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Party 2 (Haley, Cathy, Maria, Zhara, Miranda and Samantha)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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The women woke to minor headaches, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. They could remember who and what they were, but nothing beyond that. No last memory, and no clue as to where they were. Taking stock of their surroundings, they found various weapons laying about the large metal room on the floor. Some seemed familiar to them, while others seemed totally alien, even though they knew what they were. Just one weapon seemed to 'call' to each woman, as if it was something they were experts with. As they sat up, trying to figure out what was going on, and where they were, they were startled to notice that in front of each one of them was a mirror. However, it wasn't the existence of the mirror that was the shocker, but rather what it reflected. Each of the women were completely, and utterly nude. No clothing, no hairbands, and not a trace of their clothing could be found. As this sank in, hidden speakers suddenly came to life, and a booming male voice filled the room.

Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure. You have been brought here to serve as both entertainment, and a new breeding source for my friends. However, I am not completely without heart. As you can see, I have graciously provided you with weapons, as well as imbued you with some special skills you can use. You know what I mean, it's in your mind. All you need do is think about them, and you shall have access to them. In exchange for your new-found powers, you will serve as entertainment for me. Here is your task, and situation. By now you no doubt have discovered all of your clothing has been removed. You won't need them here, this planet is perfectly suited to your needs. Besides, who needs clothing when you'll be having lots and lots of sex? Anyway, your 'mission' is simple. There are a number of areas filled with my friends who are just waiting to get their appendages upon you and pleasure you. Sounds fun to be pleasured by demons, doesn't it? Along the way you may find various items of use to you, and of course you'll find plenty of fun. If you manage to make it all the way to my location you will get to meet me in the flesh, and beg for your ride home. Well, begging won't help, I intend to rape you myself if you make it this far, but you won't. No one ever has. Through the unbarred door you will find a portal leading you to your first challenge. Time is wasting, your friends and family miss you little girls. Why don't you try to get back to them? Oh this will be fun! Well, time to get going girls, and don't think that you can stay there forever. Eventually, we'll come to you!

This was followed by laughter that could only be described as satanic, and then the speakers cut off. As they did, you discovered that like the bastard had said, there was knowledge of some powers and the like within your mind. Knowledge that, despite being unable to remember anything concretely, you felt CERTAIN hadn't been there the last time you were awake. A moment later, they discovered the unbarred door the bastard had spoken of, or rather the LACK of a door. In place of where a door should be was a swirling portal of some kind, and somehow your mind knew that this 'portal' was safe and stable to use.

Party Options:

1: Gather your weapons, introduce yourselves to one another and move onward.

2: Gather your weapons, introduce yourselves to one another, but remain in this room, hoping the bastard is bluffing about his 'friends' being able to get you here.

((Character Stats will be posted upon the party leaving the room, descriptions may be placed in your replies, however if you choose not to they will be provided in the FIRST post upon exiting this room. The party must reach a consensus to leave or stay, and when that decision has been made, the proper post will ensue.


Class: Sorceress

Race: Halfling (Mathosian + Elf)

Racial Perks and "Debuffs": Being Half Elf and Half Mathosian, Maria gains +10 to all rolls involving Ogre's, Balaur or Male Demons. However she suffers -10 to all rolls involving Female Demons or Tentacle Rapes. Due to her mixed heritage, Maria requires -2 to all impregnation rolls where it is she who will be filled, and -3 when it is she who is giving up her seed. However, if her rapist was another Elf or another Mathosian, her fertility "bonus" will stack with her rapists, giving a much greater chance either she or her attacker will become pregnant.

Character Appearance: Maria stands at 5 foot 6 and has long red hair that comes down to her waist. She has an extremely attractive body, which can definitely be described as swimsuit model material. Her C cup breasts accentuate her lovely features, and of course her ears are very slightly pointy. Her eyes are a dark brown and they seem to be full of spark.
Maria has a very fiery personality, and she seems to enjoy setting enemies on fire ...


Class: Amazon/Ranger

Race: Halfling (Mathosian + Elf)

Racial Perks and "Debuffs": Being Half Elf and Half Mathosian, Zhara gains +10 to all rolls involving Ogre's, Balaur or Male Demons. However she suffers -10 to all rolls involving Female Demons or Tentacle Rapes. Due to her mixed heritage, Zhara requires -2 to all impregnation rolls where it is she who will be filled, and -3 when it is she who is giving up her seed. However, if her rapist was another Elf or another Mathosian, her fertility "bonus" will stack with her rapists, giving a much greater chance either she or her attacker will become pregnant.

