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Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)

Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Brought this on myself?! I worked to my very best to protect all I cared about... If there is anything that I don't regret it's what I've done today to save those I care for! Besides that, what choice did I have but to stop the one that threatened my people?" The mayor did seem rather angry now, knowing what was to happen to the world around them, and her own fate if she was to be anchored in the world that she was in right now. Though that attitude would change once Deva freed her of the spell that had been placed, causing her to start to cry tears of joy, running away from Deva as fast as she could, not wanting to risk her one chance of survival any further now that she knew what her opponent could do. If her Mistress was upset with her, that would only last for a short time, but if she ended up sealed away then that would last forever. She had confidence in her Mistress anyway, so she'd run as far away from all of this as she could, and from there she would merely wait for whatever would take her out of all of this to where her Mistress wanted to bring her slaves.

Meanwhile, the cloaked figure would look down from her cliff, able to make out Deva through all the destruction, chaos, and rifts opening all over the area around her. "You?! I will admit that you are one of the most impressive heroes that I have ever met... Many of my demonic lieutenants lie slain because of you! Your rain dealt a heavy blow to much of my army... But it matters not! Do you realize how many demons, how many 'Nameless Ones' lie within my book? How many stories I've already drained of all their power?! This book is filled with horrors that you could not begin to even imagine, villains that you could not even conceive of with powers that would make even your mind slow to a crawl in utter confusion! And heroes that have risen up to fight each and every one of them, this single book is filled with a power that you could never conceive of! With a swipe of my hand I can do so much that you would fail to even grasp the very concept of!" And just to demonstrate, she pointed her finger at one of the rifts, causing it to tear open far wider than it had moments ago, and the army of demons that Deva had faced would suddenly start to fade into energy... actually they became what looked like a black, murky, ink-like substance before flying out of the rift and flowing directly into the book that the cloaked figure held in her hand. Within moments the entire demonic army would look like they ceased to exist, leaving not a single trace that they were there aside from the flowery rain that Deva had caused to stop them. "Do you understand what you are up against yet? Of course you do not... you heroes never do!"

With another wave of her hand, the buildings, the trees, even the animals on the island would all start to be converted into that same black ink, slowly flowing out into the book that the woman was holding, making the entire place seem more and more barren by the minute. "I hold a power that you could never conceive of! And one that you will never be able to combat! All you have done is made this island's destruction utterly useless, but that which has been set in motion can not be stopped! You... You are impressive... To stand against me and cause more trouble than any hero before you. It is a shame that I can not claim you as my own... For you would be the perfect pet for me... Instead, I will enjoy reading over you when you are nothing more than another story in my book! Behold your doom!" With that, a forcefield made of pure energy would surround the cloaked figure.... But... it didn't look like any spell that Deva had ever seen before. In fact, nothing about it even felt magical. It was... just different... And no matter what spell she tried to cast... it would just stop the moment it reached the shield... Everything about it felt... wrong... As though the forcefield broke every law of magic that she could think of involving forcefields. And not only that, but as it stood there... she would see an odd warping of the very air around the forcefield, as though the world itself was rebelling against the power being used within it. Whoever this woman was... she was legitimately fighting against the rules of reality, and it looked like she was at the very least at a stalemate... "I have risked enough fighting you! And have lost so many valuable resources due to you! Enough half measures... Enough holding back! If I must break the very rules of your story, then I will! You are trouble enough..." In truth... she was actually wary of what Deva might be able to do at this point, but she hid that underneath her bluster and anger. But seeing so many fall before this one angel had shaken her just a little bit... so she refused to take any more risks... No more trying to play by the rules and save power, no more thinking that she could simply handle Deva with a few minions, she would pull out her greatest power... the power to shatter the rules that bound them... in order to end what was meant to be a routine conquest.

"Make peace with your past... I would tell you to also see what would've been in your future... But for some reason I can not see into the future of your story. It matters not, as this is where it all ends rather than with what could have been!" Right then... Deva would feel herself fading... and looking down she could see part of her slowly being turned into ink, making her arm feel heavy... and yet weightless at the same time... It was... draining... if she focused her willpower she'd be able to fight it, but it was still pulling at her insistently. No matter how hard she tried, she could only slow it down... a slow conversion of her body into ink... She would begin to feel weak... It was like... this woman was draining her of... her... Like everything she was was just... draining out of her... likely into the book... How could anyone have this much power? So hard to keep her eyes open... but if she fainted now... she couldn't fight this draining back... Her very essence was being drained by the cloaked woman, the power hungry Mistress that she had heard all about... She felt less... less like herself... No matter how hard she fought, she'd find herself slowly losing consciousness... Or was it more that the world was literally turning to darkness around her? As both were happening, both were being drained into the book that the woman held.

___________________Deva_______Felt_______Pull___Drain_______Away from_____How could she have_______End?______Book_______Torn_______Story_____Words pulled away___How?______Fade.

Deva would awaken in a small bed, with her lewd suit still attached, and her hat still placed firmly on her head. That would at least tell her that she hadn't been having some sort of terrible dream, but what had happened? All she could remember was slowly feeling drained by the cloaked woman, and now suddenly she awoke in a bed, and looking around she was in a small room without much decoration. A quick glance would show a window... and outside was... Nothing? Outside the window was a sprawling white void... a few buildings appeared to be floating on the same level as her, which made it clear that there was some form of ground, but... there was literally nothing else. No sky, no sun, no dirt or grass, no stars, no moon... just an endless expanse of white that seemed to stretch on and on after a few buildings that were still standing a small distance away from the room and building that she must have been in. Another thing she'd feel was an odd weight on the inside of her suit, one that hadn't been there before. There was something rectangular, and warm sitting there that DEFINITELY hadn't been there when she had confronted the cloaked woman that had been in the middle of committing some seriously evil acts. "Ah... Good... You're finally awake I see... I was afraid that you might not make it!" A man walked into the room and he looked... well...


The only real word to describe it was 'evil'. He was clearly an older man, completely bald with a white goatee on his chin, he walked with a hunch and wore a long and black trench coat with white gloves. In all honesty, he looked to be one of the most stereotypical villains one could ever meet, even the look in his eyes seemed to be rather dark and villainous. Plus his voice was dark and gravelly... all signs of a dastardly villain that probably kicked puppies in his spare time. "You were quite fortunate not to have been sealed away within her book... Her power is not of your Story, you know. Ah but where are my manners... You may call me 'The Serpent'... I know it is not a true name, but unfortunately my name has been lost to nothingness and only the moniker remains... Err... Perhaps you'd like some time to redress? It is clear that She was in the midst of toying with you and your world..." Which might remind Deva that the living suit was still quite lewd looking and exposing, not covering up anything at all, and the evil looking man would avert his eyes and hold up his hands so he couldn't look at her. "We were unable to remove your suit when we found you... And hoped that you'd have a way to look more... err... unexposed if you woke."

He'd step over to a desk, looking around before finding a bottle that looked like a potion, and placing it on Deva's bedside, still being sure not to look at her when she was exposed like that. "You might want to drink this to get some of your strength back... Her powers can take a lot out of you... Especially after she's drained... I think the count is 52 stories now? Either way, that will help to rejuvenate you..." He'd then simply turn his back to her, letting her speak now that she was awake. And if Deva checked what that rectangle in her suit was she'd find...


A book. A small red book that seemed quite slim. And inside there were nothing but blank pages... Well... except for the very first page. The very first page had a single word on it... "Deva". Otherwise everything else was empty, no writing, no arcane symbols, no funny comics, just her name written on the first page in the top left hand corner of the paper. Peculiar... as she certainly hadn't had that on her when she face the woman. "You were very smart to fight back, might I add... It gave me time to pull you here instead of getting sealed away forever. Had you resisted even a second less than you had and you might not have woken up at all... Even now I'm amazed to see you woke up. These are troubling times indeed... But I suppose I am getting very far ahead of myself... I imagine you must have so many questions. Hopefully I might be able to answer some of them..."
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Who am I to stop someone that thinks they are doing the right thing.. those are the most bothersome anyway." Deva sighed at the mayor. She would not do harm just to weaken a foe.

"I'm not a hero.. and it was just improved rain. If your demon generals can't stand getting wet they weren't much to write home about anyway." Deva chuckled, though there was an edge to her playfulness this time. "Well, make sure to keep your book closed tight then, otherwise, those villains might very well run into me." Deva claimed, camly. "I think I do perfectly, you are a leech, as I said, though I admit, an advanced one, you feed on history rather than blood." Deva crossed her arms. "Though you are not allmighty, yet. Else you'd have understood just what you were doing and stopped." her voice remained calm, not feeling a threat of doom.. yet.

"That looks like a power of the far realms, or not of this world." Being Deva, she had tried a pebble against the forcefield, not a spell. "That is far realms energy, made manifest. Or something similiar, rejected by reality itself, no wonder." Deva chuckled. "You want to fight a battle of rulebreaking? The Modrones and Inevitables of Mechanus could warn you of that. You should consider why you can't look into my future for a moment my dear."

"Ah.." Deva looked ddowna t her inquening.. "I figured that would be the final step. I must say, this is an interesting approach." Again. She remained calm, though she seemed irate, if at what was happening to the island more than to herself.

Deva didn't fight. There was no need to yet, plus, struggling would just weaken her and.. Well she felt drained. This was quite concerning, at any moment, her power would activate. of course that could be drained too, but she prepared it for just this reason, aaaany moment now.. This was bothersome.. had she made a mistake? What if even her powers had been drained to the point of.. Nono, It couldn't be. She had to fight this. She had to use this horrible creature again, but she felt herself fading, she hardly had the power to cast a lesser grade spell, hardly that.. and she had forbidden herself and.... and... wha....

And she awoke?

Deva stretched, yawned, and peered out of the window. "Me, looking more unexposed, in a world that had been wiped clean?" Deva chuckled, looking at the man. "Not my story? Anyway, I figured there'd be remnants. Hello mr.Serpent, I'm Deva." Deva looked at the potion, chuckling ever so slightly. "I figured her powers were something like this ever since her blabbering about stories. Thats why I imprinted my name upon her book, by writing on it myself, I created an inverted invocation, and whilest only my name was preserved, names are power." Deva cracked her neck. "Anyway, questions.. No, not quite. I think I figured things out pretty well. I figure you were one like me, one that was so powerful they put into place some measures even against the impossible, though yours were half baked, as you lost a lot in the process." Deva got up, looking at the suit, sighing for a moment. "A way to look less exposed, like what, taking this off, putting another dress on, magically, you think this hat is like a secret magical bag of holding? Well you are wrong, this has is as un-magical, as they come. Infact, it helps mask my magical signature quite well." Deva chuckled, removing her hat, which served a dual purpose.. it hid her piercing eyes, eyes that made normal people nervous, a part of her angelic heritage, if a weak blooded version of the piercing gaze of an eladrin, that could instill fear upon evil beings with a look alone. Plus, she liked the hat.


"I'd rather not drink that potion, sorry, it might restore.. too much of me. Instead, as this inky mistress will find, she is not the only one that has developed a power that violates reality. A long time ago, when I was distracted being powerful, I created a set of spells, inspired by dreams, combining powers of both illusion and transmutation The power of change and the power to create whatever you imagine. One is called Phantasma. It creates an illusion, for example, a dress." Deva extended her hand, a white dress, like she was used to wear, appearing in her hand. "Then turns that into reality. The next is called phoba, and it takes something I see, and turns it into nothing more but an illusion... not a favourite of mine, though the other spell can restore things thus taken." she looked at the dress, and then set up, through the dress, that had grown see through, as it faded into nothingness, as Deva reached out, taking her dress and dressing up in it.. "The last is not the reason I'm here, its the book, without the note in her book I might not even be here, quite likely, however, Morphea is a little favourite of mine. It takes some form of harm that has come to me.. and turns that into an illusion." Deva nodded, opening her book, looking at her name. "An empty book, but is it really?" She asked. "See, to me, theres meaning to the pages, meaning to this name.. they'd read... Deva Undon was born to a half Celestial father, Anduris and a lesser angel blooded mother, Marinda, yadda yadda yadda.." She flipped over a few pages. "First archbishop of the temple of Haven, hah, good times." A few pages flicking. "First Archbishop of the Basilika of Kortuga, hah, yeah. Never become matriarch or temple leader or whatever, always be second in command, that way the annoying people talk to someone else and you can focus on your job." More pages flicking. "Countess of Hell, hah, yes, my second wife sure was wild." More pages flipping again. "The Twilight godess, with her army of golems made of gold and gems, because I just had too much of that crap. I transformed them into living, thinking beings for their service.. They fornicated a lot as a response, were created by me after all." Deva chuckled, then her tone grew more sombre.

