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Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
(Late joiners are allowed, tis why it's called Open. But I reserve the right to reject people whom I hate with every ounce of my Confederate soul. That list consists of... I think two or three people in the entire universe, so you're probably good, you person who's reading this right now.)

(If your Zilrax and you haven't made your character yet, don't worry. You can post once you get done.)

Onset City, in a large brick building owned by the newly founded Treasure Hunter's Guild, there is an organization of people who gather to participate in the search for relics and artifacts for fame and fortune. The Guild is owned by a certain with the wealth of a noble from all of her own personal traveling and treasure hunting. She was so adept at the trade that she found purchase in creating her own business of treasure hunting, where she did half of the work of locating the treasure, and finding someone else to take the risk of finding it while she takes a cut of the profits: A Finder's Fee.

She stood at the desk, calling out jobs to the open crowd. All of the easy ones were taken. To find an amulet, to find someone's purse. Tasks that requires no effort whatsoever. However, the first dangerous task was called out, and as per usual, the community weren't fighters for the most part. No one raised their hand when she called out: "A reward for the delivery of a bag of petty jewels captured by a band of vermin. Defeat of the vermin isn't necessary, just return the jewels." she declared, and only our brave adventurers would raise their hands for this dangerous quest... Of goblins who kill men and capture women for breeding. Neither fate was pretty for either gender.
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

Shyly, the blue haired woman raises her hand. With firm but regretting steps Celeste approaches the desk and opens her mouth.

"I-I'm interested in this quest... I only have to get the jewels and return them, right? I won't receive any bonus for the creatures I slay?"

Celeste was shy because she was all alone. Taking a dangerous quest like that would give her someone to help her, at least, she thougth, someone considerated enough to help.
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Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

The guild of Onset City provided Malivre with many opportunities. It was a melting pot of diverse skill sets and outlooks, and there was bound to be those well inclined to the worship of Aasterian here. The possibility of the owner locating relics of the old gods to stamp out, or finding devices or knowledge that suited her own goals was just as appealing.

Those with a lack of skill or willpower snatched up the messenger and courier jobs swiftly. She had no disdain for them, their tasks were vital to society even if they were menial. Each served to their best ability, and all in turn worked to the service of her god, whether they knew it or not.

But a task to strike down bandits and retrieve their spoils was far more appealing to her. Most likely goblins. Foul creatures, mockeries of the servants of Aasterian. Green, but lacking scales. Small, but with no tails. She wouldn't feel too bad removing their threat. Still, she couldn't be too overconfident. They were still dangerous.

A woman stepped up, seeming quite timid despite her armaments and volunteered. How odd, most warriors she'd ever seen were reasonably confident, if not outright brash. Well, no matter, if she was skilled enough, then Malivre could be the authority that directed her.

She stepped forward. "I will go as well. Aasterian has no patience for those who would disrupt the bearers of his offering."
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

"Interesting. If ladies permit, I shall accompany you on this venture."

A blonde woman with long hair, carrying a rather nasty-looking scythe interjected here. Despite the rather wicked weapon, her curvy body and outfit didn't make her look much like a warrior. This did not make Alia Tervin any less dangerous, though. Arcane practicioners often had many tricks at their disposal, few of them being something simple people or monsters could fare well against.

Alone, the sorceress would likely not be enough against the band of vermin that had stolen the jewels. However, upon noticing that two other people carrying arms and looking like they knew how to use them signed up for this, she didn't hesitate to get involved as well. Between the three of them, a meager band of goblins wouldn't be an issue.

Still, it would probably be best not to overestimate their abilities. The recovery of jewels was most important here and the greenskin were unlikely to carry many items of value. Magic was an expensive affair, and Tervin was for the most part interested in getting rich enough to be able to buy what she needed for herself. Going out of her way to exterminate them all for no profit didn't appeal to the woman.

"I suppose that since we'll likely end up cooperating on this one, we should introduce ourselves, no?" She offered, walking up to the other two women. "I am Alia Tervin. A magic caster specialized in the arcane. Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?"
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

Noticing the other two woman coming to the desk and accepting the same quest as her, Celeste felt a shy smile coming out. She bowed deeply, her large breasts following the movement.

"I'm Celeste! I'm good with swords and fighting! I don't know what I want for my life, but I hope my body is enough to protect you two!"

Celeste's heart was pounding like crazy, her face getting redder as she realized she finally found companions focused on the same goal.
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

Malivre raised her eyebrow at the... Reaction and language used by the warrior. She looked to the new woman, far more confident seeming. Reminded her of Liavre back home, the court mage who had encouraged her quest and such.

"I am Malivre Tannis, Priestess of Aasterian. A pleasure to meet you both. I support those who support me, so rest assured I shall do my utmost to ensure our success.," she said solemnly.

