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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
"Revenge... A dish best enjoyed when someone has tried, but failed to kill you."


Long ago, a corrupt evil arose with the sole objective of realizing their idealized world, as many do. And as many more do, a group of heroes arose to stop them. Heroes across the land acted as a deterrent to stop the flood of evil coming from this unknown villain. What none expected was the spells that the evil seemed to control, turning monsters and criminals alike into deviant fiends that all had one interest, of increasing their numbers by victimizing the local population and breeding with them. The strange phenomenon shocked all, and at first women were thought to be ill advised to face this menace, until the likeness of harpies and she-devils rose their heads in response to populating the resistance with males. It seemed like no matter who they took, the enemy won.

The greatest of the land were gathered together by the decree of kingdoms wide. The wisest wizard, the quickest rogue, the champion fighter, the most powerful barbarian, and countless others of great feats and reknown, all summoned to the tune of the most reknowned bard, whose music was imbued with such magic that all those of greatness heard it, and gathered to it's call. Together, they lead the charge against evil... And when the land began to settle, the evil that suffocated the entire country retracting itself, it was thought that the heroes won, but...

The most the heroes could do was seal the evil that lurked in it's lair. No amount of might, magic, or cunning could destroy it. And so, an unlikely companionship was found when the sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards worked together to seal the monster away, while their companions fought desperately to hold it back. It took an army of the most renowned heroes to merely stop it...

And they warned the people, that alas... The solution was only temporary. Some unknown time later, the evil would free itself and need be fought again. They swore that by then, they'd know how to stop it...

The heroes, with their task complete, all were charged next with the task of living their lives and raising the next descendants of heroes of their like that would take up the task of fighting the evil should it reawaken, using their knowledge for the better...


30 years later, these descendants, each for their own reason, either because of travel or being born in the area, were in the town of Waymeet, the village where heroes mostly gathered after the invasion was cast back. There, they made children, and began to live their lives as unsuspectingly capable defenders of the village when danger oft reared it's ugly head. To celebrate their youth, whether they lived there or not, the heroes that returned all branded a unique tattoo on their young, all of the same likeness. Twas a design on the top of their left palm, of a chain bound to itself in the symbol of infinity. They boasted that it was a sign that they will ensure the evil that was sealed would remain that way.

To Talia Belderiver, this simply meant that upon seeing her symbol, outsiders would recognize that her likeness was to be appreciated, not scorned. Though some still scorned her despite it all, just because of her nature. Her upbringing in the town was better than most would have of her race, the Tieflings. This was thanks to other heroes acting as proxies, to allow her to fit into a group. She wasn't regarded as a Tiefling, rather, as a hero's child.

For Kat Nettara this meant much the same. The children of the town, populated with these different races, helped make such a diverse community that those who looked different weren't ostracized, since everyone looked different. Groups of social commune could only be made with those of other races, so for them, living with someone of another race and speaking to them was simply natural. She was allowed to exercise her blood's desire for battle to the fullest, without prejudice, and hone her skills as a warrior.

... And for those times Kat was foolishly injured, Weiss Lanza the Cleric was versed well enough to tend to foolishly gotten wounds. She needed little from her heroic parentage, the orc's injuries helped her train on their own.

Then, at the end of the day, Laya Vox gathered to play music for everyone. During such a time, the usual loner, Kiera, the half-elf Rogue, would appear. Just to listen though. Kiera was someone who needed a lot of time to really show up. Most thought she was reclusive when she never came to anyone's parties. Such wasn't true, she was just too busy getting ready that by the time she was ready, the party was over and she missed it. Laya Vox's song was good enough to dispel the usual culprit of indecision from deterring her though, as luck would have it.

(Note: If you want to know what toxic's character is all about, feel free to look at his character sheet. In the event you look for and cannot find it, beat him savagely with a rubber chicken.)

The children of greatness grew up together, including those unmentioned (because it's an open RP and stuff, so even YOU, reader, can join!), and eventually, the thought of the evil that was drifted into the backs of everyone's mind. What a blessing it was, to forget...


The peace, such as it was, was upset by a seemingly minor occurrence. The humble but vigilant town was beset by a sudden raid on the outskirts by local evildoers. The boring peace, which no doubt upset Kat in particular, was upset by a small human child with brown hair done into a detestable bowl cut running into town with distress on his face. "H-help! Someone help, please! M-mom, pop, my family!" he cried. When the villagers came, he continued as they tried to comfort him. "Goblins! Kobolds! They kidnapped them! Please, someone get them back!"

Another disturbance. It wasn't too unusual, actually. But, this time, no one expected that this little uprising was the beginning of something terrible...
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The dogbold known as Kat was bored on the day the child came in. She hadn't had anything good to fight in a while and her greatsword was getting dull. Anyone who knew her would see her tail was wagging in agitation more then anything else the past few days. As it was she had nearly taken to breaking out her bagpipes just to spread the misery to everyone else.

