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OOC thread and game info.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Okay, so now that we have our subforum, we can begin the RP proper. Once I set it all up we'll get this boat a-rockin'! Now, on to copy-pasting the info from the interest thread and then adding in some other info I've been jotting down as well.

This RP will be freedom-based. No classes, no ability sheets, no stats. Just raw freeform/GM RP. But enough rambling. Here's the scoop.

The RP kicks off just after This lovely piece of writing right here, with the squad, which your characters are a part of, preparing to deploy to Vega IV, the planet that they have to take back from the antagonists, the Harbingers. Trust me on this, things get real interesting real fast. Specifics can be provided upon request, and I will go into as much detail as possible about this RP.

Also, I'll be having a couple of co-GM's along for the ride to help in case I poof for any reasons, and they'll be read in on the story development, so rest assured if I disappear it won't suddenly grind to a halt.

This RP has been in planning for quite some time, so expect quite some detail in quite a few of my posts. I can't speak for my co-GM's as I am not them, but rest assured I'll be doing everything in my power to make this as rich and juicy as possible.

Ero, major point here, may or may not be included, based upon a vote decided within your posts in this thread.

Creature difficulty, that'll be something you guys will have to bear with. They've got superior technology and firepower, so many times it's going to take either extreme teamwork or just burning your ammo to take them down.

Oh, and let's not forget, there are many references to the prologue, so thumb through it whenever you have the free time. If nothing else, it's a good read.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

I'm not fussed on ero so i'll throw in a cheeky wee yes vote to get the ball rolling, it's not part of the main story as such but it might prove a nice little distraction at some point :)
Re: OOC thread and game info.

I'd be in.

Vote: Yay.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

ok i join

Ero: yes we are not under age childs
Re: OOC thread and game info.

Okey dokey. Soon as people start posting character sheets, I might be able to get this proverbial ball rolling.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

And thus the battle begins. Bravo Squad is the squad's designation, by the way.

Re: OOC thread and game info.

Alright, gents. I'm giving X-man 2 days to show up and explain himself before we assume he's just in the background following orders. I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but I'm not holding up an RP because he fails to tell us he's deciding to become a monk or something.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

Taking the monks pledge of abstenance wouldn't forbid you from coming here... Especially if your RPing... It WOULD however frown upon fapping to an ERP...
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Re: OOC thread and game info.

Aye it would. This is why I chose celibacy over abstinence. But X-man becoming a monk doesn't excuse the fact that he disappears for weeks at a time without warning.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

True... Now where DID our standard issue monkey boy make his way off to?
Re: OOC thread and game info.

I am of the opinion that it is the exact opposite of the previous theory. I think he's found someone in that 'real life' people keep telling me about, and he doesn't need us any more. Mm-hmm, yep.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

Either way, he's got til tomorrow morning and we're shifting him to the background until he decides to commit.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

*Sigh* Ditched yet again for a new relationship...

Heeey! He likes to POOORN! .... Think that'll ruin the relationship?

Is it me or is this whole friggen place a big singles bar? Nobody shows up as a couple...
Re: OOC thread and game info.

Rl's been crazy busy hectic lately. And sometimes I've not had the energy or focus to post; so can someone give mean quick run over of roughly where everyone is at and what were doing now so I can get out a post.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

We've all been there, Tenta. Hell, my own IRL situation is bordering on insanity. NEVER bite off more than you can chew.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

It seems like I'm an alligator with squirrel cheecks then...

Cause I like biting off BIG portions and working on it slowly...

But right now, Ariok is still working on decryption, Stukov is Admiral-ting around wondering why Ariok hasn't finished the decryption yet... The Space battle is over... Humanity survives one more day with minimal casualties...

Groundside Team, Cptn Kenzo is riding in the back of the LAAV, making sure the missile pod is good and reloaded and ready to fire when it needs to... Also set up for a laser designated bombing run...

Dr. Chesse finished his treatments to the best of his abilities and deposited the wounded gunner into the bed of the truck with Kenzo

Sgt Niles Zod is in the un occupied gunner turret seat the injured man was shot from...

Linda I believe is moving up to the first nav marker...

Which leaves your Terra's action...

As for distance to first Nav, I'd say about half way to mark... Once we get the truck moving again we'll probably make it there... Or get slowed down by another firefight...

But hows that for a Character Location Breakdown, from the top of my head even?
Re: OOC thread and game info.

My work schedule for the following week is morning shifts all week nearly, I might be able to get on afternoon when I get off the clock but otherwise my posting may be slow and sporadic this week till next Tuesday when my data plan resets again. As I'm nearing 2gs on my phone. And I might also be kinda dry or tired after work, but I shall thrive to post the best I can.

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Re: OOC thread and game info.

I'm sorry Oni/occam, but I really think that character needs to be cut/pasted over to DULMF, I have no idea how that could make sense in this setting, nor do I think it even comes close to the relative power level of the other characters. It sounds like you guys have already collaborated on this, and were expecting some of us to speak out, so I have to ask: What were you two thinking?
Re: OOC thread and game info.

Well, we weren't expecting you to speak out. We were expecting you to be angry. Know that Oni has agreed to allow me to determine exactly how powerful he can get. Not to mention, it's a way to show how a new factor comes into play: Laws from different universes can transfer over with their denizens if they do indeed traverse universes. For example, Demons exist in Oni's universe, so his demon can tag along. That's not to say random demons are going to start popping up in our universe. Just allows him to bend our laws a little.

Add to that he's allowed me to determine when, where, and how he acquires his powers, I'll be making sure he doesn't go DULMF on us. Though watch out for his temper.

Know one thing, though. While his character may LOOK OP, it really isn't, given the level of technology and strength the Harbingers have. Factor in also that he's got to get up in their faces for the most part, and that makes him a very vulnerable character, as opposed to Linda, who can just sit back and snipe, or Kenzo, who can take cover and shoot at things or toss frags. Plus we needed a Pointman, and he's got the sharp stabby object.

Also, I'd like to say I trust Oni not to go apeshit on this RP, but most of you probably wouldn't trust him with a spare nickel.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

[jk]Or a Canadian penny.[/jk] But I do trust YOU as a GM. So I have no complaints Occ. :D