The busty warriors shy demeanor was kinda cute. Maybe she'd be easy to get into some straps on her bed sometime. Well, if she proved of interest at least. She wanted the best for her harem after all, so time would tell. After all, her first harem member, who would get her first time should be special, right?

"Hm. Course we still need to actually sign for the task."
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

She shook her head, looking back from the desk clerk to the mage, waiting for confirmation. When she got it, Celeste jumped back to the desk and motioned her arms all over the place.

"W-we are going to sign in, sir! Ma'am! Sorry!"

Her honest heart was so full of joy of finally being picked up that she forgot the most basic of things when accepting a quest.
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

"Yes yes, in just a second." Alia rolled her eyes with a smile, amused somewhat by the warrior's antics. Hopefully she'd be more focused in a fight, though. Not that the mage couldn't swing a weapon, it's just that she'd rather leave it to a specialist. Following Celeste, she also went to ensure she was signed up for this quest. "I think with all three of us ready to do our best, success is quite the likely outcome, don't you think?" She asked the priestess, making small talk while formalities were being done with.
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

The elven women wrote their names down for the task, before handing off a scroll for any of them to take. "Work together if you wish. The reward shall be split between all three of you should you return safely with the bag of family jewels that were stolen." she declared.

The scroll itself was very simple. It had a word at the top that said "REWARD: 3000G" and a map detailing the path into the woods and into a small coal mine that was long ago tapped out and abandoned before goblins used it as their home.

There were a few places to provision, but they hardly had enough money to do so. Potions of cure wounds were expensive, and the same for magically enchanted equipment. (I have item and equipment upgrade shops, but you can visit those when you have the money.)

"You will report to me with the returned items. My name is Saida Tarsis if you need to look for me. And remember, do not perform misconduct or else I will send a certain band of merry men to come and get you." she declared. Indeed, those who didn't act honestly while serving under her guild often went missing. Though some say they saw the men and women who went missing as slaves or even dead in a river, quietly eliminated for betraying comrades and trying to sell the treasure themselves for a higher profit. She was certainly a woman to be feared for her influence in the area.
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

"Understood. The items shall be returned to you, if it's possible at all." Alia responded, signing her name on the mission scroll. Stealing the jewels, while likely to be profitable in the long term, just carried too many risks for the mage's tastes to be worth it. She'd rather maintain a good reputation and build her fortune along with it. Whatever gains she made that way would be much more stable. And crossing the person in power here just sounded stupid in general.

"So, now that formalities are out of the way, shall we set out?" She turned around, addressing her allies. "I am ready to go whenever you wish." Tervin added, hefting her backpack with adventuring supplies. 1000 gold per person was a decent reward and would allow her to upgrade her equipment if she wished, or expand her store of adventuring essentials. Enough to prepare her for further jobs, at least - what would be left would likely go into starting her personal projects, once she got powerful enough...
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

Malivre nods at the threat, if rolls her eyes a little. "Rest assured Miss Tarsis, I've no intention of betraying a well meant contract. I fear my gods wrath far more than any debt collectors if I were to do such a thing. And if I did, I'd expect such a result. Every action has a price after all. A core tenant of my faith."

She looked over the scroll, musing a bit as she studied the map carefully before nodding.

"Of course. Let us be off, and let Aasterian guide us through clear paths.," she says determinedly, before grinning a bit, "Just try not to get too banged up, alright? Magic hurts, as I'm sure a wizard would know."
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

Party Status:
Alia Tervin Lv.1
Status: Fine
Exp: 0 / 10
HP: 20 / 20
Pleasure: 0 / 15
AC: 11
Heroism: 3/3
1. Attack Bonus
2. Damage
3. Saving Throw
4. Skill Check
5. Spell DC

Celeste Lv.1
Status: Fine
Exp: 0 / 10
HP: 20 / 20
Pleasure: 0 / 13
AC: 14
Heroism: 3/3
1. Attack Bonus
2. Damage
3. Saving Throw
4. Skill Check
5. Spell DC

Malivre Tannis Lv.1
Status: Fine
Exp: 0 / 10
HP: 20 / 20
Pleasure: 0 / 16
AC: 16
Heroism: 3/3
1. Attack Bonus
2. Damage
3. Saving Throw
4. Skill Check
5. Spell DC

Enemy Status:
18 Mossbacks from the West: They're all healthy

The trip from the town to the location of interest would take one day. The girls would consume one day's worth of rations during that trip lest they suffer malnourishment.

