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PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

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Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Terri's body had tensed once she caught sight of those tracks, but after a few moments of nothing she relaxed once again. "Unless someone really wants to wait for whatever made these I vote we move on."

(Move on, but stay and fight if everyone else wants to)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Jo gritted her teeth looking at the footprints. Something about coming face to face with an enemy made her lip sneer and brow harden. Trying to think of a single reason a person can justify keeping them here escaped her and she knew someone would end up paying for this, but she'd rather not take this out on some lackey patrol group. The smart choice to her would be leaving this place unharmed at all costs, she could even care less about hurting whoever did this herself if it posed a risk, knowing they'll get their comeuppance one way or another.

"I'd rather not fight. Perhaps it's best to keep trekking. "

Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

"The farther we get without running into anything, the better. Lets keep moving."
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

"Conserving our strength for the mastermind... yes, that is a good idea."

Gené marches on, after the group's done examining the tracks.
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

The group enters a new area where the ground seems to be completely devoid of any grass ...

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Selena: 40+26=66 vs. Trap?: 40+6=46.
Genevieve: 35+25=60 vs. Trap?: 40+48=88. TRIPPED!

Selena notices something moving under the ground, but before she can open her mouth Genevieve steps on something, and suddenly a whole lot of worm like creatures erupt out of the ground, fixing themselves to each woman!

Trap Description:

Drinking Worms: This is a very evil trap. When sprung, 4 groups of 6 worms, each about a foot long and six inches thick, will spring out of the ground and attack. The worms appear to be inter-connected per trap, so if you remove one, they all remove and die with the original, therefore this classifies as a single trap per person, despite the number. When this trap is tripped, the worms will launch out of the ground and attach to their victims bodies, regardless of who tripped them. Two worms will attach themselves to the breasts, suckling whatever fluid they can get from there. One worm will attach to the ass, penetrating inside and anally raping you. The remaining three spread themselves out. Two of the last three will penetrate the vagina of their victim, and begin to thrust away inside, sucking down fluid as they do. The third will attach to the victim's now engorged clit and begin to suck on that, attempting to drive their victim into a sexual 'frenzy' of sorts.

Pleasure Rolls:

Drinking Worm Set 1: 40+40+42=122 vs. Selena: 15+40+27=72

Selena suffers 50 pleasure, and has 35 Stamina left until she orgasms.

Drinking Worm Set 2: 40+40+47=127 vs. Genevieve: 25+35+20=80.

Genevieve suffers 47 pleasure, and has 32 Stamina left until orgasm.

Drinking Worm Set 3: 40+40+42=122 vs. Terri: 40+40+41=121.

Terri suffers 1 pleasure, and has 209 Stamina until she orgasms.

Drinking Worm Set 4: 40+40+30=110 vs. Josie: 35+45+5=85.

Josie suffers 25 pleasure, and has 121 Stamina until she orgasms.


The Girls have their turns in order, each one is currently being raped.

Trap 1: Stats at 40.

Trap 2: Stats at 40.

Trap 3: Stats at 40.

Trap 4: Stats at 40.

Selena: Strength: 15, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 10, Energy: 45, Intelligence: 40 , HP: 20/20, Mana: 135/135, Sexual Stamina: 35/85. 155/15,000 KP. (40+31=71)

Genevieve: Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, Vitality: 30, Energy: 25,
Intelligence: 35, HP: 90, Mana: 75, Sexual Stamina: 32/145. 86/15,000 KP. (35+35=70)

Terri: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 50, Energy: 10, Intelligence: 10, HP: 150, Mana: 10, Sexual Stamina: 209/210. 20/15,000 KP. (10+50=60)

Josie: Strength: 35, Dexterity: 45, Vitality: 40, Energy: 15,
Intelligence: 25, HP: 120, Mana: 30, Sexual Stamina: 121/175. 49/15,000 KP. (25+31=56)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Terri has been following near the end of the line to try and keep a watch on their rear, so she was caught completely by surprise. She barely noticed what looked like a small mole hill before the earth around her exploded. "What th-WHA!" The first worm to find its home was the one aimed for her ass, the others following no more than a second later. The sudden shock of finding these thing trying to stuff themselves in her body was enough to make her twist, and that seemed to throw off their attempts as they didn't quite latch on to their desired locations.

