of others egg vessels. She could heard purrs and yaps, not only females humans were here. Her senses were affected but she could identify some figures than should be women worse than her.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red let the creatures feed on her, even as she felt her mind coming back just a bit. Letting her feel the heat tearing through her body from the venom that was working it's way through her system. Unable to figure out which was was deeper into the tunnel, and which was out, the girl would try to move, try to look for some source of light to head too. Even if her movement was just her slowly shuffling along the ground at this point, to heavy with eggs to really do anything else.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Her crawl slowly call the attention of many baby snakes, each of them larger than her arm, some would bite her, others just crawl away of rub at her whole. The many bites create more milk and cause her to stun in pleasure, the milk calling more of them to feed.

She could feel her magic and strengh turning into nutrients to create more milk, slowly turned into an addict to theirs bites. Some kind of love building to receive more until her mind stun and faint. Red awake time later out of senses, but still trying to find her way out, crawling and turning into a good milk dispenser until she feel the eggs inside her start to move.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red's attempt to escape was met with well, abject failure. Bit and teased by the swarm of small snakes the masked girl would be reduced from a crawl, to falling to the ground, being milked and fed off of as she faded off to black again. This time when she woke up she wouldn't try to crawl away again just yet, instead letting her body rest to try to get some more strength back, though then she felt the eggs inside her starting to move and realized what was coming shortly, rolling onto her back and spreading her legs to help let them out easier.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

The mute woman would soon give birth laying face up and surrounded by many youg snakes, some of them hungry and drinking from her heavily filled breasts, her nipples swollen enough than soon the smaller ones will be able to get inside her breasts and feed directly inside.

The first eggs start to crack, even with her legs spread she was unable to push them out and her newborns werent happy with this, theirs small fangs started to bite her insides, it was par instinct, as slowly the venom in her insides was swelling her curves, mostly making her hips be more suited for her new life.

The eggs start to break and some parts went out as the firsts ones go out her two holes at the same time, if she could shout and scream certainly she would be moaning aloud without stop. It was a large process, but she cant s top to enjoy every second, her hands could rub the little snakes, as slowly the swarm was getting used to her, trying to rest over her to enjoy her warm lustful body. Her childrens take tehir time to get our, soon moving over her to drink her milk, almost twelve circle at each of her breasts to feed from her, some of these going deep inside her puffed nipples and leaving moments later all white drenched.

She remain there, a long time after let all eggs leave her. She was weak by the vemon and almost out of her in that pleasure heaven. She could heard the others kidnapeds being raped by the giant matured snakes, but no one come to take Red and fill her with eggs, maybe was all the baby snakes over her or the lack of slutty moans. Even after all this time she was not hungry and she was almost an addict to be biten. She could heard a distand howl coming from a narrow tunnel behind her at the left, another tunnel was at the right, she could heard the wind passing but her vission remain damaged, at least she could get up and walk with soem problems.

She could also go front where the big snakes are using the others girls, maybe seh could enjoy some fun with them and know these girls even better.