Character Appearance: Zhara is strikingly beautiful, her body structure hiding the strong will and physical strength within it. Many think of Amazon's as hulking women, almost body builder in structure. Zhara is definitely not one of those, but she is just as effective. Standing at 5 feet 9 inches tall, she has an almost swimsuit model type of body, and she has perfectly sized C cup breasts. Her hair is brown and comes down to her shoulders in a flowing style as she doesn't use any headbands or the like. Her eyes are a striking emerald green, and if that wasn't enough to betray her Elven side, her ears of course are somewhat pointy. Because of her mixture, Zhara's ears aren't as "large" as a pure elf's ears would be, but rather they are just pointy enough to indicate her elven side, but more resembling her Mathosian genes. Many would go as far to say that Zhara is drop dead sexy, and the young woman has definitely had her fair share of would be rapists come her way. Of course, nothing she has ever fought against could have prepared her for this nightmare she now finds herself in. Zhara is possibly the youngest of the party, as she is only 19 years old.


Class: Chantress

Race: Sylvari

Racial Perks and "Debuffs": Being a Sylvari Miranda only takes half the KP from normal rape attacks, so she takes longer to corrupt. However, she is extremely vulnerable to being raped by plant based enemies as Sylvari all feel a kinship with them. When raped by a plant type enemy or trap, she will receive double the pleasure, leading to faster orgasms.

Character Appearance: Miranda stands at 5 foot 5 and has short orange hair mixed with green. She has whitish skin with a hint of a green hue to the skin tone, and a surprising D cup. Her body is quite attractive, and naturally has several leaf like properties around her waist line.


Class: Ritualist

Race: Human

Racial Perks and "Debuffs": Being a Human, Samantha has no true weaknesses or strengths in terms of resisting rape. However, like all women, once she reaches KL 5 she will begin to see some "problems".

Character Appearance: Samantha stands at 5 foot 5 and her body is covered in colorful tattoos which range from blue, to orange, red, black and yellow. She is quite attractive, and while her body is curvy she still maintains that image of a very healty yet slender body. Perhaps more surprising than her colorful tattoos is that she has a DD cup size, which seems only slightly out of place for her frame. However this only seems to lend to her image as an extremely attractive woman, and as such, clearly an ideal candidate to bring to this planet of rape and pleasures. She has waist length black hair and her eyes are a deep blue in color.
Re: Party 2 (Haley, Cathy, Maria, Zhara, Miranda and Samantha)

"Ug..." Haley groaned as she sat up and clutched her head. As her head cleared she was able to focus enough to look around the room...and quickly realize she was not anywhere familiar and that she was naked.

"Well, this does not bode well." She muttered to herself as she pushed her brown hair out of her face. Having noticed the other women and various bits of weaponry scattered about, she got slowly to her feet and was about to see if anyone else was awake when someone began speaking.

"Not if I have anything to say about it." Haley said as the maniacal laughter cut off. Glancing around at the weapons strewn about she found herself drawn towards a sword lying near a colorfully tattooed woman. As she wrapped her hand around the hilt she discovered that she immediately knew how to use it.

Now that she was armed Hayly thought it would be best to wait until the other girls woke before venturing out of the room...

(Voting for Option 1)
Re: Party 2 (Haley, Cathy, Maria, Zhara, Miranda and Samantha)

One of the other girls starts muttering about something when she wakes up.

"Ou... damn! Where am I.."

Then the speakers ... or it might just be a disembodied voice starts to speak and clears some things up.

"Oh of course... where else should I be ..." The elf mumbles cynically.

It seems that nobody around here has any clothes on and so there is nothing to hide - And Cathy does not even try. Instead she immediately searches for a fitting weapon. Seems like a rather lightweight shortsword seems to attract her attention and she takes it.

"Lets wait till the others are awake - and then I think someone needs a lesson in 'manners'."

(Opt. 1)
Re: Party 2 (Haley, Cathy, Maria, Zhara, Miranda and Samantha)

Of the other four girls, Zhara moved first, listening with several winces as the voice spoke. When it finished, she calmly walked over to a bow with some arrows near it, picked them up and said "well ... I think someone needs a lesson in why they shouldn't mess with us."

