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Outerlands Character Creation/Rules

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Nov 11, 2008
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Character Creation
Follow these steps to create you're character:
1 – Choose a Race: Pick a race for your Descendant.
2 – Choose a Gender: Only male or female to start – but it doesn't affect stats.
3 – Assign Stats and Attributes: Using your starting experience, assign your stats, then calculate out your attributes. No matter what, no Stat or Attribute may go below 1.
4 – Choose your Element/Spells: Choose an Element no matter what; you don't need to choose spells unless you want to.
5 – Pick out Feats/Weaknesses: Pick out any Feats you can still afford, and choose weaknesses to gain more Experience Points. Recalculate your Attributes and Stats if necessary. You may only pick out three starting feats - one free, two you can pay for- and three starting weaknesses.
6 - Pick out your weapons, abilities and armor: If you don't choose anything, you start with only tribal clothes (no armor reduction), and no weapons. Start by picking out two combat Skills, which will start at level 1; Magic is free, and starts at level 1.

Choose a Race: These are just the starting races.
Human: While not as strong as many other species, they come in all sizes and colors.
Strength: 8
Stamina: 8
Dexterity: 8
Agility: 8
Intelligence: 8
Will: 8
Racial Trait:
Ingenuity: Humans, and their half-kin, have always been a bit above the curve when it comes to their smarts; when they acquire XP, they acquire it twice as fast as other races.

Half-Elf: Taller, more lithe versions of humans. They're very dextrous and stealthy, and have a bit more knowledge when it comes to magic – but their stamina suffers.
Strength: 7
Stamina: 7
Dexterity: 9
Agility: 9
Intelligence: 9
Will: 7
Racial Trait:
Ingenuity: Humans, and their half-kin, have always been a bit above the curve when it comes to their smarts; when they acquire XP, they acquire it twice as fast as other races.

Half-Orc: About the same size of humans, they usually with fangs. These Descendants are much stronger than they appear, but falter with Magic.
Strength: 10
Stamina: 9
Dexterity: 8
Agility: 8
Intelligence: 6
Will: 7
Racial Trait:
Ingenuity: Humans, and their half-kin, have always been a bit above the curve when it comes to their smarts; when they acquire XP, they acquire it twice as fast as other races.
Statistics: Determines your to-hit chances, as well as your attributes.
Strength: Your melee damage, grapple checks, and strength checks in general. Every 5 Strength adds onto your base damage for Melee attacks.
Stamina: Used to resist poison and damage; Main determinant of Body Points. Every 5 Stamina adds onto your base damage reduction.
Dexterity: Used in determining to-hit for all physical attacks; also used in spotting enemies/traps. Every 5 Dexterity adds onto your based ranged damage.
Agility: Base speed per action; also determines initiative, as well as sneak checks. Every 5 Agility adds onto your Base Speed, capped at 10.
Intelligence: Base magic damage, as well as determining your Magic Points. Every 5 Intelligence adds onto the base damage of your spells, as well as base stats for your summons.
Will: Resistance to magic damage, as well as main determinant for Pleasure Points. Every 5 Will adds onto the base damage reduction in magic, and pleasure.

Attributes: Based off your statistics.
Body Points: The amount of damage you can take before passing out until either several hours pass, or until woken up. Stamina + (Strength/2).
Pleasure Points: The amount of pleasure you can receive before orgasm, which drains BP. Will + (Stamina / 2)
Fatigue Points: The amount of stress your character can take before needing to rest. Stamina * 2.
Magic Points: The amount of magic you cast before needing to rest for the day. Intelligence * 4.

Assign Stats and Attributes:
All characters start with 100 Experience points to spend on your character at creation. To buy one point in your stats, you can have to spend 5 EXP. You do not need to spend all your EXP in this stage; you will need to spend it on Feats and Spells, and also equipment.
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Re: Outerlands Character Creation

Choose an Element/Spells:
Elements: Elements are an important part of any Descendant. It shows who they worship, but also who their ancestors are. Choosing an Element affects how spells deal damage to you, but also the way certain tribes/characters will interact with your Descendant.
Element List:
Fire Element, God: Aedus
The Fire element focuses on not only the horrible destruction it can cause, but also the life it brings after. Those with the Fire Element are Descended from the God Aedus, who is said to ignite anything by merely looking at it. Aedus' is known for his temper; Many of his Descendants are the same, but there are some who manage to remain calm and collected. Aedus was most at odds with his brother Dyfri, the God of Water; but remained close friends with his sister, Medini, the Goddess of Earth.
Strong against: Earth
Weak against: Water

Earth Element, Goddess: Medini
The Earth element is a natural order; as such, it focuses on protecting oneself, and those around a Descendant. Medini has mothered these Descendants; with the wave of her hand, she could build shelters and grow forests for the earliest creatures to dwell in, sheltering them from her harmful brother, Raiden. Medini isn't considered a push-over; her fierce loyalty and protective spirit can be seen in all of her Descendants.
Strong Against: Lightning
Weak against: Fire

Lightning Element, God: Raiden
Lightning represents speed and chaos, striking fast and leaving those around stunned. Descendants with Lightning come from Raiden, capable of having lightning strike anywhere he wanted – even if he wanted it to strike twice. His Descendants often take after his quick-wits, but also spontaneous nature. He was often chastised by his older sister, Medini, for shocking the first creatures to walk the world; but was quite fond of his sister, Solaris.
Strong against: Light
Weak against: Earth

Light Element, Goddess: Solaris
The Light Element was widely worshiped over the world before the other Gods and Goddesses began to make appearances and perform feats. The Goddess, Solaris, is still responsible for the raising the sun every morning. For this reason, many Descendants treat themselves as royalty, but are quick to help those around them. Solaris has issues with many of her siblings, except Raiden – but her sister, Luna, the Goddess of Darkness, is a pain to her.
Strong against: Darkness
Weak against: Lightning

Darkness Element, Goddess: Luna
The Darkness Element, on the other hand, was widely shunned by most of the world, leading to a conflict between Solaris and Luna that has never truly been reconciled. Her Descendants are quiet and peaceful, always inconspicuous. Luna herself is rarely seen, even before her one-thousand-year banishment. While she actively flees from her sister, Solaris, she's fond of her brother Dyfri, who allows the darkness to reside at the bottom of his seas.
Strong Against: Water
Weak Against: Light

Water Element, God: Dyfri
The Element of Water is ruled over by Dyfri, the God of Seas. He and his Descendants are both known for their often brash and turbulent attitudes; his Descendants, however, have learned to use this unyielding rage to decimate those who wish to harm close friends and family. Dyfri is fond of his sister, Luna; but after a slight from his brother, Aedus, their relationship has been cold.
Strong against: Fire
Weak against: Dark

Spells: Spells, like almost every other RPG out there, are powerful abilities that cost Magic Points to use.
Special Spells:
Teleportation Spells: These are automatically gained upon Magic Level 2, with the Descendant taking their Strong Element (Dual Heritage), or a spell of their choice (Mongrel).
Fire: Fire Walk: Stepping into an open fire, the Descendant is engulfed, allowing them to teleport to other active fires, including undiscovered locations. Only Fire Descendants may travel this way.
MP Cost: 20.

Earth: Earthmeld: Being abosrbed by the Earth, the Descendant is able to transport themselves an others underground; they are stopped if they run into any underground cavern, but may travel great distances, even to unknown locations.
MP Cost: 20.

Lightning: Raiden's Carriage: A lightning bolt strikes the Descendant, just as another bolt strikes at their desired location, immediately transporting them (and any characters holding onto them) immediately. This may only be used outdoors, and can sometimes cause fires.
MP Cost: 20.

Light: Sky Bridge: A beam of light engulfs the Descendant and their allies, dropping them back at the village of their choice. It may only be cast in the open, with a visible sky (heavily forested areas do not count).
MP Cost: 20.

Dark: Netherworld Bridge: Stepping into the shadows, the Descendant is transported to a location they know, but are dropped in a random place upon arriving. The Descendant cannot use their own shadow, or an ally's, as a a Netherworld Bridge.
MP cost: 20.

Water: Well Travel: By standing in any knee deep water, the Descendant is turned into liquid, and transported to any other body of water with the same minimum requirements (knee deep). Dyfri tends to enjoy dropping people into village wells with this.
MP Cost: 20.
Spells by Element:
Fire Descendants with the Fire Element focus on dealing damage to their opponents over time.
Ranged Spells:
Fire Lance: A quick bolt of fire, shot from the fingertips of a Descendant. Deals d6 damage, and d3 damage over d5 rounds.
Cost: 15 EXP; MP Usage: 10; Magic Level: 1. Range: 10 Meters

Fireball: Much like the Fire Lance, the fireball explodes on impact, engulfing any nearby enemies in flames. Deals d10 damage, and d3 damage over d5 rounds.
Cost: 25 EXP; MP Usage: 25; Magic Level 1. Explosion Range: 3 Meters.

Fire Rain: Targeting a specific area, the Descendant lets fire rain down onto it for d6 rounds. Enemies passing through take d6 damage, and have a 20% chance to light on fire for an additional 3 rounds, at d3 damage per round.
Cost: 40 EXP; MP Usage: 10 per round; Magic Level: 3. Cloud Range: 6 meters.

Twin Stream: The Descendant casts two Fire Lance spells, and doesn’t stop until they either lose eye contact with their enemy, or they decide to hold off. Deals d4 continuous damage.
Cost: 45 EXP; MP Usage: 10 per round; Magic Level: 5. Range: 6 meters.

Close-Range Spells:
Fire Breath: If grappled, the Descendant may breath fire, damaging their attacker and gaining a +5 to escape rolls. Deals d6 damage.
Cost: 25 EXP; MP Usage: 10; Magic Level: 2. Range: Less than 1 meter.

Ring of Fire: Casting this spell, the Descendant places an enemy within a ring of fire, holding them in place for d5 rounds. Failed escape attempts result in d3 damage.
Cost: 40 EXP; MP Usage: 8 per round; Magic Level: 4. Range: Two Meters.

Summon Spells:
Imps: The youngest children of Aedus, Imps are available at beck and call for many of his Descendants. They’re physically weak, but magically inclined.
EXP Cost: 20; MP cost: 30 per Imp; Magic Level: 3. Like all summons, Imps are summoned 1 at a time; but there may be up to 5 Imps out at once.
Strength: 8, Stamina: 8, Dexterity: 8, Agility: 10, Intelligence: 16, Will: 16
Body Points: 12, Pleasure Points: 20, Magic Points: 64
Knows all Fire spells.

Phoenix: Creatures blessed by Aedus, they are said to watch over his Descendants with care, swooping in to save them in a time of need. Skilled Descendants can summon these creatures at will.
EXP Cost: 80; MP cost: 60. Magic Level: 10. Can summon only one at a time.
Strength: 18, Stamina: 16, Dexterity: 14, Agility: 18, Intelligence: 22, Will: 20
Body Points: 27, Pleasure Points: 28, Magic Points: 88
Knows all Fire and Light spells.

