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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

(Cha Roll: 16+2 = 18)

Anna continued to coo as the pirate thrusted into her "Coooome on, spe~ed up. I wo~on't break." She said with a lewd smile as her belly bulged with each thrust. The sounds of their sex might have been quiet to near everyone else given her small size, but well, to her they sounded like an orchestra right nearby. The sound of skin on skin, her feminine juices being stirred up, she swore she could even hear his glans scrapping against her insides. Oo~ooh it felt great!

"You're very welcome! My name is Stasia. You're welcome to come and talk about books and stories anytime! I have quite a lot!" she said. And indeed, she has many interesting articles. Some that may be useful later when the need for knowledge arises.


The man chuckled. "Indeed, a good wife." he said with amusement. After all her words, he thought for a moment. "I've got a nice piece, actually. I call it, a Bracer of Armor. It's a very nice little thing I charge fifteen hundred gold for. Got a normal one too with a little gem in it for fifty gold. I'm a bit negotiable on the price... If you catch my meaning." he said, grinning as he used his hand to give a flick to her breast presented to him.
While not quite the direction she wanted the encounter to go, it was making things a little easier. Less pirates to fuck meant less for her to try and purge the corruption from. It would certainly make her work easier. And now she had herself on the bed with one ready to fuck her and another with his balls in her face. "Boys certainly work fast, don't you? Lets see if I can make this a little nice for you." Vylyra began licking and teasing the man above her head, wiggling her hips at the same time to entice any other prospective partner "They say half elf pussy is the best. Best of humans and elves. Don't you want a taste?"

Waiting for the first partner to penetrate him, she'd then focus her energy on not only fucking them, but purging them of their corruption if they had any.
Yumi gasped surprised at the man's bold flick, as her big breasts jiggle a little inside her shirt. Yumi still felt rather weak after what happened a couple hours ago, to the point where even his nonchalant flick made her tremble with delight. Yumi wasn't sure if it would be smart to agree to this man's suggestion in her state, but unless she felt like wasting more time or buying cheap bandages, lowering the prices of this man's wares seemed to be the way to go. "B-But those days are behind me." Yumi said shocked, trying to pretend that she wasn't that type of woman anymore. Before agreeing to the man's suggestion, Yumi takes a good look at both bracers and tries to determine their actual worth. "Maybe one last time.... I-I can't believe I'm trying to convince myself to do this." Yumi mumbled to herself, just audible enough for the man to hear her. "I-I don't know, I promised myself to never do this again and I don't even know how much you'll cut off the price, but... for the right amount I might just forget the promise I made with myself for a moment, and maybe, if you cut them low enough, I'll pretend to be the 'good wife' you desire, until the sun sets." Yumi cooed out shyly with a small seductive smile.

[Investigation roll: ]
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"Thanks Stasia, I'll definitely keep dropping by when I've got the time." Talia nodded at the girl. Sure, she was a little awkward, but she was nice and very helpful, which automatically made her better than the whole rest of this goddamn city as far as the tiefling was concerned. Now, while this topic seemed to be running dry, it was likely she still had some time to kill before the rest were done with those dock scum. Which meant that it was in the tiefling's best interests to keep looking for something to busy herself with. Fortunately, she was in a library. "Say, do you have some notes or a book on the King? I'd like to learn the details of his story." Perhaps this would provide some useful insight into the man they'd eventually have to fix.
(After many days of dedforum...)


Hearing the girl, and feeling her performance, the large human (in comparison) began bucking his hips wildly into her, shocked at how easily her body took it. "Spirits.... I'm gonna... So tight...!"

(the other 2 charisma rolls=12&16 ; Anne converts the pirate! She gains 27 corruption, make sure to address if she reaches 100 truama from that.)


Getting started after much waiting, the pirate took the opportunity to plunge into her pussy, his long length going inside until his tip was kissing the entrance to her womb. "I think I'm poking the baby~" he laughed. His balls slapped against her ass as he thrust, meanwhile the man over her grinded his balls into her face, enjoying her licking them. "The dirty elf slut loves balls. Get a good look boys, an immortal is inhaling the musk of my ballsack~" he chuckled.