And so, the girls would embark upon their quest. They'd follow the relatively peaceful roads. It would gradually seem less peaceful though when they had to leave the main roads and venture into the forest to reach the goblin lair. Their first day of travel was peaceful, until they made camp, and woke up in the morning to hear the sounds of primate screeching and crying. The girls would have a chance to arm themselves before a large group of roaming Mossbacks would come in swinging from the trees. They were half the size of a human, with green fur and human sized cocks of about seven inches.

The girls were met with eightteen Mossbacks coming from the west! Individually they didn't look threatening or strong at all. But their numbers were something to be wary of.

(Roll for Initiative, and you may also prepare your actions while you're at it to speed things along unless you want to wait to see what the mossbacks do if they go before you.)
(Mossback Init: )
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)


The cries of an enranged monkey horde was not something Alia wanted to wake up to. The sight of said horde descending upon the camp with hostile intent, even less so. Still, the mage rallied as quickly as she could - though not as quickly as she would have liked. "Enemy attack!" She cried out, grabbing her scythe and rushing to defend herself.

One glance at the number of foes was enough to tell Tervin that fighting them with magic would drain all of her strenght long before they were gone. Sighing, she resigned herself to having to use her scythe to break her foes. But first... "Mage Armor." She muttered, casting a protective spell on herself. She was not used to wearing physical protection, but she could compensate if need be.

(Mage Armor on self. Also, this is gonna suck.)
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

Traveling went mostly uneventful, no issues at all. A quiet meal then proper rest. But it was disturbed by the sound of shrieking. She got up and saw the ravenous horde approaching, her quickly pulling her armor on with a curse. Wild beasts, likely enthralled by the old gods power to be rapacious... And in such numbers too. She doubted they could easily flee from them.

"Well then. Hope you've got something that can remove multiple enemies."

She called upon Aasterian to protect her body and virginity from these tainted beasts as she prepared to take them down.

(Casting Shield of Faith on self. Init 21 She moves up behind Celeste to provide cover for Alia)
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Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

"Misconduct? Merry men?"

Celeste's honest heart didn't knew what the woman was trying to convey to the girls; she always did her work flawlessly. She tried to piece together the meaning with the other girls talk, but she was void of understanding.


The travel was nice and uneventful, until the moment the cries and a little army came to the girls. Celeste was already prepared for fighting as her armor was light and fashion enough to be dressed as normal clothes. Holding her greatsword with both hands, she stood between the enemies and her allies as a shield, concentrating herself.
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

(Note for the future, when stating or performing your actions, include rolls from that roller site and put all mechanical information here. You're making me run around and figure everything out, this post took a while to make because of that.)

Party Status:
Alia Tervin Lv.1
Status: Fine
Exp: 0 / 10
HP: 17 / 20
Magical Fatigue: 3
Pleasure: 0 / 15
AC: 11+2(10 rounds)+4(10 Rounds)=17
Heroism: 3/3
1. Attack Bonus
2. Damage
3. Saving Throw
4. Skill Check
5. Spell DC

Celeste Lv.1
Status: Fine
Exp: 0 / 10
HP: 13 / 20
Pleasure: 0 / 13
AC: 14+2(10 rounds)-2(Monkeycrits)=14
Heroism: 3/3
1. Attack Bonus
2. Damage
3. Saving Throw
4. Skill Check
5. Spell DC

Malivre Tannis Lv.1
Status: Fine
Exp: 0 / 10
HP: 17 / 20
Magical Fatigue: 3
Pleasure: 0 / 16
AC: 16+2(10 rounds)
Heroism: 3/3
1. Attack Bonus
2. Damage
3. Saving Throw
4. Skill Check
5. Spell DC

Rolls & Enemy Status:
Malivre casts Shield of Faith, spending 3hp. Everyone gains +2AC for 10 rounds.

Eleven Monkies attack Celeste: 4 Missed, 5 Hit (They each deal 1 damage), 2 Crit! (The monkies pull off some of Celeste's armor and clothes, lowering her AC by 2 and dealing 2 damage.) ; Celeste takes 7 damage total, loses 2 AC for this fight.
Seven other Monkies flank behind Celeste to go after the backline. They just move closer and will be able to attack next turn.

Alia gains +4 AC for 10 rounds. Loses 3HP


11 Mossbacks attacking Celeste: They're all healthy
7 Mossbacks heading towards Malivre

Everyone took their formations before the primates all rushed in. Their advance was quick even if they were small, and quickly Celeste met them. Most of the monkies immediately jumping at her, hitting her and banging their hands against her. Even though their singular punches hardly did anything, dealing with eleven of the creatures was a nightmare in and of itself. She survived their assault, as she would continue to do for a little while longer, while one of the mossbacks jumped onto her back, pulling on her armor that protected her, tearing off a plate here and there to reduce the amount of protection her armor offered.

