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Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
"Her name is Azra!" called out the headmaster dictating where the slaves would be going. This half night elf and ember draconian seemed to have no value or desire amidst the crowd, for one reason or another. She now stood alone, facing an entire crowd that rose no hands to claim her. Despite her obedience, not a mark on her body from angered masters, nobody wanted her even for labor. Because of her race? Because of the cost? Because she would only lay eggs of her own kind? Who knew. But it seemed no one would take offers thrown at them. 200 denarii, no takers. 100 denarii, nothing. "One denarii." a voice called out, deep and rumbling was the masculine call. The figure dressed in black hood and all to hide his every feature as his arms were folded at his chest. The head master scoffed. "We could get more than that just offering her to the public for one apiece!" he chided the man. "She's more useful as an aid to those serving Xeon than as one of the many fuckholes scattered about our streets that already sell for nothing." the man in black spoke as if he had ground to stand upon with those statements. "Give her to me, or I will take her after you've strapped her in." he stated.

The head master looked unwilling to pursue action against the arrogant man in black, and promptly handed chain and leash over to the stranger. He accepted ownership of Azra without a word, not even looking at her as he walked forth, holding the chain leash while expecting her to follow obediently. His boots his the pavement so hard that she could hear him clearly as he stomped through the noisy streets. His boots seemed like they saw a lot of use and were durable to suffer through months of travel and still remain intact. Similarly, his black cloak wasn't clean either. Stained with mud and dirt at the bottom and in one place on the shoulder. Though the rest was clean, showing that he put some effort into maintaining his dress wear.

He took Azra to his solitary home in the more ruined areas of Acheron. They passed by another home owner on the way, a scruffy white Badarian male with a massive gun that was just standing on his porch nude while a pair of goblins and a tanned anudorian girl played with his cock. He just stared at the pair as they went by, while Azra could vividly feel a foul stare on her back end by the man. His aura felt of pure evil, while in comparison she could feel nothing from the man in black in front of her.

They eventually arrived at his home, a mansion similar to the one the foul man owned, though in a far worse state of repair. It soon became clear that he was just living in it, and was the only one there. Dust and lack of many but a few boot trails indicated he got this place recently. Meaning he was new here. Once alone with Azra, the man took a seat in one of the dusty ruined chairs, dust exploding from underneath him and coating the room's atmosphere in a light fog of dust. "So, what good are you? I am looking for the best servants money can buy. I will be expecting as much as I can from you. Cooking, cleaning, and killing if need be. How good are you at any of this?" he inquired.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

To say that the auction was not going as Azra expected it to was an understatement. Usually she tended to be one of the first to go, being rare, unusual, appealing and a good fuck. This time, however, no one really wanted to take her. Was it because of her last master? Sure, she heard he was really unpopular, but it's not like she did anything wrong, right? She actually had to stop herself from sighing when someone finally offered to buy her... For one denarii. If that was how her luck was turning, there was no way she wouldn't end up being made a public cumdump to make money.

That belief changed as the arrogant man somehow managed to get the trader to accept the offer, if grudgingly. Azra wasn't foolish: it was a threat that made him stand down and sell her for such a low cost. Xeon... Hadn't her master mention that name once? Wasn't she the leader of Acheron? Interesting. The man in black certainly had the looks of a messenger or something like that. Durable travel wear that clearly saw a lot of use if the mud was any indication. Altough judging by the stomping, he didn't seem to be in a great mood.

The slave followed him obediently as he lead her on her leash to one of the ruined areas. She tried to avoid looking at the man with the massive gun: whoever he was, he gave her creeps. What kind of monster was he, to instill such feelings of dread in a person with just a stare? The girl thanked her lucky stars her new owner wasn't such a horrible person. Altough the state of his household almost made her grimace. She had to actually fight the urge to express her displeasure with it.

