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Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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Deep into the depths of the abandoned Dolvehk mines ventured three companions. One was a reptilianne humanoid, the other was an elven human, the last was a rather cheerful human girl. All of them had the same goal, to assssainate the important leading government officials in the Dolvehk Quarantine Zone. According to their map, they were nearing their entry point. All they needed to do now was determine who would use their portable seismic scanner to detect to area on the wall of the upcoming mine tunnel where they should place the seismic charges, and most importantly, who would place the charges.
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Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Delphi Yanked out her scanner and started looking for the spot in the wall best for blasting. If everything worked out they could be in, out, and enjoying a good drink back topside. "Shall we get started?" she asked her fellows in a cheerful voice.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Rasp nodded, his reptilian features not well suited to more detailed facial expression. "Go for it. Take your time though, do it right." He said, noting the exxcitement in her movements.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Pulling a small bag from her back, Niah opened it to reveal a few bricks of explosives. Looking at her companions, she brushed a strand of hair over one of her pointed ears.

"Let's just get this done," she said quietly, waiting for the locations for the explosives.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Using the portable seismic scanner, :Delphie quickly found the weak spot in the wall to set the explosives.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Peering over Delphie's shoulder, Niah noted where the weak points of the structure were. She put one of the bombs in front of the human and slapped her shoulder.

"Help me out a bit will you?" she said, before taking the rest and moving to the other weak points, quickly arming the small bombs.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Rasp kept watch, sniffing the stale air warily. He wasn't expecting anything yet, but with the other two dealing with the entrance, he took the last job available.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Delphi helped, moving quickly in the opposite direction to set the charges before clearing with her team and arming he detonator, Handing this to her Lizard friend with the happy statement "would you do the honors?"
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Rasp takes the detonator with a toothy grin. "Clear." He says softly, waiting for the others to find some cover. "Fire in the hole, on three." He said, slowly counting down before hitting the detonator. They felt the immediate pressure change, as well as the rumble of an imminent cave-in. "Move!" He called out, running for the opening himself...
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Delphi was quick on his heels through the breach, landing lightly and scanning her surroundings, trusting her companions to take care of themselves.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Niah was not far behind Delphi, landing gracefully and pulling on her optical glasses to get a good look at her surroundings.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

The party emerges through the collapsing hole and in through the side wall into a long hallway. The hole collapsed behind them, leaving them trapped there. At one end of the long industrial hall, they hear the echoing sound of a few sentry/maintainence drones hovering from around a corner.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Rasp was immediately assaulted by scores of unfamiliar smells once they made it through. Would probably take him a while before he could sort through them well enough to be useful. Hearing though, was just as keen as ever. He looked over at the direction the maintenance drones were coming from, likely about the same time the other two did. Letting out a huff to clear his nostrils and keep him from sneezing, he started in the other direction, looking for a side passage or doorway for them to sneak into until the place calmed down again, wrapping his clawed hand around the grip of his pistol, just in case...
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Delphi trusted Rasps abilities and followed his lead, readying her wire as she moved close to the wall behind him, "We need to hide, quick. If this turns violent early it risks botching the whole job!" she whined, shaking her head a little and moving as quietly as possible...
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Niah removed her rifle from her shoulder, pulling the scope nestled on the top to the side for the closer ranges. She followed close behind the other two, whilst making sure her silencer was attached properly after the explosion. Seeing that it was, she prepared herself to fight, even while hoping they'd all be able to get by unnoticed.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

As they ran down the hallway, they see themselves approaching a dead end. Before this, they notice two doors on each wall and a large maintainence pipe running vertically through the floor and ceiling There was a large access hatch on the pipe that a person could fit through. Judging by the rate at which the drones were apporaching, whatever option they pick, they would have to stick with it, or risk being discovered by the drones.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

"Well! Doors are a tad to obvious..." Delphi said with entirely too much cheer and gesturing towards the pipe. "But thats just my humble opinion" the bubbly assassin said stifling a giggle...
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

"Then get the bloody access hatch open," Niah said as she ran, turning and moving backwards in case she needed to cover their further descent.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

"Okay!" Delphi said brightly as she began to work on the hatch, forcing the thing open with surprising strength, given that she didn't use projectile weapons it made sense that she was in peak form.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Rasp took the time while Delphi opened the hatch to inspect what he could of the doors, looking for labels, or a window to peek in, anything to indicate what lay behind them, listening for voices over the sound of the other two team members talking and working at the pipe. If the maintenance drones were faster than they thought, they may have to duck into a door anyways.

"I'll go through first, I should be able to wedge myself enough to support all our weight, I doubt we want to go further down than where we already started." He said, his 's' sounds sibilant, but not overly stretched, as some may expect when speaking to a lizard. He had never decided why people thought like that...

Distracting himself from the useless train of thought, he focused on planning ahead. They were already near to the bottom-most levels, down was definitely not the way they wanted, with their targets in the upper reaches of the upper level. If the pipe was built to allow access, there's be a handle on the inside as well, letting them close it easily to hide, and open it again once the drones had passed by. There was also the option of shimmying up the pipe, though travelling through it in either direction was likely a bad idea...