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Operation Thunderbird


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
The XCOM project was mankind's first and last line of defence against unknown threats from beyond the stars. It failed. Xcom base was overrun, its forces scattered and ADVENT came into power. Humanity's resistance was scattered and insurgent forces fought a guerrilla war back against the occupying power.

One of the things humanity's resistance quickly learned was the aliens tendency to abduct humans. As time went on, and the aliens learned more, the nature of the abductions changed, for the aliens showed a keen interest in female specimens. Males were now killed on site, while females were captured. Some operatives had even managed to escape after this, spreading tales of foul and immoral acts forced upon them, for some unknown purpose. But since it was exceedingly rare for the aliens to ever kill a female, even one fighting against them, women of war became humanity's best chance at survival.

Five years had passed...


"In order to re-establish our efforts in resistance, we need to secure a method of transportation. Currently, we've been forced to rely on ground based transport which has hindered our efforts greatly. That changes today. We've identified a hangar where one of our Skyrangers is being stored.

An attack organised on an ADVENT convoy in the area has given us a window, as the majority of the garrison forces have been called out to respond. You'll need to move fast, as they could return at any moment. Find the hangar, secure the Skyranger, and then fly it out of there."

The operational instructions came over radio as they sat in the back of the truck, waiting. They say waiting is always the hardest part. But soon they'd be on site, and their mission would begin.
Re: Operation Thunderbird

Jess sat near the back, close to the exit of the covered truck. The armour and rifle felt heavy on her, after all this time. For the last five years, she had done little but avoid ADVENT and the aliens. Now that she was actively fighting them again, her heart was hammering in her chest. She focused on her breathing, forcing it to slow and steady.

"Everyone ready for this?" She asked, glancing around at the other women.
Re: Operation Thunderbird

Katie took deep breaths. It wasn't quite meditation, she never bought into the mumbo jumbo of that, but this mission was indeed an overwhelming sensation. She had fought the aliens before, but the team experience was new. She didn't like the pressure, or, for that matter, the fact that she might have to rely on others. One term for her could be 'fiercely independent', but that clashed with the traditional quiet and shy personality type that she also very clearly was.

Her eyes flicked over to the first teammate to speak, freezing for a second amidst her almost automatic check of her weapon she had been doing. "Umm, I guess so..." Jessica certainly looked ready, at least, which was reassuring. Katie cracked a small, nervous smile, maybe even letting out a forced nervous chuckle with it or two if those nearby listened close enough.
Re: Operation Thunderbird

Ashleigh has remained fairly quiet to this point looks at the two who are talking grinning a little bit that someone had broken the silence and it wasn't her for once, looking at Katie who appears to be nervous. "Comon, ya don't have to be so nervous I am sure we all got each other's back." She appears to be fairly well lounging back with her rifle alongside her against the bench pointing up with one arm ensuring it doesn't fall over.
Re: Operation Thunderbird

Lilly had been waiting for a while for the others to speak up, she did a final check of her equipment before answering the original question.

"This is something I have been waiting for for a long time, but it would be a lie if I said that I wasn't nervous..."
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Re: Operation Thunderbird

At the back of the truck, yet another soldier sat, her eyes watching the terrain as the truck rumbles on, her red hair tied back into a tight tail to prevent it from becoming too much of a problem. Laid across her lap was her rifle, checked and rechecked and ready for action. "Be a big fat lie if I said I wasn't ready to floor some Advent." she says, taking a drag from her cigarette as she looks over her teammates, hoping and praying that this would be enough to take what they needed.
Re: Operation Thunderbird

The truck rolled to a stop, and the red light switched over to green. Mission start. No sooner than they piled out the back, the truck took off, leaving them to quickly take in their surroundings.

Desert. They were by a highway in a desert, a few rocky outcroppings around. And visible from the other side of the highway, the base that was undoubtedly their target, behind a barbed wire fence. An entrance point was some distance down the road and would likely be manned, but there were no patrols in sight of their current position.

The other side of the fence was paved concrete, meaning there was little to no cover until they reached the nearest row of buildings, which did have a number of crates and the like stacked around them. There would be a lot more cover on the sides of the road accessing the base from the gate.

"Strike team, proceed with operation. We're picking up zero increase in ADVENT communications, you're undetected so far," came the voice over comms.

GM said:
As many of you have realised, you're all armed with assault rifles. Everyone also has 1 grenade. Until you've got contact with aliens, I'll refrain from going to tactical map because several turns of slowly advancing through empty terrain is tedious as hell.
Re: Operation Thunderbird

Hitting the road upon getting out of the truck Ashleigh immediately takes in her surroundings and looking around. "Alright who wants to be on point?" She asks quietly to her comrades while looking around in a crouched position rifle up incase of any hostiles. Providing covering fire and lookout while others get to cover before herself moving to cover on the fence side.
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Re: Operation Thunderbird

Katie thought about reply, but was almost as careful at that as she was at her tactics. Social situations didn't suit her, as much as this could be called 'social'. She continued her awkward smile, but was interrupted before words by the signal to go.

Off the truck Katie skittered to cover first thing, leaving plenty of room for her comrades. It was unspoken, but a good way of saying 'not me' to taking point. Not that Katie was afraid, per se, no more so than was otherwise healthy for combat, but she was just well suited to being near the back, where she could get the best view of the entire situation. She gave an even bigger awkward smile, sideways, and kept watch towards the base while everyone else sorted out the order of advance.

