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On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]


Giving a scream of surprise as she went down, Claire attempted to shoot the nasty bastard, if she was positioned in such a way that she could press the gun against it -- if not, she grabbed whatever was in reach and twisted, clawed and otherwise tried to give the monster pause enough for her to escape. Coming out here was a shitty idea. She really should have relied on her gut about that!

Claire even went so far as to try to bite any legs or flesh that was close enough to her to catch in her teeth, even though the thought of crushing the relatively thin armor of the bug was revolting.

*fight back with gun shot (if in a position to do so) or fight back with hands and teeth*
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

(Both Christie and Claire aren't in much of a position to fight back, the centipedes have a skill the prohibits their grabbed victim from attacking.)

In Christie's attempt to escape, she manages to get an arm free, then she uses that arm to shove the bug off.

Claire struggles with the bug on top of her.

(Enemy attack)

Claire begins to feel juices come from all over the monster, as the light acids dissolve her clothes...

Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]


"Claire! Hold on!" Ignoring the bug she had just thrown off her, Christie rushes to help her partner. Running up next to the struggling girl, she grabs the insect's legs that have wrapped around Claire and begins trying to pry them off, while shoving down with her feet to give herself leverage, stifling her laughter as she felt the remaining bubbles from the red-heads dissolving clothes. "Nnngghh!" she grunted, heaving with everything she had.

*help Claire escape*
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

Realizing that Christie was trying to help, Claire set all of her effort into trying to escape as well.

"Fucking bug's taking a piss on me!" she exclaimed, not realizing that her clothes were dissolving yet. "Get it off!"
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

(Strength check)

Both girls try their hardest to get the bug off of Claire, but it's grip is too strong for both of them.

(Enemy attack)

Claire screams when the bug's shaft pierces her, and pushes right up against her sweet spot, as the bug begins to prod her vigorously.

(Claire's orgasm status: Orange)

Christie was pounced again by the other centipede, knocking her to the ground with it on top of her back.
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

Without the aphrodisiac to cloud her brain, Claire wasn't so receptive to having anything shoved up her cunt, let alone a giant centipede's giant shaft. Screaming again, more a snarl than anything pleasant, the woman did her best to try to escape even as she tried to pull her legs in, either to knee the inhuman underbelly or to make it more difficult to fuck in the first place.

The absurdity of it all left her a little too shocked to outright panic, but Claire definitely wasn't enjoying herself; the only reason she hadn't gone passive to wait this out was because she hated bugs, and the urge to crush this one was stronger than the urge to get this over with.
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

Knocked back down on all fours, Christie grunted under the bug's weight. Where she was, she had an eye level view of Claire's predicament, and was determined not to let that happen to her. She pushed up with everything she had, even trying to rock back and forth to try to force the creature on it's back.

Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

(Christie and Claire attempt to escape)

Both of the girls struggled with the bugs, but their grip was determined not to falter.

(Enemy attacks)

Christie's swinging managed to halt it's attempt to penetrate her.

Meanwhile, the other bug was fucking Claire hard as her moans of passion grew louder, getting ever closer to orgasm.

(Claire's orgasm status: Red)
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

Still stuck under the bug and directly facing Claire and her attacker, Christie couldn't look away while the girl was violated. Beginning to tear up, she balled her fists and started shaking. Whether it was fear or anger, even she wasn't sure.


"Claire, keep fighting! Don't give in!"

Trying to keep the girl's spirits up was all Christie could do to help her. Meanwhile, she noticed that the rocking had distracted her attacker, so she kept it up, all while still trying to push the beast off her.

Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

((I'm going to play it that Claire isn't enjoying herself for this particular encounter, even if there's the whole orgasm status and everything -- just because it's something to build on, character-wise! And have I told you before how hard I groaned when I realized you were pulling a 'centipedes in my vagina?' nod? Because I did. *snrk*))

Finding her struggles going not in the least rewarded, the redhead gave a cry of angry resignation, fighting back against tears and failing to contain them. She'd just about gone limp, revolted with herself for getting into this awful situation. Then Christie called out, reminding her that she wasn't alone, for all the good it was doing either of them at the moment. Giving a desperate cry, the redhead put every ounce of her rather meager strength into twisting out and away. She didn't care if she hurt herself in the process, she just wanted out!

Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

(Both girls attempt to escape)

Hope continued to grow dim, as their strength wasn't enough to free themselves.

(Enemy attacks)

Christie's wiggling only took her so far, as the bug's member pierced her sex, making her gasp at the violation.

Claire was getting nearer and nearer to orgasm as the monster continued to violate her.

