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Party Time (dragoon93041)

Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine

With three pieces of potential prey in his sights, Pan was able to trail ahead of the group, though his favorite - the thin, somewhat mousy, careworn looking girl in the center - seemed to be directing their path. There were no signs that his pheromones were doing much, but given the distance that he was forced to maintain and that they were outdoors and the scent was quickly dispersed that wasn't necessarily surprising. It would be hard to say how effective his pheromones would be to begin with, but in the meantime he would go unrecognized and unnoticed save by the odd passerby who glanced at him oddly given his unusual appearance. He wouldn't be recognized by Maggie unless he resumed his earlier form, and in the meantime could eavesdrop on the bunch as he stalked them.

"...swear you two, if this turns out ANYTHING like the last time Steph was involved, I'm going to electrocute BOTH of you."

That was Maggie.

"Oh, you~" The bigger girl said with mock drama, "it won't be! We know you don't want it to get that wild, that's why we didn't let Steph take the lead in planning this!"

"Relax Mags!" The thinner blonde girl said cheerfully, "It's your temptress night! You should have fun! Even if you don't want to!"

She reached out as if to give Maggie a little grope, but the brunette shot her a glare and it stopped her hand before it could reach the other girl's bottom. "Enough of that! You know I don't even like this tradition! Besides, I'm already married, my parents are only insisting on a more formal ceremony because they're stubborn. Channing and I didn't start out as nobility, we didn't want any of this..."

"Oh psh, none of that! You really think HE isn't going to take the opportunity tonight? It's his bachelor's night!"

"I damn well KNOW he isn't going to be doing any of what you're implying tonight!" Maggie said vehemently, "I trust him! And I know him! That's not what he's about, he's in the same damned boat as I am... Getting dragged around by his friends because of this damn fool custom."

"Now now, having fun! Remember? Fun? That thing you're supposed to have tonight?" The pudgy pink haired girl said flippantly, "C'mon Maggie, just try to enjoy yourself! Steph wasn't in charge, so you won't be getting ambushed by strippers like your sister. We're just going to drink, dance, and have a grand old time! Besides, even if you aren't looking to, some of US are gonna get laid tonight~"

She and the blonde chuckled brightly while the pink haired girl threw her hip into Maggie, though the brunette didn't miss a step and simply rolled her eyes while giving a disdainful sigh. "For the sake of decency Mia... Not in public! Wait until we get to the bar to talk about that kinda stuff, please!"

That only prompted more chuckling, but the rounder girl - Mia apparently - simply nodded, "Fine, fine~"

"Heh, you two both remember Miranda's face when Steph came in with two boys she'd hired?" The blonde said, grinning, "I swear, I thought she was going to turn her into a pile of cinders... She could, too!"

"She almost did!" Maggie said dourly, "That was... Horrifying. They were wearing those... Swingy, hat things on their... And they were all sweaty and oily and... Uck!" She gave a shiver and hugged herself, rubbing her own shoulders.

"Hah! I know right! Though... I don't know how you remember anything from that night Pyrri! Weren't you already damn near blackout drunk by that point?"

"Hey! Whoa! I wasn't that drunk... Yet!"

The other two shared a chuckle, and this time Maggie halfheartedly joined in.
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

???. Pan was confused and almost tripped over his own foot. He wasn't quite sure what was going on. He knew a little about marriage, of course and the reasons for it, though the specifics, like confining themselves to one partner, didn't make any sense to him. But then he remembered something and clicked: a group of men would come to the brothel and one of them was apparently being married soon. Pan had been confused as to why they would have come to the brothel because of that but his mother had informed him. Apparently it was something like a bout of hedonism before marriage occurred. Maybe here it was actually a formal custom? At least it was a custom that Pan agreed with. But Maggie seemed to think that her fiancé, this "Channing" person wasn't going to engage in... perhaps having sex with others? Why wouldn't he? This was quite a puzzle.

Once he got the gist of it, his expression cleared up. He could see an opportunity to have sex with each of them. As a bonus, he would impregnate Maggie (well, all of them, but it was a special bonus with her). One of the goals of marriage was to produce heirs and his potent sperm was able to fertilize even those who normally could not have children. He knew there was magical means to make sure someone couldn't get pregnant but there wasn't anything he could do about that.

So, now he knew their names, he had his targets, and he knew how he was going to get things going. They would probably have a bowl full of some kind of liquid, probably. All he would have to do is buy some... buy... He felt in his pocket and remembered he only had a few denarii to his name at the moment. Drat. This wasn't going to be as easy as he thought. He dropped back behind them and put his hood up. He momentarily dropped out of plain view, leaning over as to seeming look at something, and changed into his usual form. He then caught up with them and tapped Maggie on the shoulder. "Hey Maggie! Are these your friends? My name is Pan and Maggie helped me out of jam earlier this day."
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine

"Soooo.... Maggie~" The platinum blonde said in a mock purr, "I know Miranda has a bun in the oven... Are you and Channing gonna be giving us another little bundle of joy now that you're all settled in?"

The pink haired girl grinned widely while Maggie squirmed visibly under the personal question. "What? No... Not yet. We both want to focus on our careers for a while before we think about having kids."

"Heh, finally went on the potion? Or still relying on the pull out method?"

"Neither," Maggie replied calmly, hand straying to her stomach, "The mix always has weird side effects, look at how many problems you're still having on it, and I don't even know how you're not pregnant yet Pyrri. I learned to make the charm to keep the dread curse of pregnancy at bay! So long as it's on and I renew it at the end of the month, no babies allowed."

Pyrri shrugged, smirking, "Well, suit yourselves. And it's easy Mags... You just need to learn to swallow."

"What did I tell you about... In public!"

Their conversation continued as Pan stalked the group, plotting how he would lure, seduce, and ultimately inseminate all three women. The revelation about their chosen birth control methods might add to his planning, but as yet all three were completely oblivious to the man intending to make them all pregnant with his children.

Maggie's friends jumped as he suddenly appeared behind her, but Maggie's own reaction was entirely calm. She stopped and turned, shifting her weight away from him but keeping her balance centered, but he face showed surprise initially, then confusion, and then dawning recognition. "Oh... Oh! Uhhh, you, yeah... This is the guy who tried to fly up to the tower, uhhhh... Pan, I think? Yeah... Sorry, I completely forgot that I had something planned already tonight, and in the rush to get ready for it you sort of... Slipped my mind. Uhhh, sorry... But, we're going to a bar for a night of debauchery and sin, I don't see why you couldn't come along." She had relaxed again after recognizing Pan, and Mia elbowed Maggie lightly in the ribs. "C'mon... Introduce us," She murmured, causing Maggie to sigh and roll her eyes.

"Yeah, this is the guy I told you about earlier, Pan. Pan, these are Mia," She gestured towards the curvy pink haired girl, who smirked and held out her hand, "And this is Pyrri," She gestured towards the blonde girl, who curtsied and gave Pan a dazzling smile.
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan returned the smile to the blonde girl and looked surprised when offered the hand. He did, however, take it and give it a little kiss. The girl seemed to have an attitude but Pan didn't really care. She would cave. Pan had learned from the best after all! While he thought about this, he examined each in turn.