(Roll Charisma 3 times versus DC10)


She examines the bracers and determines that they were worth a more than fair 1.5k gold. The man's selling price seemed in line with what he was offering. Which meant he was likely bad at sales. He grinned at her question. "How about I slice off a hundred for every command you obey? You decide what your discount is." he chuckled. "I'll start... Something simple. Get undressed, then... Come over to this side of the counter, and spread your legs while spreading your ass open to me with your hands. That's all one command by the way. Present yourself to me. An easy 200, don't you think?"


"King Knight?" she inquired, before nodding and providing such notes. Talia was able to puruse for a while, taking in the very typical ideas of the Knight. Honorable, Combative, he was a cookie cutter of a man, predictable in every way. But unpredictable in battle. So it made sense for Chaos to hit him where he was weak. Though one piece of information didn't add up. All more accurate accounts of family said that his children were under threat, but his wife was seemingly not in danger. Some accounts DID say she was in dangers, while others claimed to have met her after the fact and spoken with her as if she were not in any danger. She was the oddity, the thing that didn't make sense.
The tale of the Knight King himself was very predictable. Kind of cliche, really, even with how inventive he could be in a fight. What got the tieflings attention was the bit abbout his wife - specifically, the way the accounts refused to add up. Frowning, Talia began with sorting them into two groups, those that claimed she was in danger and those that didn't. This way, she could check which group contained more people that appeared trustworthy and look for common traits and patterns among them. She also searched around for information about the knights family as well, his wife in particular. Who was she? Where did she come from? What was she known for? She even turned to Stasia again, asking her about any rumors or scraps of information she might have heard. This thing reeked, like a foul play.
Stasia fetched a story that was called: "Battle for Everglade Keep". She sat down with Talia and read the story to her, apparently skipping a lot of the fluff the author included. "From all that I can tell, this story is true. The King Knight was betrayed by one of his commanders. Like any other, the King set out to slay him and show that there is yet another example of what happens to those who backstab. The man in particular apparently also kidnapped a damsel and planned on marrying her, though I think this book is turning rape into more of a fantasy to make it less horrific. Anyway, the King Knight easily defeated his former vassal and saved the woman, who took rather quickly to him. She eventually became his wife, and they live together in the castle now." she declared.

The people who seemed to think she was in danger were various nobles and high class merchants who frequented the castle, people very close to the King Knight. The other accounts were... Mostly unnamed, and apparently just rumors. Some among them being civilians, bards, and authors of books kept as if to be a history of the city to add to the rest of the history of the world, a rather boring topic suddenly quite useful. One in particular who said she was in danger was a merchant who stuck out to her. A bit of investigation into the name and... She found it was the same man who Yumi had seduced. The rest, she had no clue who they were.
Talia made a mental note to ask Yumi later to get some information out of that merchant. He wasn't necessarily trustworthy - in fact, it was hard to say at this point which accounts could be dismissed, even if the group that claimed she was in danger seemed to know better at first. There were several possibilities to consider here and without figuring out exactly where and how Chaos spread her influence around the Knight it'd be impossible to tell which one's true. It was, however, a trail worth following.

The tiefling pondered the information she got. Dealing with the Don would require either extreme measures or obtaining proof of the existence of his corrupt hive. Either would require a few information gathering missions, ones best left to either Yumi or Cystie. Probably the imp, given that Yumi would be more useful for digging up dirt on the Knight's wife. This left the mage with one last thing she wanted to look up: records of the most recent conflict between the city and outside threats, particularly the tribes that camped nearby. So far they had little information on how those battles have gone so far and it was time to rectify that.
Anne cried out as the human started to buck his hips properly, her inner walls tightening further and further with each passing moment, molding around the cock as her flapping wings caused her muscles to twist and squeeze in various ways around the relatively massive shaft inside her. Even as she felt the corruption seeping from the pirate into her, the corruption causing her soul to churn a little bit as she realized she hit a new benchmark for corruption. That didn't keep her from letting out what would have been a cheer at purifying another person, if it wasn't for the sex causing that to come out as a moan even as her body writhed in pleasure.

