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P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Siphon, Ian and Vanessa stepped through the gate onto a planet that looked like it ought to have life. Well, it technically did, there were plenty of plants and trees around, a lush area to say the least, with a little bit of overgrowth onto the gate platform even. Still, this lush landscape held secrets, and they knew it. Something had happened here a few years ago, something had killed off every human life-form on the planet, and left only Cassie alive.

As they walked down the platform, Siphon let out a small sigh. Ian and Vanessa weren't going to like this one bit.

"Alright, I did a little digging back into the files on this planet, P1M-269 officially. When we first brought Cassie here, she said that the only thing she could firmly remember was that the children went to some wooded area about a mile from where the old village was. They all went there when they reached their 16th birthday, which they considered adulthood. Now in each case these children were sick when they left the village. All of them displayed strange signs, some displayed telekinesis but on a wider level than your own Ian. Some could melt things by looking at them, others seemed capable of telepathy. Now when I first read it, I thought maybe we had left something behind, that these kids were naturally evolving into something more advanced, much like we did ourselves. I figured, it had to be Lantean technology, or maybe even descendants here. Now maybe the Klarnell saw that and wiped them out rather than taking prisoners, perhaps they felt this was too big a threat to let mature. Then I read the back half of the file."

He paused a moment, mind sifting through things before continuing on.

"However, after coming into the forest, and remaining absent for three days, every single person returned. When they did, no trace of their super abilities, and they had no memory of even having them to begin with. Team 5 confirmed this shortly before whatever happened here went down. They weren't allowed to follow the children into the forest, but they did mark down the route they took to get to the tree line from afar. After some debate, the elders of the village allowed them to take samples of blood from a young child, one who's powers manifested, but before they went into the forest, and from those who returned seemingly 'cured' of their sickness. What we found was evidence that those who returned or had powers manifest had different DNA structures from those too young to have undergone it. We think that someone was messing around with their genetic structure. Sound familiar?"

Vanessa's eyes widened, and she shot a look to Ian.

"My god ... you think Nirrti had something to do with this, and these people being wiped out?"

Siphon nodded glumly.

"That's my theory right now. The Klarnell surely wouldn't do something like this, not their style. Another Ancient, maybe, but it sounds more like Nirrti. My guess is she realized we'd found it out, and terminated the experiment harshly so we wouldn't uncover more details. There is however one other small thing that intrigued me, and I wanted to wait until we were here before I mentioned it. I took the liberty of examining the sample of blood we took from Cassie when we first found her. Her DNA possesses advanced traits, but they aren't the same as the DNA patterns of the people who lived here. I don't think she was one of their kind at all, I think she arrived after whatever happened went down. Or, Nirrti left her alive for some reason and managed to strip her of her memories, but either way, she's not Maltaran. Interestingly enough, her DNA structure, though definitely somewhat different ... it's very similar to mine and Aya's. The others we examined here were more like the Ancients as a whole, but Cassie is much different. I'm not entirely sure what to make of it, but ... something tells me we may find some answers to all those questions here."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

Ian follows the other two through, glancing around and frowning. An entire planet really oughtn't feel like a ghost town. "Well, if you were an insane warlord bent on creating the perfect host and got found out, ya'd prob'ly want all evidence destroyed. But with what ya said about Cassie, she came close ta bein' what she wanted, so good chance she wasn't goin' ta scrap 'perfection,' so ta speak. Be a waste. That, and maybe she realized that her work heah wasn't goin' ta get her the results she wanted and she needed ta look closer ta the heart of the matter instead." Siphon will feel a very light 'poke' just about at his heart. "Damn wasteful is what it is, if that's the case," he mutters, whether or not his theory is right.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

Siphon nodded slowly.

"Whatever the case, I'm willing to bet that Nirrti left in a hurry and was counting on her base of operations here being kept a secret, so I'm banking on the place and whatever files she had will be here somewhere. Knowing now what we do about her methods, I think I've figured out how the children 'vanished' when they went into the forest."

As he spoke, he started walking off towards the forest, a scanner device in his hands.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

"Lead on, MacDuff." Ian trails after Siphon, keeping an eye and ear out. The planet wasn't completely devoid of life, after all, and there was no way of knowing if any of it might not like strangers. While they were still a good bit away from Niriti's base, he'd keep his thoughts to himself, but the notion of something in there that might neutralize powers didn't sit well with him. Even if she weren't there to work it, he felt it wise to keep a sharp eye once they reached the place.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

Vanessa spoke up after a few minutes, seeming to make the connection.

