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Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Those in the camp looked at each other in dismay. "We did indeed send two out to scope the area of the slave pens. Neither have returned." the woman said.

"Then someone else must have gotten the one who survived." Eager declared.

"Slaves don't have a choice, but now you do. In return for their deaths, will you aid us in freeing the slaves?" the woman asked, looking at Azra critically. "Any hand able to hold a gun can help."
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

"...I'm not sure how well an attempt to do so by force will do." Azra sighed, speaking up after a while. "The man who bought me... He had some kind of weird shadow power and I'm willing to bet he's not the only mage or whatever who'd like to stop you." And the implication that there could be many opponents with weird or terrifying powers didn't sit well with the girl. "Though at the very least, I do have accurate information on the market. I had been there for a good while, after all. I don't have much experience fighting, but I'll see what I can do."
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Azra's words struck the lot, and they seemed enlightened. "We didn't even think of that! You know who's in there and where!" the woman boasted. Then, she was sieged with questions, names abound. Unfortunately, Azra knew them all, and was free to break the news how she wished.

It was amusing that they were asked about together because they were sold in a pair to some filthy demon with lewd intentions. He boasted about needing more than one vessel to sustain him, though Azra didn't know who he was or where he went, but one can assume what the two girls fates are.

. The mental image Azra could name from left to right. All were apparently thieves, and were founded with the crimes of over 1000 denarii worth of supplies and food swindled out of the city. They were put out to the sex auction out in the city when trying to train them was a task none wanted to dedicate or pay for. They make 1 denarii per customer, and at the end of the day only collect a fraction of that for paying off their debt. In her time, Azra saw them each go through about three pregnancies, though her memory was fuzzy.

They were all eager to know the fate of their friends. Though none were rescuable. The last three were already mutated by countless partners, and were quite mad last Azra saw.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Azra winced at the mention of those names. She recognized all of them, unfortunately. The girl had no idea how to break the news gently: none of the girls were in a good state. Two of them were salvageable, perhaps, but she had no idea where to look. And the three... The less said about them, the better. The half-blood sighed, knowing the others wouldn't let up until they got some kind of answer from her. "I know of them... But the first two have been bought by a demon who intended to feed off of them and I don't know where to find him. The others... No one wanted them, so they were... Left for the public. I'm sorry."
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

The group insisted even more on rescuing them. The way Azra worded it, they seemed to take it as they were suffering and needed rescue. Azra left out the details on why they were unsalvagable. "Then all the more reason why we must save them! Perhaps we can even find details on the two who were sold if we stage our attack and interrogate the one who sold them." The auburn haired girl stated, the zealous behavour growing in the group to stage their likely pointless rescue attempt.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Azra groaned. In an attempt to spare the crowd the details, she had ended up only making things worse. The girl loathed what she had to do, but this had to be nipped in the bud before they went off and did something stupid. "Look, you don't get it. Those three... They've been used by the public as sex relief. I don't remember much of them, but they've had several pregnancies each by now. The sheer amount of mutations they went through... It was just too much for their minds to handle." She sighed, grimacing. "They're shells of their former selves by now, at best. Completely insane at worst."

"And the two who got sold..." She sighed again. "Maybe it'd be possible to track them. But the demon said specifically he needs multiple vessels to sustain him, as he put it. By now, they've probably been corrupted by him, and that's before considering anything else he could have done to them. Even if you do find them, they probably won't be the same people you remember them to be." The half-blood grimaced. "I'm sorry. I'm... Really sorry. But most people who aren't something like me can't handle a demon's influence." Azra finished. The words tasted like bile in her mouth, making it visibly difficult to speak near the end.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

The group's faces all paled, and they all looked like they were made fools. They seemed to lose their purpose, before the brunette renewed that purpose. "All the same, even if they're lost, at least we can free them from madness. At the very least we might be able to set them free." she said, as the group gave somber nods. "If it's all the same to you, will you help us anyway? We simply cannot give up on them, even if the worst has happened."

Eager remained silent at the fire, seeming to just be staring at it, with eyes he didn't have.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

"... I suppose I might as well." Azra sighed. Perhaps it'd be a way to somehow make up for what she had done, at least a little. "Those three probably aren't going to be missed by anyone if they disappear. Save for those they had robbed from. Anyone who used them was obliged to leave a denarii and some of that money was used to pay reparations." The hybrid explained. "The biggest problem is that it's going to be a highly populated area, and not far from where other slaves are kept and auctioned off, so guards are to be expected. It won't be easy to pull off."
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

"If you can give us an idea, maybe a map or... or a blueprint?" the brunette theorized. "We need to know where we can go, and if there are any weaknesses. If we charge in the Acheron guard will just add us to the slaves with crimes. We need to bust them out. Do you think it'd be better at day in public or at night in the cells?" she inquired. Both had their flaws, one was the public view of the break out during daylight, and the other was the secure cells at night. Azra was free to suggest either she was more comfortable with.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

"Hmm... Wait a second." Azra frowned, pulling out the map piece she had picked up earlier. "One of those two men had this on him. They marked the location of the slave auction there." She explained. "I could probably fill in the missing details and such. And... I'm really not sure which option is better. I'm no good for sneaking around and going in during nighttime would require stealth. We'd also need a way to open the cells and deal with the guards if necessary, plus some method of escaping quickly."