The thin one, Pyrri, wasn't going to be a problem at all. She may have managed to escape pregnancy so far but he was going to break that streak. The stout one apparently was using a potion to keep herself from getting pregnant. He was familiar with it, as the brothel actually made and sold the potions. There was nothing he could really do about that. He had an idea but he didn't know if it would work. Maggie... maybe she could be persuaded to remove the charm herself. The elf had been pretty happy with him in the end. Maggie just needed to know that joy.

But Pan's ultimate nemesis was the so called "Morning After" potion. These girls seem to have access to alchemic tools and might well have made such potions. Pan raged against the gods at whoever had crafted such an abominable mixture. It ruined all his hard work. It's like women didn't want to always have children. But wait. Hmmm... maybe he did have something he could do... It would require some work and Pan didn't know if he could pull it off but it seemed like it might work.

All of this went through his head in the few seconds he met the young slu- women. Pan grinned genuinely "Debauchery and sin? Two of my favorite words. I've learned quite a few fun things to do from some parties I've been in back home." What he meant, of course, was actually inside the place that he grew up in. But it tended to weird people out to hear that he was the son of a demonic succubus and one of the fae who had walked right into a trap and ended up working at a brothel. You know, just life.
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 111, Status = Fine

Maggie: Not Drunk, Not Aroused, Not Pregnant, Charm Intact
Pyrri: Not Drunk, Not Aroused, Not Pregnant, Not on Birth Control
Mia: Not Drunk, Not Aroused, Not Pregnant, Infertility Potion Undisrupted

"Uhhh.... Right. Well, we're going to this place called Indigo's, it's a bar downtown... Uhhh, it can be a little expensive, but that's why we're going early. It should be happy hour for a little while yet." Maggie seemed to react with a bit of trepidation in response to Pan's apparent eagerness, but it would be rude to retract an offer when he was simply enthusiastic about it. Mia smirked widely at him, and Pyrri blushed as she retracted her fingers and bashfully glanced away before sneaking her eyes back up to his face.

Whatever Pan's reaction to Maggie's explanation, they would move to continue their journey to the bar promptly. However powerful he chose to set his pheromonal output, Pan would find that Maggie was a rock, walking steadily with arms swinging at her sides, eyes scanning the road ahead. The mage seemed confident but cautious, and barely spoke except when directly addressed. The other two proved far more susceptible to his pheromones, however, or perhaps were simply more naturally inclined to try and act appealing around men. Neither of them had wedding bands around their fingers, after all.

Both Mia and Pyrri walked in the seductive sway he had grown accustomed to seeing women use when trying to attract men. Of course, he had seen demons and faeries and professional courtesans at it on a daily basis growing up, and while he had opted not become a worker for the brothel where he had been conceived and born he had likely seen people who were much better at it than the two young women setting their skirts swaying for him. Whether that actually bothered his enjoyment of their motions or not, however, was up to Pan. Regardless, the trip to the bar didn't take too long, and was largely uneventful. Mia and Pyrri energetically spoke most of the way there, wondering aloud who they might see, occasional snide comments about their topic of conversation, what they were going to do across the course of the night, and any number of other largely menial things. Maggie kept her stoic silence for most of it, occasionally chastising one or both of her friends when they were too catty.

When they arrived, they approached a rather large building that was at least three stories tall. His home was bigger, at least by length and width, though he could only guess at the depth of it. Regardless, however, there was definitely a second floor to the place, as the light shining out of the bottom windows strobed in a variety of colors and the lights from upstairs were a calmer muted yellow, though all were obviously magical in origin. The second floor windows were also very high up, and the word "Indigo's" sprawled in glowing purple script with a pair of parted lips placed at the end of it situated midway between the two sets of windows. When they entered through the wide double doors, past a pair of glowering bald men of burly shape and intimidating disposition, Pan felt them pass through a magical barrier. The place was warded, though how so and the exact nature of the canceling effects were not readily apparent save for one distinct feature; He had felt a soft pumping, vibrations running through the ground, and heard a slight ringing and squealing noise as they approached the doors. When they passed the wards, however, a wave of sound - joined by the heat caused by the press of many bodies together - slammed over Pan.

Deep, pumping music echoed through the large room and its high ceiling, mostly drums but possessing sharp ringing noises produced by no instrument that Pan had ever heard. It was weird to one who had likely grown up with little music at all, and all of that had been hand played by faeries who could have played circles around whoever had created this, but it had a solid flowing beat to it and could be easily ignored saved for how it would force them to raise their voices to speak. Beneath the music ran the buzz of conversation, far too many voices to pick out any one string of conversation, and with it came a symphony of shouts and jeers and beating feet. The room was dominated by a nearly packed dance floor, with a bar set against the far walls and staffed by a pair of men each on either side of the blank space. There were sections of tables and booths at the corners, where people rested and drank and spoke. The music seemed to come from everywhere at once, but the multicolored pulsating light came from over a dozen projections ringing the room and a pair of thick square columns in the dance floor, all of which showed a distorted scene of humanoid silhouettes writhing together. The people on the dance floor, of which there were many, seemed to be doing their best to emulate the figures on the screens, leaving the floor a mass of flesh that could truthfully have been called an orgy were it not for the clothes getting in everyone's way.

"Thunderlord's bane... It's packed!" Pan heard Maggie groan under her voice, but Pyrri and Mia looked delighted and dragged Maggie forward, leaving Pan to follow. "Shots!" "Shots!"

They tugged Maggie over to the right-hand bar, and though it was packed managed to flag down a harried looking bar tender. "What are your specials?" Mia shouted, causing him to lean forward and speak into her ear. "Oooh, that cheap? Wow! Three rounds of Grillmans! Four shots each! And a glass of red wine for me!" She said, waving Pan over to join them if he hadn't followed. "Three!?" Maggie exclaimed, her voice going a little high, but Mia ignored her and Pyrri patted her on the head to quiet her. "We just got here!" Her protest was ignored entirely, and in short order Mia had a tray of a dozen small glasses filled with amber liquid in her hands. "C'mon! Table!"

She led the way, with Pyrri clearing a path through the crowd for her and Maggie trailing along behind, and they stopped to circle a tall table as Mia set the platter down. A trio of shot glasses ended up in front of each of them, and while Pyrri and Mia took their first up with merry smiles, Maggie grabbed hers somewhat hesitantly. "Bottoms up boys and girls!" Mia chanted merrily, and Pyrri added; "In the hopes that they will be again later tonight!" Maggie blanched at the suggestive remark, but raised her glass with the other two anyway, and Pan was welcome to join them in the first round. His supernatural constitution would let him handle the alcohol better than a mortal, but the liquor was harsh, bitter, and largely unpleasant. Maggie seemed to share that assessment judging by the sour look on her face, but Mia and Pyrri barely blinked as they clacked their glasses onto the table and took up the next round.