Earth: Earth Descendants are given the power over the earth of Pekol, allowing them to help with the season's harvest, defend allies in need, or cause earthquakes to destroy their opponents.
Ranged Spells:
Boulder Hurl: Levitating a compressed chunk of earth, the Descendant flings it at their opponent, dealing d12 damage.
EXP Cost: 10; MP Cost: 15; Magic Level: 1. Range: 10 Meters.

Wall: Forcing a layer of granite to rise from the ground, the Descendant forms a sturdy wall, with a BP of 20*Wall Length.
EXP Cost: 30; MP Cost: 8 per 1 meter of wall length; Magic Level 4. Range: 5 Meters.

Entomb: Using a modified version of Wall, rocks form around the Descendant's enemy – that is, unless they're too large. Nigh unbreakable, the tomb only disappears until the caster wills it, or until they run out of energy. Enemies may not be attacked while entombed.
EXP Cost: 70; MP Cost: 15 per round; Magic Level: 5. Range: 15 meters.

Touch Spells:
Granite Armor: The Descendant covers an ally, or themselves, in a protective rock, gaining an additional +5 to armor.
EXP Cost: 20; MP cost: 2 per armor, per round. Magic Level: 2.

Granite Fists: Imbuing either their own fists, or an ally's, tough granite forms around their hands, doing an extra d10 damage per hit. Opponents cannot be grappled, and spells may not be cast until de-spelled.
EXP Cost: 50; MP: 2 per round, per spell; Magic Level: 3.

Floating Rocks: Summoning rocks from the innards of Pekol, the Descendant has them intercept ranged attacks. The rock is destroyed once hit; and losing contact with the ground is lost, the spell is stopped.
EXP Cost: 45, MP Cost: 8 per rock per round; Magic Level: 4.

Massive Spells:
Quake: By pressing their hands to the ground, the Descendant can summon a quake beneath the feet of anyone in sight. 3D10 damage to anyone within a 10 meter range, per round stuck in the Earthquake. There's a 25% chance of falling, and being forced to get back up, wasting a turn.
EXP Cost: 100; MP cost: 80; Magic Level: 10. Range: Eyesight.

Summon Spells:
Golem: By imbuing the earth of Pekol with Medini's spirit, a Golem is summoned, tasked with protecting the Descendant and their allies.
EXP Cost: 60; MP cost: 60; Magic Level: 4. Only one may be summoned at a time.
Starts with Granite Armor for free.
Strength: 20, Stamina: 30, Dexterity: 15, Agility: 14, Intelligence: 10, Will: 10.

Rock Troll: While trolls are considered normal wildlife on Pekol, many of them only answer to their respective Gods. Rock Trolls are the more aggressive of their kin, able to pull trees from the ground and use them as clubs. One blow from them can render someone inert.
EXP Cost: 140; MP cost: 80; Magic Level: 10. Only one may be summoned at a time.
Starts Rough Blows feat.
Special Feat: Tree Club. Deals d16 damage, but takes a turn to ready an attack.
Strength: 30, Stamina: 26, Dexterity: 18, Agility: 16, Intelligence: 8, Will: 10
Body Points: 41, Pleasure Points: 23, Magic Points: 32

Dryad: Dryads aren't meant for combat. Instead, they help with harvesting and daily tasks, as well as teasing mortal men for fun. Bark skin appeals to few, however.
EXP Cost: 80; MP Cost: 30; Magic Level: 4. Only one may be summoned, once a day.
Special: Increases each harvest by d10.
Knows all Earth spells.
Strength: 8, Stamina: 10, Dexterity: 12, Agility: 20, Intelligence: 20, Will: 20.
Body Points: 14, Pleasure Points: 25, Magic Points: 80.

Lightning: Descendants of Raiden are able to summon lightning whenever needed, but also lock up the muscles of anyone unlucky enough to cross their paths.
Ranged Spells:
Bolt: Firing lightning from their hands, this simple spell does d10 damage.
EXP Cost: 10; MP cost: 8, Magic Level: 1. Range: 10 Meters.

Lightning Strike: Summoning an attack from Raiden himself, the Descendant calls lightning down onto their opponent, dealing d16 damage, and stunning them for d3 rounds.
EXP Cost: 25; MP Cost: 14; Magic Level: 2. Range: 10 meters.

Thunderbolt: While not a spell that damages, it instantly stuns an opponent for d6 rounds, leaving them completely immobilizing them.
EXP Cost: 30; MP Cost: 20; Magic Level 3. Range: 15 meters.

Touch Spells:
Spasm: By grabbing onto an opponent, the Descendant transfers electricity into their muscles, stunning the opponent for d3 rounds.
EXP Cost: 40; MP cost: 30; Magic Level: 3. Range: Touch.

Area of Effect Spells:
Discharge: Storing energy in their body, the Descendant unleashes it in an area around their body. 75% chance to stun anyone in the range for d3 rounds; if the stun fails, d6 damage is dealt instead.
EXP Cost: 40, MP cost: 40, Magic Level: 4. Radius: 1 meter.

Massive Spells:
Lightning Storm: Summoning up a massive amount of energy, the Descendant throws it to the sky, causing a massive lightning storm. Each strike deals d20 damage, and has a 60% chance to stun an enemy for d3 rounds. However, if the Descendant is struck, they become distracted and the spell ends.
EXP cost: 130 EXP; Base MP Cost: 100; 20 MP per round afterwards; Magic Level: 10. Range: 20 Meters.

Summon Spells:
Seeker: The hounds of Raiden, these wolves are fierce predators, accompanying their God on his hunts. He allows trained Descendants to summon them, which quickly evens the tide of the battle.
EXP Cost: 80; MP Cost: 60 per Seeker; Magic Level: 8. Only two Seekers may be summoned at a time.
Knows Bolt, Discharge, and Thunderbolt.
Has the feat Fierce Bite.
Strength: 20, Stamina: 16, Dexterity: 20, Agility: 20, Intelligence: 18, Will: 18.
Body Points: 26, Pleasure Points: 26, Magic Points: 72.

Light: Descendants of Solaris use their spells for support and healing, and have very few that cause physical damage. She has yet to teach her Descendants how to banish others to the moon.
Ranged Spells:
Energy Burst: A quick burst of energy from a Descendant's hands, dealing d6 damage.
EXP Cost: 10; MP cost: 5; Magic Level: 1. Range: 10 Meters.

Soothing Energy: A simple healing spell, taught to many by Solaris. Heals d8 BP.
EXP cost: 5, MP cost: 4; Magic Level: 1. Range: 10 meters.

Healing Light: Shining her light on a Descendant, or their allies, Solaris heals them by 3d12 BP with light from the heavens.
EXP Cost: 30, MP Cost: 15; Magic Level: 3. Range: 5 Meters.

Imbue: Taking the light of Solaris, her Descendant imbues either themselves or allies with it, gaining a +4 on to-hit rolls, and a +d8 on damage rolls.
EXP Cost: 50; MP Cost: 25; Magic Level: 4. Range: 5 Meters.

Neutralize: Using Solaris' blessing, the Descendant is able to neutralize their Element's weakness for d4 turns.
EXP Cost: 80; MP cost: 50; Magic Level: 6. Range: 15 Meters.

Area of Effect:
Healing Aura: While active, a Descendant heals her allies over time – as long as they stick close by. 2d6 constant health regeneration.
EXP Cost: 60; MP Cost: 15 to activate; 5 per round; Magic Level: 5. Range: 2 meters.

Touch Spells:
Breath of Life: By touching an unconscious ally, the Descendant is able to revive them to half health.
EXP Cost: 40; MP Cost: 30; Magic Level: 3. Range: Touch.

Summon Spells:
Unicorn: Solaris' pets, Unicorns are often considered a great magical force. They're mainly used in healing, and can be brought in to help a group of Descendants survive a horrible battle.
EXP Cost: 80; MP Cost: 50; Magic Level: 6. Only one may be summoned at a time.
Starts with Healing Aura for free.
Strength: 14, Stamina: 18, Dexterity: 12, Agility: 22, Intelligence: 30, Will: 22
Body Points: 25; Pleasure Points: 33; Magic Points: 120.

Seraphim: A warrior of Solaris' personal guard, the Seraphim is a force to be reckoned with. With a fiery sword and armor blessed by their Goddess, only a chosen few of Solaris' Descendants may summon one.
EXP Cost: 300; MP Cost: 280; Magic Level: 20. Only one may be summoned at a time.
Weapon: Sword of Solaris: d12 damage, causes d3 damage for d3 rounds to Dark elements.
Strength: 40, Stamina: 50, Dexterity: 30, Agility: 30, Intelligence: 40, Will: 40.
Body Points: 70; Pleasure Points: 65; Magic Points: 160.

Dark: Descendants of Luna focus on weakening their opponents through various ailments. Instead of using spells to deal damage, they use their cunning to get in close to enemies in order to finish the job.
Touch Spells:
Shroud: A Descendant casts either themselves or an ally in the shadows, granting a +6 to stealth checks, but only +3 if they're already in battle.
EXP Cost: 10; MP Cost: 10; Magic Level: 1. Range: Touch.

Draining Kiss: While close to an enemy, a Descendant is able to drain their stamina, with a tiny portion returning to the caster. Deals d12 damage, with 50% BP returned to the caster.
EXP Cost: 60; MP Cost: 20; Magic Level: 3. Range: Touch (or kiss).

Ranged Spells:
Darkness: The Descendant tries to cast a shroud over another's senses, muffling them. -6 to to-hit checks, -8 to spot checks.
EXP Cost: 30; MP Cost: 15; Magic Level: 2. Range: 20 meters.

Tainted Essence: By corrupting an opponent's connection to Pekol and her Gods, a Descendant saps d12 magic points from an enemy.
EXP Cost: 50; MP Cost: 30; Magic Level: 3. Range: 10.

Enfeeble: Using Luna's darkness, a Descendant corrupts the blood of an opponent, weakening their attacks by -6, but also poisoning them for d3 damage for d3 rounds.
EXP Cost: 80; MP Cost: 40; Magic Level: 5. Range: 15.

Area of Effect Spells:
Mass Shroud: By projecting their energy outwards, the Descendant covers anyone within 3 meters in a cloud. Anyone inside the shroud may see out; but outsiders cannot see in. Enemies suffer a -6 to their to-hit rolls, but it's random as to who they attack. If the caster takes damage, the spell stops.
EXP cost: 70; MP Cost: 20 per round; Magic Level: 6. Area of Effect range: 3 meters.