'We're looking for a semi-hidden set of rings aren't we. You think the base itself is under the forest floor, that's why no one ever saw it."

Siphon nodded.

"Indeed. It makes perfect sense actually, that's why no one when this first started was ever able to find the children. My guess is after a while the belief became this was a rite of passage laid forth by the gods they believed in, and they wouldn't have questioned it once that conclusion was drawn. Nirrti had to have known they might think like that, though we are pretty certain the gods the Maltaran's worshipped were not Gou'ald. Further, I'm guessing there has to be some kind of sensor near by the rings, something that might show in a form the Maltaran's wouldn't question. Say perhaps a glowing spot on a tree that looks like glowing mushrooms?"

As he said that, he had stopped, bending down to check something. With a small sound coming from him, he stood and took four steps back, looking at it from another angle. However, as soon as he finished the last step back, there was a humming sound, and suddenly a set of rings erupted from the ground, and moments later, Siphon was gone!

Letting loose a startled yelp, Vanessa nearly fell back into Ian.

"Shit, I think he found the rings where he was standing, and they're still active. I really, really hope we're alone here, because for some reason I'm not liking this."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

"Just 'cause they didn't worship the goa'uld doesn't mean Niriti couldn'a pretended ta be one they had." As Siphon mention the glowing mushrooms, Ian chuckles. "We lookin' fer a faerie ring, then?" He'll quiet down and sober up as the other man starts nosing around, ready to catch Vanessa when she stumbles back, helping her to keep her feet. "Best ta go aftah him, then. Backup might be welcome and, well, we can't have him pokin' around and havin' all the fun without us, now can we?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

Nodding, she stepped onto the same spot Siphon had, alongside Ian. A few moments later, the rings activated, and they were transported below ...

... and the next thing they knew, they were standing in a mid sized room that appeared to be inside a rock structure under ground. The room was decently lit, and had both aspects of Ancient, and Gou'ald design, as well as technology.

Siphon had looked up when the rings activated again, chuckling slightly at them.

"Was wondering when you two would show up. I've already managed to hack into the console over here. All I can say is, I hate being right sometimes."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

"Then stop the'risen," Ian states with a bit of a grin. He makes sure that Vanessa is okay and then guides her away from the rings. He'll head over to see what Siphon's found on the console, but he's also keeping an eye out, given that this is probably just one room in the complex and there's no telling who or what might still be down here.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

Siphon let out a snort, then as Ian got closer he started showing him things.

"These logs indicate a long standing experiment Nirrti was running on the Maltaran's, dating back almost three centuries. Nirrti originally came here to assert herself as one of their gods, but, as most Gou'ald did, she wanted to learn if they were a more suitable host. Unlike most human worlds, the Maltaran's had never had any contact with the Gou'ald prior to this, they evolved here, which intrigued Nirrti. It was then she discovered this."

He changed the display, showing a genetic pattern that Ian would recognize enough to know it wasn't just typical human DNA, but something more advanced.

"Nirrti quickly realized that these people were evolving at an accelerated rate. She theorized that they were becoming something more powerful, perhaps more demi-god than human, at least in her words. Seeing this, I think these people, without the influence of the Gou'ald and other elements found on Earth inhibiting the process ... well I think they were evolving in much the same way my people did, becoming like Alveran, Ancient or Ori. Nirrti knew this would take far longer than she'd like for it to naturally happen, so she devised a retro-virus with the technology we left behind. She took advantage of their coming of age rites, spinning this to work in such a way that no one would question it past an initial concern of why they got sick suddenly. According to this, the retro-virus not only increased the evolutionary rate by several hundred times, it also reinforced the desire to come to the forest for the rites of passage, and when they arrived, they would be transported here. From there, she used the technology she had, as well as Ancient tech to cure them of the retro-virus, wipe their memories of the place, and sent them back to reproduce with their own kind, allowing them to pass on their advanced DNA and start the next evolutionary leap. According to that panel there, some of the DNA samples she took are still here in a cryo-chamber, stored for her to manipulate or if needed, start over elsewhere. The last few entries indicate Nirrti was pleased with the progress of her research and ..."