"Guh! I need a chaser! This shit is... Vile! What the hell is it!?" Maggie demanded, to which Mia replied; "Grillmans! It's a local whiskey, not exactly the best, but it's only two coins a round right now! Can't beat that!"

"I could... To death," Replied Maggie, but the other two only giggled at her disdain for the bargain alcohol. "C'mon Maggie! It's to help you loosen up! You can grab some wine and take it easy after we finish these up!" Pyrri said, and then grinned at Mia conspiratorially. "I've got an idea!" She said, and then leaned forward to whisper something into the rounder girl's ear. Mia perked, and then turned to give a look that was a poor affectation of insult doing a bad job at hiding a broad smirk. "Scandal! You whore Pyrri! You dirty, vapid thing you.... I love you!" She replied, causing Maggie to go pale as she turned and pointed a finger at the least adventurous of the three. "This is the deal... I paid for your drinks, so you have to drink 'em! And the last one to down their last shot... Has to go without panties all night!" She glanced at Pan, grinning maliciously, "And HE gets to take 'em off!"

Maggie's enthusiasm didn't match that of her friends, unfortunately. Her face became stony, and her tone was flat as she coldly replied; "Fuck that. I'm not letting anyone slip my underwear off." She turned a glare at Pan, "You try it and you'll be going through the ceiling... At terminal velocity. And I won't be slowing you down when you come back down either!" Her dire warning was met with giggles from the other two, which only made her scowl harder. Pan could get a word in at that point, though how he would respond was up to him and likely depended on how he intended to seduce, lure away, and ultimately inseminate the three young women who had brought him here.

"Awww, no fun~ C'mon, you're outvoted here!" Mia replied after a moment, possibly supporting what Pan might have said. "No," Maggie replied flatly, "My underwear is not a democracy! If you want some guy you just met like half an hour ago slipping your underwear off in public, then be my guest! That isn't my idea of fun though, so no thanks!" Both the girls clucked in disappointment, again leaving Pan an opportunity to try and talk, before Pyrri once more raised her shot glass to toast for the second round anyway, and it was time for more alcohol. It wasn't any better tasting the second around through, and Maggie blanched hard as she clapped her glass down last, leaving only one round left for their group of shots.
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Their attempts did not, in fact, bother Pan, though he thought it was somewhat sweet, seeing those girls try to act like that. Enthused amateurs. Maybe if they kept at it for a few years and got some proper instruction they could do it properly. But they probably wouldn't. Talent goes to waste every day. It's too bad Maggie wasn't trying. But what was with her? Was her will truly that strong? Pan considered it before decided that wasn't it. It was probably that charm she had cast. Pan had a worried thought: it might also block any powers of seduction he had. This would even be more difficult than he thought. He, of course, shared none of this as they walked, joining in the casual conversation and occasionally making a dirty joke.

When they entered Indigo's... well... let's just say that Pan wasn't impressed. They put in an effort at least. Wards to protect the patrons, plenty of muscle. That was decent at least. But they seemed to believe that enough quantity could outweigh quality. It's not like Pan was above this, that he couldn't enjoy it, it was just that he wondered if this was the height of what people enjoyed. He did love the atmosphere, though, and soaked it in. It smelled of desperate need for something to fill the gap. He tried to use Analyze on the wards, only to remember that he didn't actually learn that ability.

And then came the liquor. He almost gagged but managed to keep his expression pleasant. Pan had had some liquors, of course, but nothing of this low quality. It certainly was alcohol but did people really need to get drunk THAT badly? Sex was much more pleasant, it didn't cost anything if both (or all, preferably) parties were interested, and it didn't cause hangovers. Unfortunately, if he was to follow through with his plans, he was going to have to continue to imbibe the... liquid.

When Maggie and Pyrri announced their plan, he inwardly whooped but Maggie's threat made him keep that expression off his face. He didn't doubt that if he tried something, it would end unpleasantly. "Hey, I think it's a great idea but you're the boss. I'd like to get everyone a little loosened up, though. I give some great massages. And no, my hands aren't going to slip. Pyrri, can you get us some more drinks while I work my magic." His plan was as follows: give massages. However, when he gave a massage, whether foot or back, he would use the holy energy he had used to heal himself earlier. Certainly something like that could provide supreme relaxation.

For Maggie, after a few moments, he would try to use influence her with his other powers for just a moment. He would try and excuse the 'accident' if the charm, or she, reacted. For Mia, he would try to use his magic to 'purge' the effect the infertility potion had on her. For both of Maggie's friend, Pan could be a little less discrete. He didn't pour out energy by any means but he slowly let it mix with the holy energy he was using to relax them. Hopefully they wouldn't even notice but their bodies would.

5 EP on each for Lay on Hands for a total of 15 EP over a number of turns
1 EP for Energetic Foreplay on Maggie for just one moment
3 EP each for Pyrri and Mia for a total of 6 EP over a few turns
3 EP to try and 'purge' Mia's Infertility Potion
Total Spent: 25 EP
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Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 92/111, Status = Fine

Maggie: Slightly Drunk, Not Aroused, Not Pregnant, Charm Intact
Pyrri: Slightly Drunk, Slightly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Not on Birth Control
Mia: Slightly Drunk, Slightly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Infertility Potion Neutralized

Kaina: Twintails! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???
Iraia: Long Hair and Blue Lips! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???

"I'll loosen up at my own pace... Thanks though," Maggie replied flatly, though her tone wasn't as cold as it had been to her friends' suggestions. Pyrri, in the meantime, looked briefly affronted at being essentially ordered about, but his polite tone and the smirk Mia sent at her had the blonde relenting quickly. With Pyrri moving off to the bar in a huff, Mia grinned at Pan and said; "I'll take that massage, if you don't mind~" She leaned forward slightly, and as he approached she grinned wryly and reached up, dragging the straps of her white dress down over her shoulders. The sparse garment sagged, threatening to fall to the floor as she offered him her back, but she held it up even as it slipped down her cleavage.

His talents with his hands were, of course, more than sufficient to work upon the young human woman. Proximity had her inhaling deep gulps of his pheromones, and she seemed open to his touch to begin with. "Ooof! Nnnn.... He's really g-good~ You've gotta try this Maggie... It'll loosen you right up!" She commented as he worked, completely unaware of the magics he was working on her. The simpler ones, those accompanying his massage, were enough to augment the natural comfort and intimacy of the contact and raise it to the level of genuine arousal. More insidiously on his part, however, his power worked into her frame towards her womb. He could feel the toxins there, the potions that held back her natural fertility and prevented her normal biological processes. Slight workings of energy, over the course of a minute or so as he worked on her back and shoulders, were enough to disrupt it, destroy it, and ultimately return her to her natural state. Already he could feel her ovaries priming themselves, preparing to unleash what had been held back, and though he could naturally induce such anyway once he was inside of her physically, he could prime her even further if he wished, magically rushing the preparation of her eggs.

