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P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

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Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Morvak squinted, and this time the host spoke.

"Interesting, it's formed INSIDE the Stargate ring itself. That could be very bad if anyone tries to dial in, the buildup of energy ..."

He trailed off at first for obvious reasons, then came to more attention as suddenly something caused the anomaly to ripple. A moment later, both of them got a big surprise when a person came running out of the anomaly. It took a moment for her profile to set in, but when it did, Ian probably got the bigger shock of the two given he had only one mind to process things with.

She, for it was a female, and an attractive one at that, stood about the same height as Ian, perhaps a smidge shorter. She had about shoulder length brown hair that was in a complete mess, and her clothing was a complete wreck, half torn in places, parts missing in others with cuts along her arms and face. Fresh blood still trickled from wounds on her arms, and it was clear the woman had been in some kind of fight just before entering the anomaly. She came to a grinding halt as she saw the two of them, initially backing up in fear before realizing they looked like her. Whatever had been chasing her evidently hadn't been too human looking, for now she shakily stopped and regarded them. The most shocking part though didn't come from her even as she spoke in a language that Ian couldn't immediately identify, but rather from Morvak's stiffening reaction to her speaking.

Morvak rattled something back off to her, and the woman began to calm down slightly, although she still seemed wary of the two of them, most likely because she had no idea who they were. The real kicker came after Morvak finished speaking to her, and turned to Ian with a stunned look across his face.

"Her clothing, what is left of it, and the language she speaks. Ian, she's a living Ancient."
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

"Yeah, crossin' the streams is bad mojo," Ian remarks with a chuckle. A slightly archaic reference, but an apt one.

Despite the girl's disheveled appearance, he doesn't lower his weapon initially. That, and whatever was chasing her could very well be right on her heels, so best to not let his guard down. As she takes them in, it's clear to her, at least, he's not aiming at her, but rather behind her, just in case.

As Morvak speaks, the zat will get lowered and slowly placed back onto his belt. "Well, if those anomalies do bridge time an' space, not much of a shocker, that. Least it's somethin' friendly poppin' out and not a thundah lizahd." He holds his hands up, palms out. "S'alright, dahlin'. See? No more weapon. Morvak, can ya tell her it's all right? She's not lookin' too good and we should prob'ly see about patchin' her up. Got a first aid kit in mah bag."
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Morvak nodded, replying in what Ian could safely guess was Ancient. The woman seemed a bit nervous still, clearly confused by their attire, but she did calm down some at whatever Morvak had said. Still, she almost stared at Ian, her head slightly tilting each time he spoke, and then she finally rattled something back off to Morvak, who definitely seemed surprised.

"She uh ... She's asking your name, and asking for you to speak a few more lines in your language. I am uncertain as to why, but she is very insistent upon it."
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Ian's still keeping an eye on the anomaly, ready to make a grab at anything nasty that might come out. Still, he digs into his bag and pulls out a first aid kit, looking mostly for the antiseptics and bandages.

"Not certain as ta why. We're speakin' the same thing." He chuckles, but complies, just sort of keeping up a monologue with the Ancient girl. "Well, name's Ian Montrose and Morvak, why don't'cha ask her hers. And if she's alright with it, Ah'll see about gettin' her petched up." He'll show the bandages to the girl and then motions to her arm or wherever he can see anything that looks fairly serious.
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

The woman tilted her head as Ian spoke, holding up a hand to Morvak to keep him silent. She seemed to focus for a moment, and then her mouth opened and closed several times. What happened after that had Morvak and his symbiote actually shocked enough for their eyes to widen in surprise, probably giving Ian a bit of a start as well. Looking directly at Ian, she finally spoke.