When the child did arrive, running into the village center calling out about his parents kidnapping, the girl had been out of her chair so quickly she had nearly broken it. "Yes, something to do! Did you see where they were taken?" She exclaimed, her excitement both at the chance to help, and a chance to fight.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The child shook his head. "I-I only knew that they came from the forest we're not supposed to go into..." he said. The Krampus Forest, as it was named, was to scare the children into thinking that's where an evil deity lived that kidnapped children that walked into his lair. It didn't tell them where they went exactly, but they knew they were in the forest.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya was sitting under a tree with quill and paper as she tried to write the next tale she would tell. Course it was hard to get a good story out of Old Man Jenkins screamed at a porcupine yesterday. It almost made her want to start a duet with Kat. Nothing said awesome like a lute song followed by a bagpipe solo.

Once the child came running though, Laya perked up curiously, the half elf sidling up to listen in. Kidnappers? In the woods haunted by evil? Now this was a story!

Laya sidled up by Kat, leaning her back against the wolf girl and grinning as she held her lute. "Oh my, that seems like a job for a hero~! You're not going to stand down on this act, are you? Cmon, who else? You're heroes, go on, stand up, grab your gear, let's get going! You've got new stories to get moving! Those people aren't getting less kidnapped over time! Don't worry, I'll be right behind you!"
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss enjoyed the boring peace, as she could focus on her religious teachings, and help the less fortunate. Weiss was helping a villager with something mundane, until she noticed a crying child enter the village, and a huge crowd gathering around the poor child. She immediately went to over to see what was going on, even though she doesn’t like crowds of people.

Weiss sighed, when she saw how excited Laya and Kat were. It’s good that they want to help, but it wouldn’t hurt if they were a bit more tactful about it. Weiss squatted down in front of the crying child. ''D-don’t worry. W-We… will get your p-parents back safely. Y-You have to s-stay strong for them, o-okay?'' Weiss said with a reassuring smile, before move up to Kat and Laya. ''I-I’ll help, I-I can’t just abandon someone in need. J-Just use me as cover… I don’t like seeing others getting hurt.''
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Will you pipe down already?" Another voice spoke up, a bit on the harsh side. Talia had been having a day off from her duties with the alchemists, taking a stroll through the friendlier parts of the village. While for the most part she was quite accepted despite her inhuman heritage, some people refused to see her as a hero's child. The demonspawn didn't particularly like this, but she had heard enough stories to know she had it pretty good. Even if it did mean she occasionally had to step in and set the odd goblin or such on fire when a disturbance occured.

Talia glanced at the child, then looked outside of the village, frowning. A raiding party? This was going to be a tad difficult. Though she did find it a little odd that goblins and kobolds alike would cooperate in an attack. Perhaps the kid was in shock? "We should grab a few others, Layla. One or two will do, I think, but I'd rather not go into this forest unprepared. Maybe some extra supplies, if there's any time for that." The tiefling shrugged. "I know you're eager to get some new material, but I'd rather see this done right."

Seeing Weiss appear, Belderiver gave her a polite nod in greeting. With this, the party's strength grew into a sizable force. Once they geared up, they could venture out. Though perhaps grabbing at least one more wouldn't hurt... Oh well. They couldn't waste too much time either. Perhaps that rogue that kept skulking around a lot would show up on time for once? It'd be a change for sure, but a very welcome one.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Bah, all we need is some food, torches and water and we'll be set." Kat grinned and the only thing that kept her from shouldering her greatsword was Laya leaning against her back. The dogbold didn't wear armour outside of a shield, wrappings around her breasts and a pair of shorts so she didn't really need to prep much of anything.

If nobody stopped her she'd make a quick head to her house and grab a small bag of supplies and be back out in the town square. Waiting for everyone else to catch up, and as soon as they did would be right at the lead of the party as they headed to the Krampus Forest to get to the action faster.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The tiefling sighed, shaking her head. "At least bring rope and other essentials as well, we don't know how far we may need to go or what we'll face." Talia chided before turning around. "I will be back shortly. If you're so dead-set on going, then someone will have to watch your back at least. Do try to not rush off before I'm back, or everybody else for that matter." And with that, the sorceress walked away. Sure enough, after a relatively short period of time she was walking back, carrying a full set of supplies and weaponry. Though she normally relied on magic in battle, it would not do to go in unprepared.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya huffs a bit, pouting, "Ugh, fiiiine, just be quick, they;re not getting less kidnapped you know. Well... They might be? Maybe his family are heroes who defeat the odds and escape before the incompetent SLOWPOKES get there. And I won;t be there to record it aaaaagh! Cmon, cmon, hurry, we need at least to be there when they escape on their own! Blugh, If everyone else is doing it, I GUESS I better grab what few things I've left to grab."