Pyrri was back a few minutes later, after fighting through the crowd with another tray. She had bought a fourth round of shots and glasses of wine, putting one of each in front of Mia, Maggie, herself, and directly next to herself. Pyrri shot Mia a withering jealous look, to which the rounder girl responded with a triumphant smirk. "Thanks Pyrri!" She said, carefully reaching forward to grab another shot glass. "Oh what the - Pyrri! We haven't even done the third round yet!" Maggie grunted in evident annoyance, though she took up another glasses again promptly. Mia grabbed Pan's for him, causing her dress to begin to sag only to stop naturally as it nearly cleared her breasts. "Oops~" She said playfully, earning a roll of the eyes from both other women at the table, and once more they downed the vile tasting liquid and clacked glasses down on the table. All of them took sips from their wine this time, and even Maggie was starting to sport some fairly rosy cheeks even though all of the alcohol they'd imbided hadn't even hit yet.

"C'mon, round four! Last one!" Mia insisted, and though even Pyrri didn't look entirely happy about the notion of chasing with another shot, she lifted hers. It was getting easier to down the stuff by now, at least, and the wine definitely helped. "Alright, my turn!" Pyrri insisted, inviting Pan to divert his attention from Mia, who pouted but let him go over to the blonde. She responded in much the same way, though the design of her dress didn't let her slide the shoulder straps down. Mia restored hers to their original state, but continued to smile appealingly at Pan while watching him make Pyrri groaned with satisfaction. Maggie, though she still hadn't welcomed his touch, had her wine glass in hand and had closed her eyes.

His primary target began to sway in place in rhythm to the music, shaking her wine glass in her hand. There were so many people in here, more than had ever crowded his old home, and as such it was nearly impossible to pick anyone out from the crowd. The corners of the expansive room were easier to see, however, and it was obvious enough that Maggie and her friends weren't the only interesting people about. A woman of exceptional height wearing a fairly conservatively cut navy blue dress sat at one end, idly stirring a wine glass while looking boredly at a man with a long silver beard who was speaking to her rather urgently. The older man had sharp eyes and furrowed brow, and wore a more worn but more ornate version of the uniform he had seen on Maggie earlier that day. In another corner was a man with sunken eyes and a mop of dull blonde hair in dark clothes, whom people seemed to approach regularly and then leave within a few minutes. Elsewhere, Pan saw a half dozen people around a table in an even divide between the sexes, several sporting obvious weapons, who seemed to be having a party of sorts. There were no wandering servers here, it seemed, and only a few bouncers wandering among the crowded room to keep order in the place.

In the back of the room, there was a pair of stairways leading up, starting right beside each other in the center of the rear wall and branching away in opposite directions. Both were guarded by a bouncer, but Pan saw people moving toward them, handing over a coin that was tossed into a container on the wall, and heading up. A man went up, pale blonde hair running down his back, with a short blonde in a light pink dress under one arm and a moonlight pale brunette in a black dress under the other. A minute or so later a pair of women approached, both dark of hair but one short and with bowed shoulders and glasses that practically screamed "shy" at a glance, and the other a taller thinner type in a tank top with her head shaven except for a long stripe running down the center of her head. Before they approached the bouncers, the taller one turned and pinned the shy one against the wall, forcing a kiss onto her mouth that lasted over a minute and ended with the mousy girl with glasses askew and a flustered look.

Before he could observe the stairs and their "customers" any further, however, Pan had another enticing distraction. Two women approached their table, and were it nor for their differing outfits and styles he couldn't have told them apart. Statuesque of form with hourglass figures, full bosoms, and wide hips each, the two girls had honey blonde hair and blue eyes that practically glowed. One wore a pair of tight black pants and a black and white striped top with a silver line going down the center that left her midriff and arms bare, the other a white fauld like Maggie's with much shorter shorts underneath, black fishnet stockings and a bodywrap, and a white undershirt that was tied to leave her flat tummy bare as well. They both had makeup on to make their pale complexions even paler, but the one in the striped top had red makeup and her hair done up in pigtails, while the other had blue makeup and let her long hair run down her back wild and free. Both of them were wide eyed and rosy cheeked, and experience told Pan that both of them were on something, though it wasn't immediately clear what.

The enticement came not only from them, however, but how they greeted Maggie. They advanced, spotted only by Mia who grinned at them slyly and winked, and Pan as he massaged a groaning Pyrri, and came up on either side of her. They hovered beside and behind as she swayed for a moment, and then smoothly slid in with the sort of grace he was accustomed to seeing from succubi and sidhe, one on either side. She jumped, straightening and spilling a bit of wine, but they hardly seemed to mind as their hands wandered and lips pressed, twintails on the left kissing her on the cheek and groping one of her breasts while long hair on the right sucking on a bit of neck flesh and wandering hands across her belly. "Huh!? Guhh, wha- stop! Get the fuck... What is wrong with you!?"

The two paused in their oral ministrations to giggle for a second, and the one with pigtails said; "It's good to see you out and about, Mags~" The other lightly cooed; "Especially so... Yummy!" She dove back in against Maggie's neck, biting and nibbling and sucking her way along the other girl's jawline, and the up until then stalwart girl's eyes fluttered as a brief moan was torn from her lips. She went red and shut her mouth a second later, putting down her glass and reaching up to force both women away, though their hands remained in place, at which point Mia said; "Hey Kaina! Hey Iraia! Enjoying the party without us I see! No fair!" The two looked at Mia a little bit too slowly as their names were called, Kaina being the one with twintails and Iraia being the one with her hair free, and recognition dawned a bit too slowly for them to be entirely sober. They both grinned at Mia when it did, however, and none of the girls seemed bothered except Maggie, who was still trying to fend off their hands.

"Oh yes~"

"We've been having SOOO much fun~ The dance floor is... Amazing!" "Amazing!"

"Yeah? You been upstairs yet?"

"Oh, us? No, not yet... We haven't found anyone who could... Handle us yet~"

"Speaking of..." Iraia's glazed over eyes turned to Pan, a lopsided grin flitting over her features, "Who's the boy?"