He trailed off as suddenly something caught his eye, and he enlarged a certain area of text. Reading it, and muttering several lines repeatedly to himself, Ian saw his jaw clench, and his fist ever so slightly tightened, as he stared at the screen, as if trying to will what he had seen to not be there.

"Well ... fuck."

Meanwhile, Vanessa had gone to another side of the room, investigating on her own, weapon drawn. She hadn't heard anything they had said, focused on a connecting room that had opened when she got close to the wall. Entering it, she suddenly stopped, blinking several times to make sure what she was seeing was really there. When the blinking didn't make it vanish, she called out in a shaky voice, "you guys! You need to see this, NOW!"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

Ian listens quietly, at least until Siphon cuts himself off. "So either Cassie's a trap or Nirrti's the one we can thank fer startin' the Klarnell." That mostly comes out due to the "fuck" at the end of the statement. The answer might have to wait, though, given Vanessa calling to them. Ian actually tekes himself over, which looks like a rather sudden horizontal jump. It's not as flashy as someone with enhanced speed, but it gets the job done.

"What's wrong, Nessa?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

She pointed to a section of the wall opposite of them, one that held what appeared to be bodies. As if that wasn't disturbing enough, one of the machines she pointed out really had her rattled as she managed to get out, "That machine ... that isn't Ancient or Gou'ald tech. It's Asgard."

Siphon for his part, had started over, but was shaking his head.

"Neither Ian, but she did make mention of coming across an ..."

He stopped as he saw the devices, the pods with bodies, the machine that had Vanessa in shock, and then he slowly started to nod.

"Well shit, that makes the last few entries clearer. Nirrti was attempting to use DNA samples she'd taken to artificially create the bodies from scratch again. According to this research on that began about a year and a half ago, after we left the planet for the final time. I was able to look up some of the DNA patterns, most of them I'm guessing are natives of the planet, but two of them stand out differently from the rest. So different, that there is no doubt who they belong to in my mind. One is identical to Cassie's. That means at some point, Cassie was a prisoner of Nirrti, and according to Nirrti's logs, and intel she had from tapping into chatter amongst the local cluster, Nirrti had good reason to believe that Cassie wasn't even human at all. Based on the notes she left behind, much as I hate to say it, I have to agree with Nirrti on that one. Cassie isn't human, she's Alteran. As in one of the Ancients."

Vanessa's eyes widened in shock, her hands trembling as that sunk in, and then she looked to Siphon.

"You said there were two different DNA strands. If Cassie was one of them, who did the second one belong to?"

Siphon let loose a sigh, hanging his head slightly as he spoke.

"The second one contains high traces of what the Gou'ald call Naquadah, we call it Nevaria. According to the Tokra, it's the presence of this mineral in their physiology, as well as the Tokra, that allows them to use some of the Naquadah based technology. Now not much was stated on the specific subject, but the last entry point was something like 'duplication is complete, the problem laid in not enough material from a normal removal sample. Phase one of the new master plan is complete, and the fools will never know how I will play them. You will be pleased master."

Shaking his head, he continued, "I have no idea who this master is she referred to, but ... I think she was attempting in the end, and managed to clone herself. She might not be dead."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

Vanessa will feel Ian's hand on her shoulder, just a gentle curl to reassure her after what's inside. Given the topic of the conversation, he tries to make out who might be in there, if it is, in fact, clones of Nirrti or if they're just unfortunate sods that she was keeping on ice.

"Ya need ta stop talkin' sometimes, Siphon. 'Cause Ah know yer just the messenger, but there are times..." Ian shakes his head. "Okay, so first things first. What do we do with them?" He gestures to the tanks across the way. "Then we'll worry 'bout Nirrti."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

Siphon shook his head.

"Nothing we can do for them, according to these systems, the occupants aren't even alive. I'd guess these were the failed samples, something to take samples from that wouldn't fight back. I think it's safe to say the bitch came back here even after she wiped the planet out. As for Nirrti, lord knows where to even begin, she could be anywhere by now."

Vanessa smiled at Ian's gestures, but turned serious as she replied to Siphon, "or anyone. I'd bet my arm that bitch will be in a different host now. Just the way that log you read came off, I'm betting that's how she plans to fool us. Oh shit, what about Cassie?"

Siphon shook his head.

"She doesn't have a symbiote. Henry, our Tokra liason has a bit of a thing for her, he'd know if she had a Gou'ald in her."

Vanessa let loose a sigh of relief.

