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OOC thread and game info.

Re: OOC thread and game info.

I'm not particularly angry, I'm just... Disappointed, would be a good word. Frustrated as well, a little bit. I also wasn't suggesting that this was going to turn into another DULMF fiasco, just that he fits the accepted power level over there near perfectly, if a bit high there as well. Though now that you mention it, same GM, same Player, same excuses for powers that can easily screw over most of the rest of the party. Let's see here:

Oh look, he can take guns and make them work better. But then they only work for him. Quick take all the other PC's guns. Show of hands, who here isan effective combatant without guns? No? Didn't think so.

What's that? It doesn't work on just gun's either? You mean he could possibly take over the entire ship's computer? But that's effectively a PC right now! He could corrupt that AI with his demonic power (demon inside a body, another recurring theme, forgot to mention), effectively screwing over a PC directly? Gee wilikers Batman!

Okay, I'm getting retarded here in my little rant, so I'll stop while I think I'm ahead. At least tell me you can see where I'm coming from?

And I'm Canadian, be careful there. We're gonna rule the world someday ;)
Re: OOC thread and game info.

I'm not particularly angry, I'm just... Disappointed, would be a good word. Frustrated as well, a little bit. I also wasn't suggesting that this was going to turn into another DULMF fiasco, just that he fits the accepted power level over there near perfectly, if a bit high there as well. Though now that you mention it, same GM, same Player, same excuses for powers that can easily screw over most of the rest of the party. Let's see here:

Oh look, he can take guns and make them work better. But then they only work for him. Quick take all the other PC's guns. Show of hands, who here isan effective combatant without guns? No? Didn't think so.

Oh hey, it's like you didn't read the sheet at all! Take guns? Sure, he can take the guns. All of them. Fat lot of good it can do him if he doesn't know how to use them though. And aside from pistols and LMG's he isn't trained in any of the others. Geez, now where did that little thing called reading comprehension go? I assume you read 'use any type of clip fed ammo' wrong and jumped to assumptions. And if you were talking about the whole corruption of guns training with said guns is still in effect! Who fucking knew? Also, the corruption takes quite some time to affect a piece of tech AND he has to be familiar with it!

What's that? It doesn't work on just gun's either? You mean he could possibly take over the entire ship's computer? But that's effectively a PC right now! He could corrupt that AI with his demonic power (demon inside a body, another recurring theme, forgot to mention), effectively screwing over a PC directly? Gee wilikers Batman!

Oh hey look, another case of the missing reading comprehension! Yes, it does say that he CAN take over the computers of ships and have said ships under his control BUT it also says he doesn't get that ability until THE GM SAYS SO! And what use is turning his allies against him when he's not inherently evil? Oh man, looks like we're getting somewhere here! There isn't any use because it would backfire on him! Regardless of his abilities if he's dealt a fatal blow he'll still die! "Oh hey, I've taken over your AI, prepare to d-" *BOOM HEAD SHOT*

Okay, I'm getting retarded here in my little rant, so I'll stop while I think I'm ahead. At least tell me you can see where I'm coming from?

And I'm Canadian, be careful there. We're gonna rule the world someday ;)

'A little retarded'? That's a qualifier for the understatement of the century right there. Guess you should read things thoroughly before jumping to conclusions.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

Right, you be a dick, I'll be a bitch, and we'll get this over with nice and early.

I wasn't assuming you were going to be master of every firearm the team has, but I didn't see you had to be proficient in a weapon in order to corrupt it. Hold on a second... Yep, says nothing about that in there. So, he can just be a dick and remove the other PC's weapons. He won't be able to use them himself, but hey, he has a pistol, that should be good enough against some weaponless shmoes, sure.

Hey look, he can start corrupting the ship right away, it doesn't say he can't. It just says that he can't do it ON PURPOSE, until the GM says so. Which brings us to this next point.

Sure he's got like a half dozen things he can't do till the GM says so, but hey, so did the last demon-infested, not-quite-bad guy you made too. Last time, it was all a ploy to actually make him a bad guy, and he got pretty much whatever he wanted for abilities, when he wanted them. So what if it says he can't use them as of character creation, that period is effectively over the first time he posts. Oh look, a post! Where he slaughters helpless crewmen while they're pleading for his help! But that's not evil, because this was the crew of a suppply ship running food and whatnot to *gasp* a prison! Nevermind that it's probably a third-party company, whose employees definitely had nothing to do personally with his imprisonment, nor even knew he existed before he forcibly boarded their ship and started killing indiscriminately. Remind me why we shouldn't kill him again?
Re: OOC thread and game info.

Oh hey look! A wild bitch appeared! Go, Dick! Dick used 'Failing to put in all relevant information'! It's super effective! The crowd goes crazy at such a display of childishness from the two of them and commits mass suicide!