(27 corruption makes Anne hit 100 for her second corruption point, gaining her a new corruption, figure since it's willing, gain Seduction and Exhibition)
After inspecting the items, Yumi realized that this man wasn't much of a salesman, since he could've sold these items for a lot more, without it being considered a scam. Hearing the man's suggestion, Yumi couldn't help but showing a bit of her true nature by smiling a little excitedly. Yumi wondered if the man was either lonely or a very bad business man to suggest such a deal, since the items were already a steal, reducing them by only 100 would be more then worth it. Now Yumi was curious if she could reduce the price to 0, and in the worst case scenario, if the man backed out of his word, she could always steal the item without any remorse, despite being fond of shops like these. "Are you sure you want to drop the price for that much? It's not like I'm complaining, but an offer like that, there's really no other option then agreeing to it." Yumi answered shyly, shuffling around a little nervously.

"Oh my, t-that's one big command to give me immediately. I'd be pretty bad if someone would enter the shop and saw me like that." Yumi said uncertain, twirling her blonde hair, trying to seem unsure about the deal, before nodding shyly at the merchant. "I-I'll do it, b-but if someone sees me like that, you better deduct another 100 of the price." Yumi said, before she started to unbutton her shirt and drop it onto the floor, revealing her big round breasts and stiff pink nipples to the man. Yumi followed that up by facing away from the man, bending over, and sliding off her pants and panties onto the floor, giving him already a generous view of her big pale butt. "I-I'm so worried someone will come in now." Yumi whispered softly at the man, before she moves behind the counter and rests her upper body onto it. Yumi's round soft butt was pushed out as far as it could go, as she hesitantly started to spread her legs apart, slowly revealing her glistening pussy to the man standing behind her, and with a bit of hesitation, she placed both her hands on her soft ass cheeks, before spreading them apart, presenting her twitching rose colored asshole and glistening pussy to him. "A-Ah, this is a lot more embarrassing then I thought it would be."

Looking through various records... It seemed there was minimal information on the subject, other than that some of those he attacked reformed and are still out there. Mainly, the Lockjaw Tribe of orcs and humans who's name is attributed to their leader, who had their jaw sliced off by the Knight, and replaced it with a metal jaw.


2/3 Uncorrupted Pirates left
6/7 Corrupted Pirates left

When Anne's resistance broke, the men all around her seemed to chuckle and gasp in awe at what happened, the pixie becoming lewd, glowing with that purple energy. "Dunno if she can take much more." said one. Another scoffed and climbed into the bed, picking up a limp and recovering Pixie and putting her over him as he laid down, resting his cock between her inner thighs. "Bosh to that, her ass is still ripe!" he declared, lifting Anne's lower half up and roughly impaling his cock into her anus from below, her stomach bulging from the man 3 times as tall as her slamming a cock into her ass that was almost half her size. "NNNG!" he groaned, as Anne's belly bulged from the intrusion. "F-Fuck! Her ass... So tight... I feel like... My cock will explode inside her!" he said with desperation even though he kept moving his hips.

Though she tamed one, she found that with the corruption of Chaos flowing through her, she lost her ability to use the chains. Now all she could do was drown in the intense Chaos induced pleasure of her asshole being pounded by a giant, corrupt cock, whose owner used his hands to both finger her pussy and stick a digit into her mouth, toying with her. After a bit, the pirates looked a bit discontent. "This one's already looking broken. Weren't there more of you?" the men questioned.



"If someone does, then you can be sure that I will." he chuckled, before she bent over, and presented herself to him most glamorously. "If it's more shameful then it's more exciting right?" he inquired as a suggestion, "So... We're at 1300..." he hummed. "Get me aroused. Your next command is to grind my cock between your ass cheeks." he declared, unveiling his helf-erect cock and laying it between her ass cheeks, allowing Yumi to find that he had an oddly sizable cock. "Start shaking those hips~" he demanded.
Talia sighed. So little useful information... Well, she did get quite a bit of interesting info out of those stories and the librarian, but she had a feeling she was reaching a point where the resources of this particular library would no longer be helpful. Troublesome, considering the issues she was facing. Frowning, the tiefling pondered her potential moves. Yumi was likely busying herself with something before her evening visit and she was not about to go poking into that, on the off chance it blows up in her face. There were some things she could start working on, but that'd require obtaining more information. And only part of it could be acquired via experimentation, plus it was risky. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Suddenly, a thought occured to the mage. She didn't have all the pieces and Stasia was unlikely to know - in fact, she had already shared all the information she had on that particular subject - but there were others she could ask. Getting up, she looked around for the librarian, intending to thank her for the help and bid her goodbye, for now. "It's been a pleasure to meet you, Stasia." Talia nodded at the girl, smiling. "Unfortunately I must go now, I have a few matters to deal with today. However, I'll definitely make sure to drop by again when an occasion presents itself." The tiefling promised.