(Requesting a spot near the mid-back or back)
Re: Operation Thunderbird

Lilly knew for a fact that it would be disastrous if she were ousted as leader, yet that didn't mean if the others had not decided soon, she would just have to take the plunge, and attempt it.

Lilly wasn't in the business of handing work off to the others, but it seems that the woman, who , now that she is looking, she can tell from her tags that her last name is Chambers, the one that said she was ready to "floor the advent" might do best in a leading sense, so long as a cool head was remained.

Lilly ran for cover as to where the others so far had gone, but attempted a less timid approach to which cover she grabbed, still leaving room for others, but not afraid to make sure she had enough cover, no chances should be taken.

(Flexible, wouldn't mind being put anywhere, but if Chambers decides to take the lead, I second it.)
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Re: Operation Thunderbird

Jess hopped out of the truck with the others doing a quick scan with rifle at the ready. "I'll take point." She offered quickly, dropping to a sprint towards one of the rocky outcroppings. She preferred to avoid the front gate, and her direction indicated as much, but she went close enough to a middle ground that she could change direction and hit the gate from the side, if thats where he squad went.

((Double move towards cover on the fence side. Seeing as we have a description past the fence to the buildings, should be clear enough to rush that far, at least, speed things up.))
Re: Operation Thunderbird

Chambers is out of the truck and on the move the moment she's got her bearings, her rifle clutched in her hands as she advances, taking the lead beside Jess, and seeking her own cover nearby, hoping that she could find a more advantageous position to flank any enemy that might spot Jess.

((Find some cover a little ways away from Jess to prepare a flanking move just in case.))
Re: Operation Thunderbird

Blue = Miller
Yellow = Leclerc
Purple = Byrne
Green = Chambers
Red = Zimmerman

Red X = ADVENT guard


Surging across the road, the strike team moved in cover behind various rock formations. Now closer to the base, those on the northern end of the approach still couldn't see any hostiles.

Zimmerman and Chambers, bounding towards the main gate, could see a pair of ADVENT guards on duty at the gate, although they were not in a state of alert. Leading up the road into the compound was plenty of cement blocks which could be used as cover, otherwise the group would have to contend with the barbed wire fence; hopefully without alerting the guards.
Re: Operation Thunderbird

Jess peeked from her cover. Two guards, still unawares, still no others in sight. She kept herself covered as much as possible, glancing back towards the rest of the squad, and gave them a quick wave towards the fence. She planned on posting here for the time being, keeping an eye on the hostile they knew about while someone else tried to cut their way in.
Re: Operation Thunderbird

Katie eyed the rocks up by where the lead to were, but across the road, keeping an eye out across the landscape for any distant enemy patrols returning, a task that suited her well. She noted the signal from Jess, though, with a bit of a shrug. She had a few concerns, such as perhaps the fence had sensors to detect their breach, but really, any plan was risky, and they had to kick this off one way or another eventually.

She skittered over close to Lilly, sliding into the same spot. She nodded towards the fence. She would cover them while the two here actually made the breach, so she could keep up her watch on their surroundings.

(Just noticed, we have two Jessicas :p )
Re: Operation Thunderbird

Lilly understood what the two had asked of her, and she was going to go through with the plan, as the current "CO" had ordered.

Lilly sidled her way up to the fence, keeping watch on the Advent guards until she reached the fence, all the while praying to anything that would listen hoping that these fences were not of the electric orient, as she continued her mental ministrations, she prepared to breach, waiting for everyone else to be set before committing to something she could not take back.

Simply said, she was more than a little nervous at the current situation.

(Move up to fence, and prepare to breach, if possible, hold off until given a sure signal.)
Re: Operation Thunderbird

As Lilly goes to the fence Ashleigh will provide cover for her as she cuts through the fence looking up and down the fenceline so that way she has covering fire to duck back behind cover if need be.
Re: Operation Thunderbird

Chambers notes what Zimmerman intends to do, moving into position to get a good shot at the two guards watching the fence, intending to keep watch over the rest of the squad as they do their work.

((Overwatch to keep guard on the two soldiers near the gate, follow standard concealment overwatch rules.))
Re: Operation Thunderbird

(Please use map references going forwards for what space you'd like to move to, keeping in mind your mobility score. The most you can move in a turn is 2 x mobility, as a sprint)
Blue = Miller
Yellow = Leclerc
Purple = Byrne
Green = Chambers
Red = Zimmerman

Red X = ADVENT guard 1 - odds to be hit 70% from Chambers and Zimmerman
Red X = ADVENT guard 2 (just off map, ref to previous) - 65% chance to hit from Chambers and Zimmerman


As they move forwards, Lily pulls out wire cutters to breach the fence, but hesitates doing so while Katie is sprinting up into position.

(Part of me assumes we've mostly got a round of overwatch and wire cuts.)
Re: Operation Thunderbird

Lilly, taking the anticipation and radio silence, as a green light to start cutting, lets loose with her bolt cutters, rending at the fence, in an attempt to create a gap large enough to go through, then proceeds to remove herself from the opening, so as to let others through. After placing herself where she feels best, she reports that the fence is open.

(Cut open fence at space AE-9, then, if still able to sprint, move to AJ-13, if not, then moves to Z-8.)