But they tried. The three trying to suck on her tits and clit were already flailing around to get a better hold, and the other three were squirming for dear life as they tried to work their way into each of her holes. As disgusting as these things were she could feel an excited twinge forcing its way through her defenses, and she knew she couldn't let them settle. Her hands immediately went after the one on her ass, and it started flailing its tail end around in an effort to avoid capture and drill its way further. If she couldn't get at least that one out then things would start looking bad.

(Get that thing out of there!)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

(Nothing, trap, nothing, trap... dangit, I wanna fight something!)

Too focused on the horizon to notice what's happening at her feet, Gené is quite unprepared for the swarm of worms. The ones aimed at her chest knock her flat, and the others promptly take advantage of her crotch being so close to the ground. Her squawk of outrage at the one forcing itself up her rear turns into a yell of ecstasy, the two worms cramming themselves into her vagina and filling the void she'd been feeling there since the last trap. The one sucking on her clit is merely the icing on the cake.

Gené starts thrashing about, her hips lurching as the worms leech fluids from her, and she grabs at the worms in her crotch. Even she couldn't say whether it's just to pull them out or to encourage their efforts...

(Break free.)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

"Hey.... Whats? Gah!" Selena says, just before the worms erupt from the ground, immediately ensnaring her and her companions. Her cry of anger turns into a moan of pleasure as Selena finds both of her lower holes penetrated, as well as more of the vile worms sucking on her nipples and clitoris. She lays there, helpless for the first few seconds, before she plants her feet and hands onto the ground, and tries to push off. The worms, being only a foot or so long, couldn't follow her up off of the ground, or so she thought.
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

((Still waiting on Toxic to post here, gonna PM him and see if he plans to post any time soon.))
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Jo followed into the room before a sudden move from her teammates only gave her a split second of reaction before seeing a group of small creatures spring for her, only giving her time to shout "Oh shi-" before they were already on top and inside of her. As sudden and intense the sensation was, there was no denying what it was doing to her body as her clit, now being sucked on swelled in size. Their pounce knocked her onto her back, which only eased the penetration of the worms in her pussy and did little to prevent the one that had already squirmed its way into her ass. Her hands instinctively reached up to the ones pumping away at her breasts, attempting to pull them off. Why she didn't go for any of the one's wriggling inside her, she had no idea, or at least wouldn't dare admit.

"Josie tries to yank a worm free"
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Selena's Turn:

Escape Trap Attempt:

Selena: 15+10=25 vs. Trap 1: 40+10=50. Selena can't get away!

Genevieve's Turn:

Escape Trap Attempt:

Genevieve: 25+41=66 vs. Trap: 40+9=49. Genevieve manages to rip a worm off of her, and suddenly the rest of them just fall off of her, leaving her free, but gasping for breath.

Terri's Turn:

Escape Trap Attempt:

Terri: 40+42=82 vs. Trap: 40+41=81. Terri manages to free herself as well.

Josie's Turn:

Escape Trap Attempt:

Josie: 35+3=38 vs. Trap 4: 40+15=55. Josie can't get away!

Trap 1's Turn:

Pleasure Roll:

Trap 1: 40+40+44=124 vs. Selena: 15+40+9=64.

Selena suffers 60 pleasure, and cries out as the suckling on her tits, her clit, and the thrusting into her pussy and ass sends her over the edge into a powerful orgasm! Selena gains 110 KP.

Trap 4's Turn:

Pleasure Roll:

Trap 4: 40+40+36=116 vs. Josie: 35+45+34=114.

Josie suffers only 2 pleasure and has 119 Stamina left.


The girls have their turns, minus Selena who lost hers due to her orgasm.

Enemy/Player Stats:

Trap 1: Stats at 40. Raping Selena.

Trap 2: Stats at 40. Dormant.

Trap 3: Stats at 40. Dormant.

Trap 4: Stats at 40. Raping Josie.

Selena: Strength: 15, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 10, Energy: 45, Intelligence: 40 , HP: 20/20, Mana: 135/135, Sexual Stamina: 60/85. 265/15,000 KP. (40+31=71) Being Raped by Trap 1. Orgasmed, can't move/resist.