Summon Spells:
Highlands Stalker: A creature that prowls the open plains at night, it's nigh impossible to spot. Luna has taken these creatures as her personal protectors, blessing many of them with magic. Descendants are able to summon Stalkers from nowhere.
EXP Cost: 55; MP Cost: 40; Magic Level: 5. Only two may be summoned at once.
Strength: 16, Stamina: 18, Dexterity: 12, Agility: 16, Intelligence: 10, Will: 12
Body Points: 26, Pleasure Points: 21, Magic Points: 40
Starts with free Shroud.

Water: Descendants of Dyfri are able to control bodies of water around them, using it to assault their opponents or drive them back. Dyfri deals with water in all forms – so a Descendant hurling a chunk of ice at a foe isn't considered uncommon.
Ranged Area of Effect Spells:
Hydrosphere: Forming a sphere of water, the Descendant throws it into a group of enemies. Upon impact with the ground, the water freezes, smashes apart – and assaults the opponents with d10 damage each.
EXP Cost: 10; MP Cost: 15; Magic Level: 1. Thrown Range: 15 meters; AoE Range: 4 Meters.

Wave: Summoning up water, the Descendant throws it in a 5-meter area, pushing back all enemies in the range of the attack by an additional 5 meters; there's a 50% chance enemies are knocked down.
EXP Cost: 25; MP Cost: 30; Magic Level: 3. Thrown range: 3 meters; AoE Cone: 5 Meters.

Flash Freeze: Performing much of the same spell as Hydrosphere, only when the orb of water hits the ground, it quickly spreads out, before freezing about enemies ankles for d5 rounds.
EXP Cost: 40; MP Cost: 40; Magic Level: 4. Thrown Range: 10, AoE Range: 6 meters.

Water Whip: Storing energy in their hand, the Descendant quickly whips it around in front of them, a long stream of water reaching out to strike their opponents in a cone, dealing d14 damage.
EXP Cost: 60; MP Cost: 30; Magic Level: 4. Max Range: 5 Meters.

Water Blades: The Descendant casts scythe-like blades of water which travel in line, dealing d8 damage. The blades have a width of 1 meter, and you may create 1 blade/4 levels (up to 5 blades in total). -Thanks to Hali.
EXP Cost: 70; MP Cost: 30/blade; Magic Level: 6. Max Range: 15 Meters.

Area of Effect:
Torrent: When surrounded, the Descendant forces water around themselves, making sure their enemies are driven back 5 meters.
EXP Cost: 40; MP Cost: 50; Magic Level: 3.

Ranged Spells:
Icicle: Forming either an icicle or a chunk of ice, the Descendant hurls it at a single opponent, dealing d10 damage.
EXP Cost: 10; MP Cost: 10; Magic Level: 1. Range: 10 Meters.

Pressure Jet: Forcing a high pressured shot of water, the Descendant tries to cut through a foe, dealing 3d8 damage.
EXP Cost: 70; MP Cost: 25; Magic Level: 6. Range: 30 Meters. For every 10 Meters, the damage die is reduced by one.

Summon Spells:
Water Elemental: Summoning up living water from Dyfri's domain, the Descendant creates a water Elemental. They're of decent strength, but are great for dealing with large crowds of enemies.
EXP Cost: 40; MP Cost: 35/Elemental; Magic Level: 4. Only 3 Elementals may be summoned at once.
Strength: 16, Stamina: 20, Dexterity: 16, Agility: 20, Intelligence: 20, Will: 14
Body Points: 28, Pleasure Points: 24, Magic Points: 80.
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Re: Outerlands Character Creation

Creator's note: This list is always growing.

Updated 2/5/2013 Added 8 new Feats: Bastard, Mongrel, Summoner's Boon, Wrestler, Escape Artist, Shibari Lover, Dual Casting, and Dual Wield. The last five may be taken more than once, and have different levels.

Feats: Feats are character-specific abilities that may be bought with Experience Points. Some have special requirements to unlock.
Starting Feats: These feats may only be chosen upon character creation.
Adept: Just like Humans, there are above-average Descendants. Choose a stat to increase by 3. May only be bought once.
Cost: 10 EXP.

Agile: The Descendant is extremely fast, gaining an extra +5 to their Agility score. May only be bought once.
Cost 15 EXP.

Ancient Knowledge: The Descendant is blessed with the knowledge of the Gods and the Ancients before them, gaining +10 to their starting MP, as well as an extra two levels in their Magic ability. May only be bought once.
Cost: 20 EXP.

Bastard: The Descendant has no Element or traceable Heritage. They cannot cast spells, but receive no extra damage, as they have no element. -Maikochan
Cost: 40 EXP. Special: Cannot have Mongrel or Dual Heritage.

Dextrous: The Descendant is quick with their fingers, and has a keen eye for observation, gaining a +5 to Dexterity. May only be bought once.
Cost: 15 EXP.

Dual Heritage: Descendants sometimes are born from two different Gods, allowing them to cast two separate elements – however, one element tends to stay dominant over the other. Choose a dominant Element, which is the only one that can deal and receive double damage from other Elements.
Cost: 20 EXP. Special: Cannot have Mongrel or Bastard.

Endurance: The Descendant is able to shrug off attacks like no other, can run further, and is supposedly the longest-lasting person in bed. They gain +5 to their stamina stat. This may only be bought once.
Cost: 15 EXP.

Intelligent: The Descendant is extremely smart, gaining an additional +5 to their Intelligence score. May only be bought once.
Cost: 15 EXP.

Knowledge: Having run across traders, city folk, or 'kind' slavers, the Descendant has an increased knowledge of the world. May be picked twice, and the cost is based on what you choose:
Mining, Forging, Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing: 10 EXP.
Special: If mining is chosen, the Descendant starts with a Stone Pickaxe at full durability.
Increase a starting ability by 2: 15 EXP.

Language Mastery: The Descendant is able to understand and speak another language, having found it through their travels. May be bought once per two intelligence points of the Descendant.
Cost: 10 EXP. Requirements: At least 2 Int.

Mongrel: The Descendant can't trace their lineage to any one, two, or even three Gods; instead, they come from all Gods and Goddesses. They can wield all Elements, but suffer a 2x damage multiplier whenever magic is used against them. -Maikochan
Cost: 60 EXP. Special: Cannot have Dual Heritage or Bastard.

Rare Weapon: A trader stopped by the village, and gave up a treasured weapon to the Descendant. The weapon may be copper level only, and will start dull.
Cost: 15 EXP.

Strong: The Descendant is stronger than most, gaining +5 to their strength score. May only be bought once.
Cost: 15 EXP.

Sleeps Around: The Descendant is known for their promiscuous nature. Who knows who many children in the village belong to them? Grants an extra 20 PP to start.
Cost: 20 EXP.

Trained Fighter: The Descendant has been in many fights before, and has learned to hone their body into a fighting machine. This gives them an additional 10 BP to start, and an extra 2 levels in a fighting category of their choice.
Cost: 20 EXP.

Wanderlust: The Descendant has traveled the and collected knowledge of the land and its resources. This feat may only be picked once, with the cost varying based on the resource you pick.
Prime Harvesting Area: 5 EXP.
Copper Lode: 10 EXP.
Iron Lode: 15 EXP.
Neutral Village: 20 EXP (Choose a race)
Friendly Village: 40 EXP (Random Race)

Willful: The Descendant has an extraordinary amount of will power, voicing their opinions on more than one occasion, and gain an additional +5 to their Will stat.

Standard Feats:
Aptitude: When learning a new skill, the Descendant picks it up twice as fast as their counter parts.
Cost: 35 EXP.

Dodge: Descendants with a decent amount of Agility are able to more easily dodge attacks – as long as they wear light armor. +2 to Dodge rolls. This may be taken four times.
Cost: 15 EXP. Requirements: 5 Agility.

Dual Casting: Allows the Descendant to cast two spells of the same Element at once; At the second level, they may increase the damage die on both spells by adding an additional 10 MP per spell; and at level 3, the Descendant may use two Elements at once.
Cost: 20/40/100 EXP. Requires: 30/60/90 Intelligence.

Dual Wield: The Descendant can wield two weapons of the same type at once, allowing them to hit twice, but take a -6 to-hit; At level 2, they may use abilities for the weapons; and at Level 3, they may use different weapon types.
Cost: 20/40/100 EXP. Requires: 20 Strength, 10 Dexterity/40 Strength, 20 Dexterity/70 Strength, 40 Dexterity.

Durable: The Descendant is hardy compared to most, gaining a +10 to their Body Points. May be bought five times – but each new purchase increases the cost by 10 each time; It allows the Descendant to go past the cap of their BP, however.
Cost: 10/20/30/40/50 EXP. Requirements: 10/15/20/25/30 Stamina.

Escape Artist: The Descendant has had their share of close calls; as such, they gain a +6 to escaping grapples per level.
Cost: 10/20/30/40 EXP. Requirements: 15/30/45/60 Dexterity.
Special: Cannot be taken if the Descendant has a Bondage Fetish.
Special: Can be applied to certain situations, such as talking yourself out of a fight. This is at the GM's discretion.

Fleet Feet: The Descendant is so fast, they’re able to move faster than many other of their kind. Increases Base move speed by 1; also increases the cap to 12. May be bought twice.
Cost: 30 EXP. Requirements: 20 Agility

Friendly: There are just some Descendants who come off as people that others just need to know. Because of this, all random encounters for this Descendant start off as Neutral or higher – unless it’s an actively hostile faction. May only be taken once.
Cost: 20 EXP.

Heavy Hitter: By using Melee attacks, the Descendant deals an extra +2 damage. May be taken up to three times.
Cost: 15/30/45 EXP. Requirements: 10/15/20 Strength.

Insatiable: Who knows how the Descendant did it, but they're able to stave off their orgasm for longer than others. Adds 10 to existing PP. May be taken three times.
Cost: 10/20/30 EXP. Requirements: 10/15/20 Will.

Lay of the Land: The Descendant has an intimate knowledge of the land they've explored; when a battle begins, they choose a starting location to be placed. Only needs to be taken once.
Cost: 10 EXP.

Light Sleeper: If the Descendant comes across trouble during a Rest period, they no longer take a -20 to their initiative score.
Cost: 20 EXP.

Lucky: The player may have a re-roll on any critical failure, once per day. This may only be taken once.
Cost: 20 EXP.

Martial Artist: The Descendant gains an additional die to unarmed attacks, up to two extra die. May only be taken twice, allowing someone to have 3d4 damage to unarmed attacks.
Cost: 15 EXP.

Quick Reflexes: By being fast, the Descendant gains a +6 to any initiative roll.
Cost: 40 EXP. Requirements: 30 Agility, Fleet Feet x1.

Rebellious: The Descendant isn't so much rebellious, as much as they hate Slaver scum and their kin, dealing an additional +6 damage to them on each attack. May be taken up to five times.
Cost: 25 EXP.