Entering the ruined mansion, Azra looked around, taking note of the massive amount of dust everywhere as well as the poor condition of the building. Clearly, the man she now belonged to had just moved in... So who was he really? She doubted he was a servant of Xeon now. Someone that important would likely have access to better living conditions. Then again, she could always be wrong. Her new master was an enigma to her: he was nothing like her previous owners at all. The hybrid stood at attention before him, waiting for commands. Only to recieve a question instead.

"I can easily do most household chores, Master." Azra answered fluidly, somewhat used to being questioned about her abilities. Still, it had been a while since she was used for something more than a fucktoy. Though given the state of the mansion, she was not suprised. "I do not have much experience with cooking, as most of my work in the kitchen involved assisting others. I can manage simple meals, though." She paused briefly here, hesitating. "And... I've never been called upon to kill anyone, Master. I can defend myself with my fists, but I wasn't taught to fight. I'm sorry." Her natural strenght was already enough to make some of her old masters wary. "I am able to overpower a common thug, but not a skilled fighter."
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

The figure in black chuckled deeply. "Only good for fucking, huh? That's no good. You need to be more than that to fulfill what I have in store for you." he said, before whipping out a badarian pistol and handing it grip first to the half-breed. "Easy to use, and packs enough power to best a skilled soldier in combat." he declared. "Your choice. Are you going to be a piece of ass, or are you going to get bloodthirsty?"
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Azra stared at the pistol offered to her. Firearms were not something she was familiar with. All of her "combat experience" amounted to slapping a moron or two that wouldn't leave her alone when fulfilling an errand for one of her masters, or defending herself from a raid. Usually with poor results, even if her blows seemed to hurt her assailants greatly, as she usually ended up captured and enslaved by someone else anyway. Actually fighting someone with a weapon in hand was a new thing, though. She glanced at her new master, reaching slowly for the gun and wondering: why hadn't he ordered her to take it?

Azra was no fool. Everything he said up to this point implied he required more from her than just housework and warming his bed, one way or another. Yet when she stated she was no trained fighter, he didn't simply arm her with the gun. He hade her choose. Choose how useful she was going to be for him? Or choose what she wanted to be? The slavegirl wasn't sure. It was a new territory to her, and she couldn't help but feel some apprehension as she faced it. But in the end, she couldn't help but feel a certain sense of anticipation as well.

As fun as fucking was, a slave's life could be really boring and unpleasant. This was something new. And she'd never know what was really in store for her unless she took the plunge. Besides... It was a most rare opportunity. A chance to make a decision for herself. Do something because she wanted to. Granted, Azra wasn't sure if this was what she wanted, but refusing the gun meant nothing would change in her life. And in the end, she wanted to see what this change would turn out to be.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

The man chuckled. "Good choice." he declared, as she now held a weapon she likely never used before. "Now that you have the tool, you need to use it. You're going to kill people, plain and simple. Who you kill is none of your concern, and their pleas to life are garnered from the desire to live alone. Everyone you kill will react differently before they die, and many will beg. If you show mercy, you will always come to regret it." he declared. "There are two men that need to die, and they will die by your hands... Or if they don't, then I suppose they'll enjoy using your hole." he announced to her. Then, he got out a rough map of Acheron and the surrounding areas, with one circled. The two men were likely in that area. "Go there, kill them, and come back to me with their bodies in the evening. Go." he stated in a matter of fact kind of way, before he stood up, and seemingly walked towards a wall. The darkness seemed to engulf him, before Azra then stood alone, clad in her lewd outfit, slave collar, and gun.

The slave collar burned around her neck. She hadn't much choice.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Azra grimaced as the collar burned around her neck. Well, this was lovely. Take this gun, find two men, kill them. And he was so grim about this, too. The trick with vanishing into the shadows was impressive, however. She had to admit that. Still, wouldn't it be simpler to find a door and use it? Sighing the slave set off to leave, taking one last look at the map to memorize the layout of the area as well as where her... Targets were supposed to be.