(Xiv, did you forget you can cast Blessing?)
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

(well, I was going to try not to use it, since you didn't seem like you wanted me to use it in my intro, but since you asked)


"No, no, nonono!" Christie cried as the creature penetrated her. Here eyes shut tight as tears ran down her face. This was her fault. She told Claire to get a gun, that she'd be fine if she had one, that they'd be fine if they stuck together. She suggested they look for monsters, that it would be easy, that it would be fun. But none of that was true, and now they were being made into monster sex toys. It was too much, she started crying.

Then it happened. Just like before, with the tentacle bug, a light bulb went off in her brain. She knew what to do, how to get away. She choke back her tears, and let out a cry of anger as she struggled against the bug. She was going to fix this.

*use 45 essence for bless (+15) and escape, then, if successful (and possible), use 45 essence for an aimed shot at the centipede on Claire*
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

As for Claire, she still hadn't stopped in her struggles. The strange part-dream, part-real memory of being strapped down on a gurney on a rooftop the night before flashed to mind, the medic screaming, in Claire's doped state, "she's pregnant!" leaving her certain that this wouldn't end any other way. She'd seen too much to think this could be anything else -- if the disgusting bug had wanted to kill her, it would have killed her already, right?

The woman gave another snarl born of the effort she was trying to free herself with, wanting out of the painful coil of insect wrapped around her, wanting the most to keep her Goddamned womb to her Goddamned self!

*escape -- if she does, she's running the fuck back to the Inn. XD I don't think she'd turn and fight these to the death if her life depended on it*
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

(Claire attempts to escape)

Claire desperately tries to escape from the bug, but soon realization of her doom becomes apparent as it's strength is too much.

(Christie attempts to escape, Blessed)

With a surge of power, Christie stands on both feet, then powers the creature off of her with a surge of strength.

(Christie's mental status: Orange)

(Enemy attacks)

The bug that was on Christie tumbled across the ground.

The bug's thrusting picks up speed, as Claire fights against an orgasm, she could no longer contain herself. Claire's juices flowed out of her pussy at a hard thrust from the bug, who began pumping her with it's cum. After Claire was filled with it's juices, it began to run off.

(Centipede is attempting to escape)

*Both girls are able to act, neither are restrained*
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]



Christie ran up to Claire giving her a hand, helping the woman stand. As the centipede ran off, her face contorted in anger, and she raised her weapon to shoot, but heard the skittering of the second centipede. There was no doubt in her mind that it would continue it's attack, even if the other fled, so she whipped around and took careful aim, hoping for a kill shot.

*aimed shot at the centipede that was attacking me (Christie) with 15 points in bless (+5)*
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

"Oh... oh God..."

Claire got to her feet only wobblingly as Christie drew her up from the ground. Naked, the bruises she'd earned as she had tried to wrench herself out of the monster's grip were already beginning to turn an angry shade of blueish purple, while her cunt dripped with foreign cum. She was too dazed to even reach for the gun that had skittered a short distance away, though she flinched visibly when Christie's firearm went off.

Realizing that the second centipede wasn't gone, the redhead tremblingly ducked behind Christie, terrified of a second encounter.

*cower behind Christie -- still recovering from the shock!*
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

Christie's aim fell right into place. Her bullet peirced the bug, but didn't kill it. It was, however, stunned.

(Enemy attack)

The centipede that was on Christie wanted more out of her, as it attmpted to land on her again, but the strange power still flowed through her, as she quickly moved out of the way with lightning speed, Claire's eye barely saw her move.

Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]


"Die you piece of shit!" she yelled at the creature. Tears streamed down her face as she took aim yet again, one hand holding the weapon in front of her, the other on Claire's shoulder. As she fired, she squeezed tightly on Claire, a silent apology for failing to protect her.

*aimed shot at centipede, with 15 point bless*
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

Christie's scream shook Claire out of her self-sorry reverie for long enough for her to search for her gun or something else that could significantly damage the centipede. She couldn't just hide behind the other woman while this thing was still around!

*search for weapon -- hopefully situational awareness and/or the photographic memory will come into play!*
Re: On the hunt [Claire, Christie]

Claire, having regained her composure, remembered right where she left her gun, then picked it up with her trembling hands.

Christie continues to draw from her soul in an attempt to kill the horrible bug.

(Christie's mental status: Red)

Her shot ran completely through it's body, killing it instantly.

Having been left alone, the other bug crawls away, it's location unknown.

(Both Claire and Christie have gained 50 FP)

*You may go back to the Inn, or choose where you would like to travel; the mall, a school, the hospital, etc, etc.*