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OOC Thread

Re: OOC Thread

Counter offer to your own, Nadia seduces the answer out of her, then the two satisfy each other. Then Nadia offers safe passage back out of the village,assured escape no need to sneak or avoid guards, if Kiana agrees to cease her attacks for the time being.

Kiana would only agree to halt her attacks if Nadia agreed to leave the jungle tribes in peace and stop her men from slaving them. If you can roleplay out the interrogation and suitably convince her to willingly satisfy Nadia, then she might be more agreeable to sharing her motivations and inner thoughts with Nadia - which might open up new options.

((With Rakdos becoming NPC'd, I thinking of changing Kiana's second best interest into becoming Nadia's love interest. Her first interest of burning the raider town to the ground shall still remain however. So for her to be happy, she must make Nadia fall in love with her and destroy the town with fire.))

Right now the character doesn't know that she wants Nadia. But I've a feeling after this seduction and domination by the stronger woman, the catgirl might find her very desirable.
Re: OOC Thread

Okay, I can agree to that, should make things interesting.
Re: OOC Thread

Okay, conflict is negotiated. We'll RP the rest of the scene, going along those guidelines. Feel free to write it up.

I've gotta go offline soon, so it'll probably be a little while before I can respond to all these posts. Should be fun tho. ;)
Re: OOC Thread

Poo. I'm unsure of how to make my introduction. Not sure where I should haver her and what she would be doing right now.
Re: OOC Thread


Be aggressive. You're an awesome and powerful enchantress, coming back to reclaim your home and seat of power!

I've got a suggestion that just came up off the top of my head -- what if you're the real force behind the rebellious tribes uniting? You've used your charms to bring ancient enemies together under your banner, and can use them as your puppets while you obtain your goals?

Talk out your ideas. Maybe you're the woman who possesses Halrikk's soul? Maybe you're the former lover that Khanna alluded to when she kissed Zakiri? Maybe you were the mistress who taught the slave Taya to please women? You can take a lot of these hooks others have provided and make them your own (make sure to get PC permission first if you do).

Then put yourself into the mix. You have license to create minor characters that you wish to interact with. You can also start out any place, even infilrating the town or even the tower.

If you still can't think of anything. I'll give you a basic intro somewhere after I get some inspiration. It'll flow once we get you started.
Re: OOC Thread

Is Taya an NPC? where is she mentioned? But I'll talk to Alpaca and xviix(sp?) about the ideas yuo mentioned to help me get started, i apologize for the delay. writers block :( .
Re: OOC Thread

Heh, all three sound like fun. Alpaca and xviiv said it would be okay. So The enchantress possesses Halrikk's soul, and was Khana's former lover. >:3 Now I just need to find a way to put it all together well and think of a good starting post. I WILL get it out, before too long hopefully.
Re: OOC Thread

Did we lose everyone?
Re: OOC Thread

No, I've been distracted by lots of things mainly RL and writers block.
Re: OOC Thread

Pretty much the same here. I'll work on a new post.
Re: OOC Thread

Yeah, I've never wanted to *not* write this badly before. Hopefully the feeling will pass before too long.
Re: OOC Thread

No worries Alpacalypse. I'm comfortable with this moseying along. When you update, I'll update.

If more active characters start edging this towards a conclusion though, I won't stop them. So the more often you post, the more likely you'll get to your objectives.
Re: OOC Thread

I had a super pulpy Conan-esque dream.

It kinda played out like one of those old point-and-click adventure games, but the summary of it is that in TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED YE OLDE TIMES that kinda looked like WWIIish but a little cooler, this hot-but-slave chick (possibly also a wizard?) ran away with some kinda soldier or something on a train, but he ends up getting shot, and whispers "it was mine to lose", because he was a cool and had like, pay, and a life waiting for him and stuff, and he risked it to liberate this chick, but died trying. There is some ROMANTIC TENSION that I totally skipped over because I dreammemory fading, but anyway she's like WELP FUCK and freezes herself to donate her body to science or something. Fuckin' how do you like them run on sentences also.

Fast forward to CRAZY POST-APOCALYPTIC CONAN-TECH ERA, my character unfreezes her and goes on a similar adventure of wooing and being a coolguy, but then we run into this freaky troll/fishman dude. We get our asses whooped and just kinda KO, and he goes for sweet sexy times with chick. But then, it cuts to fishbro on his back and the chick on top of him, and via her WEIRD CHICK MAGIC had ripped out his gill-like lungs. But fishbro seems kinda nonplussed, and then he's like "It was mine to lose" and turns back into WWII soldier bro while he dies.

So chick's like WELP FUCK and leaves, presumably to kill herself or something, and player character wakes up to find a note explaining things I guess.

I guess what felt most Conany to me was that the adventure is pretty rad, but kinda goes wrong and you don't really get anything to take away from it, but there's a super cool hot chick involved who you bang like once before losing her too I guess.