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Re: Original Characters

Oh it's this thread again huh. Alright then, I'll bite. Here's a gang of old characters I came up with a while ago, but had no where to post at the time. I eventually put them in my blank page thread, but why not have em here too.

The Hawkins Family

Stan Hawkins
Appearance: A large rough featured man, worn physically by time and misadventure, though his exuberant expression suggests his trials haven't phased him. Only small hints of colour remain in his hair, haphazardly trimmed grey stubble on his stone cut chin. Built solidly and in surprisingly good shape for his age despite the violent past evident in his scars. He wears mostly aged Vietnam era US military fatigues, and moves with an energy that seems beyond his age.
Eyes: Dark brown
6'5", 255 lbs
Age: 62

Stan Hawkins is the proud father figure of the Hawkins family. In his youth he served in the US Army in the Vietnam War. Seemingly born to fight and struggle, he shrugged off atrocities that would break other men. When the war ended and he was shipped home, it wasn't long before he booked a flight back to the east and began a life of travelling and rough living. He moved frequently, saw many things and fought through many hardships. Stan likes to move through the world grinning. Everything is a game in his eyes, nothing is sacred, and nothing can stop him. His time wandering took him through Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam again, China, and finally ended in Japan after fifteen years of exploring.

Whilst climbing Mt Fuji, intended to be his final achievement before going back home to the US, Stan was very much surprised to meet a beautiful woman in a cave near the summit. Stranger was that the woman was taller than he was, had green hair, a pair of horns, and was happily sitting and drinking sake in the frozen cave virtually naked. Still, this did not phase Stan, who set about winning the woman as his prize for climbing the mountain. Normally this woman, one of four powerful mountain ruling oni (ogre), would have laughed off such ambitions from a human. Yet Stan prevailed. The oni woman was enthralled by the insistent humans brutish charm, and after several bowls of strong sake, they shared several personal hours in the cave.

After that they parted ways. The woman disappearing before morning, and Stan leaving Japan in the following week. Roughly nine months later Stan came to his door one morning to find three wrapped babies left in a bamboo basket. Each sported familiar mossy green coloured hair. Based on the little that had been said in the cave, Stan had been under the impression that their union would not produce offspring, but regardless it seemed that he was now a father. Welcoming the task of caring for the triplet half oni children as a whole new kind of adventure, he would raise them under the Hawkins name in a way only he could.

Kyle Hawkins
Appearance: If the word can apply to appearance, then Kyle is hardcore. Wide shouldered and powerful. Thick sturdy arms without looking like they've been built up. Straight chin/upper neck length moss green hair, and inch trimmed beard of the same colour. Always seen wearing his favourite pair of rimless matt black shades. Has the look of someone who doesn't need to worry about looking both ways before crossing the road. Could easily pass for being much older than he really is.
Eyes: Dark brown
6'9", 321 lbs
Age: 18

Kyle's features come from his fathers side of the family, and are exaggerated by his heritage in his mothers side of the family. Built like a bear, Kyle seems to maintain a substantial muscle mass without any effort. Kyle is calm and methodical with his actions, and friendly though quiet around people. He could be described as the strong and silent type, saying what needs to be said and seldom little more. Unlike his dad he has a peaceful outlook, and never starts a fuss. Selfless and always ready to help others, particularly his sisters, whom he is very protective of. (even if they don't really need his protection)

In his free time he enjoys playing the bass guitar, listening to music ranging from metal to classic, painting and drawing. He tried amateur boxing in a previous school club, but no one could make him budge, let alone knock him down. He wasn't interested in professional boxing (much to the disappointment of the instructor), and so had to stop boxing since there was no point in anyone trying to fight him.

Kyle overall inherited the least amount of oni power from his mother, but that's not to say he's lacking. It manifested very physically within him, granting his imposing physique, but also boosting his strength beyond what the muscle itself would normally be capable of. His body is very dense, making him heavier than he would already appear, and also granting him an impressive resilience to harm. His bones will withstand forces substantially more than that which would shatter those of normal peoples, and his skin is tough as hide.
Kate Hawkins
Appearance: Tall and mature. Lower neck length moss green hair, well cared for but always slightly wild in style despite any efforts to control it. Strong but feminine build. Ample curves, which Stan proudly and regularly informs comes from her lovely mother.
Eyes: Dark brown
6'5", 192 lbs
Age: 18

The unofficial leader of the Hawkins trio. Respected and looked up to by the other two, her opinion is often the deciding vote in many situations. She has an easy going and relaxed personality, but when serious commands a strong presence. She is fairly level headed, but not afraid of a little nonsense and having fun. Of the three, Kate has taken the most interest in the triplets unique heritage and has spent a lot of time researching oni and the rest of Japanese mythology in an attempt to learn more about her mother. Her search led her to investigate honing and harnessing the latent energy contained within her half-oni blood (see powers). She hopes to someday be able to meet her mother.