Maria was next, also wincing until her headache subsided. When it did and the voice finished, she added, "when we find that asshole, I'm going to shove this staff so far up his fucking ass it'll come out of his goddamn throat.

Miranda was third, grimacing in pain as her head throbbed still. When she spoke, it was softly, still wincing.

"This isn't good ..."

Samantha woke last, and when she saw the other women at first she seemed confused. When she saw Miranda though, she hastily backed up, clearly having never seen an 'alien' before. Before she could say anything, the voice cut in, and as the others spoke, she listened, a careful look on her face until she was sure they were done. Finally she spoke, in a voice that was soft, and shaky.

"Great ... I'm trapped god knows where with a maniac who along with his friends wants to rape me, with people I don't know, and ... What the hell are you anyway? No ... offense intended."

Miranda grimaced slightly before she replied, "I'm a Sylvari. I take it you weren't even aware of alien existence so I'll let the remark slide there, especially under these circumstances. Long story short, part plant being."

Samantha fell silent for a few moments before nodding.

"Right. Sorry ... So anyway ... Let's uh ... let's get the hell out of here? Try to figure out just where in the hell we are..."

Their minds made up, the party moved onwards, exiting the room.

Soon enough they found themselves standing in the middle of what seemed like the top of a hill, overlooking a large flat area. Nearby a large stream of water dropped down into the 'valley', forming a gigantic lake that went on for seemingly forever. The land itself seemed close to what they might find on their respective home planets, but when they looked up to get 'compass directions', they got a huge shock.

The sky was a vibrant shade of purple with sparse orange clouds in the air, a far cry from the normal blue skies of home. In the backdrop of the sky was the sun which seemed to be at it's highest peak, so 'mid-day' for this world it seemed. However, also present in the sky were at least a dozen other objects that appeared to be visible moons.

Samantha was the first to speak, and when she did it was instant reflex on the landscape, their situation briefly forgotten.

"Oh ... my god this place is beautiful. Where the hell ARE we?"

Miranda said nothing, but gazed at the sky, while Maria stood there with her eyes wide in surprise.

Zhara glanced to the sky, stunned, but quickly recovered. Instantly she began to check the local area near them, wary of something sneaking up on them while the others were gawking at their surroundings. As she did, her gaze fell upon a large variety of tracks on the ground, and she carefully bent to investigate them. It only took her a moment to realize the indentations were heavy, as if a patrol came through, and that some of these prints had been made by creatures that walked on more than two legs. Her heart jumped into her throat as her mind briefly wondered what kinds of animal like creatures might also seek to rape them, but she quickly shut that off. Finally she spoke, breaking the others (hopefully) out of their sight seeing.

"As lovely as the scenery is, I think you should look at these tracks. Looks like a lot of somethings come through here often, and not all of them are humanoid, or even walk on two legs. So um ... unless we want to meet whatever made those tracks, maybe we should get going ladies?"


1: Move Onward.

2: Stay and wait to see if whatever made those tracks comes to pay you a visit.

((Yes, the planet is different from Party 1's planet. I have reasons for this other than the unique feel it gives :p) Also, character stats will be edited in later on when I have more free time to post them, but I wanted to get a good reply in NOW.)
Re: Party 2 (Haley, Cathy, Maria, Zhara, Miranda and Samantha)

Before Zhara spoke, Cathy still looked around ... It is an interesting sight. The strange colours all over the place always seem to be attracting her attention - just because they are so unfamilliar, but she manages to think about the current situation:

"I would say we better go ... fast. No matter what is running around here ... we better avoid it."

((Option 1 - btw: Good Reply? Great Reply! - And its very good, that it is a different planet. So we don't know, what awaits us.))
Re: Party 2 (Haley, Cathy, Maria, Zhara, Miranda and Samantha)

((Long enough, Regina enters for now. Windclan can rejoin with whatever stats she has gained if he wants to later.))

Regina Albrahm
Class: Warrior

Race: Halfling (Mathosian + Norn)

Racial Perks and "Debuffs": Being half Mathosian and Half Norn means Regina has +10 to all rolls against Male Demons, and takes only half of the pleasure any other race would. However, she suffers -10 to all rolls against Tentacle Beasts who use their tentacles to penetrate her as well as other Norn. Also, due to her Mathosian heritage, she requires -1 on impregnation rolls when it is herself who might get pregnant (against anything other than another Mathosian or Elf) and -2 when it is she who is giving up her seed (against anything other than another Mathosian or Elf). If her attacker was Mathosian or Elven, their fertility "bonus" will stack with her own, leading to a much greater chance that someone is going to get pregnant, or that she herself will become pregnant.