Once she left the library, Talia made her way towards the teleportation circle set up in this town. Gods only knew where that insane magician or the oracle were, but chances were she'd find them at one of the teleport locations. And if that didn't work, she could always go back to their home village and talk with the older adventurer living there. She was part of the previous generation of heroes after all. There was a pretty good chance she'd be able to answer the tiefling's questions. Once that was out of the way, the half-demon could start working on plotting the Don's downfall in earnest.
Hearing the man agree with Yumi's demand put a grin on her face that hidden by her big butt that she was shaking in front of him. Yumi already didn't mind if someone caught them, but now she'd prefer it if a couple of people entered the shop while they were doing this, if she knew she could get him to pay for this, she would've set up some people to walk in on them herself, and maybe have them convince him to give her more command. Although Yumi did have a devilish plan, maybe if she moaned loudly whenever he decides to shove his large cock into her ass, she might be able to get the attention of people walking by the shop. "M-Maybe, but it's making my heart is pounding like crazy!" Yumi responded a bit shyly, and despite her glistening pussy, she still tried to act as innocent as she could. However, when she felt the man's sizable cock fill the space between her ass cheeks nicely, she wasn't sure how much further she could pretend to be an innocent lady. "O-Oh! I-I didn't expect it to match your physique." Yumi stammered, feeling the heat of his thick cock between her ass cheeks. "O-Okay, b-but I've never done something like this before." Yumi lied.

At first, Yumi clumsily shook her ass, slowly wiggling the man's impressive length between her ass cheeks, but quickly the pressure of his big throbbing cock between her soft ass cheeks made her even more excited than she already was, and after a couple of seconds of wiggling his big cock around, she couldn't hold herself back any longer. Yumi started to rhythmically grind her ass up and down over the man's cock, stroking his sizable cock between her big soft ass cheeks. It didn't take long before Yumi started to breathe heavily from grinding the man's thick cock between her soft jiggling ass, and she occasionally interrupted her eager grinding by strongly wiggling her hips against the thick rod, shaking her big pale bottom in front of the man and wiggling his cock roughly from side to side. The fatter and bigger the man's cock grew, the faster Yumi's grinding became, and if the man was leaking any pre-cum, with a couple of excited strokes from her, the man's sticky and gooey pre-cum would be spread all over her asshole and big ass cheek, until the entirety of her ass crack was coated by his excitement.
(I'll have an aside for this once I post but here. If it'll get you to stop.)

"Maybe you are. Just try to be careful dears. You're going to put a little too much strain on me." The ranger would continue to taund and tease her prey, doing everything she could to keep herself up while the boys continued their relentless assault. Even through the mens grunts and groans and boastful words, she'd remain calm, speaking to them in a gentle tone. Yes, even while she pleasured a man with her mouth. She did need to breath after all. "I'm hardly an immortal. Just got some long lived blood in me, that's all." Well. It was now or never. She would put all her energy into her motions, moving as smoothly as a pregnant woman could with cocks in her body.

(Charisma Rolls:

Results: 12, 12, 18 )
Anne knew she had been forgetting something. More specifically she had been forgetting about how corrupted she already had been by the encounter with Dis. Her tongue lolling out of her lips as she couldn't resist the lewd look on her face, and well, her mind might have gone to take a vacation, but her body was still quite good to keep going. Her hips squeezing and wiggling around the the pirate's cock in her ass, her stomach bulging from the massive cock relative to her. "Y~ees, fi~ill me up. Le~et out all that corruption." She managed to mewl out, though she felt her corruption top out, as her eyes unfocused and she realized she couldn't access her chains at all. Daaaarn it, she had wanted mo~ore.