"The fall of the Twilight paradise. The sacrifice, to keep it save. The sacrifice I made, to keep everyone on it save, even if I had to go on... oh I have lost so much." She flipped a few more pages. "Heh, Zilina. You know, I considered her my third wife, even though we never officially married, but I was never the mistress she deserved, because I am no mistress. And I'm not a slave anymore either." Deva flipped the pages on, but stopped before she got to the all too new parts... "So much has happened. Oh well." She closed the book. "So much I did, so much I have done, so much that has been done to me, but I wont ever forget it, my own mistakes, my sucesses, all shape who I am today. And if I remember it, she can't have it. I doubt she understands what happens when two people that manipulate realities conflict. I was once like her, you know. I made a mistake that.. was quite painful, for a single child, I've endangered reality itself, but reality usually lashes back." Deva exhaled, stepping to the window, pat-patting her pristine white dress, a white cloak swaying behind her as she glanced out of the window.

"This is an amalgamation of leftovers of 52 stories. But each and every one of us is not fully absorbed. Indigestible. We are like poison to her power, so we are sealed, perhaps by her design, perhaps by a lucky safety mechanism she doesn't even know about. So we can't leave this place, there's likely a defensive mechanism in place preventing planar transport." Deva looked at the man. "But still, we'd try to circumvent it. Work tirelessly to get out. Ooh yes. Thats clever. I presume you have a book just like I do? Appeared with you somewhere when you arrived?" She asked. "Question: If you came to a place devoid of anything, your memory weakened and your powers drained, what would be the one thing you'd never, ever throw away." Deva grinned, lifting her book.

"Something that seems to be the remnants of your memories. Proposition: Whom else have we seen using books as a power source. Hah, this is rich, you realize it? Do you realize whats going on here?

The one we faced, this dark mistress, perhaps she wasn't even the first. Theres something odd about her you see, someone that wants power to protect people wouldn't invent a magic like she did in the first place. Theory: She was once a victim of this spell, cast by another, but she was too powerful, she realized that her book, that was her story. It takes a great fear and calamity to make one want to get that much power. Like the fear of losing everything and everyone. This woman isn't the villain, just a hero that lived too long. Fifty two stories you said.. you seem to know that number quite precisely. Is it because you feel it, observe it, every time? No, no thats not it."
Deva tipped her chin. "If you know the exact number with such certainty, there can be only one reason for it." She pointed at the man."You designed this magic originally. But you messed up, weak in its first casting, one heroine escaped, if desperate and twisted by the power. So the magic wasn't used 52 times.. but 53. The first casting affected -her-. You propably don't remember any of that, because she somehow managed to pay back the favour, a reflective magic, a counterspell gone wrong, who knows..." Deva chuckled.

"Just random theories. So one way to get out is to use the book itself. Empower my own story by doing what has been done to me. Thats what she figured out, thats how she got out, I theorize, because that is my first idea. Then again, second theory, I only need to wait and cast displace teleportation on myself.. Why cast a spell that scrambles teleportation on me? Because someone is going to summon me out of this place and when they do, I wont want to be where they want me to be." Deva nodded. "When she tried to drain me of my story, she didn't just fail to fully succeed, she poisoned herself. Morphea is a magic that turns all harm done to me into an illusion." Deva chuckled, leaving out the fact that all the three powers she had used had a 24 hour cooldown, the price of being able to cast them, even as she was.

" The stories I have lived, they hardly equate to one calm island. I've lived over a hundred years and done so much, been a slave, a mistress, a simple farmer, a mighty archbishop.. hero to some, villain to others. Always trying to do the right thing.. A general of hell and of heaven. My story wont give her power, It'll drain it. And with her having redistributed her powers among her chosen, it'll weaken, if not threaten to consume her. I did warn her. People these days just don't listen..." Deva sat back down on the bed, puffing it up a little before leaning back. "She seems smart enough to figure out something is wrong in a short while, perhaps even see through the illusion. I'll wait to be summoned to her realm, cup of tea in the meanwhile? Make something you'd enjoy drinking too, just in case. By the way, if you had to guess why old you created the spell, what'd you say? Revenge plot on a world that spurned you? Doing it all to revive the one you love? I like that one. ... hooh, what if the one you loved WAS her.. now that could explain a lot as well, I guess she wasn't into you, was it you that killed her? Far out guess, fit of anger? I'm just rambling, ignore me. It's all conjecture at this point anyway." She shrugged. "Fact is, we got a dangerous reality warper running about, consumed by her own power and thinking she's doing the right thing, which is far more dangerous than knowing you are not. Quite worrysome. Plus I doubt she'd take me lightly a second time. This .. story consuming spell can't be stopped and needs setup though, and she wont use it on her own realm, that'd defeat her purpose, if her slaves are to be believed.. one more reason to go there, hah. Still, she had some reality warping shield and likely other powers even without that.. quite a challenge."
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Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)

(Cloaked Villain's response would basically just be more 'RAWR! You don't understand!' so I think I'll move past it)


"A pleasure to meet you Deva, were it only in more pleasant circumstances than... this..." The Serpent said in response to her introduction, the politeness being slightly mitigated by the gravelly 'evil' voice. "I do believe that I am more powerful than the average person, which is part of the reason that I'm here. Though I'll never truly know what I was and was not able to do in life after She tore my story asunder, much like she did yours. I lost so much now that my story is gone, and in truth that is a large part of the reason I remember so little. But now that introductions are out of the way, welcome to the Realm In Between, a place where nothing is meant to exist... And yet here we are." He'd chuckle to himself a little bit as he looked out the window and seemed to survey the surroundings. "I have no idea what powers your Story gave you, I merely hoped that you'd be one of the luckier ones that had some sort of power over their clothing, though if you really need it I'm sure we can find some sort of clothing among the remnants of all these stories." That being said, he'd seem to grow a little nervous as Deva removed her hat and fixed him with her look, though in truth he had no idea WHY a look like that made him so nervous. "You are clearly powerful... I was able to watch the events unfold at the very end there... It is rare that She chooses to so blatantly break the rules of a story when she faces a hero... Normally she just uses the power of those within the story to help her tear it apart."

"Very well... If you truly don't wish do drink the potion then so be it. However, it will only restore you to what you were BEFORE she started trying to drain you into her book. Your magical power, however, is absolutely incredible... Perhaps you'd have stood a chance were it not for the fact that she does not exist in the same way that you and I once had. How to best explain it? It is like fighting someone that exists in one more dimension than you do. While we may fight in three dimensions, she would fight in four, and no matter how powerful we are, she is in another vector that we just can not understand." He attempted to explain after Deva showed off the spells that she knew, finding some difficulty considering that the powers that the cloaked woman used were things that no one had ever truly understood, despite how many had faced them. Though any further explanations would cease the moment that Deva pulled out the small book, causing him to jump back in surprise and fall backwards into a desk, knocking the desk to the floor as he tried to continue backing away from her, surprise clear on his face... "How... Y-You... You have a Tome?! H-How did you even get one of those?! No one here has one! I though only She had one of those..." Well that at least answered the question of whether or not anyone in this world had a book like that. The Serpent would even flinch as she started flipping through the pages, as though he expected a sudden blast of lightning to come out of it and strike him out of nowhere.

As she continued to look through it, telling her story and memories as she looked through the blank pages, he'd start to calm down ever so slightly and pull himself to a standing position, still having a wary look at the book she held. If she went back to the first page of the book, she'd notice that something had changed, the first line had a few more words to it after the stories that she had just spoken aloud. It now read 'Deva can stop her.' A first sentence rather than just a name. "Ahem... Yes you are right. This place is where the few shreds of stories appear, but I'm not sure if She knows about it or not. We are all that remains of our stories... and most of us have no memories of what we came from. People tell me that I'm the spitting image of a villain... which only leads me to assume that I was to be the villain of my story. Whether I would've been a monster beyond redemption or a sympathetic villain, I do not know. In fact, technically I have no idea if I even WAS a villain..." Well if he was a villain, he'd definitely look the part, but he had no memories of what he had and had not done. "And no... none of us have a Tome... In fact, from what little information we could all scrape together... along with the very few of us that had seen inside Her Tome... we had thought that no one else could even have one of them..." Then he'd get thoughtful, running his hand over his chin at her rather deep question before reaching into his pocket to pull out a pendent with a silver chain and two snakes intertwining with one another. "This is the one thing that I'd never throw away... I don't know why, I don't know what it means to me... but even just the thought of losing it terrifies me to my very core. If I were to lose everything else about myself, I hope to never lose this."

That was when she accused him of creating the magic that had led to this entire thing, making him initially look quite upset before sighing and looking downwards. "You are at least correct in that I am the first one to end up here... Everything else... I wouldn't know. Maybe I was the one to have created this spell... I desperately hope not... I hope that I never created such a destructive thing, but I just can't know..." From the sounds of it, the very thought of being the one to have created it was disgusting to him, but it wasn't a possibility that he could just discard. After all, he had no memories to argue against that, and he was the very first one to show up in this place so it very well could have been him.

"I doubt she's going to try to summon you to her realm... But if that's the case then go right ahead. I'll get something ready I suppose... but if you really wish to get out of this place... I think you might just be able to if you have a Tome... At least, that's what my gut is telling me. If I were to guess why I'd do something like this... I'd say it'd be to try and make up for some other terrible thing that I must've done. If what I feel now is any indication, I would want to make up for something else I had done. For example, even thinking that I had caused all this makes me want to do something to fix it no matter the cost. But without my memories I have absolutely no true answer to a question like that." Then with that, he'd leave the room, and start working on making some tea, as he personally enjoyed it. And he'd allow Deva to be alone with the book and her thoughts, working on making a nice cup of tea. It'd be quite a while before he came back, and Deva might start to wonder if he was right about the Cloaked Figure not trying to summon her to her realm considering that nothing was happening like that. Eventually the door would open, and The Serpent would return, this time with someone else with him.


A woman that looked like some sort of knight would walk into the room with him, seeming just a little bit annoyed. "Of course YOU would be the one to first meet her when she wakes up... The man that looks the most evil in this place greeting the new arrival, I'm sure that made her feel properly safe. Serp... sometimes you gotta learn to bow out and let someone ELSE explain this..." Though afterwards she'd chuckle and just give the old man a playful punch to the arm before looking at Deva, smiling warmly. "Sorry if the old man scared ya. He's not the best with his people skills..." As she said that, the man would offer Deva a cup of tea, rolling his eyes a bit. "This is still MY house here... Besides, she's perfectly fine... But I guess she might be more comfortable talking to you if that's the case. Either way... This is Olivia... Another remnant of the stories that She's destroyed."
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Well, you know what they say about making assumptions." Deva chuckled, more to her own thoughts than in response at first. "Story breaking hmn... Aaah, thats it. Fascinating! She's fighting on another dimensional layer. I get it. I really miss my research laboratory right now.. but anyway, save the potion for one that needs it more, though, ideally, there'll be no more." She nodded.

"It's less direct power, more using.. things.. smartly." She chuckled. "Oh this is something special? Here I thought everyone had a book a booky." She pondered. "Not my own, woke up with it, I think its a side effect of me doing a thing to interfere with her absorption.. wait hold on didn't you say you were watching? Perv. tzk tzk." Deva grinned, her logic just picking that one up, she had been too distracted coming up with multiple approaches dealing with an extra-dimensional foe..

"Oh I get it." She looked back at the first page after the mans panicking. "You're keeping track aren't you? Well, under the hat you go. Thanks for the encouragement though, I was growing a little nervous, wont lie. Good book. I'ma give you some ink to feed on later. .. proper ink, not converting things into ink.. ink." She nodded to the book, putting it in her hat, which she still held in one hand.

"Does everyone have a ... thing that they never want to throw away then? I'm saying, these things could well be an anchor, helping you survive.. or trapping you here. Hmnn.. well gotta experiment to find out. My books writing at me, so on the off-chance its sentient or helpful, not gonna destroy it." She flipped the first page open again, hoping, primarly, for a joke.

"Eh yeah, sorry for accusing ya, you really can't know. But the first,.. thats important. The first victim always tells us something, because with you she might have made mistakes, lets presume she created this magic because she is cray cray, unrelated to you or your deeds, even so, it could give us hints.." Deva pondered, letting the man respond. "Eh, don't beat yourself up over it. I'm sure you are trying your best. We'll squeeze out who the creator of this nonsense is sooner or later." Deva nodded. "If she doesn't summon me, perhaps I'm wrong, Morphea wasn't powerful enough to affect her and I just got lucky." She tipped her chin again, putting her hat back on, tome inside.