Yes I'm well aware of how my previous demonically-charged character wound up, and that was planned by Burr and I. I have no intention of sending this character down that very same path, in fact the only people he has any beef with is the military from his homeworld. Which those supply men were a part of. As was the crew on the ship about to blow up. But hey, it's not like he would've been able to save them anyway. And like it clearly says, what powers and the power level it says Grant has IS WHAT HE CURRENTLY HAS. Any ability improvement is down to Burr's discretion. Hell, I don't care if he doesn't have any of his major abilities, which by the way are pretty much endgame abilities so he wouldn't have them for many many months. Or if he does get them Burr may decide to give them restrictions, like taking over a ship would require Grant to put his consciousness inside it. Which would heavily restrict how much stuff he could take over. Which would be about one thing I'd guess. Seeing as he only has one consciousness.

But yes, I will fill in the blanks that I forgot to fill in.

EDIT: Due to Shrike I'm altering my character, getting rid of the demonic alien boosts and instead making him more Shepard/Spartan-like. This is also partly so Burr doesn't have to put up with more grief than he has to.
EDIT2: Character sheet modified, hopefully some people will find it more acceptable. Note; the background isn't completely done yet due to me not having come up with a full idea but basically he and his squad was out testing a new ship when they were ambushed and boarded by alien pirates. There was a lot more pirates than there was his crew and the basic soldiers milling around on the ship so they were losing when Grant decided to give the prototype warp drive a go. Turns out it was a dimensional transporter, not quite what they planned on making, but with his ship about to blow up and his crew dead he decided to jump ship and hopefully find a way home.
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Re: OOC thread and game info.

Okay, I'm sorry, I really am, but I was/am enjoying this game. For the most part, we were completely outgunned and needed teamwork to take down even the generic bad guys one by one, we had just been forced to flee in a rather big hurry, and even our super-duper artifact-ish ship couldn't stand toe to toe with the ships we were faceing. It was dark, it was gritty, it was fun. I get off work, notice someone else has posted a new character, thought 'cool, new addition to the team!'. Started reading it through, and my hopes just sank. a demon-posessed ex-convict from another universe with a bevy of GM fiat abilities, nothing of which really fit with the rest of the setting. Given that we had all been told to make normal people with average guns (we couldn't even have the shinest of those, let alone superpowers), I was quite disappointed. It looked like once again, you were effectively playing an NPC thought up between the two of you to wreck the party and laugh about it afterwards.

That said, I like the character concept, if I'd been reading the same thing in the DULMF game, i would have thought it was an awesome start. I still suggest you go and put it up there, honestly. The feel is right, the power level starts a bit high, but almost perfect compared to the others.

Got distracted b grocery shopping and forgot where i was going with this post, but thanks, and I'll try to keep my trap shut on stuff for at least a while now. Hope you at least see where I was coming from, though...
Re: OOC thread and game info.

>says go take the character idea to DULMF
>co-run by Pale

HAHAHAHAHA No, I'm having no part of any RP run by that whore. But yeah, I see where you're coming from which was partly why I changed it. Got a more generic/bland character now, but I can work with that with his personality. Plus he's got one awesome sword, albeit crazy insane to use.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

*shrugs* Haven't really dealt with Pale much myself, though I do hear that a lot. I think most of our characters will begin to show more with the personality than with much else really, comes with the setting, I believe. Was thinking of some fun things to do with Linda, was tempted to have her avoid pickup and stay on the planet for a while, obviously didn't happen though XD
Re: OOC thread and game info.

Well Grant's about to make a pretty memorable entrance if someone spots him, and now that he isn't an angry ball of misery he may be able to develop as a decent character. Not sure how powerful he is compared to the rest of them though.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

Well, suit seems pretty special, but yeah, if we're going to have a melee pointman like that, he's going to need to take a few and keep going, so it should balance itself out anyways. I'll go post a look-see, should help get things rolling.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

Well it is supposed to be based off Master Chiefs/Shepards gear, so it would be kind of an improvement to what everyone else is using. But yes, it's not that much of an improvement, and is more useful for exploration than combat. For now.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

Thanks for the kick in the butt. I just subscribe to the thread, to see when new posts come in, and I missed when we switched to a new thread.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

Alrighty, I'm going on a week-long vacation. If things heat up while I'm gone, assume Linda follow's Kenzo's orders. See you guys in a week!
Re: OOC thread and game info.

has everyone stopped with AtV or are they just too busy or some such? I can try to get a post out, but I don't see the point if no one else is going to continue, TBH.
Re: OOC thread and game info.

I'm waiting on everyone to post TBH.