Resilient: The Descendant is sturdier than most, able to take resounding blows. Adds +2 to Descendant's natural armor. May only be taken twice.
Cost: 25 EXP. Requirements: Stamina: 10

Shibari Lover: If the Descendant has rope, and are using it in a grapple, they can immediately skip to Grapple Level 5 if they win their grapple check by 20. At the second level of this feat, they only need to win by 10; and at the final level, they simply need to win the grapple check.
Cost: 20/40/80 EXP. Requires: Wrestler 2, Escape Artist 2.
Special: Descendants with a Bondage Fetish may take this if they have Wrestler 4.

Smooth Talker: During diplomacy checks, the Descendant gains a +6 to rolls. This may be bought twice.
Cost: 40 EXP.

Summoner's Boon: The Descendant can summon two creatures from the same Element type at once. -CourageWolf
Cost: 40 EXP. Requires: 30 Int.

Wrestler: The Descendant often took part in the wrestling tournies of their village, giving them a +6 to initiating grapples per level.
Cost: 10/20/30/40 EXP. Requirements: 15/30/45/60 Strength. Note: Also applies to advancing in grapple levels.

Weaknesses: A weakness is a trait your character can choose from the beginning, but also ones they pick up throughout their adventures. The refund is only given to you upon character creation.
Addicted to Sex: The Descendant has gotten used to sex, and the thrills it brings, to the point they find themselves becoming distracted easily when going without it. After several in-game hours, they begin to think of it; and after half a day, their rolls are reduced by -1, for every hour, until they have sex.
Refund: 30 EXP – Maikochan

Addictive (Substance): When introduced to an addictive concoction, the Descendant gains double the positive status effects, but also treats the substance as if it were two steps higher on the scale. A character automatically gains this Weakness after being introduced to a substance once.
Refund: 20 EXP.

Beautiful: Not just 'beautiful', but considered a diamond in the rough. Everyone that sees the Descendant is almost immediately attracted to them, giving them a +10 to Charisma checks; but they are often the target of rape, slavers, or random fondling.
Refund: 15 EXP.

Break-In: The Descendant gains a new stat, “Submission”, which starts at 0, and raises to 100. When the stat maxes, the Descendant gives in, and is enslaved by whoever is currently abusing them. They may be rescued (a quest will appear), or sold at either the Slave Market, or through a trader.
Refund: 20 EXP.

Clumsy: The Descendant isn't known for their grace, often tripping over their own feet; the Descendant takes a -2 to Agility and Dexterity, as long as they are not below 3. May be taken five times.
Refund:15 EXP

Dumb: For lack of better words, the Descendant is dumb. They have a -2 to Intelligence and Will.
Refund: 20 EXP.

Demon Eyes: The Descendant has red eyes; as such, they're considered part Beastial Orc (often considered Demons). This puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to any strangers, who will immediately consider the PC as a murderer, rapist, thief, or just generally bad person.
Refund: 15 EXP

Easily Aroused: The Descendant enters the Aroused status after losing only 10 points of their PP, and don't lose it until after combat.
Refund: 15 EXP.

Fertile: Why would you choose this? No, really, why? It increases your Descendant's pregnancy chance by +2 for each time taken. May be bought five times.
...I mean, I know why you're taking it, but let's just pretend I don't.
Refund: 10 EXP.

Fetish: The Descendant has a Fetish, take an additional +8 pleasure damage when attacked with it. This may be taken multiple times, and may also be forced on the Descendant if they're subjected to enough humiliating acts.
Refund: 15 EXP.

Frail: The Descendant is a bit on the small side, taking a -10 to their BP. This may be bought three times, and, as should go without saying, cannot reduce a Descendant's BP below 10.
Refund: 10 EXP.

Fragile: The Descendant takes an extra +2 BP Damage from physical attacks.
Refund: 20 EXP. Requirement: Frail x1.
May be taken 10 times.

Hearing Impaired: The Descendant is hearing impaired; either partially, or completely. With the first level, the Descendant takes a -4 to any hearing-based checks; at the second level, the Descendant is completely deaf, failing the checks automatically.
Refund: 15 EXP for first level, additional 40 EXP for second level. - Maikochan

Hyper Sensitive: The Descendant's sex organs, including breasts and ass, are extremely sensitive, taking +8 PP damage when groped.
Refund: 30 EXP. Requirements: Sensitive x2

Indecent: The Descendant takes an additional +8 Carnal points when having an orgasm, and gains them regularly through consensual sex.
Refund: 40 EXP.

Lactation: Female and Hermaphrodite Descendants have breasts that lactate, causing an additional +2 pleasure damage when groped; when being milked, they take +6 pleasure damage. May only be taken once; and, after being milked several times, this Weakness is applied to the Descendant.
Refund: 20 EXP.

(Enemy) Lover: The player chooses an enemy to be weak against, taking an additional +8 to PP Damage. These can be as vague as categories of enemies (Beasts, Humanoids, Goblinoids, etc.); or they can be very specific (Wolves, Humans, Elves, etc.). These can stack.
Refund: 20 EXP

Lustful: After an orgasm, the Descendant loses an additional 40 PP, putting them closer to an orgasm.
Refund: 40 EXP. Requirements: PP above 50.

Nemesis: There's a difference between a Rival and a Nemesis. While a Rival is often just jealous of a Descendant, the Nemesis is often malevolent to a Descendant. A Nemesis will hunt their opponent down to the ends of Pekol, finding them at the most inopportune moments. It's the 'job' of a Nemesis to make a Descendant their personal bitch. A Nemesis' gender, race, and stats, are all random; they level at the same time a Descendant does.
Refund: 40 EXP.

Masochist: For every two points of BP damage the Descendant takes, they receive half damage to their PP. Taking this a second time makes it so the Descendant takes 1 PP damage per BP damage received.
Refund: 15/30 EXP.

Mentally Unstable: The Descendant gains a new stat, “Sanity”, which starts at 100; as the Descendant is subjected to horrors of the Ancients, the stat decreases. Upon reaching 0, the Descendant snaps, losing their mind and serving the Ancients until rescued, making them unplayable.
Refund: 30 EXP.

Milk Cow: When being milked for 2 rounds, the Descendant enters the Horny status.
Requirements: Milk Slut x2.

Milk Slut: The Descendant, either Male or Female, gain +6 PP from being milked; this may be taken up to four times.
EXP Refund: 10 EXP. Requirements: Laction for Females; Males and Herms do not need lactation.

Rival: The Descendant has a rival in the village. It's nothing too bad, and the rival may not even want to hurt the character; really, they just want to embarrass him or her. You're allowed to make up a Rival, but their stats are determined randomly. Most rivals are only interested in mucking up the adventures of a Descendant – but sometimes may be interested in a bit... more.
Refund: 15 EXP.

Sensitive: The Descendant is far more sensitive than average, taking an extra +2 to all attacks that deal pleasure damage. May be taken five times.
Refund: 15 EXP.

Slow: Slower than a pregnant Stoneback... with three legs. The Descendant receives -2 to Dexterity and Agility.
Refund: 20 EXP. Requirements: Dexterity and Agility must be higher than 3.

Slut: Partly an RP attitude, but also a -10 to the Descendant's PP. Maybe taken up to 5 times, as long as the character's PP doesn't drop below 10.
Refund: 10 EXP.

Sterile: Put in here just in case players don't want their Descendants to mother (or sire) any children. This is a free Weakness, and doesn't count towards your three starting weaknesses.

Submissive: While facing Slavers, or an opponent that has recently dominated the Descendant, they take a -4 to their to-hit rolls, and a -6 to their damage. May only be taken once.
Refund: 20 EXP.

Tantric Restoration: The Descendant doesn't restore their mana pool by communing with their God every night; instead, it's restored by having orgasms. 5 MP is restored for every orgasm brought on by themselves; 20 for every orgasm brought on by others.
Refund: 20 EXP.

Ugly: The Descendant is extremely unattractive, taking a -12 to all Charisma checks; on the plus side, they'll probably be left for dead when a Slaver knocks them out.
Refund: 15 EXP.

Visually Impaired: The Descendant has trouble seeing – or is completely blind. With level one, the Descendant takes a -4 to any spot checks involving sight; at the second level, they're completely blind, and automatically fail those checks.
Refund: 15 EXP for the first level, and an additional 40 EXP for the second level. - Maikochan

Weak: The Descendant is weaker than most. -2 to Strength and Stamina. May only be taken once.
Refund: 20 EXP. Requirements: Strength and Stamina must higher than 3.

Weak Connection: When having sex, the Descendant's MP falls by 2d4 with each round.
Refund: 20 EXP. May only be taken once.

Xenophobe: The Descendants fear of other cultures spreading is a major deterrent to their relationships with others outside of the tribe; Each new tribe they meet starts at the 'Chilly' scale for friendliness. May only be taken once.
Refund: 15 EXP.
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Re: Outerlands Character Creation

To start, only wooden and stone weapons may be chosen, unless you start with the Rare Weapon feat.

Weapons have four different types of durability. From worst to best: Dull, Worn, Sharp, or Masterwork. Masterwork weapons never degrade in quality. Other weapons degrade each time they are used; once they reach a certain point, they go from being sharp to worn, or worn to dull. All weapons, save for wooden ones, may be sharpened.

Axes: Axes are meant to deal massive amounts of damage, no matter the material. While dull, they can still be used to bludgeon foes to death.
Clubs: Clubs are used to bludgeon enemies into unconsciousness, dealing nonlethal damage. Clubs are broken when their durability reaches 0.
Daggers: Daggers are light weapons, used in dealing high critical hit damage. Daggers may be used while grappled, until the Descendant is put into a submission hold.
Hand-to-hand: People who focus on fighting hand-to-hand disorient, disable, and disarm their opponents; they also are experts at grappling.
Polearms: Polearms are used to attack multiple enemies around the wielder, but also to knock them from their feet. Instead of being able to strike from 1 meter away, Polearms may strike from 2 Meters.
Ranged Weapons: Ranged Weapons never lose their sharpness, but they may break unless repaired. These are used to assault enemies from range; sometimes even multiple enemies at once.
Swords: Sword users focus on parrying and rebuking physical attacks, often leaving their foe ready for a final blow.