In her spare time she enjoy's exploring her heritage, a bit of (carefully restrained) martial arts, relaxing, any hour drinking, and occasional partying.

Kate possesses a respectable amount of oni power, but more importantly has put a lot of effort into learning how to use it. She can perform her oni abilities much more easily than the other two and with less concentration required.
Kelly Hawkins
Appearance: Youthful and bright eyed. Kelly is fairly small of stature compared to most, but looks absolutely minuscule when framed by her siblings. She has the same moss green hair shared by all the Hawkins gang, though hers has a slightly more colourful tint to it. Was it not for the distinctive hair colour, likely few would believe she was related to the other two, even if told so.
Eyes: Bright green, with a slightly distinctive radial patterned iris.
4'7", 153 lbs
Age: 18

The runt of the litter, but by no means weak in any way. Kelly encountered problems developing in the womb and only barely survived birth. She was an uncertain case in her early days, but soon made a strong recovery. Even so, she remained significantly stunted compared to her other towering siblings. Hidden beneath her unimposing exterior however, lies the largest share of oni power out of all the triplets. She has not came to understand and master her latent power as well as her sister, but makes up for it through an aptitude for using it instinctively and naturally. Despite her tiny figure Kelly is in fact the strongest of the three, capable of giving shoulder rides to her father and defeating her brother in arm wrestles.

She's affectionate and outgoing, and loves being the centre of attention. Also highly competitive with a hint of a inferiority complex, and has a bad habit of trying to out do anyone at anything she sees, as well as often going overboard on various challenges. Her sister in particular is forced to endure a lot of her competitive nature. Kelly also very much dislikes anyone looking down on her, and gets especially annoyed by people's tendency to mistake her for being younger than she is. Anyone who refers to her as the “little sister” is corrected promptly. She carries an ID card around at all times after being denied entry to cinemas on several occasions, and always having to hide when the other two buy alcohol.

In her free time she enjoys various sports and physical activities (though has room for improvement concerning her team work), skill based video games, and telling wild stories.

The triplets all possess super natural abilities drawn from the oni power in their blood. Kate Hawkins has explored the use of this power the most out of the three, and discovered various abilities they all share. Each has a different aptitude for certain powers.

Learning to feel the flow of her inner energies, Kate found she was capable of manifesting this energy into a physical form, that could potentially be quite destructive, and even shaped into various shapes or thrown off at a distance. The other two have vaguely achieved this technique, but to a lesser degree and have difficulty focusing and controlling it safely. Kate has been able to manifest a fire like heating effect, a crackling black effect that looks like lightning but tears at things physically

She also learnt that all of the triplets had a limited ability to alter their own form slightly, slightly changing their appearance and/or performance. Enhancing their strength further came easily, in fact coming to understand at the time that Kelly uses this particular trick near constantly on an instinctive level. Another trick is to alter their weight and density. Doing so makes them more resistant to harm of most kinds, though will of course make movement more tiring and potentially more difficult. There are no visible changes, but they cannot increase their defence without proportionately increasing their weight. Kyle is especially adept at this technique and can make changes more quickly than the others. One skill which so far only Kate has been able to achieve properly is altering her external appearance and overall form successfully. She can make minor changes to things such as her height, hair length, and proportions. It was during early experimenting with the limits of this technique that Kate discovered the side effects of using large amounts of oni power. Two tall slender horns sprouted upwards from either side of her head, her skin taking on a tougher texture and darkening very slightly. After her initial panic, and the fit of laughter from Kelly, Kate was able to reverse the effect. They learnt that this could happen to any of them any time they used large amounts of energy, and especially if used in conjunction with strong emotions. Kelly will grow a single smooth and perfect cone shaped horn pointing forward from her forehead, whilst Kyle will grow two thick but short horns from his forehead just under his hairline.

Finally, the Hawkins seem to be immune to hangovers, which is good because they all very much enjoy their drinks, and in large quantities.
Fun Facts
As proof of her might, Kelly enjoys giving frequent piggyback-rides to all of her family, including her father and hulking brother. The top heavy balancing act is tricky, but Kelly claims it's all skill on her part.
Kelly once accidentally ran her horn into some furniture during a tantrum stemming from a failure to use her oni power to increase her breasts, and became stuck till she calmed down and let it shrink.
Kyle is skilled with lead guitar as well as bass, but prefers to take a supporting role in things.
Kate has allegedly developed the ability to negate any intoxicating effects of alcohol if she so chooses. She just normally chooses not to.
Both Kyle and Kate have an ongoing war with low hanging ceiling furniture and light fixtures. Kyle in particular often "engages in battle" with any lower than standard door frames, archways and stairwell ceilings, and has in one case caused structural damage standing up from beneath one too quick.
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