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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Well, her plan was working so far, even if her little companion was quick to submit to the pirates. She'd have to talk to her about htis later...if the fairy was still among them when all this was said and done. But she still had work to do and she was determined to uncorrupt each and every one of these pirates. Even if she had to draw off of them off Anne and onto her. "You boys don't want that tiny little body do you? Come on, sleep with someone with experience. And a body to match. I could send you all to heaven and then some." Sure the risk of further corruption was quite serious, the ranger knew that taking the heat off her friend was more important. Even if it meant taking yet another corruption. What hero doesn't come with their fair share of scars?

(Attempt to Charm remaining Pirates to all focus on her.


"We've never heard of such a thing... I'm guessing you found it somewhere hidden? When we did our espionage, we couldn't find anything but the women undressing and dressing up as bees in the changing room... It was in the changing room, wasn't it?" asked an old hero wearily. "Well... When we discovered how to cure the corruption, curing the original source caused everything else to become pure as well. Otherwise, killing the source didn't seem to cause anything to become pure. Why, I remember when our mage blessed me, and I had to purify a rather fanciful vampiress~" the old man cooed, before a white haired woman who somehow managed to only acquire a few creases in her face to maintain her beautiful features, clonked him on the head. "And how about how you were so entertained that I had to get humped by a werewolf?" she said scoldingly to him. After their spat, the man turned to her again. "That power has long been perfected now, so not only is it permanent, you don't have to worry about the things we did, like if someone were to cum during the purification, they would turn..." he blushed again, as did his wife. In fact, a good deal of the town was blushing. But since they were all pure now, their looks at each other, at each others wives and husbands meant... A lot of fucking had occurred.

Then, her final answer came. "It depends on what corrupted them, and what made the corrupted hives. If the hives corrupted them, then destroying the hive would mean that the girls will stay corrupted. However, if you found the thing that made the hives and purified it, then the girls would be purified as well. If you destroyed the hives, and the girls are corrupted, they will unfortunately stay corrupted as well."

Vylyra & Anna

Vylyra's call came when the man on top of Anne released another explosion of seed into her pussy, the fairy's crotch erupting like a volcano of cum and her belly thicken with impossible seed. With Vylyra calling them over, the woman who was also already prepared to burst from the corruption would find the crowd now around her. Six men to please, 4 of whom are corrupted. It didn't seem like she could handle it as she was encircled by dicks climbing into the bed.


Hearing her break character and even visually as well, the man let out a start. "... It was a provider of mine who works of Garland. She gives me a few trinkets for me and tells me to lure in women with tattoos on their arm. The power that she gave me, she said will make you into my slave... But I bet you already knew that, and I'm not as savvy to letting a pretty little knife ears like you go! You're mine!" he growled, before she felt him trying to bear hug her and forcefully fuck her. The corruption was welling up, if she didn't stop him. The magic of the corruption disrupting her mage hand from doing much. "She was right... You can't concentrate because the magic is taking over your mind! Just a little more, poppet! You'll be my personal cock sleeve!"

(Rape DC: 11)
Talia mostly tuned out the antics of the townsfolk. That was information she could have lived without, really. Frowning, she focused more on analyzing the more useful bits of story she got from then and pondering the implications. And judging by the deepening scowl on her face, the conclusions she arrived at were less than pleasant. "So let me get this straight." She began, the tiefling visibly working herself up towards a full-on rant. "In order to actually fix this mess, I have to find the person or thing that made those hives. Which began several decades ago, and with the hives around may no longer require their presence on site. So unless it's the Don or they're required to maintain it, I might actually have no chance of finding them in the city at all, because they've fucked off to give people shit elsewhere."

The mage began to pace, looking increasingly irritated as she continued to speak. "Of course, even if they are around I have to actually find them and confirm whether they're the ones responsible, and given that Don's business relies on secrecy they'd have to be fucking retarded to leave that bit of info out in the open. And even if I do track them down, they have to be isolated first because attempting to engage them in any way on their turf is a retarded idea, given how much time they've had to prepare their territory to their every concievable advantage." Talia swore, growing even more agitated. "And that's not taking into account the fact that the process of purification is not only still risky, but actually puts us at a disadvantage since they are all the ones with special skills in that area and not us." The half-demon stopped pacing, rubbing her temples with a grimace. "So even our best method to fix this might actually just make things worse if we're unlucky."

