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OOC and Discussion Thread

Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I as well, dear Chibi! And I suppose that would make me the "Socialite," *shivers* gotta come up with a more flashy name...

As well, both Chibi and Avatar's characters check out, no more errors! :D
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Patrician sound better to you?
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

The most appealing I've thought of so far would be Arbitrator, so I suppose I'll go with that.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Captain Mac-Scary-Lady is posted for your confusion. I love mixing cultures that should never be mixed!
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Very nice character, Zed. Hehehe, it's gonna be interesting to see how all these unique characters interact. :p
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Um, I think you all have the skill points bit wrong. The way I read it, you get 20 points plus however many you got to spend on Traits/Attributes. At Veteran level, we have 48 points to spend on Traits and Attributes and then another 68 to spend on skills. I think that's how it is, anyway.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Wow I think you're right!!!
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Whoa, I'm pretty sure it isn't. Not having the book in front of me, I can't re-read it, but I'm pretty sure you get the 20 points, plus whatever attribute points you don't spend on attributes or Assets. If we had a whopping 68 points to throw into skills, people could be absolute masters of several skills, which doesn't make sense to me.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

"To purchase your Skills, you get 20 points plus the total you used to purchase your Traits and Attributes (a Greenhorn character starts with 62 Skill points, a Veteran gets 68, and a Big Damn Hero gets 74). Purchase Skills just like you did with Attributes, by paying the point cost equal to the die type"
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Huh, sonuvabitch.

First off, what's the page number on that?

Secondly, if that's a direct quote, then yeah, go crazy. I don't want to see more than 3 D12s in the skills section though, 4 if two are different specialties of the same skill. Does that sound fair for everyone?
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

that's what i thought at first but i was sure that couldn't be right. Jeeminy.

EDIT: done... again. xD
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Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I read that as well, and that's exactly what I thought... But like Shrike said, that's a shit load of points... That, and all the advancement points we'll be achieving will only add to that extremely large number.

With all the skills I had planned on givin' Duke, that amount pretty much will fill 'em all right up to at least d10. >.>
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Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Might the crew of the good ship Rhapsody be interested in taking aboard a passenger?

Rather, have room for one more player, with the caveat that I've never played an in an RP?
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I fixed my char... again...
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Well, seeing as how our public relations is as a newborn babe in regards to the 'Verse itself, I see no trouble in taking on a passenger or two. Welcome aboard!
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I read that as well, and that's exactly what I thought... But like Shrike said, that's a shit load of points... That, and all the advancement points we'll be achieving will only add to that extremely large number.

With all the skills I had planned on givin' Duke, that amount pretty much will fill 'em all right up to at least d10. >.>

Yeah but if you look at the example chars they are built with the skill points set like that.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Well, now the skills match the concept.

Passengers? I hope they don’t expect any first class service…
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Well, seeing as how our public relations is as a newborn babe in regards to the 'Verse itself,

Say watevah you want, you'll be a lot more thankful to have me along, should we be attacked by an army of women...

I'll take 'em all on, single handedly, hehehe...