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Party Time (dragoon93041)

Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine, 24/30 TP

Allise let her eyes roll up into the back of her head as Pan simultaneously released his magical lock on her orgasm and unleashed his potent cream into the su-ku-ta's fertile depths. Her inner walls contracted gloriously around him, tightening and pulling his semen deep inside, her cervix dipping and dilated to scoop up gulp after gulp of his baby batter and deliver it directly into her womb. Her whole body quaked with delight as he filled her, a loud passionate groan burbling up from her throat as he pumped her full of wave after wave of fresh cum, every rope inspiring her to cum harder. She shuddered and momentarily relaxed when he pulled back, only to groan anew and shudder harder than ever until the last few blasts of seed were delivered into her depths.

A flood of his cum began oozing out of her freshly fucked pussy when he finally pulled out, her heels planted on his hips applying a bit of pressure almost like she didn't want him to pull out, and she let out a low groan as her folds finally released his cock. She was still submersed in her lust, her eyes unfocused but settling on his immense rod as he moved away to sit down, but then she slowly looked down at her oozing sex and groaned. Her eyes shut, shame appearing on her face and mixing with her lust, but it was far too late to go back now.

Despite what he had said, Pan's seed was already at work in her womb. The fertility drugs she had taken had been quite effective, and the vigorous fucking he'd given her had only ensured that she was entirely receptive to his mating. Her womb had been utterly filled with his potent seed, and legions of his sperm were already surrounding her waiting eggs. His seed would have hours at least before Allise could get to her husband again, and his swimmers wouldn't need nearly that long to weaken the barriers in their path and claim fatherhood of the catgirl's children for the him. While his demonic half could have asserted itself, leaving the woman he had seduced in trouble as such a child would surely not be one of her husband's, this time the karkastan's sidhe half took hold. Faerie children among mortals often naturally disguise themselves, even in the womb, and though the children growing in Allise' womb would most definitely be Pan's it was unlikely that the pair would ever know that, the children born mirroring their adoptive father in appearance and even growing at the rate of a mortal rather than an immortal. Only when they came of age would any of their unnatural heritage become apparent, likely in the form of powers like his.

Allise seemed to be recovering fine, and though he might have taken her again in whatever position he liked Pan - perhaps wisely - opted to take off. Leaving his winnings behind as recompense, Pan would unlock the door but find it impossible to lock from outside without a key, which Allise was quite unwilling to surrender if he attempted to return for it. Whatever the source of the ills of his conscience, Pan would be able to find plenty of places to eat just a short ways away, a food market where he could acquire fresh produce if he wanted something simple and didn't mind uncooked food or a set of food stalls off to the side where he could wait a moment for something cooked.

Looking for someplace to repair his armor, Pan would ultimately come across an armory a few streets away from Allise's shop, and when he walked in he was treated to quite a sight. He entered a spacious, sweltering room filled with mannequins and stands, all covered in suits of finely crafted armor finished, polished, and put out for display. There was a leatherworking stand on the left side of the room, but it wasn't in use at the moment. In the back of the room was a forge, burning hot, and working at it was a woman clad in a leather apron hanging from her shoulders, leather gauntlets, and a thong. The forge worker was covered in a light layer of sweat and soot that made her pale skin look ruddy, and her blonde hair's shine was dulled by the same layer of grime from her work. She was incredibly athletic, and from the door Pan could watch those muscles tense rhythmically as the blacksmith slammed a hammer onto a piece of hot metal held in place over an anvil by a set of clamps in her other hand.
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Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

In one part of Pan's mind, there is a voice, a small voice with a whiny tone asking if they are ever going to get anything done. Most of the other voices are concerned with exactly which part of the woman was sexiest. Another part of him was weighing an imaginary coin which he was going to flip. Why? Who knows. "Hello there, Lady Blacksmith, I am Pan and am in need of assistance! Mine armor was harmed and I need it repaired!" He disputed on whether or not to compliment her now or later. He decided on later. Especially once he could get a better look at her. Doing this the same way as the cat-person wouldn't be interesting. He was idly wondering how to make this work...
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine, 24/30 TP

Pan's announcement turned the woman's head, giving Pan a flash of pointed ear and sky blue eyes as she glanced at him. She nodded, but said nothing, and turned back to the piece of metal she was working on, pounding on it for another minute or so before lowering it into a barrel of oil. She turned as the oil hissed, lifting her mask to reveal a sweaty, soot coated face that was nonetheless pleasant to look upon, the elf's angular features, pointed chin and prominent cheekbones something one might expect on a finely dressed woman walking with friends and colleagues in the area where he had first arrived where nobles congregated rather than on someone working in a forge in an area that could be called middle class if one was being generous.

"Material and damages?" she demanded curtly, before setting the mask aside and wiping some of the grime from her face with a damp cloth.
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

In answer, Pan stripped out of his armor and placed it on the counter. "This, my lady!" He beamed. He had no idea what she meant by that. "May I ask, what is a maiden with as fair an appearance as yours working in a smithy? Your visage would seem much more suited for being waited on by desperate suitors."
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine, 24/30 TP

The smithworker watched Pan squirm out of his armor impassively, her demeanor entirely professional as she looked over the torn and bloody leather suit. "Looks like a few holes, a few gashes... Swords and arrows then. You might want to try going for something made out of metal. Or getting out of the way," she said after a moment, before fixing Pan with a frown in response to his question.