At that point, Pan could answer for himself, or let Mia introduce him, but not much could be said before Maggie jumped again, the cause a shift from one of their hands behind her. "Oooh, Mags~" Iraia said with mock offense, looking to her and then glancing back at Pan. "You will never GUESS what she has on under there~" Another jump, and Maggie was turning brighter red, but a scowl was coming over her again, this one darker than any Pan had seen. "Oh yeah, that.. Is... NICE! Whoever makes your temptress night is gonna be pleased~ Feels like you've been growing some more meat back here too! About time~"

That, it seemed, was about as much as Maggie was going to take. She pulled away roughly, standing up and pushing her chair back in the process. A hand on their sternums pushed the strangers away, and her color faded steadily as her scowl returned. "I. Am. Not. Performing. That. Vile. Tradition. And. You. Two. Drugged up. Whores. Can. FUCK. OFF. IF. YOU. PLEASE. Come back when you know what the words personal space mean!" She then stomped off towards the bar, leaving the quarter giggling as she left, though after a moment Pyrri sighed heavily. "That was maybe a little bit too much you two... Still, she is relaxing. And trying to have fun. You'd both be neck deep in the floor or somewhere in the sky if she wasn't!"
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Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Well, Pan thought as he began working on Mia's soft and yielding back, at least Maggie hadn't gotten upset at him. That was a start. He had been afraid that she had been too uptight to even get past his presence there but it seems like she was at least going to allow his presence. His work spread out through Mia's body until he found what he needed to find. Destroying the effect was simple but those potions were such a nuisance if you didn't know about that. He began to 'prime' Mia, getting her ready for sex. His magic touched her womb gently, caressing it and stirring it to action. But his work was slow. The alcohol was definitely going to help but it wasn't going to be enough. To get to Maggie, he was going to have to figure out how to get close. Maybe dancing? She seemed to like the music but Pan didn't know how well that would work.

Soon enough, it was time to switch out and Pyrri gave way under his ministrations. As he worked, he took in the sights, for lack of a better word. Trying to look into the center was a failing prospect, so many shifting bodies, so he scanned the walls. Two people talking earnestly, probably about something boring. Then there was the drug dealer. If he had had any money on him, he might have approached him. But he would work with what he had. The young man seemed kind of lifeless. Probably he was sampling his own merchandise. Seemed odd to Pan but he supposed that if you couldn't get a rush from fighting or having sex, you'd have to find joy in your life somehow.

Then Pan noticed a more interesting place: the stairways. So, that was going to be his main target. But before he could think too much about it, two wonderful ladies announced themselves in a very pleasing way. Mia and Pyrri had strutted their stuff but these girls were easily on an entirely different level. They probably could have even gotten jobs back at home. He wasn't sure what they were on, though and was by no means an expert or even well informed. He had seen people use drugs but had never actually done the stuff himself. He much preferred physical activities. "My name is Pan. It is-" Pan was cut off and inwardly sighed. The girls had been doing an excellent job warming Maggie up but it was too fast and their prey had escaped. Pan watched Maggie retreat, then turned to the other girls, keeping up his massage and the flow of lewd energies. Cautiously, he began to massage farther down. Nothing too bad, just a little more intimate. "Like I was saying, Pan, good to meet women who take the right things seriously. So what's this 'temptress night' you keep mentioning?"

Going to continue to arouse Mia and Pyrri, spending 3 EP with Energetic Foreplay.
Moving Lay on Hands down to 3EP each
If the twins want some of it, he'll only spend 1 EP. They already seemed ready for some action.
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Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 86/111, Status = Fine

Maggie: Pretty Drunk, Not Aroused, Not Pregnant, Charm Intact
Pyrri: Pretty Drunk, Fairly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Not on Birth Control
Mia: Pretty Drunk, Fairly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Infertility Potion Neutralized

Kaina: Twintails! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???
Iraia: Long Hair and Blue Lips! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???

"Ohhhh.... You must not be from around here," Iraia said once Pan professed his ignorance of the custom that kept coming up. "Temptress night... May ours be entirely enjoyable~" Kaina continued, and the two twins sighed dreamily and devolved into a fit of giggles. It was Mia who answered him, in an amused tone; "It's a local tradition, mostly from the West. It came from back in the days when lords would demand prima nocta in their domains... Right to a woman's first night, rather than the husband. Basically, on one of the last nights before her marriage, a noble lady goes to a party, in the olden days a masquerade ball. There, she is supposed to find a man - originally her husband - and give herself to him... In the physical sense, if you catch my meaning~"

Pyrri, letting out merry little grunts and pushing into Pan's hands, opened an eye and glanced back at him, her face flushed and breathing steady but starting to grow heavy. Little flutters of magic, driven through the fingers still working at her already relaxed lower back muscles, kept stoking and stoking her rising arousal, priming her to mate. The same energies he had used upon Mia only served to prepare the blonde to be impregnated, and without the potion to neutralize it was only growing more vulnerable by the moment. "It started to get... SCANDALOUS after a few years~" She purred, only slightly audible beneath the pumping music.

"There were a few heirs who had their legacy questioned back in those days~"

"Or so the histories say!"

"Who can say if it's true~"

"It did lead to them getting rid of Prima Nocta though... After a few succession wars of course," Mia said, before glaring at Pan. "My turn again! I've got a kink... You'll have to go a little lower~" She turned her back to him again, letting Pan work a bit more magic on her while Pyrri gave her a jealous glare in turn. The twins giggled and slid to either side of Pyrri, much like they had Maggie earlier, though they were a bit less risque with her in that they only rubbed and leaned in close. Pyrri didn't seem to mind as much either, starting in surprise but then murmuring pleasantly.

"Don't worry, little Pyrri~"

"I'm sure he won't mind putting his hands on you again!"

Maggie returned, wobbling a bit on her feet. The alcohol was obviously starting to take strong effect on the trio, and with how much they'd drunk so far it would probably only get worse, particularly if they kept drinking. It might make for easy prey, perhaps even wear at Maggie's apparently considerable resistance to his pheromones, but they would be less lucid - perhaps less enjoyable - and he would have to get them to keep drinking. "Alright, enough booze... I think it's time to hit the dance floor!" Maggie declared, before spinning on her heal and sweeping towards the crowd.

The twins giggled and withdrew from Pyrri, moving to follow. "Well, we're off too~" Iraia said merrily, to which Kaina added; "We've gotta go find some BOYS of our own~" They waved merrily and turned to leave, wrapping on arm around each other. Pyrri gave a thoughtful hum, and then stood up and stretched, smiling at plan, "I could use a dance too... Coming Mia?" The roundest of the girls nodded, but lifted her wine glass first and replied; "Yeah, lemme just finish my drink first!" She tipped it towards her lips while Pyrri nodded and also started off, leaving Pan to figure out what he wanted to do. He would have one of them alone, drunk and aroused, and as Pyrri turned away Mia's free hand slipped back, grasping one of his hands and bringing it around her side, until his fingers were around her front, their tips near the curve of one of her breasts. She looked at him with a sly smile out of the corner of her eye, tipping back her glass but not drinking the liquid with any apparent haste.
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Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan was kind of disappointed. Couldn't he have arrived when that was still going on? He could have turned into a minor lord who happened to be there and had his fill. Then not only would there be a lot more children, they would be filled with faerie and demon blood, making them much stronger. Simple humans were just so... squishy. But he supposed bloodlines were what they were. He understood that much at least. Even if he wasn't a fan of them. Really, having so few children that if a few of them die you lose your heirs was something he never got. But then if you had more than one, they might try and kill each other. Weird. Ah well.

