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Out of Character Chatter Thread

Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Heh, wouldn't you know...

Right when I'm trying to get this whole mess rolling, that's when my body decides "fuck you, I'm not going to work right..."
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

...And then, the GM gets stuck trying to deal with zombies...

Okay, here's what's been going on on Hardware's end, and how things are going to work from here on out...

Due to a combination of him not really being able to shake the bug he's got, and having been tapped to assist in the local theater group's season opening performance, which happened to turn into a bigger production than was initially expected, I will be handling making the actual GM posts. Hardware will still be looking things over, ruling on checks, and still making the occasional post himself, but I'll be actually putting most of the wordage he writes on the forum myself, at least until things settle for him.

For those interested, the reason for the zombies comment is that the play the theater group's doing is Romero's Night of the Living Dead.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Good to hear. Hope that bug he's got clears up soon, and tell him to make sure that all of the actors are actually acting during their parts.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

yeah, dont want a real walker slipping in with the fake ones. WE can be patient, no worries. Get well soon Hardware!
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Okay, things are starting to move somewhat again.

Blarg, we'll have a post up for you soon, possibly by the time you see this. No guarantees on that.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Hey, I'm back and ready to get my head in the game
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Good to hear that you're back. With all luck, your other problems are fully taken care of.

I'll speak to Hardware once he's awake, and we'll see about getting your character in soon.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Here's a link to the dice roller poast and also signup thread, in case anyone is super anal about stuff like that on top of derpy and unable to remember what roller we were using for this thing, like me.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

This character is not speaking to me for some reason. Sorry for the shitty post
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Eh, happens. Actually, the post might work as is, to tell the truth.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

I hope so. I've been playing a college aged character for a fan based RP and he's kind of taking over my mind
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Okay, putting in a check here, since I'm hitting a wall on this, and Hardware's having a hard time adjusting to doing an RP over a forum...

Two questions:

First, how many of the players are still interested in this?

Second, would there be any interest in shifting this to a scheduled Skype/Ventrilo/whatever voice-chat typed deal, with notes and what-not posted here?
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

I cant do skype except over phone. And it would have to wait till next week as my familys group data plan is almost used for the last month. It will also depend on what the schedule is.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

schedule is definitely an issue, and i will do typing only on my end, i dun do voice chats. that said, i'm still interested, and am free most evenings.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

I'm still very interested, but, like Shrike, I'd be text only as well. I'm still kind of adjusting to a 8-4 job (how can people do these for 50+ years?!), but I can manage a few hours on weekday evenings. Weekends are already full for me.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

I can do the voice thingie. Free every night and weekend. Just get me a set schedule and we'll go for it. Up until mid-november that is. I'll be moving and settling in to the new place so it may get me a week before I can get back on to play
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread



Whelp, might as well put this officially on hiatus until I can get another idea figured out on what to do about this impasse...

Let me explain: Hardware is having a problem getting his mind into this, as he's having trouble adapting to not being able to interact with the players like he's used to (text-only interactions, instead of actual vocal), on top of the whole "being busy with the theater group" thing, since they open some time within the next couple of weeks. I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to get from where things are now to where he's said he wants it to go, based on what he's told me about his ideas. Hence the suggestion of some kind of voice-chat. Unfortunately, too many of the players aren't interested in that idea, it seems.
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