Deva observed the villain and the knight returning, grinning, answering: "I'm not scared. He made me tea. I've seen something scarier earlier. Fine talking with either of you shiny lady." She said, whilest blowing on the tea, giving it a test-taste. "Yeah this story destroying nonsense really has to stop. I liked the place I was at. Yeah it was nothing special but." She sighed, standing up, opening up the window to let in some.. nothing. "I just want a calm, peaceful life, you know? Growing old in peace, a simple profession, like a healer or a gardener. I've tried the whole being a slave to an evil, sexy master, or mistress, but in the end, we need to play our role. Oh and your people skills are fine Serp, dun worry about them." She nodded.

"Now then, she propably needs some time to.. digest." Deva waved her hand, creating a piece of chalk with a simple magic trick, beginning to draw a circle on the wall besides her, adding a list of arcane symbols.. and a few stick figures.

"Likely explanation she couldn't devour my story, yet me still being here: Morphea spell failed. Story draining unsucessful, but not harmful either. Enemy can bend the laws of a story. Saw the shield. Whats the shield? No, don't think of it as a shield, what could it be that looks like a shield.." Deva begin scribbling a few diagrams that, for someone with sharp eyes and the wit to know them, read as several basics of abjuration spells, off handedly listed off. "Planar seperation? No, similiar. Extra dimensional you said, fourth dimension, but thats wrong, fourth dimension is time. So she exists in a paralel reality. OF course! Storytelling. She creates an alternate storyline with which to negate things, as if she was in a different time stream, nothing can touch her,.. thats also how she .. survives standing so close to her own powers. Didn't turn her into ink after all and that spell did not seem picky." Devas scribbling was frantic, as she focused on the walls, adding a few stick figures, two cloaked women. "Powers linked? Hmnnn.. One cannot exist without the other, unless.. could it be possible her original story wasn't destroyed? Perhaps theres more than one in between place. Hmnn.. No way of finding out without experimentation. I got to see more of this alternate dimension nonsense in action to figure out a way to deal with it." The chalk had been used up, with Deva summoning another, continuing, now drawing on the floor, another diagram with a set of arcane runes plastered in it, though there was a lack of mathematical formula.

"Alternate reality, but she can't stay in an alternate reality forever, furthermore she'd be just a shadow, unable to use magic.. The mayor said something about a conduit. Conduit, as in focus, bridge, connection? Thats why she uses an invasion force, not limited like she is... Theory: She can't actually leave her own domain for long. Thats what the disappearing she did to my attack was, it wasn't obliteration, it was transporation... is the book the anchor? Seems like an obvious weakspot. No, that book likely has a dozen defensive spells on it at all times, simply didn't work against my magic because it wasn't offensive. What then? I could use one of them to drain the book but.." She scribbled on, a few notes written in celestial being added. "How to restore the destroyed stories. Likely impossible. Danger of paradoxes. However, reality tearing. Also dangerous. How does she keep things out.. she propably dealt with the things that wait between the worlds. Pretty impressive, I barely managed to deal with these." She drew a sigil on the floor, to those knowing of such lore, the seal of cerulea, capable of weakening unnatural beings. "Restoring stories might not be possible without using her book, even then, memories gone, to restore memories would be needed..I'm sorry." She said, turning to the two, standing up, twirling the chalk between her fingers. "I don't think your stories can be restored easily. But freeing you shouldn't be too hard. Get me a personal item and the name of everyone around here, lock of hair, real name or not doesn't matter, a name is an identity, is power.. am bad at remembering names, make a list. whatever. .. of course theres also the issue of myself getting out. I doubt a simple planeshift is going to do that. Plus!" She continued doodling on the floor, musing.. "Likely vunerable in her home plane. 'Likely' not good enough. What is this story power? We aren't all stories.. stupid Deva. Back to the basics. If you don't understand something, go by what you know." She pulled the tome out from under her hat, flipping it open, staring at it. "Ink. It's like the inversion of the magnificent pigments spell, rather than create reality out of a painting, it turns reality into ink, inky murky darkness that guides her powers. I wonder.. By the way, nice armor, you two look quite different now that I think about it. Girl sure gets around.." Deva complimented and thoughtfully cupped her lower stomach. If the suit went with her, then so did the goo, that ment she had something to experiment with.. if she still felt its influence after a moment of focus.

"Components of this ink is stories itself. But thats just the basic material, ink is a mixture of liquids and solids, in just the right balance, what balances her? The vortex I saw.. chaotic, weather effects, transmutation, chaos and destruction. She called it destruction, breaking down into raw materials, but at its very essence, raw materials are under no ones control. Everyone can use ink to draw, if they know how to hold a.. feather." Deva noted, reaching out for her wing, then grinned.

" ... out. Alright, one of you, go go, gather things from everyone like I told you. Ideally put them in a bag, also, if you could find an orange, two marbles and let me borrow this cup of tea I'll be ever so grateful, now, the other one, please stand and watch impressedly, I already have what it takes to get out. Just need to tickle it out. Lets try it nice and simple at first.. ." She focused, drawing a chalk-circle around her, touching it with the tip of one index finger each. "Before she transported me here, I was stuck with some molesting goo, it seemed to disappear, though I think it actually hid in my body in an attempt to convert me. But heres the thing." Deva raised a finger. "Thats not goo, well it is, but really, it's just ink given shape. And if you happen to have some on you, and a book to write in, and happen to be clever enough to revert the goo into what it originally was.." Deva grinned, snapping her book open. "I doubt theres more than a half sentence left when I drain the goo though. What can you do." She nodded, focusing on the protective circle, hoping to drive the posessive goo out of her, only to flip open her book, if she was sucessful.. "Hello there gooey. This in between place has me likely cut off from recovering my holy spells, so lets use eldritch energy instead. Plus, you are propably resistant against someone simply disspelling your normal form. Luckily, I got something for that."
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Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"The book is something incredibly special... A Tome, as She refers to it apparently. If everything we've managed to hear and see are anything to go by... That book is an incredibly powerful tool, though we had thought that only one even existed..." The Serpent still seemed quite shaken by the fact that Deva had that book, eyeing it all throughout the conversation until she placed it in her hat. Then he realized that she was accusing him of being perverted, a bit of redness showing on his face for a moment. "Nonsense! I watch these events in the hopes of finding some way to stop her... It's not my fault that she uses such perverse methods!" Well, technically it could be his fault since he remembered nothing about his own story, but he highly doubted that considering that he wasn't one for those types of things.

Deva would feel an odd sense of... graciousness... from the book as she complimented it, no new words, but it was as if the book was thankful for her words. "I don't know if anyone else has some sort of object that they would never wish to lose, topics like that don't often come up when we discuss everything we know about Her. Normally we try to find what does and does not line up between her methods, which is why we have so much knowledge about her. Well... there's also THAT, but it's quite an unreliable method of getting information." Unfortunately, when Deva opened the book once again, there wouldn't be a joke, though there would be even more writing. 'Deva can stop her. And the Tome will help... though it doesn't know any jokes.' From there it wouldn't actually gain any more writing, not exactly having a limitless supply of energy to work with, just enough to give Deva a little bit of information, which it had figured she could do quite a bit with if everything it knew of her was any indication.

"Well, glad to know that the old man didn't scare ya at all... Some tend to get intimidated by his villain look that he's got going on and his deep voice. Heh, some have woken up and immediately attacked him under the assumption that he was working with Her." "You know... you very well could be a villain in your story too, Olivia. 'Knight goes too far in their quest and ends up becoming a corrupt knight', I could certainly see it..." She'd chuckle a bit at that before returning her attention to Deva, clearly having a good relationship with the Serpent at the very least. "Heh... A calm and simple life... Maybe that was your actual fate before She got involved, though if you apparently have a Tome... simplicity isn't going to be in your near future at least." The knight would shrug, seeming a little more relaxed about her having the book than the Serpent had, taking a look out the window when Deva opened it and looking a bit melancholy for a brief moment. "The good news is you weren't sealed away... I suppose if you really want a simple life you could just live here... Though none of us are sure if this place will even last forever..."

The two of them would then watch as Deva got going with her chalk and symbols, the knight seeming extremely confused by all of it, while the Serpent would merely lean over to the knight. "If I really AM a villain in my story... Remind me to never cross paths with this one. Strength is one thing... but a smart opponent is always one that you need to look out for." Neither of them would be able to catch up, especially once she made it to symbols that neither had ever even heard of, so they'd both just listen to her explanation, catching a bit here and there that they might be able to comprehend. Really the knight understood the little drawings more than she could understand any of the more complex stuff, always being one to just use her blade to deal with her opponents rather than any of the complex magic stuff that others used to explain all the time. The Serpent would manage to follow along just a little better, understanding a little more and even nodding to certain conclusions that she made, understanding why she was reaching them. Eventually though, he would speak up, not really having much to add in the way of magical theories and ideas about her powers, but at least thinking of a way that he could be helpful. "You know... If you need information about these kinds of things, we do have quite a bit of knowledge on how she operates, and would be more than willing to share the intel we've gathered with you. Just a thought."

"On the subject of leaving this place, however... Not all of us particularly WANT to leave just yet. Without a story to return to, I'd prefer to stay here and help anyone that I can instead. The others may want to leave, but I know that until we stop Her, I'd prefer to remain where I can help the most..." Besides that, he didn't even actually know his name, so if Deva needed that then he'd definitely be stuck here no matter what he wanted to do. "Well, he and I do come from completely separate stories... But by the standards around here, he and I actually look quite similar, some people look incredibly different in ways that I could never imagine to be even possible."

"I'll go around and see who does and doesn't want to leave... as well as collect those things that you asked for. I figure that Serp will be way more of a help to you than I could be. See you when I get all that done." Olivia would salute before heading out the door to go find what Deva asked for, leaving her alone with the Serpent once again, who seemed to be thinking once again. When she cast her spell and drew the circle, she'd feel a stirring deep within her, not just within her body but within her very soul as the slime monster was drawn right out of her body, landing on the floor and forming into a mass. The Serpent's eyes would go wide the moment he saw that creature, and suddenly a dark black energy would glow in his hand, powerful magic being prepared as he held out his other hand, a sword appearing in it within a moment's notice. Seeing one of the cloaked figure's monsters had him on edge, as if there was anything that he didn't want, it was the cloaked figure making its way to the place that he hoped to keep safe. "Get rid of that thing soon... I don't want Her to take anyone here and try to use them to tear this place apart like she has all of our stories..."
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Actually, theres lots of books, some people even collect them to gain more knowledge, though mostly so that they can hush people I theorize." Deva nodded.

"Collected knowledge on her? Good, less guessing then.. Aww lookie there, you don't know any jokes? Ok, what do you call a mountaintop full of rogues? A sneak peak. Why are necromancers so socially awkward? Many still live with their mummy." Deva enthused.

"Nonsense, he looks villainous sure, I look angelic, whats your point? looks can be decieving. Theres lots of corrupted knights though, yeah." Deva nodded. "Well, my new fate is stopping her at 52, if I can't do any better. Also, I need to find a better power source than absorbing things like she does." Deva pondered.

"Intel. Intel sounds great, so, how does she enter a world, does someone invite her in, does she eat or drink while in a world, whats her favourite food?" Devas questions seemed erratic, but had a deeper purpose, to establish just how.. real the woman was. "Anyway, can share all the details over time while we work on stopping her." Deva nodded."Oh you can stay too, but restoring the stories might be tricky." Deva nodded, absent mindedly staring about at a corner of the room, as the knight saluted and left.

"She wasn't the villain of her story though, you lied to tease her. If you watched the 53 others, you know who everyone else was in the past, including her. The Mayor of the Neververse. Hey, thats a title that'll rock your job resume.. Anyway!

This place is patchwork, it would be a waste of energy to tear it apart, if she even could. Just doing a thinking in my head. Now to destabilize the creature.. "
Deva chanted, her eyes glowing with a purple-blue, as she shot a blast at the goo creature, at the same time picking a loose feather from her wing. "Well, thanks for the praise earlier, but really, I jiust do logical things. I got a book, and a creature made from ink, 's obvious where this ones going. I could propably meditate and infuse the book with energy too and.. I'm forgetting something.. " She tilted her head. "Hold on.. yes.. You said no attacks can hit her? But you can see her, I can see her, and she can see us. Hah! Has anyone tried illusions, enchantments and gaze attacks on her? She propably did this rulebreaking you mentioned earlier in response to that though. So how do you defeat someone that can break a stories rules.. AHA!" Deva grinned. "The only way to defeat someone that can bend the laws of reality.. is to have a reality without laws." She looked at the serpent. "I think I just had a really clever idea, but you wont like it. So far, my plan was to go to world no. 53 and figure out a way to stop her from there, but.. but!" She raised a finger. "What if instead, we make this world 53. We have all we need, don't you see? The wicked villain, the determined knight.. get some more people together, and you have.. what looks like, a story."