Stasia made a bow and smiled. "It will be a pleasure to see you again!" she said with cheer at her fellow advocate of literature.

So she went back to the teleporter, where neither girl would be found. So, she would end up going back to their village, where her people would praise her return. "You return alone, Talia? Where are your friends?" one inquired. Though provided she got right to the point, the gray hairs of the village would sour at her questions. "It's a shame that that man still lives." said a man. "She was to be my wife, before the Don stole her mind." said the father of Vylyra, a human man aged while sitting with his still perky and beautiful elven wife. "The man is undoubtedly an agent of Chaos. But he's also incredibly intelligent, and has his hands in the pockets of countless important allies. Considering our quest, we didn't have the time to take him on. But if you're going to... I can answer any questions you have as best I can."


Sliding her ass up and down, back and forth, eventually got the man erect. Grinning, he gripped her waist roughly. His cock, constantly dripping with pre-cum, did exactly as she suspected, coating her ass crack with his seed. "1200, good job so far, but you have a long way to go. Speaking of long... Milk my cock with your pussy until I cum." he commanded her, though he took care of the liberties himself for the most part, as Yumi couldn't even react before his hips shifted, and she felt his thick length, almost as thick as his arm, punch into her pussy hole with a loud audible squish as her organs were put under pressure to fit the cock inside. Incredible pleasure shot through her,as well as something darker. His cock plunged into her drenched pussy, and his balls, large and round, perhaps each twice the size of a chicken egg, slapped against her thighs. She could feel and perhaps see as well, how her crotch seemed to bulge from the intrusion. The thickness was far larger than any man should possess, and it was... Since with the pleasure, came an amplified feeling of corruption sending her mind into a spiral from how good it felt. (Yumi gains 9 corruption)


2/3 Uncorrupted Pirates left
4/7 Corrupted Pirates left

The pirate sitting on her face lifted up just enough to lower and angle his cock down to insert it into her mouth while all she could inhale was his ballsack. "I tell ya mate, I don't know where our luck came in, but I did not expect to sail into these shores expecting to have an elf suckling on me cock and sniffing me balls!" he laughed. His fellow chuckled in reply, keeping pace with his thrusts into her pregnant pussy. "Ngh... Ngh... Ngh... I'm gonna blast inside the elf's seeded womb~!" he grunted. His companion was breathing heavy soon enough as well. "Y-yeah... Same as the other knife ears... Fucking this one... F-Fuck it's the best mouth ever...! My cock's meltin' in her lips~" he moaned, the two thrusting in far more elegant motions as Vylyra managed to keep her calm and begin purifying their conditions, enough for the end result, of a pair of pirates blasting chaos induced large quantities of cum into her mouth and pussy. Her cheeks inflated and her fleshy tunnel of her pussy felt full quickly as well. Before her body compensated by gushing the cum out all around her entrance and forcing her to swallow a fair almost half a liter of chaos cum.

After the fact, the two lost their curse and fell over, looking woozy from having the power of chaos banished from them.

Vylyra gains 38 corruption and cures 2 pirates.


The pirates shared in her mirth. "She's gone all stupid lookin, but she's good for more cock, it seems!" one declared, before throwing her to the bed and mounting her into a mating press, and plunging his cock into her already used pussy and bucking his hips wildly, loud grunting and violent slapping coming from the tiny ass of the fairy getting smashed by the crotch, cock and balls of the large pirate man. "I'll pound you until you black out~!" he promised the fairy.
"I won't stay around for long. I merely came back for some advice." The tiefling replied, greeting the people that came to meet her with a nod. Thankfully, the moment she mentioned the source of her problems - something she did almost right off the bat, not wanting to waste more time than necessary - the veterans were all willing to speak. This cheered her up a bit, though the revelation of what the Don's greed cost others soured that quite quickly.

