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Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Taping her finger silently against the wall to keep count, Niah pulled herself up and out of the tube just as she hit five. Breathing in... not so rancid air, the assassin moved to one of the walls, trying to keep out of sight should anything start bounding up the corridor.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Rasp climbs up to the exit of the pipe as well, timing it so he rolls out right on the five count, taking a position against the same wall Delphi was using. His gun was likely to jam until her had a chance to clean it, so he drew a knife instead, keeping his other clawed hand free.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

The party emerges from the pipe undetected and trave down the wire-lined corridor. After about 5 minutes of travel, they reach a dead-end in the pipe. Before turning back, they notice a small exit hatch in the floor. Upon opening it, they descend down a smal ladder onto an mostly rusted metal catwalk secured underneath the large, pipe-shaped corridor they were just in. The room they were in, for lack of better words, was MASSIVE. The catwalk they were on ran parallel to one of the walls of the room, and the wall on the other side was far off in the distance. There was a wall close-by in the direction they just came from in the pipe corridor on which was a large metal doorway at the end of the catwalk. The wall on the other side of the catwalk was barely visible and very far off.

Most importantly, far below the catwalk, making up the floor of the room was a swirling vortex of sand and water mixing together as they poured down a central drain. Pipes on opposite corners of the room fed sand and water into the room, continuously addining it to the mixture. There was a small rusted plaque fastened to the railing of the catwalk which served as a directory of sorts. According to the sign, the door at the closest end of the catwalk leads to the Waterworks and the door at the furthest end of the catwalk leads to a Transit Station.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

The reptilian man looks over the area and the plaque with curiosity. "Transit station may be best, depending on what we can find of the people down here." He says slowly. "Parhaps check the other option first?"
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Delphi thinks for a minute before speaking. "I doubt letting anyone know that we are here is the best option. I vote sabotage to create a sufficient distraction for us to make it farther up. But we need to do some reconnaissance first, find out what they where and how to blend. I doubt you will blend at all Rasp." The seemingly ditzy assassin has revealed why she's been trusted to take the job, despite all appearances she's actually quite intelligent. "Regardless we need information that we simply don't have and until we do I don't think we can make a good move. Guessing is a fools game..."
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

"We should find a vantage point, get a good look at what's going on. Rifle here has some good sights for me to see without getting us exposed," Niah said carefully, crouched in the shadows.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

"The area around the waterworks should provide a decent vantage point, and cover to get some recon done. Let's move," Niah said quickly and shortly, starting to make her way towards that destination.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

"Agreed." Rasp said quietly, staying to the midddle of the group and halting before crossing any corners. So long as he wasn't the first one seen, they should be able to fake any encounters long enough to quiet whatever found them before an alarm was raised.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Delphi was silent but brought up the rear, being cautious and moving quietly. Hopefully they wouldn't be spotted, but it never hurt to have someone quick in the back to adapt swiftly to any number of situations.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

As the trio make their way towards the Waterworks, Niah, who was leading the group, stepped on a particularly rusty portion of the catwalk, her weight causing the catwalk to collapse entirely below her, setting of a slow chain-reaction of knocking the rusty catwalk behind her loose from the supports. The catwalk that Rasp And :Delphie now stood on began to angle downwards.

What should they do?
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Delphi always put the mission first, Always, So when she tried to grab Rasp and jump backwards off of the collapsing Catwalk it should have come as no surprise. They were here to make a kill, risk was inherent in the job, and She would return for Niah as soon as the opportunity presented itself, but she had a head to collect...
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

As she began to fall, Niah slipped her rifle behind her on its sling, and grasped at the collapsing metal, desperately pulling herself up to grasp at the jutting edge now above her. She winced as rusted metal cut into her palms, blood flowing down her forearms, but still she moved to pull herself back up, now seperated by a gap in the walk way from her comrades.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

The lizardman took the offered hand, his other moving to the collapsing railing as he threw himself backwards to avoid the collapsing section of catwalk, backing off to a safe distance and waiting for the disturbance to settle before speaking. "I don't have a line." He said simply, staring at the gap. Most likely too far to leap, and the edges were likely prone to further collapse in any case.

"Unknown territory, no way to communicate, no known landmarks. The upper area likely follows some sort of light cycle to simulate day and night. We'll look for any kind of gathering or recreational area, nearest one we can find to the center of the dome, and try to meet up there. Check every day cycle, as close to 'noon' as possible. Does that work for everyone?" Rasp said quickly, checking behind them to see if they drew the attention of whatever had come to check on their initial entrance.