Deva grinned, crossing her arms. "How do you stop a vampire? You bring them into the sun, duh. How do you stop a very powerful vampire though? You make them believe they are walking out into a midnight sky. Random fact, that was how my.. place was constructed, eternal twilight, shadowy, but each shadow burned undead like the bright midday sun.
If I understand you right, her powers can manipulate the very fabric of any tale around her, but what if she finds herself in a completely fabricated tale?"
Deva grinned, raising her finger. "Her powers would become nothing more than to manipulate that fiction around her.

And she can't manipulate your stories either! After all, you don't have any stories, she drained them, so, this place, this in between, its not your prison, its her greatest weakness. All we need is a little setup, and a way to lure her here.. a rich story, somesuch.. oh, and a few disguises. Can you disguise yourself as hot vampire chick? Thats very important to the story."
Deva nodded, innocently. "Just an idea of course."
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"No... I meant that the specific book you have is special not that... Nevermind..." The Serpent shook his head a bit as he realized that she very well could be simply messing with him.

"We know quite a bit about her... and even have a way to consistently gain more... the only unfortunate thing is that it happens only after she's destroyed another world. Not only do we learn more and more from those that show up her... we also gain another method. But it is also an indication that She has grown more powerful..." He explained before groaning a bit when he heard Deva's jokes... hoping that the Tome wouldn't pick up on that sense of humor. A tool of extreme power that also made rather terrible jokes would be too much for him to handle.

Though when she mentioned the possibility of a better power source, the Serpent would suddenly get a flash of realization, moving over to the wall with a piece of chalk of his own, writing some of his own equations down, maybe not as complex as Deva's, but it was clear that the man had quite a bit of intelligence to him. "Sorry... you just said something that clicked in my head. Think about it, how does she gain her energy? She rips worlds apart and drains them of everything. But why tear it apart in the first place if her spell could just drain everything around her? Simple... The chaos and destruction, the rifts in reality, they create some form of energy. The destroyed reality releases incredibly amounts of energy that her book must be tapping into. But obviously we don't want to cause MORE of this destruction... But... what about repairing that which she is in the middle of breaking? Energy would still be released since reality is still being heavily altered, but in the end, the world would return to where it originally was? If you plan on powering the book, I think that is as viable an option as any." He offered, gesturing towards his calculations, which had far less doodles than Deva's.

"Of course, with another plan this wouldn't be necessary anyway... It just came to me as you said that... Seeing this happen so many times does help you start to notice patterns between them. And yes, I know her story in its entirety... Why do you think I'm the only one here that doesn't know their own name? Olivia was going to be a valiant heroine. She'd find herself facing a dark lord, nearly falling to his blade before her allies reminded her of what she was fighting for, and then emerging victorious. I haven't told her that though... If she ever does get back to her story, I want her to be able to experience it herself." He explained, having seen her future when the cloaked figure ripped open her story. "Oh, as for how she gets into a story, all I have seen is that she fades in, seemingly from out of absolutely nowhere... She does occasionally eat while in the other worlds. I normally just see her eating salads that she tends to make herself. Odd questions considering her power..."

When Deva hit the goo with her spell, it'd start to shake a bit, seeming to be destabilized... and then sort of just reformed and returned to its normal shape as though the spell hadn't even affected it. Then her open book would suddenly glow, a small beam of light hitting the goo, causing it to start destabilizing once again, before suddenly turning into a dark black and flying directly into the book, landing on a different page than what Deva had read before, and writing would begin to appear that would read. 'Dark Slime: A normal creature belonging to ________'s army. It can...' and then the writing would fade, seeming to not have any ink left from one simple slime being absorbed into it. "Fighting in a reality without rules? Clever indeed... I'd have simply said to have your own way of breaking the rules or maybe even working WITH the rules of a different reality." Though hearing her plan would make the Serpent chuckle, nodding to the idea of fabricating a fake story to lure the woman in. "An excellent plan... I think that might just work if we can find a way to get her in here... Come. Follow me, I think it high time I show you one of our best sources of intel about Her and Her powers..." He'd lead the way out of the small house, bringing them out into the empty void around them.

Deva would find that there definitely was a ground to this place, she just wouldn't be able to see it, making it look as though they were walking on nothing. If she listened very closely, she'd hear what sounded like people talking far in the distance, but no matter where she looked she'd find that no one was there. "Do not mind the noise... Being in between stories leads to us occasionally picking up the sounds of them. We can only ever really hear them correctly when their stories are being destroyed or are broken in some way." He explained, leading her to a spot that seemed no different than any other spot, to which he would gesture for her to be silent. "We didn't discover this spot until the 17th destruction. But listen in, this only happens right after She's destroyed a story." And if Deva listened closely, she'd hear voices, clearly able to make them out, though not able to see anything, only hear.

"I've never seen Mistress THAT serious against an enemy like this... She doesn't normally break the rules of a world that blatantly... Do you think that heroine got to her somehow?" A woman's voice would ask, sounding a bit less reverent than any other person they she'd met. Then a male voice would speak up, sounding a bit eccentric. "Oh please! A little angel like that harming Mistress in any way?! Ridiculous! She's far too radiant for something like that! Perish the very though!" To which another feminine voice would speak up in response. "But it can't be denied that for some reason the angel ISN'T in Mistress' book... One that threatening needs to be dealt with, right?" "Well then why not find her?! Clearly she must have somehow gotten into the Lands Between! Why not just break through and lay waste to all those scraps left?" Another voice spoke, sounding a bit inhuman. Then a familiar voice would speak out. "ENOUGH! I will have no talk of risking the Lands Between! A realm filled with those powerful enough to escape is not worth taking when there is no story to take! We will simply continue with our plan... I trust you have all been successful?" "But of course... Right now many stories stand just barely damaged enough... Slight alterations that we all made... disturbing the balance just enough... All that they await is you, Mistress... You may just drain them all in such a short visit... A few short visits and your power will grow immensely!" "Excellent... I must prepare soon, we will drain these stories one by one..." Then the voices would stop, and the Serpent would turn to look at her.

"A direct line right into her planning room... A perfect place to find out so much more than we thought we ever could have. That's a major part of the reason that we have so much information on her." He would explain, allowing Deva to do anything that she wished with that information.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


Deva gave the serpent an innocent smile. "Yeah but how did you know that, just by virtue of it being on me? To be clear you are right and apparently this book writes itself but my whole 'perhaps she's not the first' theory was based on her having a book of her own." Deva didn't mess with people for messings sake.. usually, but to poke her finger at something odd without directly thinking it through.

"Powerful. That word seems to get thrown a lot on a weekday." She mused, then looked over to the mans equations. She hated proper equations, too mathy to properly encompass her thoughts. "Well, yes, now that you mention it, that was not draining, that was restructuring. Repairing reality? Aaah.." Deva scribbled a doodle or two, a stick figure holding a book to keep up with the thinking. "So you say the energy is drawn not from a story being annihilated but rather the process of alteration? I am good at restoring things, didn't want to be so optimistic. But then again it makes sense, stories are power, stories can be forgotten, but they can also be retold."

Deva chuckled. "Be wary of odd questions. If someone asks obvious questions, they think like you, if the question is odd, they think different from you entirely, if she eats, she's real, which is good, because she has physical needs as everyone else. She is not transcendent. Its actually quite an important detail. Also that she eats salad rather than icecream tells me shes lameeee." Deva explained to the man whilest looked at the book eating the goo. "Hoi, I was hoping to use the ink for something more creative. . so much for that clever plan." She pouted at the book.

"I had my way of fighting the rules, trust me, I've seen the danger such things can bring. Meeting someone? Yay, new friends! If I wasn't thinking about old friends still, this'd be a nice day, really." She nodded.
Deva hopped up and down on the ground a bit, even poking it, quite curious about this. "Have you tried digging?" She wondered.

Then stepped over to the.. listening place, disagreeing along the way though. "Oh, I do pay a lot of whispers mind, distract me from the ones in my head.. kidding. kidding..

So she knows of this place. And the way she gets to other places is by sending out agents that weaken the reality of a place. Hmnn.. hmnn.. that makes it tricky to lure her, of course. Gotta entice her, you didn't answer the sexy vampiress bit. Hey tomey. Mind if I write something into you?

It's obvious what we must do. We got to tell a story, but not any old story, an amazing story, one she can't resist. We'd also need an illusionist or two, to disguise us, disguise this place as a living, breathing world."
Deva opened her tome again, nodding.

"Strange thing about stories, they don't care about.. completeness, you just need to play out key-events, playact a birth, an attack on a village, a hero gathering friends, a hero confronting the villain but being thwarted, a hero rebuilding.. oh and there should be a story of love and struggle as well, perhaps the hero falls in love with the villains daughter, a forbidden love they both know... Did you ever name this place? No? Silly, names are important, lets call this.. the Village of Holly Wood. Bad name? Just came to mind. Anyway.
I mean, thats the sollution I come up with, the other sollution would be using your memory and notes and my tome to try and recreate every story lost, which in turn would drain her, but that doesn't work, right, cause.. you've tried that, I presume. Plus, that method still leaves you stranded.

You talked about power earlier. Everyone did, so wanna put a bottom line there, is annoying. Proper power is not being able to bend rules, or adapt, well, adaption helps, but if you want true power, learn to take that which makes your enemy powerful and turn it into a weakness. That way, the greater their power, the further they fall. She is outside of a stories rules and can't be touched from within? Well trap her in an enticing but powerless story. Thats the thing with stories, everyone can come up with one... also.. "
Deva exhaled. "Sending agents to corrupt worlds, taking peoples pasts and futures.. this woman should be in fear." Deva listened on in. "Actually..."

"Third idea, weird pitch, you just said you can listen in on her planning room here? What exactly happens.. if I were to record that conversation?" Deva asked, with a dangerous smile. "No.. not record, lets write down only half of it. Let's write down every other word..." Deva pondered. "Let's take the words you've said, and feed them to the whispers. Or, even better slash worse idea, I could send them something of mine. Tomey, could you send a harmless, little creature through? I don't.." Deva sighed, looking at the man, checking her tome for a hint...

"I swore I wouldn't use these.. things ever again, but hearing their plans just makes my wings itch. Gotta do something about that, and.. well, these monsters helped me in the past.." She mused. "I doubt they are in her book though, no power can come from them.."
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Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"It comes from frequent observation... When you observe one using a Tome to destroy story after story, well, you tend to notice a few key details about the book they use. For example, the book does not have a title whatsoever, and from there also has an odd sense of energy about it. There's also the fact that it is slightly smaller than the average book, and the fact that you weren't sure where you had gotten it. That together made me simply assume that you had somehow gotten a Tome." The Serpent explained, giving a glimpse into his own sense of logic.

"What word would you prefer I use to describe it then? Strong? Useful? Versatile? When I see the Tome in action the very first word to pop into my mind is 'powerful'... Though I suppose it doesn't help that She uses that term as well." After he finished off with his equations he'd force down any annoyance as the angel started to draw doodles again, making him inwardly wonder if whoever taught her had to deal with this kind of issue as well. "Oh I am not asking you to attempt to restore OUR broken stories... It'd be quite time consuming, not to mention difficult considering that they're inside Her Tome. However, if you could repair stories while they were in the midst of being broken, you'd not only get the energy from the destruction but also the energy from the restoration. Plus it'd prevent Her from gaining any new energy, and potentially cause an inverse effect since the power drain would be inverted right as she was trying to use it. Even if it's impossible to save our stories, it'd prevent anyone else from ending up in this situation." He explained, having a decent understanding of how energy worked, especially when it came to something that he had been observing for quite a while. And if stopping the cloaked figure meant that he'd never return home, he was willing to put that on the line in order to ensure that no more of this happened.

"I'll take note of that... Odd questions are something to at least be wary of... As for the cloaked figure, perhaps she is just a... what are they called again? A vegan? Or perhaps it holds some sort of sentimental value... Or maybe they are unable to eat sentient creatures from other stories? Maybe it conflicts with their own systems?" He posited, figuring that if Deva was going to conjecture, he would be the alternative hypothesis, giving other ideas that challenged whatever she was proposing, in order to either strengthen her own ideals, or modify them to better fit what was discovered. When she got upset at the book, Deva would feel a sense of regret emanating from the Tome... it seemed that it hadn't meant to upset her like that.

"Oh yes, we tried digging once... That's how we found out that we could never have a graveyard here... And it was a real shame too, as once we discovered that fact we ended up desperately needing one." He said, looking down as though it were a sad story... likely meaning that their attempt at digging ended disastrously... But then he'd start laughing and lose his serious face, smirking at Deva. "No we haven't tried digging. Had you going there for a moment." He chuckled some more as he lead the way.