Character Appearance: Regina is slightly shorter than most Norn, but taller than any pure Mathosian, standing at 8 feet 2 inches tall. Regina has shoulder length red hair, D cup breasts and a perfect body to go with it. While one wouldn't say she LOOKS strong, her body resembles more of a model than a fighter, once you see her fight in combat you quickly realize she is much stronger, and tougher than she looks.

Regina Stats:

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 40
Vitality: 50
Energy: 10
Intelligence: 10

Starting Accuracy: 170
Starting Evasion: 140
Freedom Rating: 170
Sexual Freedom Rating: 200
Speed Rating: 140

Starting HP: 150
Starting Mana: 10
Starting Sexual Stamina: 210

Maria Stats:

Strength: 15
Dexterity: 40
Vitality: 10
Energy: 45
Intelligence: 40

Starting Accuracy: 200
Starting Evasion: 200
Freedom Rating: 150
Sexual Freedom Rating: 125
Speed Rating: 200

Starting HP: 20
Starting Mana: 135
Starting Sexual Stamina: 85

Zhara Stats:

Strength: 35
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 40
Energy: 15
Intelligence: 25

Starting Accuracy: 165
Starting Evasion: 155+20
Freedom Rating: 165
Sexual Freedom Rating: 175
Speed Rating: 155

Starting HP: 120
Starting Mana: 30
Starting Sexual Stamina: 175

Miranda Stats:

Strength: 20
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 40
Intelligence: 25

Starting Accuracy: 145
Starting Evasion: 140
Freedom Rating: 125
Sexual Freedom Rating: 120
Speed Rating: 140

Starting HP: 70
Starting Mana: 80
Starting Sexual Stamina: 180

Samantha Stats:

Strength: 25
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 25
Energy: 25
Intelligence: 40

Starting Accuracy: 180
Starting Evasion: 185
Freedom Rating: 160
Sexual Freedom Rating: 145
Speed Rating: 185

Starting HP: 75
Starting Mana: 50
Starting Sexual Stamina: 125

Cathy Stats:

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 35

Starting Accuracy: 155
Starting Evasion: 160+50
Freedom Rating: 155
Sexual Freedom Rating: 150
Speed Rating: 160

Starting HP: 105
Starting Mana: 40
Starting Sexual Stamina: 160

As the party moves on ....

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Trap? 40+29=69

Maria: 40+74=114
Samantha: 40+21=61

... Maria thinks she notices something strange about a sudden rock wall on one side of them, but before she can say anything, something comes FLYING out at the women, and before they know it they are grabbed by something that looks an awful lot like the face huggers from the Alien movies.

Hugger Ambush: Remember the huggers from Alien? Well the little bastards are back in a sense, and some of them are pretty damn smart. This devious trap features 6 sets of 3 Huggers. If one person is caught by them, everyone will be. They will quickly penetrate your ass, mouth and pussy, trying to fill you with their seed. You can become pregnant from this so be careful. If you are able to remove one from yourself, the other two will die instantly, saving you the trouble, so only one roll is required per round. They will not release you until you either reach the KP cap or give birth. They deal 40 Pleasure per attack.

Hugger Stats = 200 to all.

Initiative Rolls:

#1 Hugger Trap (Auto First)
Zhara: 155+77=232
Regina: 140+91=231
Samantha: 185+36=221
Cathy: 160+55=215
Maria: 200+4=204
Miranda: 140+31=171

Pleasure Rolls:

Hugger Trap: 200+18=218 vs. Zhara: 175+14=189

Zhara tries to resist the sensation of her holes being stuffed with the cocks of these things, but she is unable to do so. Zhara suffers 40 Pleasure, leaving her with 135 Stamina before she orgasms. Zhara also gains 100 KP.

The Huggers gain 40 Pleasure and have 160 Stamina left until they fill Zhara.

Hugger Trap: 200+33=233 vs. Regina: 200+51.

Regina resists taking any pleasure, but she does gain 60 KP from getting penetrated.

Hugger Trap: 200+94=294 vs. Samantha: 145+17=162

Samantha doesn't have a prayer to fight off the pleasure from the sudden penetration, and she staggers about. Samantha suffers 40 Pleasure, leaving her with 85 Stamina left until she has an orgasm. She also gains 100 KP.