From the perspective of the other two women, all they saw was the busty fighter vanishing under a swarm of pint-sized primates who were assaulting her. Thankfully it looked like she was still standing, but their assault was relentless. And there were still more on the way. Specifically, more coming to attack the girls behind Celeste as Mali stood ready to intercept and protect the precious mage.

Meanwhile, Alia coats herself in protective magic, allowing her to survive any assault the monsters wish to bring.

(Celeste is next in line to attack or do whatever. Then Mali can act, attacking the monkies if she wishes or casting another spell.)
(Turn order is Mali->Monkies->Alia-> *Celeste*)
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

Basic Attack:

Being swarmed by little critters like that was new to Celeste, and all she could do was try to cut any of those with continuous swings of her greatsword. Of course, she kept her mouth shut to prevent anything else for entering her through there.
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

Celeste's blade cut through one of the mossbacks, and carried enough force to slice through another as well!

(Celeste killed 2 Mossbacks.)

Meanwhile, seven of the monsters were charging at Malivre and by extension, Alia! They got in close enough for Malivre to whack before they could start to swarm her!

(Turn order is *Malivre*->Monkies->Alia->Celeste)
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

(Just for the record, Shield of Faith is single target normally. I know it says aura, but it basically just means I've got a field over my body that deflects attacks. You can say otherwise though.)

Malivre grimaced as Celeste soon was overrun, and soon enough she was being flanked to boot! No time to cast anything more, so she turned her blade upon her enemies instead.

( 6)

Sadly she didn't have time to get her swing off before they were too close to do so easily.
Re: Open B&B (GM-Arjay ; Grave,Zilrax,Atmo)

Party Status:
Alia Tervin Lv.1
Status: Fine
Exp: 0 / 10
HP: 16 / 20
Magical Fatigue: 3
Pleasure: 0 / 15
AC: 11+2(9 rounds)+4(9 Rounds)=17
Heroism: 3/3
1. Attack Bonus
2. Damage
3. Saving Throw
4. Skill Check
5. Spell DC

Celeste Lv.1
Status: Grappled, Penetrated(The Mossback needs to fail a DC8 for Celeste to break penetration)
Exp: 0 / 10
HP: 8 / 20
Pleasure: 6 / 13
AC: 14+2(9 rounds)-2(Monkeycrits)=14
Heroism: 3/3
1. Attack Bonus
2. Damage
3. Saving Throw
4. Skill Check
5. Spell DC

Malivre Tannis Lv.1
Status: Fine
Exp: 0 / 10
HP: 17 / 20
Magical Fatigue: 3
Pleasure: 0 / 16
AC: 16+2(9 rounds)
Heroism: 3/3
1. Attack Bonus
2. Damage
3. Saving Throw
4. Skill Check
5. Spell DC

Rolls & Enemy Status:
Malivre's swing horribly misses.

The monkies continue going bananas
Nine Mossbacks attack Celeste: ; 4 Miss, 4 hit, 1 crit!
Celeste takes 5 damage. She is crit, and a monkey jumps on her back to wrap his hands and legs around her! Celeste is now grappled.
Celeste is grappling vs. the Mossback ; (15 vs. ) Celeste doesn't shake the Mossback off
The Mossback tries to penetrate Celeste (DC8 ; ) ; Celeste has been penetrated!
Celeste takes crit pleasure damage ; Mossback takes 8 crit pleasure in turn
5 Mossbacks attack Malivre, ; They all miss
2 Mossbacks rush towards Alia, ; One misses, and one hits her for 1 damage.

9 Mossbacks attacking Celeste
5 Mossbacks attacking Malivre
2 Mossbacks attacking Alia

Celeste puts up a good fight, getting off a singular strike that cleaves through two of the monsters assaulting her and stripping her. However, the pummeling only continues while she manages to hold half of them at bay. One of the primates even deliver a hard kick to the back, knocking her on all fours before Celeste finds herself with a monkey promptly on her lower back. The pint-sized primates all chatter and make their inhuman noises as she felt one monster part her panties to the side, with the one behind her beginning a needy thrusting motion. He was trying to penetrate her!

Celeste squirms, tries to resist, but the pummeling she took made her weary. She couldn't resist the creature as it found purchase, seven inches of its cock slipping into her pussy before her two allies eyes as the creature howled out in pleasure while Celeste couldn't help to do the same before she was assaulted with rapid thrusts, his cock mercilessly thrusting in and out of her cunt.

Meanwhile, the other two girls had their own barrels of monkies to deal with. Which they were successful with doing, mind Alia getting a monkey slamming his thin arms against her belly for a light sting of pain.

(Turn order is Malivre->Monkies->*Alia*->Celeste)