"My name is Alana Mimbrevoshka. These ... strips you are holding, they are to help with healing?"
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Ian covers up his surprise with a bit of a chuckle. "Ain't that a mouthful," he says with a bit of a grin. He will, though, nod. "Bandages," he explains. "Help stop the bleedin' and keep infec'shun out. This stuff," he shows her the antiseptic, "also keeps germs away. Prob'ly sting like the devil but better than what can happen if ya don't use it." Whether she accepts the offer or not, he will keep questioning her, so long as it seems she's able to reply to the both of them. "What did this?"
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Alana nodded slightly, although a troubled look crossed her face as she consented.

"Proceed then, although my own body is beginning to start the process. Before I can answer that though, there are things I must know. This may sound strange, but I think under the circumstances you should understand. Where are we, and more importantly, when are we?"
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

"Eh, it'll keep the sand out 'til you're done, at the very least." He'll approach and start tending to the wounds that he can both see and reach. He won't use the antiseptic unless she okays it first. Something about her question makes him pause. "What makes ya think ya need ta be askin' about 'when,' dahlin'?"
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

She paused for a moment, perhaps puzzled by the word, or perhaps trying to gauge him. Finally she seemed to relax some, and answered.

"Your friend here spoke of the term 'Ancients', which is one of the names my people have gone by. You very obviously know of my species, and know enough of the language to recognize it. This type of planet setting is not present where I came from, which means either my location or time, or both have changed. The portal behind me, we determined long ago they are ... rips in the fabric of space and time. Depending on when I've arrived to, my concern is I could contaminate the time line. If I have arrived in my own people's past somewhere ..."

She trailed off, the implications clear at least to Morvak. While he knew the answer to her question, presenting itself in a way she could absorb could prove tricky at best since he had no way of knowing if she would accept the possibility she'd gone forward in time and not back.
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

"Well, yer probably right about both, dahlin'. Not sure if ya'd recognize how we call this planet, but if ya don't know it, yer prob'ly a ways from home. As for when," he pauses his work, letting out a soft sigh before he keeps going. "Chances are ya don't have ta worry about muckin' up the past while yer here. There's a good chance," he pauses again, thinking, "yer more part of our past than we are of yers."
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Alana's eyes seemed to narrow slightly at this, looking over his features. After a very long moment they closed, and she spoke with a calm tone.

"Alright, one way to know for sure then."

She then proceeded to rattle off some numerical sequence, which had Morvak nodding his head, processing it. Finally he spoke.

"Based on that, you've not only traveled back to the Mintaa Galaxy, but you have come forward by approximately twelve thousand years into your own future." Turning to Ian he added, "the sequence she gave me was part of their time measurements, and the Mintaa Galaxy is what they called our galaxy." Turning back to Alana he then added again, "if I have done the conversions correctly ..."

He then rattled off another sequence to her, which caused her to slowly nod.

"I must return through then, before it closes, if I stay and get trapped here it could damage the time line. Yet, some of us have been curious about how these anomalies actually work, and to meet a friendly species on the other side has never happened before. The high council back on Atlantis will wish to know of this, that our second home has flourished without us and that if we must abandon the city, there is the chance you may one day find it. Tell me, have you encountered any creatures from these rifts?"
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Ian lets the two of them figure it out. "Yeah, ya might get missed back there," he says with a little bit of a grin. "Ah haven't, at least not directly. Yer the first one Ah've dealt with and friendly, well, that's good. We ran inta one on anothah planet. Definitely opened ta the past, though Ah don't know if it was specifically Ea'th's, uh, Gaia. Soltarus," he finally remembers. "We had a creature from our past come through, but we managed ta force it back to where it belonged. Not a friendly critter, but Ah think it was actin' on instinct, not malice." He seems hesitant to mention that he's been to Atlantis, like she said, not wanting to screw things up too terribly much, since he's now talking to someone who'll be heading back in time.
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

At the mention of Soltarus her features brightened.