Pyrri's body was warming to his touch pretty quickly. He suspected a few more pushes would have her melting into his hands. But then Maggie arrived and pulled Pyrri into the dancers. Pan watched them go with some annoyance. Maggie was getting closer to where he needed her but she just went out of his reach. He was going to need some help with this. While continuing his massage of Mia, he had an idea. He waited until Maggie wasn't looking before he moved. He slloowwwllly ran his fingers along Mia's skin, moving through her shirt, under her bra, and cupping her chest. He held them there, letting a growing pulse of erotic energy through her before really digging into them, using his fingers to stimulate her. He whispered into her ear "I want Maggie to enjoy this but she seems a little too uptight. Let's go dancing. I just need to rub up against her by 'accident'. We will get her loosened up and she can enjoy the rest of her night. And while she's doing that, we could head upstairs and I could finish this massage and perhaps Pyrri could just us. I've got a few positions I'm sure you would love. Just try to keep her concentrated on you."

If Mia went along with his plan, he was going to try to get near Maggie but try to make sure she didn't see him. As the dancing continued, his hand would 'slip' here and there, perhaps rubbing her ass for a moment or a single finger running over her back. Each time he would send more erotic energy into her. If the charm interferes or she looks like she's about to turn to face him, he'll think of something else. He didn't know the specifics of the charm and had to keep trying. Perhaps it only prevented pregnancy. If that was true, Pan was looking for a chance to get her alone with him, in a small space to allow his sexy smell to get to work. He had a backup plan but he really, really didn't want to use it. For one, it would ruin the game. For another, if it didn't work, he might be in a world of pain.

Firing 5 EP worth of Energetic Foreplay into Mia.

Trying to use 3 EP worth of Energetic Foreplay on Maggie.

His alternate plan is to use Charm but he doesn't know if that will set off alarms and really doesn't want to use it, especially since it might fail. Being drunk would probably make her less resistant but he is reluctant.
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Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 78/111, Status = Fine

Maggie: Pretty Drunk, Slightly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Charm Intact
Pyrri: Pretty Drunk, Fairly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Not on Birth Control
Mia: Pretty Drunk, Really Aroused, Not Pregnant, Infertility Potion Neutralized

Kaina: Twintails! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???
Iraia: Long Hair and Blue Lips! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???

Mia's smile grew wide and crooked as she felt Pan's fingers sliding under her clothes, her dress the only garment she wore up top as it offered sufficient support for her heavy bosom, and the minimalistic nature of it easily allowing his ingress. "Naughty boy~" She whimpered breathily before letting out a moan as his fingers began to slide over the flesh of her breasts. Mia's skin was incredibly soft, and her breasts were even softer, pillowy and pliant under his touch and sure to feel wonderful if only he could get them bare and pressed against him.

His first subject was playing quite fully into his hands, and breathing heavily of his scent would surely only see her slip further under his influence. She certainly moaned heartily as he began to work over the more sensitive surface of her breast, her bosom perfectly pliant and receptive to touch, her peaks erect and hard against his fingers. She unleashed a sharper moan as he shot a burst of pleasure magic into her already primed nerves, and he could feel her breathing coming in quicker bursts as he leaned in towards her ear. "You ARE good with your hands!"

She murmured pleasantly, but then turned and quirked an eyebrow at him. "Mmmm, going upstairs sounds nice right about now... But I would like to dance a little first... And much as I'd like to get laid right away, tonight is supposed to be for Maggie. We can dance a bit, and you can try and get her into it... But Pyrri stays out of it. I want you all to myself, and believe me... I've got my own plans~"

Assuming that he went along with her request, Mia would give a light little coo of displeasure as he withdrew his hands, but then finished her glass of wine, adjusted her dress back into place, and rose . She took him by the hand and led him through the crowd of writhing bodies, heat and a rush of different smells rushing over him as he advanced into the wild press of people. Mia led him through until they were near Maggie, who had her eyes closed and was mostly dancing on her own, and Pyrri, who was dancing with a man that she only seemed at most mildly interested in, though the dance they were doing looked more like grinding than proper dancing. Once they were in position, Pan got a first hand taste of it as Mia started doing much the same to him, though for a larger woman with a lot of alcohol in her she moved with a great deal of grace, adding a few spins and twirls and some face to face during which she nuzzled into his neck.

Being close to Maggie would let Pan work his magic on her, throwing out the occasional light touch to get her started while he danced with Mia. There was no indication that her birth control charm was doing anything to stop him from arousing her, and though he couldn't maintain contact for long he could still feel it working. Only when he reached out and grabbed her ass under her dress, feeling lacy underwear in the process, would Maggie turn to look their way, but Mia quickly covered for him by sliding her hand out and shifting, putting him behind her while her hand looked like it had given the offense. Maggie's glare was a shadow of what it had been when others had attempted similar shenanigans, and Mia returned it with a sly smirk while grinding deep into Pan's lap.

He had time to work, albeit not much, and already he was starting to see results. Maggie was still not dancing with any partners too intensely, letting any comers dance for a bit regardless of gender but passing them off just as quickly. Pyrri was still dancing, but not with the same man, and didn't seem too interested in him either. She was also slyly shooting jealous glares at Mia as she danced with him, growing steadily more close and intense with her gyrations. The busty girl seemed to be growing impatient after a few minutes, and the grinding into his lap was starting to get fairly distracting, but Mia wasn't pressing him to do go upstairs... Yet.
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan was suppressing a grin. Everything seemed to be going well, especially with Mia helping him out. He was glad that she was playing along, things would have been extremely difficult otherwise. Maggie's skin was warm to the touch and getting warmer. And Pyrri was waiting in the wings. Of course she wouldn't be satisfied by the guy she was dancing with. How could any of them compare to Pan? But now Mia was expecting her reward and Pan was thinking about it, letting her grind away. It hadn't been too long and he doubted Maggie and Pyrri were going to just disappear. Maybe. Hopefully. It all depended on how long this would take. He ran a finger up Mia's back and whispered that he would be back soon. He went with the flow of the room and switched out with Pyrri's dance partner. "Pyrri, if you could make sure Maggie stays here, we can finish that massage a little later. Mia wants a full body massage and I don't think Maggie would appreciate that out in the open.."

He moved back to Mia, rubbing her side and dipping a little lower, teasing her, before pulling back his hand. "Alright, let's go." He was planning to be back soon but he wasn't so sure about Mia. After all, who knew how much she could take? It was only once they were inside the privacy of a room that Pan began to show off. "Let's see what I was loosening up." Time was of the essence, though Pan wasn't leaving the room until Mia was pregnant. However, she said she had her own plans. What could those be? Pan was planning on giving her a few more massages, maybe getting her to give him a titjob. She did have huge, wonderful breasts. It would be a shame not to try them out. He wondered, briefly, if his pheromones were any more effective up close like that. Time to find out!

Leaving it fairly open since Mia seemed to be indicating she has something she wants to do. During foreplay, even though he probably doesn't need to do so, he'll invest just a trickle of energy into Energetic Foreplay, 3 EP overall.
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Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 75/111, Status = Fine

Maggie: Pretty Drunk, Slightly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Charm Intact
Pyrri: Pretty Drunk, Fairly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Not on Birth Control
Mia: Pretty Drunk, Really Aroused, Not Pregnant, Infertility Potion Neutralized

Kaina: Twintails! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???
Iraia: Long Hair and Blue Lips! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???