Sighing, the tiefling continued, speaking more to herself than anybody else by now. "So I have to run a fucking investigation, hope my target is actually around, find a way to draw them into a vulnerable position and then hope they don't have some kind of special power or ability like poisons or mind control that are too strong for us to handle. Or that they won't get lucky. And that all hinges on the assumption that the hives aren't a recent thing and have always been there, which isn't certain given what you've said about never seeing them back then." Her attention briefly wandered back to the townsfolk as she brought that up before turning back to her musings. "So there might be multiple sources of corruption around. Which means doing this several times and hoping that all of them are in the city. Correct me if I've missed something." She pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing deeply.

"I'm starting to miss the goblins." Talia lamented, finally winding down. "Deplorable little shits they might be, but at least they're a problem you can solve by just hitting it repeatedly. I'm starting to gain a newfound appreciation for such problems." Falling silent, the mage's focus turned towards thinking of a way out of this predicament. So much for Yumi's gunpowder being useful in the near future, unless something new happened. The tiefling's own plans would have to be shelved too, though she silently swore herself that she would raze the Don's holdings to the ground in retribution for this shit. First the wife, now this... Not enough information. They had nowhere near enough information. It was time to find Yumi and let that rogue know just how deep they had to look into things, split the burden somehow. As she considered all this, however, a thought occured to the girl. "Hang on a second... How much do you people know about the Don? The man himself, his associates, anything. Doesn't matter if it's old info, I need a base to compare the current state of affairs to."
When Yumi broke her persona, she also broke her disguise. Yumi figured that the man would take a threat from an elf more serious than that of a soft woman she disguised herself as, and indeed it seemed to work, the man spilled some the information when she transformed, but without details, his information was of little use, at least the man was flustered enough to give her an attempt to escape. "I suppose if I asked for details who this woman might be you'll just scoff and laugh at it, not that I think it matters anyways, I'm pretty sure I've already met her, and I'm pretty sure if we weren't on opposite sides, we'd see eye to eye." Yumi said, anticipating for the shopkeeper to make a sudden move. "To be honest, I've seen them make slaves of people like you, I've yet to encounter a man that could enslave me though~." Yumi chuckled and when the shopkeeper tried to bear hug Yumi's lithe frame, she quickly ducked away from his muscular arms, grinding her heavy breasts against the man's arms as she crouched down, before suddenly tumbling forwards and turning around in one swift motion to face the shopkeeper, with her big bouncing breasts and cocky grin she stands up straight looking at the shopkeeper. "It's amusing how you humans think you can catch an elf, an elven man would've already locked me in place and pounded me silly, but I suppose your brutish way of apprehending the weak has its charm." Yumi chuckled.

If the shopkeeper made any sudden movements to apprehend Yumi, she would retreat to the shops entrance and head outside, but if the shopkeeper stayed in place as he still felt his balls being lightly squeezed by Yumi's mage's hand, she'd cockily stand near the entrance. "Now then, you're going to give me your cheap bracelet since I've more than earned them, unless you want your big handsome balls to become a little less handsome, and my offer still stands, if you give me more information about the woman that gave you these powers, I'll return in a couple of days and you'll be able to punish this slutty elf." Yumi said with a devious grin, as she made the mage's hand gently fondle the shopkeepers big round balls, reminding him of the potential danger of suddenly rushing at her.

[Acrobatic's roll = ]

One hero, a fighter who wore a red bandana, seemingly with no children of his own to wear the chain, stepped forth. He was a human who looked as normal as they come as far as adventurers, though it was clear he went through many trials and tribulations. "I have a proposal." he offered to Talia. To the town, he was the thinker of the lot. Even going so far as to not make children because he thought of them as strategical weaknesses. "That girl... Who went missing with the Don... After all this time, I'm sure she knows everything. If I were you, I'd get my hands on her... Or purify the don. All the answers will spill from them if you can do that. I know that sounds direct, but our old comrade will of no doubt be use to you if her mind is cleansed. Not to mention, she's powerful enough to help you deal the finishing blow. And the don is an easy man to play as well. He's a pervert who is no doubt still living high on the life that chaos provides. He never turns down the opportunity to have sex with a woman. If only it weren't for us discovering a method to cure so late, we could have saved her. So it will be easy to infiltrate him as long as he feels like you're playing into his hands. Hell, if he doesn't know you're chained, then he'll probably allow you to cure him just like that. After that, you can cure our old friend. Her name is Kalina Markovski. She's ah... Rather deadly with twin swords, so you'd better be ready to gang up on her if you're gonna fight."