She hurried home and grabbed some more food, a fresh inkpot and a journal to write in before hurrying back, before leaning against a wall and began taking notes. Mostly notes like and then the heroes waited around for other slower heroes. And waited. And waited. The Noble bard fell asleep at one point."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Hey, I keep all my stuff at the ready so don't go after me for taking to long." Kat said to Laya, indeed, she kept her travel bag ready at all times so that she could get to the fighting faster. The girl flipping her greatsword from hand to hand as she waited beside the bard and tiefling. If Weiss ended up taking to long for her tastes she'd go hunt down the cleric and drag her along prepared or not as they headed for the forest.
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Even though Weiss immediately left as soon as she volunteered to help out, it took her quite some time to gather her equipment. Weiss had to travel quite far away to grab her equipment, and it took her a while to actually equip her armor properly. Nearly half an hour later, and she finally came back, wearing her chain mail with cleric vestments over it while holding a large shield and mace. She looked completely exhausted from running back while wearing all her heavy equipment.

''I-I’m sorry t-that it took so long… I-I am ready, s-so don’t let me hold you up any longer.'' Weiss apologized to the two impatient women, while panting for air. Sweat was running down her face, showing them that she went as fast as she possibly could.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Okay, that's everyone! Let's get this party moving." Kat said with a grin as Weiss arrived, heading out of town at the lead of the group. "Remember, squishy people behind us! We'll keep the goblins and kobolds from getting to you."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Just make sure to stay out of my line of fire when you do." Talia replied, following behind the front-liners with a shrug. "Unless you happen to fight better while on fire. In which case... Do what you want." The sorceress smirked, her eyes flashing briefly.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Girls, please wait a moment." said a calm and tempered voice from afar. The crowd parted, and proclaimed what they saw. "It's the sage!" someone declared. Indeed, the one who took that title was the very same elf who guided the current hero's parentage through the chaos. For something so minor, it was unusual to see her appear to the village, so it was only when she arrived did the townspeople actually start worrying.

, in all her timeless beauty, emerged to greet the gathering of girls that had appeared to eagerly answer the call to adventure. "I sensed familiar evil tides flowing in the river of time. The first ripple starts here, in this very village. I want all of you to listen to me, if you will." she began. "What attacked that farm was likely more than you could imagine. If you are to live up to your parent's legacy set upon you, you mustn't lose to overconfidence this early. Tis a slow, and insidious killer." she began, before brandishing her arm from her robe to point to the cloud of smoke in the sky. "Venture to the farm first, and discover what you will. Do not charge into the forest until you know what awaits you." she cautioned the group of female adventurers.

Arjay da GM said:
Your quests will often involve the lair of the enemy in some way or another. Gathering intel and making preparations will lower the difficulty of invading the lair to accomplish your task, either by allowing you to face lesser amounts of mobs, or bypassing deadly ambushes and traps.

Sometimes, you may have to choose between making your job easier, or your allies jobs easier...
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia stopped in her tracks as soon as she heard Thia's voice. Though her power was not in-born and far softer than the tiefling's, the sorceress had learned to respect the sage's insight and power. Her skills and experience were nothing to sneeze at. "Hmm. I say we do as lady Galanodel advises and investigate first. It pays to listen to her." She stated, making her stance on the subject clear. Preparations were key to achieving good results. Though the enigmatic warnings made Belderiver worry a bit. Did this have something to do with the evil her ancestor faced once before?
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Something more? Ohh that sounds interesting. Though do we really haaaave to go check the farm?" Kat complained, but it wasn't really heartfelt as a moment later she said. "Fine, we'll go check the farm first. Let's see what we're up against."

Kat would change her direction, heading to the farm first instead of the forest. Still leading the way incase some more creatures had taken it over after the kid ran off.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

One travel montage later...

The girls arrived at the farm. It was far more than just attacked, it was raided and destroyed. The crops looked picked clean, but oddly enough left unburned. The house had multiple holes in its structure and every door and window was smashed in. The ground and grass looked like it had been disturbed greatly. The forest was to the north.

Thia had remained behind to return to wherever she came from in the first place, she claimed to have preparations to make. Perhaps investigation would be wise?

(Use a skill, even if you're not proficient in it, and give me your roll here. I do not care if you provide proof of it or not using one of those site that log stuff. Cheat prevention requires too much effort. So be good scouts and don't lie.)
(This also means Toxic can roll his dice he got for christmas, yey.)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat was surprised that the crops weren't burned. "Guess they are planning to come back? Why else wouldn't they burn the crops?" Kat said with a tilt of her head. Bending down she'd look over the tracks, trying to determine just how many kidnappers there had been and there makeup.

(Survival Roll: 17 + 2 for proficiency for a total of 19.)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat discovers that it was a good thing that they didn't charge into the forest. The poor farmers had no chance, as Kat easily discovered that at least a dozen each of goblins and kobolds were in the area. If they had run into that kind of mob, they wouldn't have stood much chance.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat blinked as she figured out enough to figure out how many were here. "Looks like we're looking at at least two dozen all together. Half and half between goblins and kobolds. There's probably more that didn't come here. We're probably going to need to take 'em in groups. Though it'd probably be a really great fight if we did take them all on at once."