Pyrri looked surprised, confused, but nodded at his request. "If she's not around here, we'll probably be back at the table or near the bar," She said, before shooting another jealous look at Mia as Pan returned to her. The pink haired girl brightened, and led him across the floor over to the stairs. She paid a coin to a bouncer and received a key with a number in turn, and glanced excitedly back at Pan before leading the way upstairs, a distinct sway to her hips that left her skirt swaying and the meat of her ass pressing against the fabric to ensure he got a good look at her appealing roundness.

The hallway above was labyrinthine, branching across with many doors on either side that were fairly close together. He heard moaning coming from many, both male and female in any number of combinations. The smell of sex ran through the halls, an undercurrent detectable beneath the scents rising from below. Familiar though the surroundings might seem, Mia led him along by the hand before he could indulge in nostalgia, her steps quickening as she went through the crisscrossing hallways. They passed a few other people, some looking dazed but satisfied, others who hadn't made it to their rooms before entangling together and kissing heavily, though no one was engaged in anything explicit. They stopped in front of a door, and Mia slid the key in and opened it to reveal a simple room with a modestly sized bed and a love seat and nothing else.

Mia stepped through the door, dragging Pan along if he wasn't moving on his own, and closed the door. Then she was all over him, turning in place and dragging his head down so that their lips could meet, unleashing a hungry moan as their mouths collided. She didn't waste any time on playful teasing with their first kiss, sending her tongue to press against his and whirling around it, tilting her head to deepen it and exploring his mouth with her tongue if Pan didn't sally forth and started exploring hers first. The small room filled with his aphrodisiac pheromones incredibly quickly, having no airflow to let the scent escape, and the old smells of sex only seemed to enhance their effects. He was free to do with his hands what he liked while Mia kissed him, but she only held the embrace for a few moments, a couple of minutes at most before breaking it and shifting back a step.

"Ooohhff.... Fuck.... I am so ready... But first..." She said through heavy breaths, hands rising and settling onto the laces on the front of her dress. She smiled seductively as she undid one lace, her dress falling a few inches, and then another, leaving it barely hanging off of her. It slid down the rest of the way a second later, pouring down her frame and bunching up momentarily around her waist while her breasts bounced free. She was big, bigger than most though not all he had seen, almost as big as his head and tipped in rosy peaks that hardened to pink points. She wore blue lace panties underneath her dress, which was quickly pooled around her ankles, and let him look for a second or two before adding; "Before we get started... I wanna see what I'm working with."
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

The walk through the upper area just made Pan feel like he was home again. Even the smell was enough, the scent of desperate need and lust and some drugs or incense. Ah, good times. Everything in the air, not just his pheromones, were urging people to indulge in their passions. He remembered when he was just learning the trade, how important it was that all the senses should be titillated, not just the easy ones. That had taken a lot more time to learn. Fortunately, he developed that special scent. Others had to use equipment or temporary enchantments to get the same effect. And he was still in training, really. He hadn't mastered hearing and hadn't even begun to learn how to get taste down right. He had learned some recipes (literal food recipes) but this really wasn't the time or place. Before he realized it, he was in a room with Mia.

She spoke and he focused. Hmmm... how to appear? She wasn't a virgin and was ready for this so he decided not to change his lower half. He took her in for a moment, then began taking his clothes off. Just to tease her, he took off his shirt first. Then he pulled off his pants, before she could take action. His member stood at attention and Pan smirked. "Like what you see?" He was going to attempt to push Mia flat on her back on the bed and straddle her top half, putting his cock between her breasts and in front of her face. One arm moved behind him and his fingers stuffed her pussy. Normally this kind of thing would be awkward but one benefit of shapeshifting meant that your joints didn't work the same. His other hand would grasp Mia's head and move it closer to his cock, making sure it filled her vision.

Didn't really think about it but since the girls are mages, they probably have pretty high PP, right?

Anyway, 3 EP for Energetic Foreplay, however this turns out.
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 75/111, Status = Fine

Maggie: Pretty Drunk, Slightly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Charm Intact
Pyrri: Pretty Drunk, Fairly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Not on Birth Control
Mia: Pretty Drunk, Really Aroused, Not Pregnant, Infertility Potion Neutralized

Kaina: Twintails! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???
Iraia: Long Hair and Blue Lips! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???

Mia stood quite calmly despite her apparent arousal, giving a lustful purr but not approaching as Pan removed his shirt first. She gasped when his pants came down, however, displaying his unusually large member for the busty girl's appreciation. "Oooh.... WOW~" She said, before giggling softly, "That's.... Yeah!"

She was easily taken to the bed, caressing his physique above and below while he pulled her aside, and then cooed in surprise as he straddled her chest. "Mmmfff... Someone knows what they want.... Nnnn! Good thing... So do I~" Her panties were still on, but he could easily slip his hand under them to start applying his attention to her hungry slit, Mia proving already moist and ready for stimulation. She gave a light moan as he slipped a pair of digits into her, but she wasn't idle either, not with his massive rod pressed right into her field of view and his other hand keeping it in the center of her attention.

It was only a short moment before Mia opened her mouth and engulfed the tip of his manhood, humming as her tongue rolled over his tip repeatedly, sending sharp bursts of pleasure through him. She quickly squeezed her breasts around either side of his shaft, and being enveloped by her warm, pillowy flesh felt even better than he might have imagined, her skin soft enough to let her slide back and forth along his rod without any real lubrication, at least so long as she moved slowly. She directed her oral attention to his tip, moaning as her lips and tongue lavished attention upon the higher portion of his rod where it peaked out from between her pumping cleavage.

"Nnnn.... You're so.... Big.... So... Hard... Mmmnnn.... And you taste... Soo good...." She moaned breathily between bouts of sucking, before quickly going back with even greater enthusiasm. After spending a few minutes at foreplay, however, Mia popped her mouth off of his tip and said; "Mmmm..... Hey... I wanna... Make a little bet with you~ A little wager..."
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

As Pan shuddered a little from the blowjob, he decided that soft girls weren't too bad. Mia's skin was a little smoother, a little more pliable to the touch. It made a more soothing tactile sensation. Oh yeah, and it made her tits fantastic. The titjob was a lot nicer than he had expected. Clearly Mia had some experience in the matter. He moved his hips in time with her movements, shoving his cock a little deeper into Mia's mouth, letting a little more of his precum trickle into her mouth. He hadn't quite managed to make his fluids actually act as an aphrodisiac but he had managed to make sure it tasted good. Of course, moving his body that meant he had to pull his hand out of Mia's crotch. He could have continued his action but stretchy arms were a bit of a turn off. Plus, he didn't want to reveal he could change. He settled for running his hand over her skin, sinking in his fingers and feeling it stretch. He wasn't going to use any more energy at the moment. He would let his skills do their work now that he didn't have to hide anything.