"You expected me to answer that question? Err... I suppose if we have someone that understands illusion magic well enough, we'd be able to disguise me like that, but I don't know if I could act the part very well." The Tome would glow a bit when asked if Deva could write inside of it, trying to communicate that it had no problem with Deva writing within it. It'd even open on its own and turn to a blank page a decent space away from what had already been written.

"All good plans in their own right... But let me adjust MY suggestion. I suggested repairing stories, but not OUR stories. Repair the stories that you just heard they are in the process of breaking. Repair them before She gets to them, drain her power before she even gets it... From the sounds of it she is about to destroy many stories, in far less time than she usually takes. You could go in and stop that... OH! Perhaps we could combine these plans..." Once again he'd start to think to himself, running his hand along his chin before continuing on. "We build a story here... you go and disrupt her plans. Eventually she'll wish to stop you personally, and that's when you lure her in here... Where she'll think she's merely entering another story, but instead ends up in the Lands Between... Or we go with something else. You are the one with the Tome after all... It's essentially up to you at this point."

"Power is a nebulous term honestly... Could mean all sorts of things. Technically many say 'power' when they simply mean 'energy', but I'd prefer not to get into semantics right now."

The Serpent would merely shrug when asked about what might happen if the angel recorded the conversation that she could hear from that spot as none of them tried considering that they had other ways to remember what had been said. "You've... You've NAMED the tool of extreme 'power' that could simultaneously save and lay waste to hundreds of stories... Good to know..." Meanwhile, when Deva started checking her Tome, she'd find words that looked faded, like what might happen when one was almost out of ink but made sure to get their last few words onto the paper. 'Could send something... Would have no energy left until recharged though.' "If you'd like... I think we can also get you OUT of here if need be. It is supposedly much easier if one has a Tome, I've seen Her hop into another world using hers even when it was supposedly completely drained of energy."

But after that he'd go silent, allowing her to enact whatever plan she had in her head, inwardly curious as to what she was talking about. To be helpful, he'd point slightly upward, showing the area the sound had come from, the place where the lining was slightly thin, where Her story ever so slightly pressed against where they were right now.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Odd sense of energy hmnnn.." Deva tried sniffing on her book in response. "Hoh, so this is what it feels like from the outside." Deva chuckled ever so slightly at the mans deductive skills. "Well, I still want to save you lot too. Anyway, repairing whilest they are being damaged is good, but we need to know her first target for that, I can't just get blinded by the trail of one of her agents whilest she consumes another world, we have to make sure.. perhaps putting on the pressure could help there..." Deva mused.

"I don't think her eating habits are that important. But who knows, perhaps they are. Perhaps she's a cannibal and comes from a world of salad-people, remember, we are dealing with many alternate worlds, got to keep an open mind here." Deva adviced with a slight chuckle. It seemed it'd take a powerful mind to even keep up with her thinking, for one reason or the other.

"Hmnn had me going for a moment, yes.. though, if I were a betting person.. no one has aged ever since their stories were destroyed, have they? You have lost your past AND your future, which makes you living paradoxes. You are likely quite similiar to a simulacrum, no memories, no true existance, reduced power.. errr, no offense." She cleared her throat.

"Combining plans? I like that. Build a story. A good story, one thats never been told before, love and loss, and dreams and struggle. Something that'd entice her, I'll go ahead and undo her damage, thats my forte. Then, when she comes here, she'll never be able to trust the story she enters to be real again, she'll have to deal with me.. and consequentially, you... but she wont get that far, because to deal with me, she'll have to get a hold of me, which means calling me to her realms where her power is the greatest.. remember what I said about power." Deva smirked slightly.

"Alright then, thats what we do. Also, good to know she can hop into other stories as a means to escape, lets me know I got to track her." She patted her tome. "Alright, thanks, I'm gonna have to ask you to put in the effort, but I need her.. busied. If it helps, we both will be working hard.
Alright, then, Serp, Mr. Mayor, please prepare a way out. Also try to locate which world she is going to after I pass out and get ready to send me there, perhaps with a guide if one of those here qualifies. I'll make sure she has reason to hurry and thus let down her guard a bit.."
Deva glasped her hands together. "Book, I also have faith in you. When I cast this spell, as I am right now, I'll be catatonic in three, unconscious in five, wake up after a good nights sleep. I'll summon a tiny creature, which you have to send out right away. DON'T" She pointed at the mayor. "Cast spells. Don't even think about casting spells, if you have any magical items on you, hide them, now. The Fluffies might actually be in her storybook, teaching her how to deal with them, but for all we know, it might have actually absorbed its own entry, it does that, meaning Robed and nasty will have to do some required reading, if I'm not in my book, that means trying to figure out what they are by what they did. The fall of the Lich, or the invasion of the Abyss, to be precise.

Among epic spells, there are those that are too powerful for even their casters own good. Those can still be used, but at the expense of the users lifeforce. Frankly, this will be the second time I cast it, but to delay someone with her resources, they are necessary."
Deva sat down, cross leggedly, upon the nothingness, one finger raised as she seemed to concentrate, clenching one hand into a fist. "Spells can be made permanent easily enough, you most certainly know of torches that shed light for centuries, but light is a simple spell. But, if you get really good at healing magic, which is just using the energy of life, you can learn to create it. If you combine this, with the conjuration and permanency, you can create an entirely new lifeform. And then, if you combine this with illusion, transmutation and a smidge abjuration, you can create a creature with certain abilities." Deva explained, whilest casting:

" . The problem is.. combining that many things takes.. a lot of power." She explained, clutching the necklace under her dress. "So, gotta try and power myself up as much as possible." Deva began mumbling softly, her wings fluffing up and open, a hidden glow emanating from them as she tilted her head back, eyes closed, chanting for.. well, what seemed to take a while, though to the experienced, if once dark mage, it would be quite fascinating, energies cascading around Deva, unseen by the naked eye, completely chaotic and random, yet guided, in a way it was like the vortex the nameless mistress used, but rather than destruction, it was creation through chaos, and rather than use anyone else.. Deva used her own energy as a focus, energy focusing on her clenched hand, first conjuration, to create.. something, then.. the energy of life itself, to heal wounds, or create new life out of nothing, slowly flowing in, intermingling with an ability, watching it unfold right there, the spell was not impossible to understand, if one could focus through the chaos.

The creatures seemed simple enough. Deva was giving life to a tiny Thaumavore. A creature that destroyed magic. "I had this idea once when I saw a few creatures, left over by a mages war, there are beings that exist only to devour magic, living forever hungry.. I pitied them." Deva explained, waving one hand frantically, the other camly closed. "The last part came when my wife questioned me about the creatures.. I realized, I did not want them easily hurt, so.." Looking at the spell unfold.. oh, that was tricky. In reaction to physical attacks, the creature turned incorporeal, like a ghost provoking, no, necessitating most opponents rely on magical weapons or spells to hit it.. which the creature would simply disspell. Without one trained to hunt them or extraordinary power, this thing would be quite hard to kill. Though there was more to this spell, it should be done by now, yet Deva kept chanting..

"Now then.. almost.. " She shouted, channeling a lesser spell, looking a bit strained by holding up the casting of one spell whilest weaving in another.. " " She clasped her hand over the closed fist.. all this effort just to create a disspelling creature? Sure, it was a dangerous tool but..

"I don't like it though.. a creature thats made just to destroy. That was the tricky bit. They don't just destroy magic, spells, items imbued with magic. They eat it. It's their food. And if you feed one enough." Deva grinned. "It makes another one." Deva focused on her hand, breathing growing shallow as she panted. "It doesn't just disspell. It transmutes magical energy. All of it. (though necromancy gives them maldigestion, poor things). Exactly like her tome. I didn't use it against her, because I was afraid it'd get absorbed.. worse, her powers seemed to have already been set in motion, and it takes a lot of preparation as you see.. and more than one of them to deal with magic as powerful as hers, however, where theres one, soon.." She stopped speaking, chanting on, focusing on her hand, gritting her teeth, before exhaling with an exhausted sigh, as the energy around her gathered, coalescing into her hand, which began to glow faintly, visible even to non-magic casters now.

"'S.. still got it.. Fluffy Genesis!" Deva exhaled, almost falling onto the ground, stopping herself with her one hand, lifting the other, and slowly opening it, presenting.. an adorable looking furry thing.

"Prrrr?" It made. "Purrrrurrrrr?" It added. The creature.. was but a fuzzball. with tiny, almost insignificant four legs, no discernable eyes. "Yes you are little one.. please don't nibble on my necklace just yet, gonna send you to a place with lots of yum yums!" "Prrrrr! squiiii?" The fuzzball made a purring, then a soft squeaking noise, sounding excited, little black button eyes peering out under a mass of fur. "If you see some cloaked meanie, tell he*cough* .. ugh she wouldn't get it anyway.. I can't.. They are my most dangerous creation, quick, tomey, send it away..." Deva weakly tried to lift the thing towards the gap in the magic. "I have no control over it, its free to do as it *cough* want.. if it stays here.. it'll devour.." Deva coughed, whilest the little furrball jitttered a bit in her hand, just as curious about the world as a newborn. However, close observation, as Serp was.. quite used to, would show that the creatures fuzzy hairs were standing up.. towards him, any magic he might have on him, as well as in Devas direction, the fuzzy thing trotting about a bit uncertain on Devas hand if no powerful sources of magic were directly up close.. though, if left here, the creature could drain Devas tome, necklace, and tatoo of all magic.

If sent through the portal-well, thinning between worlds really, the creature would look about uncertain in its new surroundings, try an endearing purr.. then wobble, with suprising speed, towards the closest source of magic, item or otherwise, trying to quite literally nibble on it and drain its magic into nothingness. Seeming nothingness, at least.
It'd stop that attempt if attacked, but ordinary attacks simply went through it, as it turned incorporeal, whereas spells were met with its hairs fuzzing up, like a giant ball, only to have whatever spell was sent out against it coil and twirl around the hairs, as it gave enthusiastic purring and chirping noises. Created by Deva, with her innately good desires, the Fluffies understood no evil, to them, someone casting spells of powerful destruction, control or alteration was no different than a kindly old man feeding breadcrumbs to a duck. Even magical weapons would meet the creatures, hairs first, and if not hit by a lot of them at once, simply find the power imbued in them absorbed into the creature.
And then, if it got to feed, or more likely, as soon as a more serious, or several lesser spells had tried to hit the creature, it'd quiver, bulge, and.. explode, however, not as a spellcaster expected, splattering gorely all over the place, instead.. there'd be two of the things, both purring contendly, and continuing to nibble on on the magic presented to them, as long as there was an abundance of power, they would feed, a programmed in sense of self-preservation causing them to slow down only once about half the magic they could sense all around them was drained, infact, if they weren't contained fast, there would be a few that would go incorporeal, sinking through the ground and float-paddling on tiny feet through the ground, seeking out other sources of magic, food, to call their own. If left to their own devices, they would happily, purringly devour the most delicious, powerful treats in the world around them. The unknown womans tome, to them, was not a dangerous source of power.. it was a five star deluxe meal with extra helpings.
They were an infestation, a plague, of magic eating vermin, every mages worst nightmare. And Deva had managed to make it cute.. and kind.

There was a weakness to the Fluffies of course, .. you had to scratch their soft, underside bellies to keep them content, turning them into happy, warm wiggling fuzzballs, that the angel personally found adorable. Doing such, one could even harvest their.. nectar(Deva liked calling it that rather than milk), a fluid of distilled magical energy, useful to restore already spent spell energy.. but that was a secret Deva had tried to keep to herself, trading with the nectar a few times in the past only.
Beyond that, a fluffy actually understood common languages and wouldn't eat anything.. if it was just asked nicely, ideally offered something else to nom on instead. A monster, that only kindness could stop. They were quite useful even.. if you didn't try to amass more and more power and magic, that was.
It was likely that someone that could manipulate reality itself could get rid of them, perhaps simply trapping them in a bubble, plus those that could reach into the etherial world, ghosts and those that hunted them could deal with the Fluffies discorporal form, but neither might nor magic could harm the creatures. Infact, the greater the magic, the more Fluffies would be born from it.