Genevieve: Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, Vitality: 30, Energy: 25,
Intelligence: 35, HP: 90, Mana: 75, Sexual Stamina: 32/145. 86/15,000 KP. (35+35=70)

Terri: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 50, Energy: 10, Intelligence: 10, HP: 150, Mana: 10, Sexual Stamina: 209/210. 20/15,000 KP. (10+50=60)

Josie: Strength: 35, Dexterity: 45, Vitality: 40, Energy: 15,
Intelligence: 25, HP: 120, Mana: 30, Sexual Stamina: 119/175. 49/15,000 KP. (25+31=56) Being Raped by Trap 4
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

It seemed Jo's position had cut off the movement of the worm in her ass more than she thought, as she tugged away at the ones on her breasts. By clinching her legs and pulling at the worms, the worms couldn't seem to get any depth inside her. The one sucking away at her clit seemed to be the only one exciting her body, but it was little enough that Jo could think past it and take another attempt at removing the worms from her nipples.

Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Having finally popped the worm out of her ass Terri found herself feeling somewhat vacant once that little fucker wasn't working its way past her ring. She nearly slammed the thing against the ground until the other worms haphazardly flailed then fell away from her. They squirmed a couple more times until they all seemed to die one leaving the Warrior rather confused at how that could happen.

A rather familiar sounding cry of ecstasy was heard, and when Terri looked she found Selena once again on the ground in the throes of passion. A gasping sound revealed that Genevieve had managed to work the worms of her own body, but some more struggling elsewhere meant Josie was still stuck with her set. Two women free, one woman struggling, and one completely out of it for a few seconds. Deja vu.

It looked like the lady with the axe had to make a decision once again. Does she help the Sorceress or the Amazon? Remembering what she thought last time this happened Terri made her way over to Selena and found those things just working her over. Terri knew she had to help the girl, so she chose a random target and attacked. Her hand landed on the worm working the girl's clit. It probably wouldn't be all that helpful, but Terri pulled as best she could, the worm doing its best to keep its hold while it still worked Selena's trapped nub.

(Assist Selena if she's still trapped)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

(Huh. Some lucky rolls there. That makes my grousing seem kinda off-base...)

Shuddering as its slimy segments pop past her nether lips, Gené manages to pull one of the worms free, and then convulsively fling it away from her. It bounces against the ground, once, twice, before flopping limply to the ground. The other worms abruptly freeze, then pull themselves free from her body, leaving her squirming as they slither along her skin until they reach dirt and burrow down, hiding themselves once more.

"Gaaah..." She lets out a prolonged, breathy moan as she lies on the ground. Then she manages to recollect herself and look around to see how her teammates are faring.

Josie seemed to be holding her own, snatching at the worms sucking on her breasts while her (muscular... smooth... powerful... stop that!) thighs kept the others pinned. Terri had done even better, smashing one worm flat while her other assailants fell down around her. But Selene, the other staff-wielder, seemed to be in trouble (if you could call being fucked senseless trouble... errgh, this is ridiculous!).

Clambering to her feet, drawing on every scrap of will to avoid simply shoving her staff between her legs and finishing what the worms had started, Gené totters over to Selene and tries to pull one of the worms free of the writhing sorceress.

(Try to help Selene.)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Selenas struggles quickly come to and end as the worms send her into a blinding haze of pleasure. Her movements go from trying to free herself, to bucking right along with the creatures thrusts into her holes, and the combination of the worms penetrating her and those sucking on her clit and nipples quickly reduces her to a moaning lump on the ground. More and more of her juices flow out of her to be sucked up by the worms violating her, the pleasure mounting until it makes Selena explode. A flood of her juices squirts out of her, and her entire body spasms as the worms violation brings her to orgasm.

(Action: Orgasm.)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Genevieve's Turn:

Assist Selena:

Genevieve: 25+2=27 vs. Trap: 40+3=43. Fail.

Genevieve doesn't even come close to freeing the Sorceress.

Terri's Turn:

Assist Selena:

Terri: 40+29=69 vs. Trap: 40+43=83.

Despite her strength, the worm just sucks harder and keeps itself planted into the Sorceress, refusing to let it's tasty morsel go.

Josie's Turn:

Escape Rape:

Josie: 35+31=66 vs. Trap: 40+11=51.

With a mighty tug, Josie manages to free herself!

Trap 1's Turn:

Pleasure Roll: (Selena can't resist)

Trap: 40+40+31=111.

Selena suffers 111 pleasure and skyrockets into another lightning quick orgasm. Selena gains 161 KP.


The Girl's turns again, except for Selena.

Enemy/Player Stats:

Trap 1: Stats at 40. Raping Selena.

Trap 2: Stats at 40. Dormant.