"I'll be honest. It's unlikely we'll attempt to deal with the Don using official channels. Too many people within the city are compromised and he had years to establish his power base. Even if it worked, it'd take too much time. Any actions we take against him, overt or covert, will have to start with cutting off the source." Talia stated firmly. "And that means depriving him of the advantage he gained by turning women into bee girls. I know how he's doing it: he has some kind of strange hive creature in one of his rooms. I've got a couple ideas on how to handle it, potentially, but first I need to know how they might affect it's victims." The half-demon explained. "I was hoping that, since you've got experience with Chaos, you've seen that thing elsewhere and have an idea how to deal with it." She described the monstrosity she saw in the Don's stronghold and how it transformed a woman.

"The most important part is what happens to those that are still in the form of a bee girl when the hive dies." Talia finished, outlining her main concern. "Are they stuck like this? Will they revert back? Do they have to be purified? And will they remember what happened to them or no?" She asked. "That last one is kind of important because once he's deprived of his minions, we might be able to use their testimonies as evidence and brind down some proper justice on his ass. So I need to know whether eliminating the heart of the corruption will be enough, or should I plan out extra steps? Also, anything you know about the hive's weaknesses is important. I have a few ideas on how to destroy it, but I'd prefer to go with the most effective one."
In the future, Anne would definitely need to remember to WATCH HER CORRUPTION LEVEL, but for now the fairy was very much stuck being a cumdump for the pirates as she landed on the bed, her pussy being ravaged in just a moment after the 'pomf' of her small body hitting the bed. Though given the full body shake she recieved with each thrust she could practically feel her brain rattling around inside her head, even as she realized that the man wasn't even joking, and that well, she couldn't bring herself to mind the idea.
The shopkeeper's new task was going to be easy, but Yumi wondered how she could milk twelve more out of him. However, Yumi was completely caught off guard in her thoughts when the shopkeeper suddenly shifted his hips forward and pressed his massive tip against her wet hole, not only preventing an answer from her, but also making her groan loudly when the man's massive cock was forced into her. Yumi could feel the incredible thick cock force its way into her, until the his big cock was fully enveloped by her walls, as her wet pussy made a loud and audible squish that could be heard throughout the store. The pressure of his enormous cock was immense, as the outline of the cock was clearly visible on her lithe frame. With the tip of his cock firmly nestled against Yumi's eager womb, she couldn't help but breathe heavily from the intense pleasure spreading through her body, as she also felt a little drowsy from a dark corrupted feeling spread through her mind. The man almost gave no time for Yumi to adjust before plunging his thick cock into her wet quivering pussy, and with each thrust she could feel his large balls smack against her womanly thighs, as the store was quickly being filled with wet squishing sounds and the sounds of her loud moans. With overwhelming pleasure jumbling up Yumi's mind and the man's incredible size, she quickly realized that this man was thoroughly corrupted, which would explain why he'd make this deal in the first place.

Despite Yumi wanting to be greedy and take advantage of his current state, she knew that she couldn't risk much more beyond this point, and that she quickly had to put an end to this. Which also meant that purifying him would be out of the question, she felt like it was way too difficult to do something like that consistently, and her mind was nearly slipping away. Thus she was left with one option, trying to convince this man to back off. While the man was roughly plunging his cock into her pussy, Yumi made several gestured with her hand and murmured out an elvish spell in between her loud groans. With it, Yumi managed to summon an invisible hand, and with a little bit of concentration, she managed to make the hand travel over to the man's enormous balls and softly apply pressure to them, not enough to harm the man, but enough to grab his attention. "H-Hmmm... I-it's a shame I have to stop this here, but if you thrust into me one more time, I'll make sure you won't be able to procreate anymore." Yumi groaned with a trembling voice. If the man believed Yumi's lie and pulled out, she'd turn around with a smile, pulling her pants back up. "I'm sorry, your cock was amazing, but sadly it is corrupted. Normally, I'd give you a blissful orgasm and cure your ailment, but it's a bit risky right now, unless you want me to use my mouth, but I can imagine that this might be quite a turn off for you. Before I leave though, I'd like to know who you fucked to get this big, if you do, I'll promise to come back and you can punish this slutty elf for doing this to you, or if you don't... well you don't really need those balls so I suppose there's no harm in not telling me~." Yumi said with a devilish grin.

[Deception = ]