The man looks displeased. "Damn... Didn't think you'd get away... You can have the precious amulet when you've earned it, but I'll fulfill the request for a cheap bracelet indeed..." he chuckled, tossing her the bracelet he had on his own arm. It looked decorated and possibly worth something, but only a fraction of what the one on the table was worth. "You're still at 1200, feel free to come back and make good on that promise if you'd like to reduce it further. I'll be ready for any tricks though, since you're already aware of what my cock can do to you~"
No one said this was going to be easy...but the ranger knew what she was getting into when she played the distraction game for her friends. She was going to take the corruption if she had to. She would remain in control. She had to remain in control for the sake of her friends "That's right boys. Let the elf wow you with her magnificent form. Hands, mouth, I can offer you much in the way of pleasure!" The elf continued laying on her honeyed words and should any takers approach her, she'd begin her work. Of course, all the while working to uncorrupt those that were still corrupted. This was going to be a long night.

(Anti-Corruption Rolls if needed:
Talia raised an eyebrow as the man approached her. She didn't quite expect him to speak up, of all people, but listened to him still. And as she mulled over his idea, she had to admit it had merit. "That's not a bad proposal, actually." The girl nodded as she spoke up. "While I am wary of any tricks the Don might pull, particularly since I suspect he already might know our identities, I can't shake the feeling we might have to deal with him sooner rather than later anyway. And Kalina would be a welcome addition to the fight if we could get to her." She admitted. Perhaps they'd have to play on the man's weakness and make him feel overconfident in the end. "Just tell me how to recognize her and I'll deal with the rest. Pain in the ass all of this can be, I'll take any sort of progress at this point." The tiefling would wait until she got a good enough description of the woman, then say her goodbyes and depart back to the city via portal. She had to find and catch Yumi. She needed to give the rogue her update and requests.
Yumi caught the bracelet with a satisfied smile. "Oh don't worry, I usually keep my promises, especially when making them with handsome men~." Yumi chuckled, before she left with the bracelet in hand, she decided to not equip the bracer for now, considering where it came from it could be cursed or infused with chaos. Perhaps after Talia took a look at it, Yumi will decide if she wanted to wear it or not. Once again, Yumi was left to wander through the city, but this time she didn't wander through it without a purpose, as she had the brilliant idea to scout the city for churches, more specifically churches that would make excellent allies. Despite looking for allies against chaos, Yumi wasn't exactly looking for churches know for their kindness, not only wouldn't they make bad warriors, but they easily could be influenced by chaos, instead she was looking for churches that were warlike and heavily enforced the law, preferably those with a more cruel nature to them or those that are rumored to work with devils, since devils and demons are ancient enemies, and devils would make excellent immortal ally.

Vylyra offered, and they accepted. Crowded around once more, Vylyra found the horny group of corrupted men a bit too much despite her wishes. She would manage to hold in her orgasms as they each gathered 'round, and mounted her, double penetrated in the back with a cock in her mouth... But not her corruption. The men gathered around began to thrust into her three holes, pounding her while grunting, laughing and moaning while all Vylyra could see was a firm pirate's crotch and the top part of his cock going in and out of her mouth, until the trio came together, filling her once again with spunk... (Vylyra takes 45 corruption, and likely hits max to gain a point.)


The man nodded. "She is a beautiful woman with long black hair and... Well, as crude as it is to say, one of the biggest bra cups in the land. Exactly the reason why the Don decided to steal her mind. She uses twin blades, and is capable of fencing with both at once. She is a very defensive fighter, so an all out rush will likely be shut down. I'd highly suggest using magic or scrolls if you got any, she is not someone you wish to duel."


Looking at the bracelet, she couldn't tell off hand if it was cursed. She'd need to give it an experienced look. (Aka, roll somethin)

Marching through town for a warlike church... She found two options. Once was a holy looking church in the main rich populated area of the city, where she easily saw three paladins on display to keep Chaos at bay, and the other was a strange looking building in the urban area of the city. It was hard to tell what kind of god they worshiped though, if any. (Roll Somethin again)
Talia nodded, memorizing the description. "Got it. I think we've got some ways to lock her down." The tiefling replied. "Take care. I need to go and give others updates." And with that, she made her way back to the portal, using it to return to the city. She needed to locate Yumi first. Perhaps the thief would be somewhere around the market? She'd start her search there, ask around if she failed to find her and expand her search from that point until she managed to locate her.