Weapon Tiers/Cost:
Dull: 1d6, 7 EXP; Worn: 1d8, 15 Durability, 15 EXP; Sharp: 1d10, 20 Durability, 20 EXP.
1d4, 60 Durability, 15 EXP.
Dull: 1d2, 3 EXP; Worn: 1d3, 7 Durability, 7 EXP; Sharp: 1d4, 10 Durability, 10 EXP.
Dull: 1d4, 5 EXP; Worn: 1d5, 10 Durability, 10 EXP; Sharp: 1d6, 15 Durability, 15 EXP.
Dull: 1d3, 5 EXP; Worn: 1d4, 10 Durability, 10 EXP; Sharp: 1d5, 15 Durability, 15 EXP.
Ranged Weaponry:
Short Bow: 1d3 damage, 30 durability, 10 Meters (max), 15 EXP
Long Bow: 1d6 damage, 20 durability, 5 Meters (Min), 15 Meters (Max), 20 EXP.
Wooden Arrow: Adds +1 damage. 2 arrows for 1 EXP.
Dull: 2d6, 10 EXP; Worn: 2d8, 25 Durability, 25 EXP; Sharp: 2d10, 35 Durability, 35 EXP.
2d4, 90 Durability, 30 EXP.
Dull: 2d2, 7 EXP; Worn: 2d3, 10 Durability, 10 EXP; Sharp: 2d4, 15 Durability, 15 EXP.
Dull: 2d4, 10 EXP; Worn: 2d5, 15 Durability, 15 EXP; Sharp: 2d6, 25 Durability, 20 EXP.
Dull: 2d3, 10 EXP; Worn: 2d4, 15 Durability, 15 EXP; Sharp: 2d5, 20 Durability, 20 EXP.
Ranged Weaponry:
Reinforced Short Bow: 2d3 damage, 40 Durability, 15 Meters (Max), 25 EXP.
Reinforced Long Bow: 2d6 damage, 30 Durability, 5 Meters (Min), 25 Meters (Max), 35 EXP.
Stone-tipped arrow: Adds +2 damage. 1 arrow for 1 EXP.
Dull: 3d6; Worn: 3d8, 40 Durability; Sharp: 3d10, 55 Durability; Masterwork: 5d10.
3d6, 120 Durability; Masterwork: 5d6.
Dull: 3d2; Worn: 3d3, 15 Durability; Sharp: 3d4, 25 Durability; Masterwork: 5d4.
Copper Bracers; adds 3 die onto damage roll, 45 Durability.
Dull: 3d4; Worn: 3d5, 25 Durability; Sharp: 3d6, 40 Durability; Masterwork: 5d6.
Dull: 3d3; Worn: 3d4, 20 Durability; Sharp: 3d5, 30 Durability; Masterwork: 5d5
Ranged Weaponry:
Copper Short Bow: 3d3 Damage, 50 Durability, 20 Meters (Max).
Masterwork: 5d3 Damage.
Copper Long Bow: 3d6 Damage, 40 Durability, 5 Meters (Min), 35 Meters (Max).
Masterwork: 5d6 Damage.
Copper Arrows: Adds +3 to damage.
Dull: 4d6; Worn: 4d8, 55 Durability; Sharp: 4d10, 70 Durability; Masterwork: 6d10
4d4, 160 Durability; Masterwork: 6d4.
Dull: 4d2; Worn: 4d3, 30 Durability; Sharp: 4d4, 40 Durability; Masterwork: 6d4.
Bronze Guantlets; adds adds 4 die onto the damage roll, 60 Durability.
Dull: 4d4; Worn: 4d5, 35 Durability; Sharp: 4d6, 45 Durability; Masterwork: 6d6
Dull: 4d3; Worn: 4d4, 30 Durability; Sharp: 4d5, 40 Durability; Masterwork: 6d5
Ranged Weaponry:
Bronze Short Bow: 4d3, 65 Durability, 20 Meters (Max).
Masterwork: 6d3 Damage.
Bronze Long Bow: 4d6, 50 Durability, 5 Meters (Min), 45 Meters (Max).
Masterwork: 6d6 Damage.
Bronze Arrows: Adds +4 to Damage.
Dull: 5d8; Worn: 5d10, 50 Durability; Sharp: 5d12, 75 Durability; Masterwork: 7d12
5d6, 180 Durability; Masterwork: 7d6
Dull: 5d4; Worn: 5d5, 45 Durability; Sharp: 5d6, 55 Durability; Masterwork: 7d5
Bladed Guantlets; Adds an extra 5 die onto a damage roll, 75 Durability.
Dull: 5d6; Worn: 5d7, Durability: 50; Sharp: 5d8, 65 Durability; Masterwork: 7d8
Dull: 5d5; Worn: 5d6, Durability: 40; Sharp: 5d7, 55 Durability; Masterwork: 7d7
Ranged Weaponry:
Iron Short Bow: 5d5, 80 Durability, 20 Meters(Max)
Masterwork: 7d5
Iron Long Bow: 5d8, 60 Durability, 5 Meters (Min), 45 Meters (Max)
Masterwork: 7d8
Iron Arrow: +6 to Damage.
Dull: 6d8; Worn: 6d10, 80 Durability; Sharp: 6d12, 120 Durability; Masterwork: 8d12.
6d6, 220 Durability; Masterwork: 4d10
Dull: 6d4; Worn: 6d5, Durability: 60; Sharp: 6d6, 75 Durability; Masterwork: 8d6
Hook Guantlets; adds 6 die onto the Damage roll, 75 Durability.
Dull: 6d6; Worn: 6d7, Durability: 65; Sharp: 6d8, 90 Durability; Masterwork: 8d8.
Dull: 6d5; Worn: 6d6, Durability: 60; Sharp: 6d7, 80 Durability; Masterwork: 8d7
Ranged Weaponry:
Steel Short Bow: 6d5, 120 Durability, 20 Meters(Max)
Masterwork: 8d5.
Steel Long Bow: 6d8, 100 Durability, 5 Meters (Min), 45 Meters (Max)
Masterwork: 8d8
Steel Arrow: +8 to damage.
Dull: 8d8; Worn: 8d10, 140 Durability; Sharp: 8d12, 180 Durability; Masterwork: 10d12.
8d6, 400 Durability; Masterwork: 10d6
Dull: 8d4; Worn: 8d5, Durability: 75 Durability; Sharp: 8d6, 90 Durability; Masterwork: 10d6
Plate Gauntlets; adds 8 die onto the damage roll, 110 Durability. Masterwork: adds 10 die onto the damage roll.
Dull: 8d6; Worn: 8d7, 90 Durability; Sharp: 8d8, 110 Durability; Masterwork: 10d8
Dull: 8d5; Worn: 8d6, 80 Durability; Sharp: 8d7, 100 Durability; Masterwork: 10d7.
Ranged Weaponry:
Aylatium Short Bow: 8d5, 180 Durability; 30 Meters (Max)
Masterwork: 10d5
Aylatium Long Bow: 8d8, 140 Durability, 5 Meters (Min), 60 Meters (Max).
Masterwork: 10d8.
Aylatium Arrows: +12 to Damage.

Abilities: Abilities can be bought once you reach a certain level in your combat skill. They don't require energy to use, but can exhaust your character quickly.
Hand to Hand Combat: Hand-to-hand combat focuses on grappling, as well as using your entire body to attack. -Hali
Stunning Fist: The Descendant strikes an opponent hard in the chest, attempting to stun them for 1d4 rounds, with a 50% chance. Enemies in Heavy Armor can't be stunned.
Skill Level: 1, FP Cost: 5.
Cost: 25 EXP.

Swift Movement: Having trained their body, Descendants are able to move faster during a battle. For every 10 FP spent, the Descendant is able to move an additional two meters (Going past the cap).
Skill Level: 1, FP Cost: 10.
Cost: 15 EXP.

Rush: The Descendant forfeits an attack, sprinting towards an enemy, doubling their movement speed if need be.
Skill Level: 2, FP Cost: 20.
Cost: 20 EXP.

Disarm: The Descendant attack and opponent, trying to rip the weapon from their hands. This uses a Dexterity (attacker) vs. Strength Check.
Skill Level: 3, FP Cost: 25.
Cost: 45 EXP.

Leaping Attack: The Descendant moves before and after an attack, using their advanced speed. Can be used with Rush.
Skill Level: 3, FP Cost: 40.
Cost: 40 EXP.

Run By: If the Descendant ends their turn on the other side of an opponent from which they started, the opponent takes damage, with only their armor doing damage mitigation.
Skill Level: 4, FP Cost: 30.
Cost: 30 EXP.

Submission: While grappling, the Descendant can deal unarmed damage.
Skill Level: 4, FP Cost: None.
Cost: 35 EXP.

Weapon Reversal: By grabbing onto a weapon, the Descendant can pull it from an opponent's hands and use it against them. Uses the same mechanics as Disarm.
Skill Level: 4, FP Cost: 40.
Cost: 55 EXP.

Clear Mind: By exchanging Fatigue Points for their Will, the Descendant can dodge incoming magic attacks easily. May only exchange up to 10 FP for 10 more Will.
Skill Level: 5, FP Cost: 10.
Cost: 50 EXP.

Ki Fists: The Descendant summons energy to their fists, surrounding it with the Element of their Kin.
Skill Level: 5, FP Cost: 15
Cost: 75 EXP.

Sunder: The Descendant attacks an enemy's weapon or armor, attempting to break it. Based off Strength vs. Enemy's Dexterity + DC roll of 20.
Skill Level: 10, FP Cost: 50
Cost: 100 EXP.

Ranged Weaponry: Ranged weaponry focuses on multiple attacks, but also accuracy. -Hali
Close Shot: As long as the Descendant is using a shortbow, they gain +1 on their to-hit and damage rolls if an enemy is within 5 meters.
Skill Level: 1, FP Cost: None.
Cost: 25 EXP.

Sprint Shot: The Descendant moves both before and after an attack, but at half the speed they usually can.
Skill Level: 1, FP Cost: 15.
Cost: 15 EXP.

Far Shot: By exerting themselves, the Descendant is able to shoot an arrow further, simply by slipping some of their essence into the arrow. The Descendant adds on 20 Meters to their range.
Skill Level: 2, FP Cost: 25.
Cost: 35 EXP.

Precise Shot: Trained with a Bow, the Descendant is able to shoot into a battle without harming their allies.
Skill Level: 3, FP Cost: None.
Cost: 45 EXP.

Improved Precise Shot: As long as the Descendant can see some part of their enemy, they're able to attack.
Skill Level: 4. Requires: Precise Shot, FP Cost: 10.
Cost: 25 EXP.

Quick Fire: The Descendant is able to fire off two arrows in the same round, gaining a double attack. The second attack takes a -6 to it's to-hit roll.
Skill Level: 5, FP Cost: 10.
Cost: 45 EXP.

Multi Shot: Even with a longbow, the Descendant is able to fire multiple arrows at an enemy within 5 meters. While the character doesn't take a to-hit modification, they do pay 10 FP per arrow fired. May be taken up to 5 times; you may fire only one arrow per level.
Skill Level: 8, FP Cost: 10/Arrow
Cost: 45 EXP a level.
Axes: Axes focus on damage and the ability Rage. -Hali
Cleave: While fighting, if a Descendant knocks out or kills an enemy, they are allowed a free attack on an adjacent enemy. The attack suffers a -6 on it's to-hit.
Skill Level: 1, FP Cost: 5.
Cost: 15 EXP.

