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P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

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Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

The Tokra shook his head, his own body betraying the fact that he too had been fighting the natural instinct to accompany her, or at least give her something to defend herself with.

"No, I think that covers everything, and Vanessa should be up and about soon. You intend to head back to Atlantis to see if she ever made it back?"
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

That would've been the other option, giving her the zat, but letting her take that with her to the past likely wouldn't have been a good idea. Taking his eyes off of the gate, Ian turned to face the other man.

"Yeah, that's th' plan. If Siphon and Sho haven't blown it ta kingdom come yet." He chuckles. "Ah just want ta make certain Nessa's okay before Ah take off again. That, and Ah've a feelin' Siphon'll be interested in this. Julia, too, mebbe."
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Morvak nodded.

"I believe he will be too. She said these Klarnell had a limited control over them, which means they aren't responsible for them opening, probably just taking advantage of them. Now what makes me curious it this. What can do that? Rip a hole in space and time like that, what natural force, or artificial force could possibly do that on a consistent basis?"
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

"Wahmholes," is Ian's first reply, though he shrugs. "But it's not anythin' we've encountahed thus far. Ori couldn't do it. Goa'uld couldn't. Wraith can't." He pauses. "Maybe it had somethin' ta do with what Nirrti was workin' on. Buncha Wraith showed up while we were gettin' in ta get Nessa, said there was somethin' she had they wanted. We weren't about ta take on a hive, so we got in and got out. We might want ta head beck and see if Nirrti left any notes behind."
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Morvak shook his head as they teleported back down into the tunnels.

"I don't think so, she was only interested in creating a perfect host for herself, none of the research material our spies in her network came across indicated she was even aware of such a thing, let alone anything to do with them. Alana said they were getting them in her time period as well, and we know that something made the Ancients abandon Atlantis all those years ago. No whatever is causing these, I think it's far older than even Nirrti was. Possibly even pre-dating the Gou'ald's rise to power."
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Ian shakes his head. "Then Ah got nothin', at least not with what Ah know currently. When we get back ta Petlas, Ah'll talk ta Julia before we pop back over ta Atlantis again. Kinda want ta see what Alana left." He chuckles.
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Morvak nodded, even as the doors opened to reveal both Samantha Tavala and Vanessa coming out. Vanessa half bolted across the room, tossing her arms around Ian, still a bit shaky from everything that had gone on.

Samantha in the meantime spoke.

"As you can see, she's perfectly fine. She may be a little less energetic after a few hours and sleep some, but that will pass. A few more minutes though and it might have been a different story."
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Ian lets out a grunt of surprise as he's glomped, his hands carefully coming up to wrap around the red-head. "Hey, dahlin'. Good ta see you, too," he murmurs softly, a hand skimming up and down her back. He'll look over her, catching Samantha's gaze. "Thank you," he mouths, head dipping just enough to rest his lips against the crown of Vanessa's head. "Ya heard the lady. Bed-rest in yer future. What say we get ta Petlas so ya can enjoy that, huh?"
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

A brief nod is about all he'd get.

"Yeah, it'll be nice to get home. Thank you Tavala, all of you."

To this Tavala only smiled, nodding her head.
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

"Let's get ya gone, then." If Vanessa is up for walking, he'll support her while they make the hike back to the gate. If it seems like it's going to tire her out, she gets swept up into Ian's arms and he'll carry her from the rings to the gate. Setting her down, he'll dial the coordinates for Petlas and see about taking her home.
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Vanessa seemed up to walking, not saying much as she just kept close to him. He could tell from her body language that the whole thing had freaked her out, and that she was thoroughly embarrassed that she'd been used like that.

Soon enough they reached the gate, and once the wormhole was established, they stepped through ...
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