And so she found herself walking the streets to where she was supposed to locate the two men, gun tucked into her slutty clothing. Even though her master told her not to concern herself with anything, she found herself curious. Why? Why choose her? Why was she ordered to kill those two? Why were they supposed to die? Who was her master and what exactly he was doing? Thus far her life had been straightforward, with no need for such secrecy. But her new owner was a complete enigma, wasting no time on unnecessary words or gestures. Perhaps she'd be able to learn something if she managed to get through this.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Heading out to find her targets, Azra found herself without a hitch, in the city outskirts. There was no immediate trail of the two men as to be expected, though perhaps at the right place at the right time, she caught the smell of food cooking in the distance. Someone was camping and enjoying a morsel, or so it seemed.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Well. There she was, right in the place she was supposed to be. And no one in sight. Azra was rather bemused by this. How much time was she supposed to spend here, waiting for her targets? Or was she supposed to flush them out? This was not the kind of stuff she ever did before. However, soon she managed to pick up the smell of food being cooked. Perhaps it was one, or maybe both of the men she was told about making something? It was worth checking out, she presumed. Not like she had anything better to do here, really.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

And so she ventured forth. Soon enough she came upon a small camp, where two Badarian men were chatting over a pot of rabbit stew, laughing at one another. "So then she's like, oh, I don't care, it's mostly dick I want, so..." he said, before the other spotted Azra and gestured with his head. The other, smiling, turned around and saw Azra. His smile faded. The two men stared at her like deer in torchlight. It was silent, mind the chirping of the birds and rustling of leaves on the wind.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Azra stared at the men and their pot of stew. Well, what now? Were those the two she was supposed to kill? It was the most likely option, given what she knew. She could try to confirm, but how? It's not like she could ask them if they were the ones she was supposed to slaughter. They clearly weren't expecting her, though. Did they feel threatened? She wasn't sure. Should she just shoot them now, or wait for a sign of hostility? She only used violence to defend her life thus far. Her master claimed those two would sooner rape her instead, though. Wasn't that what she had always been used for?

Unfortunately, whatever the circumstances were, she was still bound to obey as long as the collar remained locked around her neck. "I'm sorry. But this is my master's order." She muttered, drawing the gun. "Please do not resist." She didn't have much hope that the two men would follow this request and she was doubtful she could ask for forgiveness. The best she could do was to end this quickly. Point the gun at the closest one of them, then shoot. It should be easy.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

She fired, and the men bolted. Her first shot went into one man's side as he cursed aloud. They went for her weapons, though before the wounded one could draw his gun Azra's second bullet domed him. He was dead flat out. The second one pulled out his gun and opened fire, the gun flew and hit her collar, knocking it clean off of her neck before he sought to open fire further to defend himself in the heat of the moment.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Azra grimaced slightly as the first man fell. She didn't really like this. She really didn't. But she couldn't disobey an order. Then the second man opened fire, and her eyes widened as she registered an impact. The girl scrambled to get to cover to hide from further shots and check her condition. Feeling an odd sensation around her neck, she reached up with one hand and froze as she found nothing but bare skin.

For a moment, the hybrid seemed to forget about the fight. Her collar was gone. Her collar was flat-out gone, having taken the bullet meant to kill her. Which meant there was nothing forcing her to kill the man anymore. But abandoning the mission would mean disobedience at best, becoming an outright runaway slave at worst.

Azra seemed to just stall as her mind tried to process the situation. After a lifetime of slavery, suddenly finding herself freed - well, kind of - in the middle of lethal combat came as a shock. She was having an existential crisis, finding herself in a completely unexpected scenario and trying to rationalize her way out of it. It did not come easily, though. Making her own choices wasn't something she was used to.