Power Attack: By swinging with all their might, the Descendant is allowed to take up to 10 points of their Fatigue Points, and apply that to their damage.
Skill Level 1, FP Cost: Up to 10.
Cost: 25 EXP

Rage: Increases both Strength and Stamina by 5, but decreases Will by 10; no magic or magical items may be used while in Rage. The Descendant doesn't stop until d6 rounds; the battle ends; or until they choose to stop.
Skill Level: 2, FP Cost: 15.
Cost: 45 EXP.

Animal Fury: Too busy swinging your axe to kill someone? Bite them instead for 2d6 damage! This bite attack is a 'free' action, unless being grappled. Special: The bite deals double damage while raging.
Skill Level: 2, FP Cost: 10
Cost: 35 EXP.

Beastly Blow: Causes bleeding damage for d4 rounds, at d6 damage per round.
Skill Level: 3, FP Cost: 15
Cost: 45 EXP.

Elemental Rage: Before the Descendant begins to Rage, they may choose if their attacks are filled with their Elemental Damage or not.
Skill Level: 4. Requires: Rage, FP cost: 25
Cost: 55 EXP.

Magic Eater: While in a Rage, the Descendant gains a saving throw against one spell.
Skill Level: 4. Requires: Rage, FP Cost: 20

Body Bludgeon: While in a Rage, the Descendant is able to grab onto an enemy of their size (or smaller), and use them as a club. The enemy deals d6 damage + Str Mod, but also takes d8 damage + Str Mod in return.
Skill Level: 5. Requires: Rage, FP Cost: 25
Cost: 45 EXP.

Improved Cleave: If the Cleave attack kills the enemy it's targetting, the Descendant is able to perform another Cleave. This also removes the -6 to-hit penalty.
Skill Level: 5. Requires: Cleave, FP Cost: 10..
Cost: 65 EXP.

Improved Critical: The Descendant only needs to roll a 19 instead of a 20 to score a critical hit, but only with axes.
Skill Level: 10, FP Cost: None.
Cost: 100 EXP.

Polearms: The Polearms abilities focus on hitting multiple enemies at once. -Hali
Thrust and Sweep: The Descendant thrusts their spear forward, then attacks in a 90 degree cone in front of them, dealing regular damage to the first enemy, and d8 to the rest. Costs 10 BP to use.
Skill Level: 1, FP Cost: 10
Cost: 15 EXP.

Trample: The Descendant strikes hard, knocking down an opponent this turn.
Skill Level: 1, FP Cost: 5
Cost: 15 EXP.

Angled Strike: The Descendant gains +8 to-hit on prone targets, but also +4 to their damage.
Skill Level: 2, FP Cost: None.
Cost: 25 EXP.

Sweeping strike: The Descendant swings their weapon in a 180 degree arc, attacking enemies on almost all sides.
Skill Level: 2, FP Cost: 25.
Cost: 35 EXP.

Thrusting strike: The Descendant attacks in a line, hitting two enemies if possible.
Skill Level: 2, FP Cost: 10
Cost: 35 EXP.

Pole-Charge: The Descendant moves half their speed, but charges enemies in front of them, attacking three enemies behind them. Deals d12 damage for each impaled enemy, plus regular damage.
Skill level: 4, FP Cost: 35
Cost: 55 EXP.

Spirited Charge: When charging, the Descendant can choose to deal 4x damage to one enemy, or 2x damage to three enemies.
Skill Level: 5, FP Cost: 15.
Cost: 50 EXP.

Come and Get Me: The Descendant tempts enemies to come attack them, using a Intelligence vs Will check.
Skill Level: 1, FP Cost: 1.
Cost: 10 EXP.

Parry: By giving up their turn, the Descendant enters a defensive stance, getting a +10 to their dodge roll.
Skill Level: 1, FP Cost: 5.
Cost: 15 EXP.

Riposte: After parrying an attack, the Descendant quickly attacks back, dealing +d6 damage, and standard weapon damage. May be taken 5 times, allowing up to 5 enemies to be attacked in one turn.
Skill Level: 2. Requirements: Parry, FP Cost: 5
Cost: 25 EXP.

Knock Back: After parrying an attack, the Descendant lashes out in some form or another, knocking an enemy back 2 meters.
Skill Level: 2. Requirements: Parry, FP Cost: 5
Cost: 35 EXP.

Magic Rebuke: After parrying an attack, the Descendant can turn a Ranged spell into a Touch Spell, and simply casts it on the enemy. The Descendant leaves their defensive stance after this attack.
Skill Level: 3. Requirements: Parry, FP Cost: 15
Cost: 35 EXP.

Flashing Steel: After parrying, the Descendant attacks twice in a turn. They leave their defensive stance after this attack.
Skill Level: 4. Requirements: Parry, FP Cost: 10
Cost: 55 EXP.

Nimble: The Descendant gains a permanent +10 to their dodge skill, as long as they're wielding a sword.
Skill Level: 5, FP Cost: 25
Cost: 40 EXP.

Disarm: The Descendant parries an attack, and immediately disarms the opponent's weapon.
Skill Level: 5, FP Cost: 20
Cost: 85.

Like Water: The Descendant has trained themselves to parry attacks to the point enemies can barely hit them; they gain +2 to their dodge skill based on the amount of enemies attempting to attack them at once.
Skill Level: 10, FP Cost: 10
Cost: 100.

Clubs: Clubs focus on disabling and knocking down opponents.
Overhead Swing: The Descendant swings their club over their head, hitting their opponent in the head, dealing an extra d6 damage + Strength modifier, with a 10% chance of knocking an opponent out for d5 rounds.
Skill Level: 1, FP Cost: 5
Cost: 10 EXP.

Pummel: The Descendant makes d6 (minimum of two) rapid strikes against an enemy, dealing -3 damage on each strike.
Skill Level: 1, FP cost: 10
Cost: 25 EXP.

Upwards Swing: The Descendant swings their club upwards, hitting their opponent on the chin and knocking them into the air. Causes the status effect Mute for d3 rounds, and knocks an opponent down.
Skill Level: 2, FP Cost: 20

Batter Up: The Descendant moves forward one meter, swinging their club and striking their opponent in the chest hard, driving them back 10 Meters and dealing an extra d10 damage.
Skill Level: 3, FP cost: 25
Cost: 45 EXP

Whirling Blow: Swinging their club in a circle, the Descendant strikes their opponent without warning, causing an extra d4 damage, and Confusion for d4 rounds.
Skill Level: 3, FP Cost: 30
Cost: 60 EXP

Jab: While the tactic seems odd, the Descendant can stop even an Ogre in battle by jabbing their abdomen with a club. Stuns an enemy for one round.
Special: Interrupts an action by an enemy if targeting the Descendant using this ability.
Skill Level: 4, FP cost: 40
Cost: 75 EXP

Knock-Out: Swinging their club particularly hard, the Descendant knocks their opponent out cold for d6 rounds (minimum of 3), and knocks them down to the ground. Requires a Strength (attacker) vs. Stamina check to succeed.
Special: The Descendant drops to last position for Initiative the next round.
Skill Level: 5, FP cost: 55
Cost: 100 EXP.

Daggers: Daggers specialize in dealing extra damage to unaware victims, but also securing critical hits.
Slash: The Descendant slashes twice at a target, dealing standard damage.
Skill Level: 1, FP Cost: 2
Cost: 10 EXP.

Weak Point: Finding a weak point in an opponent's armor, the Descendant exploits it, and deals triple damage. If used as a called attack, critical chances are lowered from 20 to 17, but the triple damage is lost.
Skill Level: 1, FP Cost: None.
Cost: 15 EXP.

Assassinate: Sneaking up on an unaware opponent, the Descendant attempts to kill them in a single hit, requiring a check of Agility + Strength (attacker) vs. Stamina + Will (Defender). Success kills the target; failure causes 3d6 damage.
Skill Level: 2, FP Cost: 25.
Cost: 25 EXP.

Dash: Sprinting forward up to 10 + Character Speed, the Descendant leaps onto an opponent's back and stabs their enemy d4 times, knocking an enemy down.
Skill Level: 3, FP Cost: 5/Meter
Cost: 40

Vitals: When scoring a critical hit, the Descendant deals 4x damage instead of the standard 2x damage; and 6x damage if undetected.
Skill Level: 4, FP Cost: None.
Cost: 60 EXP

Critical Knowledge: The Descendant has practiced their striking skills to vital areas, making critical hits happen from a roll of 17 or higher.
Skill Level: 6, FP Cost: None.
Cost: 85 EXP.

Armor: Armor comes in all different shapes and materials. To begin with, only Padded and Leather armor may be bought. When the durability on Armor fails, it's considered useless, and no longer mitigates damage.

Armor comes in three different varieties: Light, Medium, and Heavy.
Padded Armor:Also known as 'clothing'.
Light: A little heavier than basic clothing. Damage Mitigation: 3; Durability: 20. EXP Cost: 5
Medium: Heavier clothing, which can be used in cold regions. Damage Mitigation: 4; Durability: 20. To-hit modifier: -2. EXP Cost: 10
Heavy Armor: Thick padding, meant to mitigate blunt impacts. Damage mitigation: 5; Durability: 20. To hit modifier: -4, Magic Damage Modifier: -2. EXP Cost: 15
Leather Armor:
Light: Thin leather, with padded armor beneath it. Damage Mitigation: 7; Durability: 25.EXP Cost: 15
Medium: Thicker Leather, with padded armor. Damage Mitigation: 9; Durability: 35. To-hit Modifier: -4 EXP Cost: 25.
Heavy: Thick Leather plates, with thick padded armor. Damage Mitigation: 11; Durability: 40. To-hit Modifier: -6, Magic Damage Modifier: -4. EXP Cost: 35
Chain Mail:
Light: Chain mail draped over light padded armor. Damage Mitigation: 14; Durability: 35.
Medium: Heavy Padded armor with chain mail covering vital areas. Damage Mitigation: 18; Durability: 45. To-hit Modifier: -6
Heavy: Chain mail over padded armor, with leather covering vulnerable areas. Damage Mitigation: 22; Durability: 55. To-hit modifier: -6, Magic Damage Modifier: -8
Plate Mail:
Light: Light Plate Mail is heavy, and still requires some strength to wear it. Damage mitigation: 30; Durability: 80. Strength: 50. Stamina: 40.
Medium: Medium Plate mail is thicker, but doesn't cover many vital points. Damage Mitigation: 45; Durability: 100; to-hit Modifier: -12 Strength: 70; Stamina: 50.
Heavy: Covers all vital points, allowing for fluid movements and protection. Damage Mitigation: 60; Durability: 60; to-hit Modifier: -12; Magic Damage Modifier: -20; Speed Modifier: -6 meters. Strength: 90. Stamina: 70.

