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Uhh... actually... I originally planned on having Enigma do that. Then realized that it'd probably set the GATE on fire at the same time...which would be an utter backfire (pun unintended). Probably could though, most oil in general burns.

The other idea *was* to call out to have one of the mages do it, but IC, she's got no idea who they are or if they're capable of even doing it. And yeah, thought about the gate, too. And Deagan. Friendly fire isn't. Guess I was just thinking of the differences in oils and what it would probably take to ignite them, because I doubt droping a burning something or other into the swarm at the gate would do it. Too easily snuffed out. Logic kicks in when it's not supposed to sometime.

If it's Crude Oil (Which I think it was?) it wouldn't take much to set it off I don't think. A few flaming arrows should in theory do the job, but yeah, the gate would likely catch fire, not to mention poor Deagan.

A small response in explanation of Kemi's actions:

Though she is not truely a magician, she has found where certain powders, incantations, and minor rituals have helped her during her combative and slaving history. She doesn't rely on it, but certain situations call for such gimmicks in comparison to just brute actions.

This perticular powder is a halluciagen developed from a certain breed of Underdark mushroom. The aflicted usually see most forms of creatures as hostile, monsterous beings and can be lethal if a small encampment were to come in contact with it. However, it needs a small incantation to be used, and saps the user's stength when it's magic effects begin, thus explaining Kemi's weakness after deploying it to the winds.

Yes, you could set the oil aflame, but yes, the gate would catch fire, and that could be bad for after the flames settle.

Alright guys, I've noticed a bit of Mary Sue like actions going on here in the RP. While something may seem cool to do, it might not work. RJ, I don't know how your character leapt off a castle wall into slippery oil without shattering his legs.
I'll be stepping in a bit more as GM in light of this, and pushing more consequences on player's actions from now on.

Sowwy if any of my actions fit that? >,>;

>.>, hey... I do have logical explanations for the foundation of my character's actions thus far. That and I also have her generally "not" helping with things so as to prevent the typical "wizard of doom rains fire and destruction on the battlefield".

Shattering the catapult rock with: Gathering the flames already on the battlements, and converging them into a single mass by using her staff as a focus.

Exploding the orc's head: Firing an arrow, lighting it on fire with magic, then proceeding to "superheat" the flame with an excess of air pumped via wind magic to create an explosion.

Sniping at the orc brute: Wind magic to propel the arrow the extended distance needed...and setting off delayed fire magic cast on the arrow in advance.

Managing to avoid being shot: Wind magic barrier, arrows "veer away" from her.

>.>, hey... I do have logical explanations for the foundation of my character's actions thus far. That and I also have her generally "not" helping with things so as to prevent the typical "wizard of doom rains fire and destruction on the battlefield".

Easiest way to prevent that would be the fact that only an archmage would have that capability. However, you and siphon do seem to have unlimited mana, given that you can both cast several spells a turn, some of them being complex, and only a few of them requiring anything more than sheer willpower to cast and even those not requiring much. The way you describe it, I would expect the spell you just cast which you note was creating one from zero to have required at least one of three things:
  1. A large number of signs, either draw or done with the hands.
  2. A much longer spell phrase than just a single word.
  3. Enough mana that you can only cast 5 or so more times this in game day before you can no longer cast spells without resting.

Essentially, a paraphrase of what you did would be: "I cast a spell so powerful it gives me a glowy aura, but fortunately, I'm so cool and strong that not only does the casting not phase me, but I can use sheer willpower to skip practically all the steps in casting it. Then, just because I'm a super-powered mage, I cast an enchanting spell on an object quickly moving out of my range without even needing a breather after my last spell."

  1. Enough mana that you can only cast 5 or so more times this in game day before you can no longer cast spells without resting.

To be added next post for balance purposes of course. Just didn't bother adding it into the current post so as not to ruin the overall tone of the scene. Although to be brutally honest, there has been no explicit limit of spell mastery set.

I cast an enchanting spell on an object quickly moving out of my range without even needing a breather after my last spell.

Delayed enchantment spell applied before actual release of the object, pre-prepared in advance, but not explicitly stated in text due to laziness/perspective from which the spell is portrayed. Breather is off screen/next post as mentioned...and also why she's not firing off twenty "spell arrows" at the orc brute until he's dead.

Mind you, it's also for these reasons I've been hesitant to do "mass animate" of fallen guards, as it seems that to actually apply magical energy on the fly to every individual body would require a considerable mana pool to cast, much less maintain. (That and while it's been stated that Enigma has mastery of arcane arts, she's only a beginner/apprentice in terms of necromantic magic.)

(That and while it's been stated that Enigma has mastery of arcane arts, she's only a beginner/apprentice in terms of necromantic magic.)

So, in D&D terms, your a 7th level wizard, 1st level negative energy cleric? (Given that the typical soldier is described as a level 1 npc class warrior, and even a general might only be a level 7 fighter.)

Perhaps? Any more and I'd be a munchkin wizard nuking cities at level 3.

Then, probably the easiest way to limit yourself, is to pull out a d&d book, and refrain from casting any spells a Wizard7/cleric1 can't cast.

So far the spells, while they should be showing a little more on characters than they are, are not too outrageous. There's been no pulling fire from midair from what I've seen, but rather using the torches on the walls to manipulate the flames into their doing.

However, I've added my own counter to heavy spellcasting via the enemy. Orc Shamans have been pulling the magics out of the undead, and magical arrows and such, to power themselves. If player magic users are not careful, this could be bad.

He didn't land on the ground, Sin, he landed on an Orc to soften his fall.

Sword first, Deagan landed on top of the orc below him, with his claymore going straight down it's skull, while he used it's quickly dead body to brace his fall. "Sorry, boyo!" he said to the dead Orc.

But that doesn't really matter, I've been unable to post since college started back up, being too occupied with MGI, as well as enjoying myself each day enough to keep my days lively.

Yes, but that's still a way's to jump. I mean, the wall is about twenty feet high. That's a long way to jump down, landing on Orc or no.

So... yer out then? Or are ya still in?

For the most part, I don't want to quit(quite frankly, I was thinking of maybe making some sparks fly with one of the female characters :cool:), but I just can't find the time to sit down, and put my heart into posting after going to my own game, and posting there. By the time I even get done updating everything there, I'm too tired to want to do anything else other than pass out on my keyboard.

I say do what you can, when you can. It's not as though we're updating at nigh impossible speeds that it's really hard to keep up with us (course, I haven't checked the game thread yet today...), but, eh, up to you ultimately. I personally like Deagan, but he's your charrie, after all.

By the time I even get done updating everything there, I'm too tired to want to do anything else other than pass out on my keyboard.

Solution: Come here first :D
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Well if ye need a break and want to come back, say Deagan got wounded and didn't notice till now due to adrenaline. He can be in the infirmary until you've got more time to play. I can even mention that in my next update if you wish.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm assuming too much with the awesomeness of my character as well. Since we seem to be using DnD as a measuring stick, about what level are our characters?
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