The Huggers gain 40 Pleasure and have 160 Stamina left until they blow inside Samantha's body.

Hugger Trap: 200+62=262 vs. Cathy: 150+83=233

Cathy can't fight the pleasure and she suffers 40 of it, leaving her with 120 Stamina until she suffers an orgasm. She also gains 100 KP.

The Huggers gain 40 Pleasure and have 160 Stamina left until they blow inside of Cathy.

Hugger Trap: 200+68=268 vs. Maria: 125+11=136

Maria tries to resist the pleasure but it hits her so suddenly that she doesn't even have time to brace herself for it. She suffers 40 pleasure, leaving her with 45 Stamina until she has an orgasm. She also gains 100 KP.

The Huggers gain 40 Pleasure and have 160 Stamina left until they blow inside of Maria's body.

Hugger Trap: 200+60=260 vs. Miranda: 120+70=190

Miranda can't fight the pleasure and she suffers 40 of it, leaving her with 140 Stamina until she has an orgasm. She gains 100 KP which is cut to 50 thanks to her Sylvari heritage.

The Huggers gain 40 Pleasure and have 160 Stamina left until they blow inside of Miranda.

Escape Attempts:

Zhara: 175+89=264 vs. Hugger Trap: 200+28=228.

Zhara rips a Hugger off of her, which seems to kill the others, and they fall off of her.

Regina: 200+92=292 vs. Hugger Trap: 200+47=247.

Regina also gets herself free.

Samantha: 145+55=200 vs. Hugger Trap: 200+57=257

Samantha can't get away!


Cathy's Turn.

1: Try to get away!

2: Enjoy the rape.

Updated Stats:

Hugger Trap: N/A
Zhara: 135/175 Stamina. 100/50,000 KP. FREE.
Regina: 60/50,000 KP. FREE.
Samantha: 85/125 Stamina. 100/50,000 KP. Being Raped.
Cathy: 120/160 Stamina. 100/50,000 KP. Being Raped.
Maria: 45/85 Stamina. 100/50,000 KP. Being Raped.
Miranda: 140/185 Stamina. 50/50,000 KP. Being Raped.
Re: Party 2 (Haley, Cathy, Maria, Zhara, Miranda and Samantha)

Damn! Cathy was not aware of the huggers until it was to late. These strange alien creatures quickly penetrate her, before she even knows, what is going on.


More is not coming from here, but at least her hands are free, so she tries to grab these 'skeletal hand' around her head first. She tries to rip that thing off of her. And then the others - But the head-one first.

Of course try to rip them off
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Re: Party 2 (Haley, Cathy, Maria, Zhara, Miranda and Samantha)

Escape Attempts:

Cathy: 150+47=197 vs. Huggers: 200+54=254.

Cathy gets absolutely no where in her attempt to get free.

Maria: 125+78=203 vs. Huggers: 200+8=208

Maria struggles, but to no avail.

Miranda: 120+77=197 vs. Huggers: 200+92=292.

Miranda can't get free.

Pleasure Rolls:

Huggers: 200+6=206 vs. Samantha: 145+29=174

Once more Samantha can't fight off the pleasure, and this time she lets out a muffled moan, her knees buckling, but she still does not go down. Samantha suffers 40 pleasure and now has 45 Stamina left until she has an orgasm. She also gains 45 KP.

The huggers gain 40 pleasure and have 120 Stamina left until they blow inside of Samantha.

Huggers: 200+33=233 vs. Cathy: 150+95=245.

Cathy is able to resist more pleasure, a good thing for her.

Huggers: 200+6=206 vs. Maria: 125+29=154

Maria moans as the huggers continue to work her body, and her knees give out. Cathy can hear someone hit the ground, the sounds of muffled moans and a woman writhing on the ground in pleasure getting into her head. Maria suffers 40 pleasure and has 5 Stamina left until she suffers an orgasm. She also gains 40 KP.

The Huggers gain 40 Pleasure and have 120 Stamina left until they flood Maria's body.

Huggers: 200+59=259 vs. Miranda: 120+64=184

Miranda can't fight the pleasure, and she lightly moans as her knees begin to tremble. Miranda suffers 40 pleasure, leaving her with 100 Stamina until she suffers an orgasm. She also gains 40 KP, which is halved to 20 due to her Sylvari heritage.