"Good, the poor girl has been through enough to begin with, though if those logs are right and Nirrti did have her at one time ..."

"Then her ordeal may be a lot more traumatic than we first thought. It may be she's suppressed her own memories, or it may be Nirrti blocked them from her so she could make a run at her later again. Either way, I think it would be best if we make sure someone who can sense a Gou'ald near her at nearly all times. If she really is an Ancient, we can not allow a Gou'ald to get inside her. What I want to know though, is who this master of hers is. And where she got Asgard technology from."

Vanessa thought for a moment, then shook her head.

"I've got nothing. If the one that was inside me knew, I don't have access to that memory. I can remember things about the place I was held in, but that's about it. Wait, one of the Jaffa she had, he didn't have the same symbol as her own did. Ian do you have anything to write with and on with you?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

"Small mercy, then," Ian remarks quietly. "And considerin' what happened in Atlantis, yer makin' that a suckah bet, dahlin'." He listens to the two of them go back and forth, seemingly satisfied that Cassie's safe, for now, and will be taken care of in the future. "Ah believe the phrase, at least as far as Cassie's conce'ned is 'And we nevah speak of this again.' She doesn't need this. In time, maybe, but not right now."

He'll incline his head at Vanessa's request and swing his bag off of his shoulder. Rummaging around in one of the outer pouches, he'll pass her a pen and a small notepad. "Big enough?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

Siphon nodded.

"Agreed, she's been through enough. If she is an Ancient, it would be nice to restore her memories for her, but leave that little nugget out."

Vanessa nodded to Ian.

"It will do, give me a moment here."

She began to sketch something, taking a few minutes to draw it out and shade it in, looking at it several times before nodding. Flipping it over she showed it to them.

"That's the symbol he had, and it was gold."

Siphon looked over the mark, which looked odd.


After a few moments, Ian could see his face visibly pale, and he shook his head.

"That's ... impossible. The gold mark means a First Prime but ... that Jaffa can't be in service to that Gou'ald, it's been dead for five centuries."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

(If the link didn't just give it away *laughs*)

"An' Nirrti's workin' on clonin'. Maybe she had t've gotten the ideah from somewheah? Maybe Mistah 'five hundred yeahs old' is lookin' fer somewhere new ta roost."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

Siphon shrugged.

"Either way, if Anubis is still alive somehow, it's not good at all. And with access to technology like this, well let's just say I hope that he's more focused on the Klarnell than us. Then again, the thought of a Gou'ald controlled Klarnell is terrifying."

((Figures the damn thing ate the actual picture and put a link instead!))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

"Siphon, there are times ya just need ta stop talkin'." Ian shakes his head. "Question is, would he be fixed on the Klarnell? And are they even aware of one another?" He sighs. "Right. Best ta focus on what we're lookin' at right now. Is there any way we can find record of what the Asgard were doin' here? It's a little late ta ask one of 'em, but...histories? Data logs? Cave paintin's?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

Vanessa shook her head.

"This wasn't an Asgard facility, this was Gou'ald all the way. The Asgard tech was added in later."

Siphon however shook his head also.

"Not Gou'ald originally. There was a small Ancient facility here to begin with, there's no way a machine like that could have been moved. Nirrti must have added on to the place after she found it, question is, how the hell did she find it to begin with? Best guess is that she found out the Asgard were clones of clones, and decided to steal one of their devices to use for herself. Bitter irony of it is, she might have been on her way had she wanted to, to solving their own issues and restoring them. We'll never know now. As for the Klarnell and Anubis, I have no idea. Though I have to wonder, how long has Anubis been back and in the mix of things? I find it very odd we encounter the Klarnell, and then suddenly info on Anubis pops up. You said Alana specifically pointed you to coming here?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: P1M-296 (Cassie's old planet)

"Nirrti had her fingahs in a lot of pies. She might'a come across it while lookin' fer a new host. Or might'a got the info from a former host, prisoner, whatevah." Ian rolls his shoulders in a shrug. "Could just be coincidence. Then again, if the Klarnell bounce around through time like ya said, it's possible they ran inta Anubis before he was dead. Hell, that might be how he got back. Maybe he followed one of 'em through the anomalies." He tacks on, under his breath, "Don't let that be right." To Siphon's question, he inclines his head slightly. "Not here specifically, no. She said we needed ta head back ta where this all began. Nessa was the one that figured we should head here."
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