Bucklers/Shields:Bucklers and Shields add onto armor; but Axe users can only wield Shields, and Sword users may wield Bucklers.
Wooden Buckler: A simple wooden buckler. 20 Durability. Block chance: 5%
Wooden Shield: A large shield, designed to cover a wielder from most damage. 25 durability. Block chance: 10%. -6 Dodge.

Reinforced Buckler: A buckler reinforced with extra wood. 30 Durability. Block Chance: 10%.
Kite Shield: A shield reinforced, giving it extra durability. 35 Durability. Block Chance: 20%. -8 Dodge.

Copper Buckler: A buckler made from Copper. 40 Durability. Block chance: Block Chance: 15%.
Copper Shield: A larger shield, designed to absorb more blows. 45 Durability. Block Chance: 30%. -12 Dodge

Iron Buckler: Oh look, another buckler, made from Iron. 50 Durability. Block Chance: 20%.
Iron Shield: A shield made from Iron. 55 Durability. Block Chance: 40%. -16 Dodge.

Aylatium Buckler: A buckler made of Aylatium, reinforced with Steel. 85 Durability. Block Chance: 30%.
Ayaltium Shield: You guessed it: A shield, made from Aylatium! 90 Durability. Block Chance: 60%. -20 Dodge
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Re: Outerlands Character Creation

Sample Character Sheet:

Racial Traits:

Body Points:
Pleasure Points:
Fatigue Points:
Magic Points:


Carnal Addiction: 0/100

Ranged Weapons:




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Re: Outerlands Character Creation/Rules

This is a Chargen that uses Open Office Calculator.


  • OuterlandsChargen.zip
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Re: Outerlands Character Creation/Rules

The Rules/System
Outerlands will be a somewhat standard Tabletop RPG played in a Play-by-Post format. PCs will have their own threads, dedicated to different characters, which will be updated; the main Village thread will be updated every cycle (more on this below). While it's allowed, and even encouraged, to have multiple characters, only one character may be played at a time.

General Rules:
The rules are fairly straight forward and simple. You decide your character's actions, and the outcomes are decided on a d20 based system. This can range from simple tasks, such as climbing a tree to get a better vantage point; mining a resource node to get valuable materials; trading, or interacting with, NPCs; and fighting enemies.

Your character, a Descendant, is literally a child of a God or Goddess; as such, they have access to feats (and weaknesses), as well as spells they may cast, based on the elemental affinity of their parent(s). Many opponents won't be able to use magic, but still may have an elemental affinity.

This is a multiplayer game, as all Descendants come from the same village. It's their main job to protect the tribe, as well as provide a majority of the resources. This won't require returning to the village after resources are collected.

Battle Rules:
Combat starts when either diplomacy fails, or you come across an enemy in the wilds. At the beginning of the battle, initiative is rolled, determining who will go first in combat. Characters will be placed on the map based on their starting position, unless they have the feat Lay of the Land.

Your Speed is determined by Agility/5; for each one speed you have, your character may move one meter (represented by a square on the map). Your character can move, then attack; but once they've attacked, their turn for the round is considered over. Certain feats and abilities will let you move after an attack.

Your to-hit for an attack is determined by your Dexterity, as well as your Skill with the current weapon. An opponent's dodge is determined by their Speed and any other Feats they may have. Damage for an attack is determined by your Strength for Melee; Dexterity for your Ranged; or Intelligence for Magic; Damage reduction is determined by Armor and Stamina for Physical attacks, but only Will for Magical attacks.

Every time you attack, you gain points towards your Skills, which fall into one of five categories:
Hand-to-Hand; Swords; Axes; Polearms; Ranged Weaponry; and Magic. Even if your attack fails, your Descendant learns something from the experience.

Non battle rolls:
Stealth is your Agility vs. Dexterity.
Diplomacy checks, as well as charisma based checks, are your Intelligence vs. Will.
Grapple Rules:
The grapple system in Outerlands is represented in stages, representing various disadvantages to the character being grappled. Just like most games, grapple checks are done with strength + d20 vs. strength + d20; up until Stage 5, the final stage, which is dexterity + d20 vs. strength + d20.

Like with the other parts of the battle system, characters can grapple in teams, and attempt to escape grapple from teams.

Stage 1: Initial grapple. The character can still attack and cast spells.
Stage 2: The character is lightly held, and has a -6 on to-hit for attacks, and a -8 to spells.
Stage 3: The character is held in a way they can no longer move their body to attack, stuck in a submission hold; they can only cast touch spells.
Stage 4: The character can only attempt to escape.
Stage 5: The character is completely bound by rope, vines or tentacles; in such, they are completely bound, and can only escape when their team mates help them do so. A character or monster without any sort of natural binding equipment (They need to have rope, shackles, or hand cuffs on them.)
Magic and Magic Points!
Magic's pretty weak in this game, even though only Descendants and certain NPCs will have it. That being said, Magic is made to have some of the highest damage output available – as long as your character has the ability to wield it.

When casting magic, you can increase the amount of hit die added onto the damage by one with each additional ten MP your character spends on the spell – but only up to their current magic level may be added. That means, if your character is only magic level one, they can only add on one additional die to their current attack. This bonus goes to Damage over Time effects, but no other Status Effects are changed from it.

The only spells not affected by this MP boost are Massive Spells and Summon spells.

Group Battles:
When traveling in groups, Descendants face tougher threats, as would be expected; There are two things that happen when they fight in groups.
1) In regular battles, when attacking the same enemy, Descendants will have their to-hit, dodge, and damage mitigation combined, making foes much easier to fight and defeat. Damage rolls are only combined if the Descendants focus on one creature.
2) In battles with Giant Monsters or Legendary bosses, the enemy's damage, dodge, and damage-mitigation is dropped. For Legendary Bosses, their to-hit is dropped; however, since most Giant Monsters are so slow, their to-hit is usually low. Each Descendant after the first reduces the Giant Monster's stat down to a predetermined point.

Special Combat Rules – Counter System:
Being predictable in combat is a good way to lose. That being said, the most predictable thing you can do is use the same abilities and techniques... over and over again. To reflect this, there's a system in place:
For every ability, if it's used within the same three rounds, the enemy it's targeting gets a 25% chance to not only block the attack, but also reflect damage and status effect back onto the user. This chance increases by 25% each time the ability is used within three rounds.
The same goes to spells; however, instead of being reflected back, it's only a dodge chance.

Sex happens. When your character is initiating sex, or being forced into it, there are dice rolls that determine the outcome of the sexual congress. If it's consensual, and there's nothing at stake, these rolls won't be made. Upon an orgasm (when a character's PP hits 0), the character suffers 2d10 BP damage.

As with battle, if being sexually assaulted by more than one enemy, their damage stacks. The same applies to Descendant's 'assaulting' the same enemy.

Performing sex is done with d20 + Stamina; resisting them is through d20 + will. If the defending player fails the check, they take pleasure damage, with their attack taking a fraction of it.
Foreplay: 1d6 PP damage + Stamina / 5; no damage returned to the attacker.
Oral: 2d6 PP damage + Stamina / 5; 1d8 damage returned to the attacker.
Penetrative: 4d6 PP damage + Stamina / 5; 2d8 damage returned to the attacker.

Carnal Addiction:
Corruption; Defilement; Sluttiness; Non-Purity. Carnal Addiction is how close the Descendant is to gaining another weakness of some kind. When the score reaches 100, the player chooses a new Weakness to add onto their Descendant. The accumulation of Carnal Addiction is as follows:

Being groped: +1 CA
Penetration: +d4 CA per round.
Orgasm: +d10 CA
Fetishes: +2 CA each round.
Being Milked (Breasts or Cock): +4 CA per round.

Status Effects:
Aroused: The character takes a -10 to their to-hit rolls; when being convinced or coerced to have sex, the character takes a -6 on Charisma checks. Dropping to three-fourths of your current PP automatically puts you in this state.

Blinded: The character takes a -20 on their to-hit rolls; they automatically fail spot checks.

Horny: The character has to make a will check versus the nearest creature to continue functioning each round. If the will check is lost, the character tries to have sex with the creature. A character, if there's no one around, is able to take care of their own needs.

Insane: The Descendant has lost their mind. They can be rescued, and their sanity restored.

Knocked Down: A character has hit the ground. They can forfeit a turn to get up; otherwise, they can attack physically with a melee weapon. Magic and Ranged weapons cannot be used.

Knocked Out: The character is unconscious for d10 rounds; they can be revived by allies. If in a single player thread, actions still happen as determined by the GM.

Pregnant: The character has been impregnated, and, after several cycles, will have to stay at the village for her

Rested: Non-human Descendants gain double EXP for their next encounter.

Slave (PC): The character is enslaved or indentured to another Player Character.

Slave (NPC): The character has been enslaved and broken by a NPC. They can either be rescued or purchased.

Slowed: The character moves at half speed.

Stunned: A character is unable to move temporarily. They're still cognoscente of the world around them, however.

The Village Thread and Cycles
Every time a group of posts is completed is a Cycle – an indeterminate amount of time. This will only affect the main thread, also known as the Village. It will be where characters can interact with each other; but also where resources are collected, processed, etc. Here's where a very important concept comes into play: SPACE. TIME. CONTINUUM.

Descendants are able to be in two places at once, as long as one of those places is the village they start in. This allows them to craft, harvest, and help defend the village from raids. Female Descendants, when in their second and third trimesters, are forced into the village, but may still craft and harvest as needed.

Resource Pools:
It's up to the players whether they'll pool resources with everyone or not. This will decided before the game starts.
Food and Water will always be pooled with no exceptions.

Food and Water is both collected by villagers every cycle, but is also consumed during a cycle. The amount consumed depends on the amount of villagers, and the type. Refer below:
Children: 2 food, 1 water
Adults: 1 food, 2 water
Elderly: 1 food, 1 water
Descendants on maternity leave: 3 food, 3 water.
The village, as a whole, only brings in 10 food and 10 water per cycle. Upgrades can be bought to increase the amount of consumables brought in; but the Descendants will mainly be responsible for finding them.

Quests will be posted based on availability, but also based on a random choice if certain quests haven't opened. To partake a quest, a Descendant will need to return to the village before heading out on it again, where a special thread will be made. I will try to limit the amount of quests that actively require a group of people to post.

Certain Quests will result in negative consequences for the Village the longer they remain, including: Loss of consumables; net loss in consumable gain; Loss of villagers (Descendants will never be captured in this manner); and loss in upgrades. I will point out a quest of this nature when it's posted.

Upon finishing a quest, the Descendant will return to their thread to cause havoc.