Deva meanwhile, had collapsed on the ground if not held by anyone, though there was a mildly rude gesture from the fingers she could still move, up towards the portal, before she sank into unconsciousness, with a bit of a nosebleed.. this was quite clearly not a spell that could viably be used in combat, or even near to combat. But.. it didn't need to be.
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Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Well, I doubt that anyone here would exactly protest the idea of being saved, so long as She is stopped as well. None of them know their stories, but they all would more than likely want to return to the worlds that they came from." The Serpent explained, and when Deva sniffed the Tome, it'd smell like something very pleasant to her, tailor scented to be something that she'd enjoy. Either it had some way to learn more about its owner, or the book was made for her in some form. "Well... I might be able to pull off predicting where they're going to strike first... Patterns appear in everything... and from what I've seen of her, she enjoys dealing with her biggest obstacles first. Which means she'll be moving from places of least damage to most... I have a few ideas of how to keep you just a little bit ahead of her." And part of that would simply be the link he had to their inner chambers, as that would allow him to hear where they might plan on going next.

"Every bit of information about your enemy can be useful, you just need to find some way to use it. Though I do see your point... No need to spend so much time talking about her choices of food when her story destruction is such a pressing matter. Forgive me... your question seems to have gotten me a bit off track... for some reason I feel that's a common occurance to those around you." He joked.

"Nope... not a single one of us has aged since the day that we came here... You're quite a clever one... If there was anyone here that I believe could stop Her, you'd be my very first choice. Even without the Tome, I think you have the best possible chance."

"I have watched so many stories at this point... It will be an interesting experience to actually build one rather than sit around uselessly and see it get destroyed. Hmph... They all say I look like a villain... I'll show them how a villain should act! Anyway... While you are out properly stopping her, I'll get everyone around here to pitch in and craft something that she won't even think twice about hopping into." The Serpent explained, seeming determined to properly make Deva's plan work, wanting to be able to help in some way when it came to stopping the one that had destroyed so many stories before his very eyes.

The Serpent would observe calmly as Deva prepared a supposedly very powerful spell, watching her more out of curiosity about what she had planned rather than interest in the specifics of the spell. He would nod in agreement when she warned him against casting spells, wrapping his pendant in a special cloth someone from another story had given him, which had an interesting property of hiding magic, while at the same time not actually BEING magic. "Hmmm... Interesting... If she hadn't destroyed so many stories I'd almost feel bad for Her now that she has to worry about you coming after her. But... I suppose She brought this kind of thing on herself..." He'd comment idly while watching the energies weave around and listen carefully to her explanation as to how and why she had created something like this. "Creatures that feed off of pure magical energy... I don't think that I've ever seen those before, even while watching your story something obscured your past from me... That probably should've clued me in to the fact that you were unique." Though any further things that he had to say about it were stopped when he actually saw the creature in question, raising an eyebrow as he heard the noises that it was making. It was actually rather adorable... a tiny little ball of fur with small little eyes and high pitched noises. A part of him wondered if such a thing could possibly be dangerous, but he had already heard what something like that could do, and as such he was very careful to not to use any sort of magic, not until it was able to get through the portal.

It took every bit of willpower that The Serpent had to not suddenly attack the creature when Deva mentioned that she had no control over the creature, meaning that it could potentially NOT jump through the portal. Thankfully, the Tome would prove its usefulness, a force that wasn't magical in nature lifting the fuzzie up gently in order to not spook it. And then it'd be helped through the opening between worlds, likely able to sense the high amount of magic that the world had in store for it. Sending something through would cause the lining to weaken once again, meaning that they'd be able to hear those voices once again, which sounded as though they were in the middle of discussing something when they all went silent. "What the fuck is THAT?" "Bah... Some type of pest most likely... Easily eliminated. Watch..." There'd be the sound of a magic bolt flying through the air before they all once again went silent, not expecting the creature to survive even a simple blast like that. There'd be a few more moments of silence before a panicked scream from the male voice. "IT'S IN MY HAIR! GET. IT. OUT. OF. MY HAIR!" The sound of something, likely a chair, hitting the floor would sound out before anything else sounded. "Oh for fuck's sake... Here!" There'd be a clicking sound... and then what sounded like 4 miniature... explosions? "Can it really phase through things?!" Suddenly thunder would sound from the room... and there'd be more panicked sounds from a few of them. "TWO OF THEM? WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Any further results wouldn't be heard, as the sound would cut out. The Serpent might have actually spent some time enjoying the issues they were all dealing with, had it not been for the fact that he had immediately rushed to catch Deva and kept her from hitting the ground. He'd clean off her face a bit, before carrying her unconscious form to get everything ready for her, calling for someone to properly escort Deva, as well as find a little more information about the world they were being sent into.

Deva would slowly find herself regaining consciousness inside another building, this one much more wide open than the last, and Serp would be looking over her with concern yet again, though this time a different woman was with him.


A young, blonde woman with a light blue dress would be checking Deva's temperature, smiling a bit. "So she's the one that showed up with a Tome? I'd be happy to go with her. Either we end up successful and I get my story back, or we fail and I at least go down trying to stop the person that started all this, eh?" Then she'd look down and notice that Deva wasn't completely knocked out, smiling to her even more. "Ah! Hello Deva! I am Isa. A pleasure to meet you!" "Isa is one of the earliest ones to have ended up in here... There were a few before her, but they are either needed for the story I need to build, or just aren't equipped to help in any way. Isa is a curious one, which means she's learned a lot about other Stories and will be help to navigate, and she can hold her own in combat if it becomes necessary. Now... As I promised, we can get you out of here into one of those stories that she's affecting. Look..." He'd gesture to an area of nothingness that seemed darkened, not pure white but instead a slight gray. "As she starts tearing into a Story, we notice it here as a disruption of energy. Her Tome allowed Her to phase into a Story just by focusing on it, and since you can get a read off of it here, you'll be able to get into that story, find out what she has changed and what needs fixing, and hopefully gain some energy from doing so. Just remember... not all Stories are simple issues of Black and White... and that we will be unable to contact you in these Stories, nor will we know very much about the Story before you get in. Any questions before you head out? It seems you'll be ending up in a forest this time. Once you are ready, focus on getting into the Story, and your Tome should get you there. Make sure you focus on Isa as well, she could be of great help to you in there. We also took the liberty of packing you some supplies for the journey." Isa would point to a bag she had slung over her shoulder, where food and water had been packed, along with the supplies that Deva had requested earlier. With that, it would be up to Deva when she left, and the Serpent would wait to answer any questions that she might possibly have.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


Deva would have chuckled and told the man: "Patterns are good, off track is better, get everyone elses mind of track, and you'll be the only one left on track. I'd be better at it if things weren't pretty serious, but its amazing what people tell you when their minds wander." Deva chuckled. "Thanks for the praise, though I just feel like its common sense to assume certain things." Deva gave the Serpent and encouraging thumbs up at the story-crafting enthusiasm he displayed.

"You should feel bad, but yes. I gave her a chance to stop."

~The Fluffy, meanwhile, purred in interested confusion when lifted up gently, its hair quivering under the books influence, but the thing didn't really understand anything that was not magic, or friendly to it. It's purring intensified when it felt itself delivered to a yummy source of food, wobbling ever so slightly in eagerness and sense of adventure, only to be provided a yummy meal of evocation magic upon its arrival. Such nice people! It'd definitly enjoy its stay here and make new friends.

Deva felt unconscious, with a confident grin on her lips, hearing the planning room, her only worry had been the tome-user immediatly recognizing and.. quarantining her Fluffy, if she didn't.. that'd occupy them for certain.

"Good morning Isa, likely short for Isabelle but you aren't sure if you only remember your nickname or not. Can I have some more tea, are there cupcakes?" She leaned up, even more pale than usual. "Half dead. Luckily, I can fix that. " She mused, one hand glowing in a pleasantly blue-white light as she touched her chest, immediatly seeming better.

"Curious is good, I like curious. Combat is rarely necessary though. Oh look, you washed your in between nothingness together with your dark robes, what'd you expect would happen." She chuckled, getting up as seemingly out of nowhere, another blast of healing energy hit her.

"Throwing me into an unknown world with unknown rules, were hello might mean goodbye and people might communicate by spitting at one another, expecting me to fix things?" Deva cracked her neck. "If you wanted to make me feel young again you could've just bought a plushie.

Ah, yes, wonderful, the supplies, what did I ask for again?"
She hopped over to Isas backpack. "I don't think about these things, usually. . oh yes, cup o tea, marbles, keep one Isa, orange.. wait, an orange, why did I ask for an orange, this is clearly a potatoe scenario.. oh well, I'll work with what I got. A forest hmn?" She pondered, pulling out her tome, pat patting it for a job well done earlier, whilest extending a hand to Isa's .. breast. "Hush, focusing on you.. putting my hand on your heart helps." Most people believed the heart to be more left than it actually was. Deva knew better of course, but she felt cheeky.

"Alright, make it a good story here, Serpent, I'll be right back. To the forest!" Deva focused, flipping her tome open, squeezing Isas breast a bit. "Leaves above us, the scent of wild earth beneath, wood around us and.." She slammed the book shut, closign her eyes, re-opening them... and looking around.

"First things first, camouflage!" She picked up a few branches and fallen leaves, adding them to her hat, with a clear intent of.. creating a pathetic camouflage, before turning to Isa, with a knowing smile. "Due to the severity of the situation, I'll let you in on a secret. It'd be stupid to disguise someone wearing bright white in a forest, but, this is not camouflage of the body, but of our minds. If we meet someone that sees us, they will likely think 'what fools, trying to disguise with such things'. Being thought of as a fool is the greatest blessing, for people will tell you things they never would normally if they underestimate who or what you are." On that note, Isa would notice Deva had folded up her wings under her cloak, her hat hiding her eyes and thus her angelic features. "Let me do the talking though.. if you got something to add, don't be afraid to speak up, partner."
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"If it's short for Isabelle, then Serp certainly hasn't told me that. Though he only saw everyone calling me 'Isa' so he managed to give me that much." The Serpent would then hand Deva another cup of tea that he had prepared just in case she needed something to drink after being knocked out again. "Heh... I think I deserve a medal for managing this one... But yes, we do actually have cupcakes. I figured that you'd have a sweet tooth, and we're lucky enough to have a baker here." He'd hand her a well made cupcake, chuckling to himself that he had managed to actually predict that she'd want something like that.

"Well, you never know when combat might happen even though you're not trying, so it's good to at least have something. And even if we don't need to fight, I'm sure that ice magic will come in handy at some point." The both of them would smile when Deva healed herself from what had happened.

"Well we never said that this was going to be easy... Besides, getting to learn about other Stories and the things going on in them can sometimes be quite enjoyable. You never know what new things that you're going to run into." He told her with a chuckle, knowing that she'd be running into things that might surprise her. With all the things that he had seen from afar, he couldn't imagine how strange things would be when you were actually within the story and experienced all the different things that they had to offer.

When Deva pulled out the Tome, it'd feel emptier... like it had lost nearly all of the energy that it had within it before. Though it would still feel as though it could get her to another world, especially considering that the Serpent had already said that it could get between Stories without any power. Isa would 'eep' a bit loudly and blush when Deva suddenly reached for her breast, though she would calm down a little when the angel explained why she needed to do that, seeming to fall for that trick. "A-Alright... Is this gonna be a common thing then?" She'd ask, still having a bit of a blush to her face from this situation, even if she now understood why it was being done.

The Serpent would bow when told to make a great story, preparing to use his own knowledge about stories to try and make a particularly good one. He had plans already for the things that he'd need, with his first task having to be to gather everyone up to make things work.

Once Deva opened her eyes, she'd be in the middle of a lush forest, with Isa still standing by her side, looking around a bit to check if they had appeared before anyone. Then she'd raise an eyebrow at the camouflage that Deva was putting on, listening to the explanation and nodding a bit. "Ooooh! I got ya! It's better to be underestimated whenever you run into anyone, that way you can get more information and even a potential advantage if things go wrong!" On that note, she'd pick up a few leaves and twigs and arrange them in a haphazard way on her bright turquoise outfit, leading to her also not looking all that disguised in the wilderness around them. "From the feel of it... I think this Story has a good amount of magical energy in it. Which means that your spells won't really be too suspicious to the people that we run into." That was another reason that the Serpent had wanted her to come with Deva, as she had a good ability to detect magic even in the air. Though after that, there'd be a rustling from the trees and bushes around them, and a large group of elves would stand out of the bushes, aiming bows at Deva and Isa.


A female elven archer would keep her bow focused in on Deva, looking at her with suspicion. "State your business, outsider! Why are you in our forest? And more importantly, how were you undetected until you made it this far?!" Another would speak up for a moment, trying to tell the woman something. "Don't let them speak! They may be agents of the Great Betrayer... here to fool us!" "Silence. I will at least hear them out first... I will not let us fall into paranoia simply because of the Great Betrayer's actions!" She'd answer, still keeping her bow aimed at the two of them while she let them speak. And Isa, true to Deva's orders, would allow her to do all the talking rather than trying to answer the questions as she normally would do.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"You do have cupcakes? Place can't be that bad, anyway, good luck!" She'd have waved to Serp, whilest enjoying her tea.

