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OOC and Discussion Thread

Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I’m not gone, I’m just on running crew for the RDC production of Beauty and the Beast. I’ve been pulling 15 hour days moving heavy set peaces around, so finding the time to play anything has been hard to do.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

*stabs some life into the RP*

Screw waiting for people.
I hate to double post but i feel i must. We do NOT need to keep waiting on people. I refuse to let this goddamn rp die. If necessary I'll take over the whole damn thing, just to keep us going. We do not need ZED or SHRIKE to continue to interact with each other. So come the fuck on and POOOOOOST!
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I'm with ya, Chibi. I was excited about this RP as well, and since Shrike seems to have given up on this RP(posting in Warehouse but not this :(), and Heretic is busy with RL, I say we go on ahead without em.

Hurray for Chibi as the GM! :D
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I'm with ya, Chibi. I was excited about this RP as well, and since Shrike seems to have given up on this RP(posting in Warehouse but not this :(), and Heretic is busy with RL, I say we go on ahead without em.

Hurray for Chibi as the GM! :D

Unfortunately it seems that way here as well as with Laws of the Night. I've messaged her about posting here, but it seems to be falling on deaf ears.

I'll wait till Zed comes back and makes a post before asking about taking over. I dunno much about GMing, so I may be asking for ideas from you guys, but if two principle players are going to be this absent... x.x
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Just NPC 'em. I doubt they'd complain about their characters being automated, when they're never here. :rolleyes: Besides, you don't need a lot of people for a good RP experience. :p
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I do want to give Sin a chance at least...
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Unless you guys had a talk, Sin did say that she was pullin' out of the RP...
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Sorry, I just been too busy to even look at more than one game, let alone run any of them. And no, it hasn't been DDO RJ, that was the week I spent housesitting, I've barely been on that since then. I purposely avoided making myself a GM for this, and this is why. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to keep up, life's been crap, but I'll give it a better shot, kay?
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Heh, I didn't know any better. All I know is, DDO is where I last saw ya. I saw you on AIM a couple times to, but got the instinctual feeling that I shouldn't bother you with messages. I suppose my gut feeling was right, since life's been hasslin' you. :p
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

For the record I never once complained :p
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I was just feeling sorta ignored D: I do love this RP and to have it... on life support like that just made me upset.

I wish you'da mentioned what was going on, I wouldn't have started making assumptions then.

I sowwies...
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I think I made a mini-announcement somewhere, but yeah, no worries Chibs. Kinda felt guilty about WH13, or I wouldn't have been posting there either.

If you find yourself waiting for me, just assume Lyn does the thing you'd expect her to do, and move along. I'll do my best to keep up, it just doesn't seem very possible right now...
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

That's alright love. Just get everything straightened out alright? Upset Shrike makes me not happies.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I'm still alive, finals time is just irritating. But, I think I'm around to stay, again.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Well... We did kinda elect you the new GM while Heretic is on leave-with-out-pay. :3

But, I'll make yer gorram post anyway... Maybe I'll have Duke flex his muscles while he walks. >.>
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

we did not elect me. I said I'd wait on Zed to come back
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Well... There's only so much we can post, while we're waiting on Zed to come back, ya know?

And while the waiting time happens to extend beyond a whole month... :(

Edit: Bah, removing my post. There's nothing more we can post until someone picks back up the GM tag, and gets this show back on the road. No one can post anything more than filler posts until then.
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