Other villages:
Other Villages, as well as Cities, may be encountered in your travels. Most of these villages, unless you have certain feats, start at 'Neutral' on a sliding scale. Their reactions to your village and it's inhabitants will be based on the scale below:
Loathed Entirely – Anytime a character is spotted, combat is initiated.
Hated – Combat is almost always initiated; however, unlike Loathed, you can still improve relations.
Chilly – Combat only begins if the village feels threatened; resources are traded, but at higher values than usual.
Neutral – Combat only begins if the village feels threatened. They'll willingly trade with the Descendants at above-average prices.
Happy – Combat is only started in extreme situations. Prices are even during trading.
BFFs – Combat is never started, unless forced on them. Prices for trading resources are decreased.
Allies – Combat is never started. As Allies, the village willingly moves closer to the Descendants, and adds onto it's production. At this point, Descendants may be made from the race of the village.

Villages that are either on the Hated or Loathed Scale will send forces to attack the Descendant's village. The strength of their forces is determined by the highest level weapon smith, armor smith, and the general fighting population being sent. The defending village's rolls are determined by weapon smith, armor smith, fortifications, and the general fighting populace. Please note: While NPC villages may be destroyed in this way, the Descendant's village can never be destroyed; but it can lose all none-Descended villagers.

Annexing a village occurs when the Descendant's village has traded so often with the NPC's. Essentially, the culture of the Descendant's village overtakes that of the NPC's. This takes about as long as it does to become an Ally with a tribe.

PC Slavery:
At the behest of certain players, PCs can be enslaved by other PCs – this includes some sort of indentured servitude, but also the standard slave-collar deal. There will be certain rules for the PCs relationship, however.

1) Even with the Break-In weakness, both players have to agree on the slavery conditions. I'd rather not deal with the we-said-they-said drama; That's right, no sudden slavery.
2) Make sure the respective GM of the 'Masters' thread knows about the deal and has reviewed it.
3) Unless it's written into the pact, the players will be treated as if they're in a party; Item and EXP distribution will be treated the same.
4) Try not to force the player indentured to you into awkward situations (forcing them to prostitute, sacrificing their character, etc.).
5) Lastly, it's a game, so try not to take it to seriously.

Addiction: -Brought to you by Maikochan, the deviant nyan.
Descendants can become addicted to certain substances if exposed to them long enough – or, even once, if the substance is particularly strong. Some of these substances are man-made; others are natural. Some offer unique status effects, while others are used to purposely trap and ensnare careless Descendants. The substances have several traits:
Addictive Potential: How addictive a substance is, based on a scale of 1-5. The lower the number, the harder it is to become addicted to; the higher, the easier it is. Addiction chance is calculated by Character's Will/2 + Stamina/2 – Times Addicted vs. Number of times taken * Addiction Potential + Refractory Period + Doses Taken.
Refractory Period: How long the drug stays in a person's system, determined by Cycles. If another does is taken (or forced) before the Refractory Period expires, it resets, but also increases the amount of Doses taken in the Addiction formula. Having a lower Refractory Period means it leaves the system earlier; a higher Refractory Period means it takes longer. Refractory Period is measured from 1 Cycle to 10 Cycles.

When Addicted:
Time to Withdrawal: How long it takes for the Addicted Descendant to enter Withdrawal. Resets when a dose is taken. Measured from 1 to 3 in Cycles; the lower the number, the quicker it is to enter withdrawal.
Withdrawal Effects: What happens during withdrawal. These can range from anything from mild irritability, all the way to paranoia. The lower the number, the milder the symptoms, while higher is opposite. This is measured from 1 to 5.
Withdrawal Duration: How long it takes for the Withdrawal to end. While in Withdrawal, if the Descendant takes another dose or is forced to, the affects are completely reset. These are measured in Cycles from 1 to 5; and once 'clean', the Descendant is no longer addicted.
Here's a list of Man-made Addictive Substances:
Alcohol: All forms of alcohol are represented here.
Addiction Potential: 1
Refractory Period: Several Hours (or posts).
While in System: Strength increased by 4, but BP decreased by 10. Also, just RP like a drunkard.
Time to Withdrawal: 1 Cycle.
Withdrawal Effects: -10 to spot checks; Headaches, nausea.
Duration: 2 Cycles.

Lust Potion: Created by a lonely Alchemist who just wanted sex, this potion can quickly turn any level-headed person into a total Slut or Manwhore.
Addiction Potential: 3
Refractory Period: 1 Cycle
While in system: PP rises by +5 per round in combat; out of combat, the character is constantly in the Aroused status.
Time to Withdrawal: 1 Cycle.
Withdrawal Effects: Will Saves -5, Enters Horny Status.
Withdrawal Duration: 1 Cycle

Venus' Delight: A foul drink brewed by from a local plant, the concoction lets users stay up for hours on end, while increasing their sensitivity. Used mainly in cities.
Addiction Potential: 5
Refractory Period: 1 Cycle.
While in System: Increased Agility by +10, and strength and Stamina +5; PP raises by +4 per attack, and the Descendant enters the Aroused status only after being groped or fondled.
Time to Withdrawal: 3 Cycles.
Withdrawal Effects: Charisma and Will Saves -10; Enters Horny status when fondled or groped.
Withdrawal Duration: 2 Cycles.
Natural Substances:
Cum: Specifically, semen. While the cum of certain races (humans, elves) isn't too addictive, as they descend closer to beasts and fallen creatures, the scent alone can drive addicted individuals to their knees.
Addiction Potential: Varies between 1 and 5.
Refractory Period: 2 Cycles
Time to Withdrawal: Varies between 1 to 3 Cycles.
Withdrawal Effects: Varies from hot flashes and arousal to hallucinations and loss of control (Seeking out substance).
Withdrawal Duration: Varies from 1 to 5 Cycles, with larger, more monstrous animals taking a full five cycles.

Milk: The milk of certain species is highly addictive, especially for male Descendants.
Addiction Potential: Varies between 1 and 5.
Refractory Period: 2 Cycles.
Time to Withdrawal: Varies between 1 to 3 cycles.
Withdrawal Effects: Varies from hot flashes and arousal to hallucinations and loss of control (seeking out the substance).
Withdrawal Duration: Varies from 1 to 5 Cycles, with demons and monster girls taking a full five cycles.

Venus Trap Chemicals: The fluids of a Venus Trap, harvested directly from the bulb.
Addiction Potential: 2
Refractory Period: 2 Cycles.
While in System: Agility +20, Dexterity +10; Descendant acts hyperactive and has trouble sleeping.
Time to Withdrawal: 2 Cycles.
Withdrawal Effects: Descendant can't sleep, and hallucinates mildly.
Withdrawal Duration: 2
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Relic Information:
Relics are supposedly left over from the races before the Gods, if they even existed. While the legends behind them are dubious at best, the power behind Relics are undeniable: They not only strengthen Descendants, but regular creatures as well.
No matter the enemy the Descendant fights, there's a 1% chance a Relic will drop, allowing the Descendant to grow stronger. To start, a Descendant may only carry one at a time; sometimes, this will be more than enough. Relics will grow with their wielder, as long as they aren't forcibly removed by an Ancient.

Relic Table:
Power Relic: The most common relics around, these allow a Descendant to increase the cap for their Bonus Stats (Melee Damage, Damage Mitigation, Ranged Damage, Magic Damage, Magic Mitigation). As soon as the basic relic is equipped, all of these stats are capped at 15.
EXP increase: 100 * Relic Level
Chance: 30%

Swift Relic: A relic that, as it says on the tin, allows a Descendant to increase their speed cap from 10 to 11, giving them a decent speed boost. With each level of the relic, their speed is increased by one.
EXP Increase: 50 * Relic Level
Chance: 10%

Hatred Relic: When tuned with a Descendant, their rage increases, allowing them to deal an additional +10 damage - and then an additional +5 per relic level.
EXP increase: 100 * Relic Level
Chance: 10%

[Stat] Relic: These Relics are extraordinarily rare, as the bonuses they confer are more than grand. While it's random the bonus they give, it always starts at +20 - and increases by an extra +10 for each new level.
EXP Increase: +200 per Relic Level
Chance: 5%

Caster Relic: A relic that's imbued with the power of the Gods, allowing it's holder to deal more damage with their spells - to start, +30 damage; and +10 damage for each new level.
EXP Increase: 150 * Relic Level
Chance: 5%

Regeneration Relic: While a rare Relic, this still is a powerful tool, allowing it's user to regenerate 1 BP per turn in combat - but each level after the first increases BP regeneration by an additional 2.
EXP Increase: 200 * Relic Level
Chance: 3%

Mage Relic: Arguably the rarest Relic of all, this taps into the power of the Gods, allowing the Descendant to replenish their connection during battle. It replenishes 1 MP per round in combat, and increases by an additional 1 per level.
EXP Increase: 200 * Relic Level
Chance: 2%

Pool Relic: A powerful relic that increases the amount of Mana a Descendant has, allowing them to cast more damaging spells, but also more spells in general. Start with +30 MP, and gain an additional +20 MP per relic level.
EXP Increase: +200 per Relic Level
Chance: 10%

Shield Relic: While equipped, this relic serves to absorb damage dealt by to the Descendant. They gain +5 Damage Mitigation per level of the relic.
EXP Increase: 100 * Relic Level
chance: 15%

Dodge Relic: A simple name, for a simple Relic: It allows the Descendant greater mobility, giving them a +5 to their Dodge, and an additional +5 to each level.
EXP Increase: 100 * Relic Level
Chance: 10%.
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Nemesis Info

I figured this should be posted so everyone has an actual idea how Nemeses are created, and how they act. Since the dictionary definition of Nemesis is "Something that a person cannot conquer, achieve, etc.", they are built, even at level one, to prove a challenge. As such:
1) They start with 150 EXP to spend.
2) Their equipment and starting feats are FREE; Equipment may only be of a copper-tier. Everything else they'll have to pay for with EXP.
3) Spells must still be bought.
4) Weaknesses may be purchased to increase their starting EXP.
5) A character may have more than one Nemesis, but the EXP must be split up between the character. They don't need to have an even split (IE: A Human would have 100 EXP, whereas his hunting dog may have 50 EXP).
6) A Nemesis will always start as the strong Element to their Descendant.
7) Nemeses, even if they aren't near the Descendant, gain the same amount of EXP as a Descendant does. It's up to their controlling GM what to spend it on.
8) A Nemesis can be behind certain events for a Descendant, but they can't be used as a quick scape-goat for a story (IE: If your quest involves going into a spirit realm, the boss at the end of the quest shouldn't be your Nemesis).
9) That being said, this doesn't mean they won't be responsible for several very bad things happening...

10) A Nemesis will do their best to completely destroy a PC. Descendants won't die, but don't get upset if a Nemesis is the reason a quest fails, or the reason an entire village declares war on you. That's their job, to make the Descendant's life a living hell. You have been warned.

GMs only: To make a Nemesis...
Start with a base race template. As long as the story fits, you may use a base race template - even a monster.

Choose the strong Element against the Descendant that this Nemesis is being made for.

Get equipment for the character and choose their starting feats (3).

Spend EXP to give the Nemesis Stats and Magic (if needed).

Revel in your Descendant-shamer.
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