The girl took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Perhaps she needed to pull back. Get out of here, take a break somewhere she wouldn't be shot at and get her thoughts in order. She felt panic rise in her and felt this urge to go and hide somewhere, anywhere until it passed. Just... Get away from the man a bit, get her thoughts in order and... Decide what next? Somehow, that thought filled her with dread.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Footsteps. As she took in her new state, she heard the other man making steps. Closer? No, away. He was fleeing. Then he stopped. Close to his friend, checking for life. He cursed, probably found none. It seemed he hid too, his breathing was heavy, it was easy to tell where he was. He was frightened. He didn't seem sure how to fight Azra. So, things went quiet for a moment.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

As she calmed down a little after her initial panic attack, Azra began to wonder what to do. The man that survived was hiding as well, though she could hear him. If she wanted to flee, she could probably do that now. Question was, dare she risk doing that in this city? With a master who could do god knows what if she disobeyed? On the other hand, was killing those two really the right thing to do? Well, she already killed one, but that was before the collar went off...

The girl shook her head. Thinking like that wasn't getting her anywhere. There were too many things she didn't know. Maybe if she managed to ask someone questions, get some answers... Who to ask, though? Master clearly didn't see it fit to tell her anything. Maybe that guy would tell her something? She'd need to approach him carefully, get a drop on him. She knew where he was hiding, all she needed to do was circle around and get a drop on him. Maybe from above, if it was possible?
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Stealth: Failed

Unfortunately, Azra didn't much account for her awful stealth. She tried sneaking around, and instead was caught by a bullet. (20 damage). The pain was enough to drop her to the ground. Though the man believed apparently that she was dead. His footsteps came closer, and examined her body. His boot touching her arm to see if she truly died, while he stood right over her. No doubt he'd soon find out if she was alive. What he'd do after that? Who knew?
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Azra screamed as she fell down, the pain proving too much to keep standing. Gods, this is what getting shot was like? It hurt like Hell! She froze up as the man approached her, fearing another shot. When it didn't came, she realized he was probably going to check if she was dead. This was her chance. She stayed still for a moment, hopefully long enough to get him to drop his guard... Then jumped up, aiming to grab the man and bring him down to the ground. She aimed to subdue him before he got off another shot.

Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

"Ah! Fuck!" he cursed, grabbed and thrown down to the ground. The man struggled, though was held down unable to act well on vision since he was being blinded by her breasts over his face as she now held him in a ground-based bear hug.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Now that she had the man on the ropes, Azra worked quickly. She began to trash around, slamming him against the ground in hopes of putting him down. She hoped that, held down like this as he was, he'd not give her too much trouble and let her win without getting shot again.

(Melee Attack in Grapple)
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

The struggle was on. Arms flailing, Arza seemed equally matched with the man in terms of grapple power and ability. Arza had the immediate advantage, hitting his head off of the ground once (17 damage)... Before he returned the favor, hitting her back with an elbow to her ribs (11 damage). Then he struck her twice over, seeming to be powerhousing her. (11+9=20 damage). Arza started to black out from all the repeated hits, before she had a chance to finally strike back (14 damage). Both combatants wore each other down to near exhaustion from blow after blow, both nearly about to black out, before both locked their hands together in the grapple. They could both feel each other's fatigue, as they were both now wracked to even throw a single followup punch from their wounds and exhaustion.

Silence reared its head again, disturbed only by tired panting as the two remained locked together in a conflict that reached an awkward stalemate. For the moment.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Azra was panicking. She was growing weaker, her shoulder hurt like a bitch and the man's punches hurt quite badly. That being said, her opponent was in not much better shape. Her hits had obviously dealt a lot of damage and he was easily in just as bad a shape as she was. The girl was furiously thinking, trying to come up with a way to gain an advantage without exposing herself to his blows. In the end, however, she had nothing. Her best bet was to gamble and try to be the first one to land the decisive blow and end this battle before she blacked out from the pain. She pulled her head back before attempting to headbutt the man and finish this.

(Melee Attack)