"Working," she answered flatly, "it'll be three coin to fix the armor. Five if you want it done immediately."
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

"Ah yes, but there were a great many arrows and swords. One on one, the knaves would have stood no chance but there were a great many of them and only one of myself. If I had a boon companion, things may have been different." He smiled confidently. "I will pay 3 coins. I am not in a hurry. May I have your name, Lady Blacksmith?"
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine, 24/30 TP

"Ayla, and suit yourself," the smith replied when Pan indicated that he could wait for his armor. She gazed at him flatly as he delivered his explanation and offered only a noncommittal noise before turning away and carrying his armor over to a bench. "I'm going to finish my regular work first. You can go and do something, or wait around, up to you," she continued as she headed back towards the forge. "Look around if you wanna wait, maybe some better protection will help you avoid getting stabbed too deep next time you decide to take on a bunch of guys."
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

"Alas, I don't not know the lay of the land. Wandering would be pointless! I am meeting a friend later but for now I am at a loss. Praytell, do you know of someone with needs? I am quite powerful and need a patron at the moment."
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine, 24/30 TP

"Needs? You mean a sword arm? I'm a blacksmith, not a mercenary handler," the practically bottomless smith woman replied flatly as she prepared to get back to work, "I fix and produce arms and armor, if you want to know who would pay you to use them on someone else, the best I can tell you to do is go to Downey Street to check out the smaller mercenary outfits, or to Briar's Plaza to see if the arena will have you."
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

It was like trying to seduce a big rock. A sexy rock to be sure but it would take a special tool to break it. Unfortunately, Pan did not seem to have it in his arsenal. His penis was a Swiss army knife, getting the job done in many situations but this required a pickaxe. Just thinking about trying that made Pan wince. Which means it was time to earn some money the old-fashioned way: beating the crap out of people. "Thank you, milady, I shall return!" To Briar's Plaza! And hurting people!
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine

"I'll try to fix your armor once I'm done with this. At the very least it will probably be done before I close up for the night," the elven blacksmith replied, blessedly spared his mental comparison of his penis to a multitool from a region that didn't exist in their world.

Leaving the blacksmith's shop in whatever he had to wear besides his armor, hopefully not simply a loincloth or the like, Pan would be able to find the nearby arena easily enough. It was situated near a major thoroughfare, and people were coming in and out of one entrance at a regular pace to the uncaring attention of two men who seemed to be guarding the doorway. There were other entrances, less used, and above one of them was a sign that read; "Fighter Entry."
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

"Hmmm..." Pan stared at the sign. "Fighter Entry... But my name isn't Fighter." He frowned. "Well, I guess I'll just have to lie to fit in. Strange that a bunch of guys would all be named Fighter but I guess this place is just full of weirdos."
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine

Irregardless of his misunderstanding, walking into the fighters entrance would lead Pan down a narrow stone hallway that was lit only by the sunlight from outside until about twenty paces in, at which point he found himself going through a doorway and into a room lit by torches. In that room were a number of lockers and benches, a section devoted to sparring arenas and training dummies, an infirmary, and a set of showers.

The only one present was a very bored looking man with dark shadows under his blue eyes. "Mmmm? You here to get into a fight?" the man said, looking Pan up and down.
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

"Fighting? Here? That would most excellent! I am a mood for such a thing. My name is Pan and I wish to undergo battle soon! Also, I'm flat broke so this seems like the place to be.!"
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine

"Well, the fighting pit needed more bodies last I heard. It's only general melees today, nothing special. It's only one coin to get in, and you get a coin for anyone you can knock out. All the weapons here are wood, and after what happened last week there's no more magic allowed," the man said in flat tones, as if he'd explained all this many times before and by this point had it rehearsed.
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

"No magic, someone to blame? That's a shame. I could pull off a real light show if I was at the top of my game. You see, Fighter, I have to use power to enhance my abilities, otherwise I am somewhat tame. Nothing like throwing lasers around or something the same. Those are lame. If that isn't an option, do you know when my talents might be better appreciated, where I might earn a bit of fame?" He frowned, just for a moment.
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine

"Light shows are for festivals, to entertain the dim," the man replied sourly, the derision in his voice obvious. "We're not allowing ANY magic in here anymore, no more tricks to make a weakling able to fight a real warrior. If you want to use that stuff it won't be here, and after what happened I don't think any of the public arenas will let people make use of that anymore!"
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

"Bah. I didn't want to earn any desperately-needed money anyway." He left the arena in a huff. "Bored bored bored bored. Have I really exhausted mine options in this settlement? Woe is me, an dashing individual in a place too dull to appreciate my talents. Maybe I can make dullness interesting. Now that's a challenge." He abruptly leapt into the air and just casually floated around town, looking for something to interest him. Maybe someone would need healing. Or a beating. Either way.
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine

Floating around town, Pan would earn a few annoyed looks, a few mystified, and a few angry looks as he wandered without aim. There were any number of places where he might try to find some entertainment, but having no money he entered none of them. No one attacked him, and no one seemed to require his healing attentions on the random route that he took, passing a few uninteresting hours with little accomplished.
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

"Gaaah... bor~ed." Pan ended up heading back to pick up his armor. It was the only thing he could do. The lady blacksmith seemed to be immune to his many charms. It was a depressing situation but he couldn't think of a way around it. Well, he could, because he was very clever, but many of them would take too much time. Or it would be illegal. He didn't want to go that far for a single prize.