The Huggers gain 40 Pleasure and have 120 Stamina left until they fill Miranda's body.

Regeneration Time:

Zhara: +9 Stamina.

Freedom Attempts:

Zhara: 175+80=255 vs. Huggers: 200+86=286

Zhara tries to free Maria, but she is unable to do so.

Regina: 200+60=260 vs. Huggers: 200+78=278

Regina also fails to free Maria.

Samantha: 145+53=198 vs. Huggers: 200+2=202

Samantha can't get away, and a small muffled cry of frustration comes from her.


Cathy's turn again.

1: Try again to get away.

2: Let the things rape you.

Updated Stats:

Hugger Trap: N/A
Zhara: 144/175 Stamina. 100/50,000 KP. FREE.
Regina: 60/50,000 KP. FREE.
Samantha: 45/125 Stamina. 145/50,000 KP. Being Raped.
Cathy: 120/160 Stamina. 100/50,000 KP. Being Raped.
Maria: 5/85 Stamina. 140/50,000 KP. Being Raped.
Miranda: 100/185 Stamina. 70/50,000 KP. Being Raped.
Re: Party 2 (Haley, Cathy, Maria, Zhara, Miranda and Samantha)

No... No! NO! - She won't give up and let those things - She does not even know what they are - have their way with her. And that means, that she further tries to rip those things off of her.

Try again and again
Re: Party 2 (Haley, Cathy, Maria, Zhara, Miranda and Samantha)

Escape Rolls:

Cathy: 150+23=173 vs. Huggers: 200+94=294.

Cathy again can't break free.

Maria: 125+46=171 vs. Huggers: 200+43=243

Maria can't get away!

Miranda: 120+60=180 vs. Huggers: 200+77=277

Miranda doesn't have a chance.

Pleasure Rolls:

Huggers: 200+46=246 vs. Samantha: 145+21=166

Samantha's knees finally give out as the creatures continue to pleasure her, and she hits the ground, moaning in pleasure, and on the brink of an orgasm. Samantha suffers 40 Pleasure and only has 5 stamina left until she has an orgasm. She also gains 40 KP.

The Huggers now have 80 Stamina left until the blow inside of Samantha.

Huggers: 200+15=215 vs. Cathy: 150+73=223

Cathy manages to resist taking any pleasure!

Huggers: 200+98=298 vs. Maria: 125+66=191

Maria doesn't have a prayer to resist the pleasure, and this time it's too much for the woman to handle. With a still muffled, but louder scream, Maria suffers a powerful orgasm, back arching and toes curling as she shudders on the floor loud enough for the others to hear. Soon enough though, this is replaced with a lighter moaning tone, and despite some not being able to see, it becomes clear that Maria's strength has been sapped out of her, and that she is totally helpless now. Maria suffers 40 Pleasure which maxes her bar out, and she now has 50 Stamina until she has another orgasm. She also gains 65 KP. Maria has lost her turn due to her orgasm.

The huggers now have 80 Stamina until they blow inside of the helpless Maria.

Huggers: 200+1=201 vs. Miranda: 120+77=197

Miranda can't fight the pleasure, and she too begins to feel her knees buckle. Miranda suffers 40 Pleasure and has 60 left until suffering an orgasm. She gains 40 KP, which is cut to 20 thanks to her Sylvari Heritage.

The Huggers have 80 stamina until they fill Miranda up.

Escape Rolls:

Zhara: 175+26=201 vs. Huggers: 200+89=289

Zhara can't free Maria. She regains 9 Stamina.

Regina: 200+41=241 vs. Huggers: 200+48=248

Regina also is unable to free Maria.

Samantha: 145+58=203 vs. Huggers: 200+83=283

Samantha can't get free!


Cathy's turn again.

1: Try again to get free.

2: Get filled by creature seed.

Updated Stats:

Hugger Trap: N/A
Zhara: 153/175 Stamina. 100/50,000 KP. FREE.
Regina: 60/50,000 KP. FREE.
Samantha: 5/125 Stamina. 185/50,000 KP. Being Raped.
Cathy: 120/160 Stamina. 100/50,000 KP. Being Raped.
Maria: 50/85 Stamina. 205/50,000 KP. Being Raped. (Lost turn due to orgasm)
Miranda: 60/185 Stamina. 90/50,000 KP. Being Raped.
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