When Mia spoke, Pan grinned. This was getting even better "A wager? This is getting even better." What? Don't most people reveal their inner monologue at some points? "I'm always up for a interesting game. What, pure maiden, are you suggesting? I'm interested in the stakes. I have my own requests but I'll hear yours first.." He was really curious to see what she thought he could bring to the table. Had she noticed his powers at work? Was she greedy? Or was she going to help with Maggie?
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 75/111, Status = Fine

Maggie: Pretty Drunk, Slightly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Charm Intact
Pyrri: Pretty Drunk, Fairly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Not on Birth Control
Mia: Pretty Drunk, Really Aroused, Not Pregnant, Infertility Potion Neutralized

Kaina: Twintails! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???
Iraia: Long Hair and Blue Lips! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???

Mia grinned as Pan seemed interested in her proposition, and pressed her pillowy titflesh against the sides of his shaft a little more firmly as she continued to stroke him between her breasts. "Mmmmm.... You like that don't you? Hmmm? You want me to keep going? You want me to make you cum all over me with my tits?" She purred, before once more engulfing his helmet between her lips, not yet revealing her wager. The young pink haired magus only teased Pan for a moment though, as once she had lapped the pre oozing from his tip she popped free again.

"Well... You're the biggest I've ever seen... And I want to see if I can take you all the way~ With my mouth... Before the main event. If I lose... If I can't get my lips all the way down... You can do whatever you want, in whatever position you want. Maybe you'll even surprise me~ But, if I CAN take all of you..." Mia trailed off, letting her tongue flick against the underside of his shaft where it poked from between her cleavage. The dramatic pause lasted only a few seconds however, and when it ended Mia spoke in a quick, excited manner instead of the slow seductive one she had been using up until that point; "I get to ride you, and make you cum inside me, and get me pregnant!"
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

At first, Pan was thrilled. Either way, he was going to win. But then something slowly began to trickle through. Pan's brain lookied left, then it lookied right. Then it shrugged its shoulders and told him he was on his own. He was very confused. He ran through his memories quickly. He had been eavesdropping when the girls had mentioned the various levels of difficulty he would face, right? So was Maggie lying here? Or had she noticed that he had dispelled the effect of the potion? If the latter, he would be pretty humiliated that he had been exposed so easily. He decided to try and talk around the subject and hoped Mia would fill in the blanks.

"That's something I could definitely get behind. Deal." He took a quick breath when Mia began to involve her mouth in the exercise. "But I thought all you mage girls had something to prevent you from getting pregnant. Potions and enchantments and all that. That would kind of ruin that bet, wouldn't it?"

While he spoke and thrust forward, he subtly changed the base of his cock, making it wider. Not wide enough that a human couldn't possibly get it down, just wide enough that one would have some trouble doing it if they didn't know what they were doing. He didn't change the length, nor the width of the rest of it. He also restrained himself from cumming. It might distract him. While he didn't have any problems with fucking Mia and getting her pregnant, he wasn't the sort that liked to lose but he equally didn't want to rig it so that he would win for sure. She could still win but she was going to have to work for it.
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan: HP = 65, PP = 68, EP = 75/111, Status = Fine

Maggie: Pretty Drunk, Slightly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Charm Intact
Pyrri: Pretty Drunk, Fairly Aroused, Not Pregnant, Not on Birth Control
Mia: Pretty Drunk, Really Aroused, Not Pregnant, Infertility Potion Neutralized

Kaina: Twintails! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???
Iraia: Long Hair and Blue Lips! Probably on Something, Otherwise: ???

"Was that a doggy style joke?" Mia asked playfully, before once more engulfing his tip between her lips, slowly swirling her tongue over the sensitive surface while her breasts continued to pump around his shaft. "Mmmmm~ Mmmmm.... Mmmmmm! Nope~ I'm not on birth control," She replied, either lying to him or playing out a fantasy, though which she offered no hint at. She didn't seem to realize that he had neutralized what she had taken to prevent pregnancy, or at least didn't tip her hand to the fact that she did, and he had definitely felt something inhibiting her fertility while using magic to neutralize it.

"Go sit down," She added, and if Pan complied Mia would follow him, kneeling at his feet and grasping his shaft, slowly lowering her face towards his now fattened base and extending her tongue. She lapped at his manhood for a few minutes, excitement pulsing up his body, before she leaned up and enveloped his head once more. Mia pushed down an inch, moaning as Pan's meat filled her mouth, then another, and another. She got halfway down before his cock was prodding against the back of her throat, where she stopped and slowly bobbed back. Her next descent took a bit more, and over the next few moments her steady bobbing drew in portion after portion of his rod while leaving Pan awash in pure pleasure.

Mia only began to gag as she neared the base, but only slowed momentarily before continuing to bob back and forth. Two inches left. An inch and a half. One inch. She moved her fingers, planting her hands on his thighs to steady herself, and then slid all the way back to the tip, her tongue lapping at any portion of cock that it could reach. Three quarters of an inch. Half an inch. One quarter... And then she bobbed back, all the way to the tip, whirring her tongue around his head and gathering up his sweetened precum, and made her final gagging push. Down and down and down she went, almost there... But despite her apparent talents, Mia couldn't quite get her lips all the way down to his base. She almost got there, one more push would have made it, but just as she was about to claim she coughed, and came back up sputtering softly.

Her hands started stroking him immediately even as she recovered, red in the face, but after a moment of coughing she looked up at Pan with a smirk. "Well... I guess... You win... How do you want me?"
Re: Party Time (dragoon93041)

Pan tried to resist giving anything away but she turned out to be really good at this. Seriously, maybe he should ask her about working for the brothel after her magic education. She could probably earn quite a bit, even if she did have to work alongside succubi. During the whole attempt, Pan resisted blowing his load. It was tough but he managed it, though during her final attempt, his cock hardened and began to twitch. And then she started stroking him right after he relaxed. He came immediately, interrupting her acceptance speech. Pan took a bit to recover but he managed to cough out a response "That was... good." He grinned wickedly "But not good enough."

Inwardly, while Pan had been impressed, he was also a little pissed off. She was a liar! Liaaaarrrr! There was no way Pan would be fooled after he completely eavesdropped on their conversation! This called for punishment! "Well, I had part of your idea in my mind, though you were on the bottom." He turned her around and pushed her top half onto the bed. Time for to be rough. He knew she was wet anyway so he slammed into her in one motion. "And now the real punishment game begins. I'm going to treat you like the slut you are." He caressed her ample buttocks before bringing his hand back. He filled it with erotic energies before slapping it against her right cheek, sending the lewd energy into her. He had been taught how to properly do it in order to avoid damaging his or her skin and to avoid simply causing pain. Anyone could cause pain. This was an art. Every few piston motions brought another spank but the energy became less. He really couldn't continue using this much energy. If only he could suck the energy out of people's souls. He was working on it but it was only a dream for now.

First spank using 3 EP for Energetic Foreplay