"... wait you are an ice magic user? I always wanted to work with one.. thats so .. cool." Deva grinned brightly. "Perhaps its going to be a common thing. Don't worry about it. Try to chill." Isa might have a rising suspicion as to why Deva wanted to work with an ice-magician..

When in the other story, Deva grinned to Isa. "Exactly. Fundamental of Devanic warfare. Beware the smiling fool. Theres two other secret techniques you'll have to master, but I have to come up with one of them first." Deva nodded. "Good to know, you are an ice mage and a sensory one then? Can you sense the alterations? I figure they will become obvious in time but could help..." Deva pondered for a moment, before the elvish ambush set upon them, to which she reacted with a cautiously raised hand.

"Hello, uh .. please don't shoot us with the pointy things, that might kill us and I'd die from being killed! I'm Deva, as for how we got so far, look at our masterful camouflage!" Deva pointed to her hat, whereas Isa could already observe the effects of Devas simplistic and foolish seeming, but actually subtly manipulating psychological trickery. "As for our business.. well, we are here to find a gem of power!" Deva exlcaimed, reaching for her sleeve, slowing down when the arrows seemed.. impatient, presenting it. "Sure, it may look like a harmless marble, but! If we manage to collect all five, they'd grant us any wish we want, now she is saying we should wish to rebuild her grandpas house, but I want to use the wish to have a never-ending supply of baked potatoes, our village would never go hungry again.. uh.." She leaned over to Isa, whispering, in a tone hard to hear for humans, but which she knew an elf could pick up on...

"Errr.. am I imagining things or is there something wrong with their ears? You know so.. pointy." She addressed the elven woman again. "Anyway! Whats this betrayer guy you are talking about? Did someone steal your stuff? We had that once, there was this bunch of traveling gipsys and they put on a show and they had a guy eating swords and spitting fire and another that was a scary vampire, but in the morning they were gone, with tons of our valuables, the elder said we'd been betrayed and that was bad because we couldn't trade in stuff for nails and pans from the city and my daddies pan had a hole, so I had to eat some raw food and that gave me a tummyache which was overall not a fun experience." Devas rapid pace delivery of a completely made up tale was hard to keep up with, attempting to overwhelm the listener with so much information it got hard to question. She also subtly stared at the elfs ears, in a way that seemed to imlpy she tried -not- to get noticed whilest staring.

"But we made it through, however the next winter, the roof of her granpas hut went all.. crack! So me and Isa slipped into our best dresses and came out here, after hearing the marbles tale from a traveling merchant, hah, he sold us that thing for way too cheap and now I bet you are asking yourself.. two silly villager girls against a group of bush-hiding bandits.. why are they not scared? Well simple! I am a great, powerful spellcaster, and my grandma told me a spell that can , hah! I'ma cast it right now!"

Deva waved her hands, mumbling and casting.. Protection from Acid, which the likely magic talented elfs would likely quickly pick up on. "Hah." Deva proclaimed, pushing out her chest, a slightly green glow illuminating her as the energy protection illuminated her from briefly. "Now begone you meanie robbers, we have nothing of val.." Deva hesitated, one finger half raised, as if a sudden realization hit her. She was a master of playing the fool.

"Argh! I told them about the marble.. ugh.. s..sorry Isa, can't shut my trap again uh. uh .. I mean.. begone wicked ones, lest I cast Summon Natures Ally! I'll have you know I am not the harmless girl I appear to be, for unlike anyone in my village, I can summon a powerful wolf to my side!" She raised a hand drammatically and clutched the proclaimedly powerful marble close, as she, in facing elfs, likely threatened a pyromancer with a torch, but also giving away that, if she would be telling the truth, that'd make her a druid of the second circle of magic. It could even explain the terrible camouflage working so far but failing.. a druidic spell allowing her to move through the undergrowth, but running out of duration from an inexperienced caster, just now. Druids could of course, not use a wizardly spell like protection from arrows either.

The elves sharp eyes could likely pick out that Devas camouflage was infact, not made from branches or leaves torn from the forest, but those that had already fallen, an innately druidic take on things. Though, the really observant, those all too suspicious might actually note that the leaves had come mostly from around, but why build a camouflage here, moreso, how build a camouflage here, under their noses.. it made no sense.
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Isa would face palm as Deva started making her ice puns, already knowing that those would annoy her far more than having to grab her boob every time they need to jump between stories. "What have I gotten myself into..." She'd ask for a moment, before regaining her composure for the coming journey.

"Something tells me you have quite a bit of experience in being underestimated... Heck, before hearing that I was starting to wonder what Serp was talking about when he told me that you were likely the most capable person we've ever seen..." She said, finishing up her very terrible camouflage that wouldn't hide her in the slightest. "Ice magic and sensory magic, sounds about right. Unfortunately I can't actually sense the alterations themselves... Though since they do release a large amount of energy, I can sense large spikes in power somewhere, but that could be a regular strong bit of magic or a relic instead of the actual alteration. So it's not the most reliable thing to use to find the alterations." She explained before raising her hands up a bit too once the elves had their arrows pointed at her.

The elven archer raised an eyebrow when Deva stated that it must have been her camouflage that had led to the two of them making it so far into the forest without being spotted, looking over the absolutely pitiful excuse for camouflage the both of them were wearing. "We have no 'gems of power' here..." But then she was cut off by Deva's further explanation, growing tense as she reached into her sleeve, before seeming to calm down when it was revealed just to be a couple of marbles. "I still don't trust these two, ma'am... I think the Great Betrayer has likely altered their memories to get them to sneak in here." To which the leader would just roll her eyes, making a few hand gestures to let her group know that her original orders still stood, they would wait and see what these outsiders had to say before making any further decisions. While they certainly had to be careful about something like that, she couldn't just turn themselves into a group of roving bandits that attacked anyone that entered the forest, that would only end up creating more enemies for all of them, something that they definitely didn't need right now.

The group of elves would look even more confused when the woman started whispering to the other one about the elf ears. How could anyone not know about the elves in this forest? Were they really that sheltered... or had their minds been completely destroyed? The female leader seemed to have her own look of surprise by all the things that they were saying now. "You... don't know of the Great Betrayer?! I know that some places don't refer to them by that name... but surely news has traveled across the land about their terrible betrayal? No one has even told you of them kidnapping our Queen?! What sort of backwards village did the two of you grow up in?" She asked, getting a little confused by the long and winding tale of the two of them and their village, not even sure what any of it had to do with anything. Meanwhile, an elf or two would silently laugh to one another, finding their foolishness more amusing than their leaders did. "You are not making the case of outsiders any better than it already is..." She'd mutter, finding their story of the gypsies to be a very good reminder of why they needed to continue to be wary of those that came from outside their forest.

"I highly recommend that you NOT threaten us like that, considering that we have more than just arrows, and considering that currently the only thing you are protected from is acid." From the sounds of it, the elf was confused, but a bit upset by her calling them bandits and trying to tell them that they should be worried just because she was a spellcaster. "We are not bandits! We are official soldiers of the kingdom that you have apparently wandered into! Intruding upon our borders could be considered an act of war if we even knew which nation that you lot came from... But it is clear that you have merely blundered into here. How, I still do not know, but clearly you're not smart enough to be sent by the Great Betrayer, considering that you threaten magic in a forest where we are perfectly in tune with all the creatures living here."

A few more of the elven archers would start to laugh when Deva 'realized her mistake' of telling them about their marbles, finding this entire display more amusing by the minute. "Enough... clearly you are not a threat, or at the very least not an obvious one. Therefore I am bound by law to not bring you any harm, though my duty must still be fulfilled through other means. As such, I am ordering that you two appear before some of our elders so that they may determine if you shall be punished for intruding upon our kingdom. Count yourself lucky... If I considered you two a threat I'd have full authority to put an end to the both of you. Come with us and our elders will allow you to plead your case and decide your fate." She didn't even seem to say anything about Deva's threat to summon a wolf or use some sort of other spell on her, just seeming like Deva was more of an annoyance now rather than something that she needed to be worried about. "Are you insane?! Don't bring them even further into our territory! They'll probably kill or kidnap our elders! We need to just put an arrow through them and be done with it!" "Silence! I have heard enough of your foolishness and paranoia! You would have us execute outsiders for no other reason than the fact that they are outsiders! You heard my orders, and I will not tolerate insubordination! You've heard them speak, do they really seem like threats to you?" Then she'd turn back to the two of them, lowering her own bow, though a few archers would still keep theirs aimed. "My apologies for that... We will be bringing you in for now. I am Levinan... Captain of the Royal Guard. Please comply with our request and follow us."

"I'm the underestimator! What annoys me is that we might well have to help the bad guys, if the story demands it.. anyway.." She'd have boasted at Isa, all of course, before meeting with the elves.

"I don't remember any memory alterations, no miss!" Deva cheered. "Ooohh, queens are the women with big golden thrones, yours got kindapped?" She pondered.

"What do you mean, protected from acid.. eh, acid, arrows, whats the difference. " Deva coughed, pretending it to be a nervous one. "Weird, soldiers don't usually point their uh.. stick-swords at two harmless people for no reason, is that whas the betraying part is about? They betrayed lotsa people?" Deva tilted her head innocently, whilest subtly learning more about this 'betrayer'

"I dun like elders though! They are boring and tell too long stories.." Deva pouted."That said, I think the elders would do well, but I'm really feeling like someone is giving me an order, bad with that.. hrmnn.." She looked at Isa."You're at the brink of provocitating a war with someone less careful as us even if for good intentions." She pondered. "You shoot us dead, people come to avenge us cut some of you down, you shoot them dead, whats the point exactly?"

"Levinan. I'm following along, but only because you ask nice. Will there be berries?" She asked, arms crossed behind her back lazily. She seemed calm about the arrows pointed at her.
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"Well of course you wouldn't remember any memory alterations... that's half the point of altering one's memory..." Levinan seemed more and more confused by the minute over how once could actually be so clueless about so many things. "You honestly haven't heard about her Majesty being kidnapped?! All over the land people already know of their betrayal... Where are you even from? Like... what nation?" The elf woman asked, not understanding how others wouldn't know about that.

"The current difference between arrows and acid is that one of those has the potential of harming you right now, and the other has little to no chance of splashing on you currently." The elf explained as though she were speaking to a child, definitely underestimating the angel at this point. "Well normally harmless people aren't this far into our borders. And yes, we are all on edge after our Queen was kidnapped by the Great Betrayer. They are known as such because of their betrayal, yes. In one fell swoop they betrayed 4 nations at once, and kidnapped our Queen. I fought during their invasion... I even found myself trying to face her... The Great Betrayer almost effortlessly defeated myself and the rest of the guard, kidnapping the Queen back to their own nation." She explained, essentially giving Deva the information that she wanted about the Great Betrayer.

"The Elders are merciful... They will know how to better react to you appearing suddenly within our borders. It is either a visit to the elders, a sentencing to jail, or a fight with us. As much as I don't wish to start any sort of war, we need to be cautious considering how weakened we are without her. Agents of the Great Betrayer are clever and extremely sneaky, as such we are concerned with one of them making it within our borders." She explained, beginning to lead the way further into the forest, most of the archers putting their bows down, though at least two would keep theirs trained on Deva and Isa just in case they suddenly tried to attack them.

When asked about getting some berries, Levinan would turn to one of the scouts. "Elvernar! Give her some of our rations then..." In response, one of the elves would reach into a pouch before pulling out a few bright red berries, handing them to Deva. If she ate any they'd taste actually really sweet, as the elves knew quite a bit about the forests around them, and knew the best spots to find tasty berries. The two of them would be brought down what seemed like a completely random path, moving through trees and parting bushes as the group made their way through the dense forest.

Eventually they reached a wide open glade, lit by bio-luminescent plants all around, with fireflies occasionally floating through the air. It seemed that there was nothing around them, no buildings or tree houses. "The elders will be here soon. I sent a message ahead to them to let them know that at least one of them needs to make a decision on what your fate will be. If you wish any questions, now would be the time." Levinan would take some time, and answer any questions that Deva might have.

Once that was done, there'd be the sound of plants rustling around them, to which Levinan would nod before bowing down in the direction of the noise, knowing that one of the elder elves would soon be here. From between a few trees, another elf would appear, causing all the elven rangers, except the ones aiming bows at the two of them, would kneel down as a sign of respect to one of their elders.