"You are from Soltarus? If so then reseeding life in your galaxy worked even better than we had hoped. I can only hope that your own evolution has been less turbulent than our own was, and no don't tell me the answer to that last part. I imagine given the time and the way the war has gone that there is the possibility I am long dead or ascended in this time. To know certain things might change what happens. So you have not encountered the Klarnell then?"
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Ian winces a little bit. "Crap," he mutters under his breath. So much for not giving too much away. But, it doesn't seem to be too terribly much. "Ah'll say that Ah think we did alright fer ourselves an' leave it at that. Wasn't always easy, but we're still doin' alright." At the mention of the name, he shakes his head. "Doesn't ring a bell. Morvak?"
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

The Tokra shook his head. "No, I've never heard of the name before. It's possible, although unlikely that the word could have changed that much though. More than likely any reference to them was lost in the amount of time that has passed."

Alana nodded and added, "or none of us returned to leave any details about them. Or someone got the bright idea of being tightwad with information again."

She frowned, seeming to give things some thought before sighing.

"I probably shouldn't do this, but I'm going to. The Klarnell come from much further into the future than where we are now, a time frame dominated by advanced creatures, some of which we believe may have been genetic experiments. The Klarnell are humanoid in appearance, although they are nearly eight feet tall. Powerfully built, we've since determined they have a limited control over these anomalies. We also suspect their race is dying and they are preying on compatible life forms from the far past to ... supplement their inability to reproduce amongst themselves. They are very dangerous, and they are heavily armored when they come through. Well armed too. They seem to have advanced technology which allows them to control other creatures from our future, but possibly their past. I wish I could tell you more, but I fear I may have said too much already. Still, I cannot bear to think of going back without warning you of the danger. I can only hope that what I have shared with you is information someone already knows, or that you will find out naturally in short order."
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

"Or there's nobody around ta talk about 'em," Ian remarks, sort of going along with Alana's statement. He listens to what she relays, shaking his head as she remarks about saying too much. "Nah, dahlin'. If someone's doin' what they were doin' and muckin' about with the anomalies, or if it's them muckin' about with 'em, it might give us a bit of an edge. Ah'll see if Ah can't turn up more on mah own, so you don't get in too much trouble." He gives her a little wink.

He's already getting the idea that she's going to have to go back through there, and soon, and it's clear that he doesn't like the idea, given her condition when she came through. "Take care of y'self, Alana. Maybe Ah'll catch ya 'round sometime." A weak smile accompanies the words, given the two of them are from drastically different time periods, but there's at least some sentiment behind them.
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

She nodded, the look on her face betraying that she very much doubted she would ever actually see him again, but not openly discounting it. Still, she took some time to collect herself, unsure of what may still be waiting on the other side of the anomaly for her. Almost as an afterthought she turned back to him.

"If I make it back to Atlantis, I'll make sure something is left behind there. I was planning to anyway, this only reinforces the need. Good luck to you both."
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Given Ian's nature, it's a very difficult thing for him to let her go back through the anomaly alone. His posture is very much "sitting on his hands" as she heads for the glowing portal. Chances are, if Vanessa weren't in that Sarcophagus...

"Best'a luck to ya, Alana." He gives her something of a salute mingled with a wave. "Hey! Got a hint on where Ah should look?" he calls before she heads back through.
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Stopping for a moment, she smiled.

"Holographic interface room of the main tower. If I make it back I'll be sure to put something in the database. If I don't, at least if you find the city you'll get an answer and know."

There was a small hesitation from her, and then she added, "look in Pegasus. That's all I should say."

Taking a deep breath, she turned and walked through the anomaly. She hadn't been through for more than twenty seconds before a ear piercing shriek was heard through the anomaly. Yet it didn't sound like something an Ancient could make for a sound. Before Ian could even think about going through, the anomaly surged outward once, and snapped shut with enough force to send an air blast out that whipped his hair.
Re: P7R-229 (Tokra Planet)

Morvak can see the tension in the other man as he hears the shriek, something that remains, even after the anomaly closes. Ian remains standing and facing the stargate, his hands stuffed in his pockets. After a heartbeat or so, he turns around and begins 'tidying up' the first aid kit, putting things in order.

"Anythin' else ya needed ta talk at me about?" he asks the Tokra while he works.
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