Trap 3: Stats at 40. Dormant.

Trap 4: Stats at 40. Dormant.

Selena: Strength: 15, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 10, Energy: 45, Intelligence: 40 , HP: 20/20, Mana: 135/135, Sexual Stamina: 34/85. 426/15,000 KP. (40+31=71) Being Raped by Trap 1. Orgasmed, can't move/resist.

Genevieve: Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, Vitality: 30, Energy: 25,
Intelligence: 35, HP: 90, Mana: 75, Sexual Stamina: 32/145. 86/15,000 KP. (35+35=70)

Terri: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 50, Energy: 10, Intelligence: 10, HP: 150, Mana: 10, Sexual Stamina: 209/210. 20/15,000 KP. (10+50=60)

Josie: Strength: 35, Dexterity: 45, Vitality: 40, Energy: 15,
Intelligence: 25, HP: 120, Mana: 30, Sexual Stamina: 119/175. 49/15,000 KP. (25+31=56)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Unlike the worms she had to deal with Terri found that those attached to the Sorceress had managed to latch on quite well. The fat little body she grabbed twisted and flailed, and the Warrior just couldn't keep her grip on that slightly slimy thing. Her hands simply slipped, and as she stepped back she could only watch as Selena continued to writhe.

For a few seconds the pink-haired girl was oddly transfixed by the sight in front of her, but after a mental slap to force herself to quit staring at the lewd display she stepped forward again with a greater sense of purpose in her eyes. Her foot landed one of the three pumping themselves in the trapped girl's body, and both hands returned to the one that had slipped through her fingers. She would either pull the one she grabbed free, pull Selena herself and cause the one trapped under her feet to pop loose, or completely and utterly fail like last time.

(Assist Selena)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Her first attempt at pulling a worm off having failed, Gené switches tactics - flattening her hand against Selena's breast and trying to slide her fingers between that and the worm. The feel of her skin keeps drawing lewd images to mind, and her imagination keeps wondering if having the worm transfer its attentions to her would be such a bad thing.

(Help Selena.)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Terri's turn:

Assist Selena:

Terri: 40+25=65 vs. Trap: 40+46=86. Once more, Terri fails and falls flat on her ass.

Genevieve's Turn:

Assist Selena:

Genevieve: 25+38=63 vs. Trap: 40+33=73. Genevieve fails once more.


Josie's Turn still, then the worm is going to take Selena down again if she can't free her, or decides not to try.

Enemy/Player Stats:

Trap 1: Stats at 40. Raping Selena.

Trap 2: Stats at 40. Dormant.

Trap 3: Stats at 40. Dormant.

Trap 4: Stats at 40. Dormant.

Selena: Strength: 15, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 10, Energy: 45, Intelligence: 40 , HP: 20/20, Mana: 135/135, Sexual Stamina: 34/85. 426/15,000 KP. (40+31=71) Being Raped by Trap 1. Orgasmed, can't move/resist.

Genevieve: Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, Vitality: 30, Energy: 25,
Intelligence: 35, HP: 90, Mana: 75, Sexual Stamina: 32/145. 86/15,000 KP. (35+35=70)

Terri: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 50, Energy: 10, Intelligence: 10, HP: 150, Mana: 10, Sexual Stamina: 209/210. 20/15,000 KP. (10+50=60)

Josie: Strength: 35, Dexterity: 45, Vitality: 40, Energy: 15,
Intelligence: 25, HP: 120, Mana: 30, Sexual Stamina: 119/175. 49/15,000 KP. (25+31=56)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Having fell down on her bottom might have been the luckiest thing to happen to Jo. It cut down the movement of the worm heading insider her ass, while her strong thighs could trap and hold the worms in front of her. They could do little to help their position as Jo was completely free to use all her upper body to pull the ones off of her chest. As they popped off, the worms already attached to her which, weren't able to make much movement in the first place, fell limp. Taking a breath for herself, she noticed that two other had freed themselves, and were trying to help Selena who had unfortunately succumbed to her suckling attackers. The sort of lull in extreme activity gave her enough time that she could slowly remove the things from her without freaking out that something dead was inside of her most private areas.

Removing the last worm, she strode over in time for Genevieve's attempt at freeing the girl fail. Reaching down herself, Jo tried to grab a hold of a worm attached to the down girl's well-rounded breast, figuring not only was it what worked for her, but it seemed the most decent for Selena's sake.

*free selena*
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