The elder elf seemed rather young actually, and Deva could tell that she had quite a bit of magical energy, even without Isa's ability to sense the strength of magic. She wore complex looking robes, and had a band of silver around her head. The woman would look over the two of them with a bit of interest, before smiling ever so slightly, waving her hand at the kneeling elves who would all stand up when she did. "Levinan... I am glad that you had the patience and restraint to call me here rather than simply harming these outsiders... The thirst to avenge your failure must burn strongly within you, and it shows a great deal of maturity for you to not so willingly give in to it. Though, I suppose you are not as short lived as the humans... so perhaps you merely wish to play a longer game... But I digress... These are the two outsiders..." She'd step over to Deva and grasp her hand a little uncertainly, shaking it a bit as though she wasn't used to that kind of act, but was doing it anyway, likely as a way of giving Deva a human greeting that she didn't entirely understand. "I am Tryv'usria Windwhisperer of the Twilight Glade... Though to make things simple, Tryvia is preferred. The two of you are charged with violating Elven Borders in a most peculiar way... Would either of you wish to explain this? We are in troubling times... And while I would not normally suspect you two of all too much wrongdoing... With the power and reach of the Great Betrayer, as well as the strange way you two appeared... I wish to... what is it you humans say? 'Hear it straight from the horse's mouth'? Rest assured that you may both be honest with me... I have no desire to cause some sort of messy and unhappy incident."
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"We're from brownstone Village, whats a nation?" Deva contered. "Also, perhaps you are from that village too but someone altered -your- memory.. though I dun believe I've seen you there before so.." She tipped her chin, bubbly eyed and innocently observing the elfs reaction.

"Oooh this is your lands? You should be offering us a cup of tea!" She enthused, ignoring the 'threat' of arrows. "Wow, capturing four nations leaders, its like someone -wants- to cause chaos for the sake of it. I mean, stealing one leader, thats like a kid a napping, right, but all of them.." Deva mused, innocently. Seemed she had her target. "But where capture them to, I mean if you capture all the leaders sure, all the nations are looking for you and stuff!"

Deva followed along, not pressing her luck, for now, though she did respond: "Yay, berries, so you are nice people after all!" With an intentionally full mouth.

"!!Look! Those plants glow! Awesome!" She rushed over to one, trying to poke it. "Can I have one?" If denied, she busied herself trying to capture fireflies. "Oooooh! Questions,, hmnn.. Why aren't ants good at religion... .."

"Because they are all in-sects .. hah! Get it?" Deva grinned almost from ear to ear.

She leaned over to Isa, commenting: "That one doesn't look so elder.. no beard at all!" She would not kneel in the slightest.

Deva then shook the offered hand enthusiastically, herself common to many.. unusual greetings. The one for fire elementals required protective energy for example.

"Honest with you humnn.." Deva said, her cheerful voice still intact, but her eyes getting just a bit more serious. "It's hard to be honest with arrows pointed at you." Every playfulness had disappeared from her voice now. "You should be grateful I'm not the type that answers violence with violence. But you don't ask for the truth, you demand it." She shook her head. "I can see that you are affected by a tragedy, know that this is the only reason those arrow pointers are still doing their job.. come on.. all of you, join in on the fun, all draw their arrow, and you elder, why don't you conjure some raw natural energy. Then I might actually be a little intimidated." Deva chuckled, unperturbedly wandering over to sit on a luminous plant.

"Hooh luminous.. Well, what are you waiting for, go ahead then, you want to interrogate your captures like savages, this forest belongs to you after all, right? Thats what n teaches" She giggled again at her seating place. "All forests are yours for the taking, drive all those that are different from them, cull the weak.. and.. wait, wait, no, I'm thinking of Will there be torture? Do you want to chain us up and slowly tear off our fingernails and then rub burning salt into those wounds? Do you want to slowly flay bit by bit of our flesh away promising the sweet release of death if we answer your questions in between our agonized screams? You see the downside of arrows is, a few well placed arrows in the lungs, heart, trachea or certain parts of the head and its goodbye interrogation target. You make for terrible dark elves, You need blunt arrows laced with paralyzing poison to get that kind of party started. Whats that elder, you have armed them, sent them out knowing they might kill suspicious people but not told them how to vivisect someone? Half baked if you ask me, so half baked the dough is still all warm and suquishy." Deva tipped her chin, just as casually recounting horrors as she could her fake story, when continuing "Even heard of those names? Do you have fallen dark elves here? Perhaps you call them differently, the betrayed, the underground elves, what do I know. Anyway. I entered your borders and am threatened with death. No torture, no, you are too good for that, but in the end, you still took a life, needlessly. As a lesson, the one that spoke the threats is a fool, and unfit to serve as warrior, forever more. Simple logic, the betrayer took your queen, what more would they want of you now? You should be worried once your queen returns, seemingly 'normal'. Until then, this paranoia only serves to diminish you.

Here is my conditions, for being honest, if you want that, Lay down your weapons, all of you, and foreswear, by acorn and oak, the path of warrior, for it is not ment for you. You let fear and paranoia guide your hands and would have taken an innocents life, if I so much as had drawn a dagger out of fear. I care not that a recent tragedy dictated your actions, for those are the things that test your character. As for you leader, Levinian, I think banishment is a proper punishment. One should never make decisions based on a hunger for Revenge. Now."
She exhaled, turning over to the elder.

"Just my personal suggestions, if you want to hear the truth. If you want to beg forgiveness for them, now is your chance. Troubling times are no excuse, they are a test of character. All of your warriors, with no exeption(though the berries were nice, give 'em some berries), failed that test. Everywhere at your borders, right now, war could be brewing unless you learn to change your ways. And if you don't, well, heres my threat. Theres four nations that might be less foolish than you and quite more open to listen to the advice of the one that got rid of the entire elven kingdom. Theres a difference between a good and an evil man and that is not that one is incapable of violence were the other isn't, it's just that the good man hesitates to use it, unless forced to. So elder, do you want to talk, or force me to talk, like an orcish brute would, albeit with better breath perhaps." She crossed her arms. Of course she didn't want to kill the elves. She doubted she even had magic for that. But she was unafraid to use threats when she was threatened herself.
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"The Great Betrayer didn't kidnap four nations leaders... They kidnapped our Queen, completely destroyed another nation underneath their foot, gave up one of our allies to powerful enemies, and is likely planning the assault on another one of them." Levinan answered, freely giving answers about the Great Betrayer and what they had already done. "Perhaps it is just to cause chaos... But until recently they seemed they were a disciplined ally... then suddenly they betrayed us and those around us. Perhaps they were always this evil." The elf pondered for a bit, still leading the way through the forest as they discussed these matters.

"These plants aren't rare once you get this deep into the forest, so if you really wish to have one, then so long as the elder doesn't imprison you, then I suppose there would be no real issue with taking one of your own. Just remember that it needs to be kept in a dark place for it to properly grow." The woman explained, answering that right before the elder appeared, ignoring the rather terrible joke about insects and such considering that more important matters were at hand.

The elder would stand silently observe Deva as she revealed her true nature a little more, narrowing her eyes at how dangerous she could tell that Deva could actually be. "Tragedy? More like absolute disaster. Many elven families are now vying for political power, some elders have taken it upon themselves to try and take the throne on their own merits, some of the people are panicking and near rioting over the loss of the Queen... And to top it all off, the Great Betrayer's forces are constantly attacking at our borders, meaning that our military is stretched thin trying to keep us from being completely overwhelmed." She said, having had to deal with so many issues over the past few weeks, the loss of her Queen leading to one of the most troubling situations that they've faced in years. "So yes, we did unfairly demand the truth of you, however, we are in no position to risk the chance of lies. We're so close to the very brink of destruction, that many of us are making absolutely terrible choices, and I can understand being upset by this. Though you do not currently do yourself any favors by putting on a completely false act right before coming face to face with an elder."

"We do not practice such barbaric tactics such as torture, if we wished information from you and could not get it then we would simply be at an impasse. I do not appreciate such accusations, I might add..." As clever as Deva seemed, the elder still felt that she held the power in this situation, and even if she didn't she wouldn't regret how cautious her people were being. "Of course we know of our fallen 'brethren' that now live in banishment. The Great Betrayer aided us before their betrayal, kept us safe from those dark monsters that had wished to destroy our very way of life. Though none of us ever expected that it was all some elaborate plot to gain our trust and then destroy us... Truly we were far too trusting of outsiders... The other elders have sworn not to trust so quickly again... though presently I am not sure how I feel about this... And for your information, the Great Betrayer continues to threaten our border. With our Queen captured they continue to attack us and send agents that we have captured multiple times already. Despite having out Queen, it seems that they will not be satisfied until the entirety of our kingdom is underneath their boot! So no, we do still have quite a bit to lose because of them, as they see no need to stop their plans to conquer every last one of us. We are also well aware that we need be cautious once we manage to get our Queen back, as there is no telling what they may do after the power of the Betrayer gets to her." Well, it seemed that Deva had definitely offended the elder elf, though from the looks of it she didn't seem to have any desire to start an actual fight over something as simple as being offended.

"Hmph... The most you will get is that I will have them lay down their weapons, as it seems you have no real desire to face us in combat. However, we will swear nothing to one such as you." At that, the elves around them would leave their bows on the ground, looking rather upset to be doing so, even Levinan would put hers down, clearly upset by the suggestions that Deva was making. "You would insult my name, patience, and position all in one single sentence like that?! Grrr... An Outsider thinks they know what is best for the elven kingdom?! Hmph! With your permission, Elder, might I please be excused so that I might meditate away from one as infuriating as this?" "Very well, Levinan... You will need complete focus for your mission against the Great Betrayer anyway, so it may be best that you meditate before attempting your infiltration." With that, Levinan would leave them there, heading off somewhere so that she may meditate in peace. "Your arrogance disgusts me... And while I try to keep my patience with you, I will admit that your lack of understanding of the entire situation and your insulting words sting quite a bit. Also... I am left wondering... If you are NOT the foolish simpleton that you pretended to be when you came in here... then you must have found some way to enter this forest without our knowledge... Which lends more credence to you intentionally being here rather than just being those that wandered in accidentally. As well as that, I do wonder if your statement of not knowing of the Great Betrayer is of any truth at this point."

Though her current anger was nothing compared to what happened when Deva threatened that she could destroy the entire elven nation if she so wished just for all of this. "How dare you?! You threaten us as though you have any sway over our nation! Were my patience not honed over centuries of life, I might have had you executed for such an insult! You should find yourself fortunate that it was not one of the other elders that had decided to be here, as they would not be anywhere near as lenient as I am being. I need no further information from you... In fact I no longer wish to have you in my very presence! If you wish to speak to one of the many other nations, then leave this place! Otherwise, I demand an apology for such impudence! Until this demand is met, you are not welcome within the borders of our nation! Apologize or begone! Those are now your choices!" Sometimes longer lived races could grow to be very arrogant, as Deva would likely know, which must have been the case here, as she had greatly angered the elder elf. Any calm demeanor that the woman once had was gone now, and she seemed to be barely containing an unyielding rage over what had been said to her.
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"Good to know, someone is nudging the betrayer into a direction they'd normally follow, but just a bit more.." Deva mused.

"Dun worry, I'm not the imprisoning type." She grinned, eyeing a pluckable plant.. notable she'd not take it without root and kill it.

"Sooo.." Deva mused towards the elder. "Looking past the issue of your queen for a moment, presuming there was an entity feeding on chaos, that'd be ample nurishment. Easily sollution, bring me to the borders, to face those betrayers forces, I'ma straighten them up." Deva grinned camly. "Or would sneaking in do better hmnn..." She looked at the elder hesitating. "It doesn't matter to me what you think of me, good or bad, that should tell you some of my character. And I do not appreciate you pointing your arrows at me." Deva waved her hand, uncaring if the elf seemed offended, she was innately unfriendly towards people threatening her by nature.

"Oh will you not now?" She asked at the swearing.

"I've seen war, so many wars. Few are won with weapons. All you do is create more violence. Weapons don't solve conflict, they escalate it." Deva crossed her arms, observing the angered elder calmly. "It is not me but the other elders that are fortunate you are here then. I have no patience for warmongers. It seems the betrayer found fertile ground for the true plan behind it all in your arrogance. Let me make clear who you face. I've done terrible things, just to do whats right. If you had to kill hundreds, to save millions, what would you do? What if the hundreds were your friends and family?

Being good, is hard. Being evil is easy. Destroying all of you, would be easy. But the good path thats the hard and rocky one."
She sighed, shoulders slumped slightly, she rubbing her hands together. "Your war will turn you into something you wont recognize, or wish to recognize in the end. Frankly, it already has begun to do such. I'ma go kick those betrayers forces bottoms until I find the leaders of your nation.. though I wont return your princess. She deserves better people than you have become. Tell the other elders, that they have lost the right to rule." Deva turned, stretching a little, fluffing up her wings, and shook her head. "How sad, really, I wanted to heal this world, but I cannot force people to change."