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Dec 6, 2009
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Hey everyone. Forgive me for cluttering the forum up but I felt this is the more appropriate place than my art thread or character sheet thread. But this is a start, some what of a rough draft for the script to my move review of Liar Liar I intend to eventually shoot and put up on ThatGuyWiththeGlasses.com as well as blip and YouTube. Let me know what you think, thanks. :)

Welcome, dear viewers! My name is the Movie Cynic! Like many other people, I enjoy a good movie. But with so many being released, how does one discern a good movie – one with an engaging and absorbing storyline, memorable characters, humorous moments, eye catching action and emotionally stirring scenes- from half assed, derivative chicken scratch; poorly written, endorsed, popular fan-fiction with a big budget; and in short, just, plain, simple donkey crap!? Well…… That’s what I’m here for, that’s why I’m doing this. To help people differentiate between quality entertainment and help keep them from wasting money on crap!

Aaah………. Jim Carrey…… How many of your films I have grown up with. The Mask, Ace Ventura, When Nature Calls, Batman Forever, Liar Liar, The Grinch………….. And only two or three of them are really even just okay. And yet for some reason, I just can’t make myself not like them or you. You just try so darn hard. Even with your dramatic flops I get the impression you honestly give 100 percent, if not even more so. That’s why this month is devoted entirely to you! This is JIM CARREY MONTH!

You know, you think the idea of a pathological lying lawyer who was forced to tell the truth and nothing but the truth for a whole 24 hour period with a major divorce and custody case coming up on the horizon would make for a good, if not great, premise for a movie, right………… right!? Well…… It would have, if they had gone for a different or better actor. According to several sites I’ve looked at on the net, this was meant to display a softer, warmer, more likeable side of Jim Carrey. Did it work? Ehhhh……. Well, why don’t we just take a look at the movie and decide for ourselves shall we?
Our film starts off with children at school telling their teacher what their parents do for a living. We come to Max, Carrey’s son, telling his teacher his dad is a liar. He must have told his son that Grinch is an excellent work of cinema. After some explanation the teacher tells him he’s a lawyer, not a liar; to which Max simply shrugs. The scene changes over to Jim Carrey’s character, Fletcher Reede, schmoozing with his coworkers after winning a case before being asked by a reporter if he would mind giving an interview. Meanwhile his ex-wife and son are waiting patiently at home for him to arrive. After he sees a car passes and sees it not Fletcher, he finally arrives and starts to play with his son; doing a little bit called the claw [insert a clip from Inspector Gadget] where he pulls him down to the ground tickling him before chasing him. Max then tells his mother, Audrey, that Fletcher is taking him to see a wrestling match tonight, to which she clearly disapproves. I can’t say I blame her; pro wrestling has been crap for a long time now. [Insert a clip of the Rick Stiener VS Chucky promo] Then Audrey’s new boyfriend, not Jim Carrey- okay I can’t recall his name, but most people probably can’t either. He’s not very important, doesn’t have many scenes and isn’t funny or leave an impression on the audience. Fletcher asks Audrey if they are “serious”, while having an asthma attack, to which she informs they have had sex. Meanwhile in Fletcher’s law firm, his CEO Miranda is arguing with another lawyer over an upcoming custody battle, asking him to lie in court; which is illegal to begin with anyways; to which he is firmly against- eventually she realizes she will have to take matters into her own hands [insert clip of Darth Vader force choking someone] and find somebody else who will. I bet you won’t guess who it is…….. [insert a picture of Barack Obama] I’m joking, I’m joking! It’s Fletcher of course. As we see him bold faced lying to his coworkers about things like a secretary’s crazy hairdo, a man’s weight and an intern’s glaringly obvious zit………. [zoomed in shot of character’s nose] JEEBUS! HOW IN THE HECK DOES NOBODY ELSE NOTICE THAT THING? It’s like Rudolph. I’m sure if I had that thing stuck on my nose, someone would point it out and get me to deal with it.
He then chats with his secretary for a while until Miranda shows up, causing him to play Indian giver, snatching the gift he just gave his secretary to give his CEO to kiss her ass. Our hero, ladies and gentleman. Liar, Indian giver, and self-serving jerk. Clearly father of the year material if ever I saw it. He then gets cornered into taking on the custody suit case for Miranda, bringing huge boxes of files to go over into his office, thereby breaking yet another promise he made with his son. You know, maybe he should give up law and go into politics?