"Going in during the day has it's own share of problems, too." She pondered. "That area's going to have a lot of people in it, lot of witnesses and guards roaming around. So while it'd be easier to break them out, escape may prove much more problematic. Pursuit would be all but guaranteed." The girl frowned. "Plus there's the fact that everybody involved would be guaranteed to end up with faces on wanted posters and bounties on their heads. Both are risky as Hell..." She grimaced.

Azra paced around, thinking about the issue. Eventually, she sighed. "Daytime attack is right out. It's too brazen, it'll draw too much attention and send a signal to the slavers that you're feeling bold enough to assault them openly. They would not take kindly to it. Approaching at night is more difficult, but the number of possible complications is smaller. You'll need people who are good at sneaking, opening locks and the like. I'm useless when it comes to stealth, but I suppose I could be a distraction or something. Plus, if nothing goes wrong and nobody gets noticed, they might not realize anything happened until dawn comes."
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Despite the dangers that Azra spoke of, the crew didn't seem like they were about to give up their quest to free their friends. "Well said. If it's not too much to ask, could you stage a distraction for me? All I need is a moment to pick some locks and I'm golden. In fact, the fact that you attract so much attention might be an asset. I know it's asking so much of you but could you do me this favor?"
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

"I'm... Not sure how we'll I'm going to do at keeping this attention, but I can try." Azra nodded after a moment of thought. Maybe she could seduce a guard? Risky if they caught on. Or maybe... "Mmm. Perhaps if I had someone I could put on a show with somewhere where the guards could see us, they'd get distracted enough to let you slip past them and get the locks open. What do you think?" She looked back at the others. To make this work, she'd either need a willing passer-by or a volunteer. Probably the latter, it'd be risky to count on having someone just walking past in the right place at the right time.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

The group blinked at Azra. "... Help you put on a show?" the brunette inquired. "I mean, I guess I could, but... What... What the hell would I do? What would WE do?" she inquired.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

"...Nevermind." Azra sighed. On second thought, perhaps those weren't the best people to ask for help. Maybe she'd have an easier time seducing a guard or a passer-by. "Just give me a second to think, I may need to adjust this idea." She had spent a considerable amount of time there. Were there any regular guards that would be easily distracted? And how hard would it be to encounter a wandering citizen up for a fuck around that place during the night? She ought to be able to remember at least something.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

The guards were just as selfish as any other demon. If they thought it worth it, they'd abandon their duties. As well, finding someone willing to fuck her wouldn't take longer than an hour at worst.

"... So, then WHAT?" she inquired, looking frustrated.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

"Right, sorry. No worries, I've got this." Probably. Azra sighed a bit. Either way this was going to be a pain in the ass to do, she feared, and the demons would likely connect her to the whole incident, especially if she acted too obvious. "Right. I should be able to distract the guards, from what I recall they were more dedicated to themselves than their jobs. When do you want to this?" She asked. The girl wouldn't be suprised if the reply was "now", they seemed kind of impatient.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

"As soon as humanely possible. They're our friends and every moment we delay is another moment they are subject to this cruel treatment." she declared. "So... by your lead I suppose." she said nervously. It was obvious that fear and anxiety were killing her.
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

"Guess, we have to go now, huh..." Azra sighed, scratching the back of her head. This was going to be tricky. Usually she was the one being taken, seduction was actually kind of new to her. She wondered how good a job she could do at it. Actual fucking wouldn't be a problem, she was certain of that. "Alright then, let's go. By the way, can you go into the city freely or are you going to be recognized? Given what I was told to do before the collar came off and all that..." The girl asked as she prepared to move out. "And what about you, Eager?"
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

Eager nodded. "I will be the homeless man I always have been. Should you face a moment of danger I will be there to save you." he replied.

The rebel group all hummed. "It's not so far fetched to say we'd be recognized, so in general we just wear cloaks whenever we have to encounter any Acheron demons."
Re: Once Upon A Time in Acheron (Grave) GM'd by MAF

"That helps, I suppose." Azra shrugged. "And thanks, Eager. I appreciate it." She nodded at the old man, touched by his concern. With the situation like this, there was probably nothing left to do besides moving out to get the job done. The girl would let the outlaws prepare themselves before they left. Given that the night was still young, they could probably achieve their objective and leave under it's cover, if nothing went awry.